My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 365 Catch private gambling!

Chapter 365 Catch private gambling!
Glancing at Sun Simiao, Cheng Chubi was also depressed.

He didn't understand how he provoked Li Yanran.

Otherwise, why did you throw this old man over yourself? Isn't this torture?

But now he also understands a truth.

The first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers.

If he fell asleep first, it would be Sun Simiao who couldn't sleep.

He glanced at the old man bitterly, but didn't dare to take the risk of waking him up.

After all, there are many opportunities for me to be beaten in the future. If I really offend this quack doctor, maybe he will trick me.

After thinking about it, I had no choice but to move the quilt and leave, and went to the next room to rest.

When Cheng Chubi left, Sun Simiao also turned over with a smile on his lips.

The next day Sun Simiao got up refreshed, while Cheng Chubi stared at the door with two panda eyes.

"Xiao Langjun, did you sleep well last night?"

Seeing Cheng Chubi, Sun Simiao smiled and greeted him warmly.

"Old man, your snoring is louder than mine, even if I'm next door, I can't sleep because of the noise."

Cheng Chubi just wanted to beat him up now, and asked me how I slept?
I really didn't sleep at all.

Your snoring is the same as playing in a band, with ups and downs and shifts, and the most important thing is that it has a strong penetrating power, as if the stereo sound is always around your ears.

It would be amazing if he could sleep.

"If you're okay, help the old man to untie the rope. I want to urinate, and you don't want to change the sheets, do you?"


Cheng Chubi is really afraid of this old and disrespectful guy, why don't he piss off?
I curse you if you can't keep urinating and waiting to urinate, if you can't do it, you will also have urinary stones.

Really beeping a dog.

Hurrying to help Sun Simiao untie the rope, the other party also turned his wrist and walked directly outside.

"Sun Yaowang, did you sleep peacefully last night?"

When Sun Simiao went out, Li Yanran and Li Feng were already waiting at the door.

"Thanks to His Highness, the old man slept well last night, but don't do this next time, otherwise Cheng Chubi might go crazy."

Sun Simiao gave Li Yanran a blank look, left a confusing sentence and left.

"What does he mean? Are you unconvinced?"

Looking at Sun Simiao's back, Li Yanran was dumbfounded.

"I don't know."

Li Feng was also dazed, wondering what happened to Sun Simiao?
"Cheng Chubi, get out of this palace."

Li Yanran thought for a while, then yelled at the door.

"Brother Li, why are you calling me?"

Cheng Chubi walked out with two big dark bags under his eyes, looking at Li Yanran felt depressed for a while.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Cheng Chubi's listless look, Li Yanran was in a bad mood.

I threw Sun Simiao here because I wanted you to punish him with your own snoring.

Why does the situation seem to be reversed now, the person who was punished was Cheng Chubi.

"Brother Li, don't talk about it. Sun Simiao is too shameless. He fell asleep while I was out to wash my feet, and then I listened to snoring all night."

Speaking of this, Cheng Chubi wanted to cry.

What the hell is this.

Whoever he provokes will be tortured like this.



Both Li Yanran and Li Feng were speechless, good guy, this is someone who used the same method to return to him.

Didn't expect Sun Simiao to have this ability?

Defeating snoring with snoring is also absolutely impossible.

"Brother Li, if it's okay, I'll go back to sleep, and I have to train later."

As he spoke, Cheng Chubi turned around directly, giving Li Yanran the back of his head, and then slammed the door shut with a bang.

"Princess, it seems to have failed this time."

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran in astonishment, this...
"Next time, next time, if he still dares to scare me, I'll tie him up and throw him into the pigsty."

A flash of anger flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, she flung her sleeves and left.

"Pig pen."

Li Feng is also depressed, you are going too far.

Pigs also need to sleep.


Sun Simiao sneezed suddenly.

"Someone must be thinking about the old man."

As he spoke, he wrapped up his clothes, returned to his house, and closed the door firmly.

There was a flood of people in the Lishan fief, and the sound of selling was everywhere. On the second floor of the restaurant, Li Siwen looked at the crowd gathered in the distance, with the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"Act, don't let anyone go."


Following Li Siwen's order, several patrolling forbidden troops also inadvertently encircled the target.


Sensing the surrounding situation, the big man in the middle couldn't help frowning.

When a line of patrolling guards appeared in front of him, he immediately shouted: "The wind is blowing hard."

After saying that, Sa Yazi ran towards the opposite direction of the forbidden army.

"Want to run?"

A team of imperial guards suddenly appeared and immediately took the big man down.

At the same time, the surrounding guards also acted together and captured all those people.

"What are you going to do? I haven't done anything illegal, so why take me?"

"That's right, I'm a tourist from Chang'an, and that's how you treat me."

"That's right, we have to report to the officials. In broad daylight, there is no law to take people at will."

"My aunt, don't turn around, if you turn around, you will be arrested."

Even if a group of people were captured by the forbidden army, they still shouted loudly, which attracted all the surrounding people to stop and watch.

"Fart, since the imperial army took you, it means you have something to do, how can the people of Her Royal Highness make mistakes."

"That's right, a group of bad guys dare to slander Her Royal Highness."

"Bad guy, Mommy, that's a bad guy."

They originally wanted to cause a commotion through words, so as to give themselves a chance to escape, but they didn't expect these people not only not to be fooled, but also scolded themselves bloody.

What the hell is this?

Could it be that the people of Lishan have been brainwashed by this Princess Lishan?

Li Siwen shuddered as he saw more and more people gathered around him, and even some people started to buy vegetables.

He still vividly recalls the scene of household officials being flooded by leftovers that day. If the same mistakes were repeated, those imperial troops would suffer.

Thinking of this, Li Siwen quickly made a gesture, and the imperial guards below immediately separated the crowd and escorted them into the school grounds.

In this way, Li Siwen made arrangements and attacked one after another, and it didn't take long for all those suspicious people to be arrested.

"Brother Li, everyone has been arrested."

Li Siwen came to Li Yanran's side, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

After speaking, Li Yanran took Li Hong with her, and followed Li Siwen's footsteps to the school grounds.

When they came to the school grounds, dozens of people were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, and beside them were hundreds of soldiers of the Imperial Army with swords and guns.

These people now feel like mice, surrounded by a group of tigers armed to the teeth, showing their fierce fangs to themselves.

"His Royal Highness is here."

Following the shouts of the imperial guards, Li Yanran walked in with her own strides.

"Your Highness, we have been wronged."

"I hope His Highness will make the decision for us."

"Your Highness, you must be aware of the details, and don't catch a good person by mistake."

Seeing Li Yanran approaching, the arrested people screamed and begged Li Yanran for mercy.


Li Yanran's head was buzzing from the noise of these people.


Li Siwen stared with wide eyes, and the guards around shouted together.

The crowd who begged for mercy fell silent in an instant, for fear of offending these uncles, they would have a meal at that time.

"Interrogate these people separately, one by one."

Li Yanran glanced at the dozens of people on the school field, and directly asked Li Siwen to separate them.


Soon these people were all taken away, and Li Siwen took Li Yanran outside a room.

"Brother Li, this person should be the leader."

"Go in and have a look."

After pushing the door open, there was an old man dressed as an old farmer inside. When Li Yanran came in, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he disappeared immediately.

"Your Highness, this old man is just an old farmer. Why do these officials want to arrest me?"

"Sun Ji, don't talk nonsense. If you are fine, may I arrest you? You still have to tell the truth."

Li Siwen rolled his eyes and shouted angrily at the old man.

"Officer, this old man really doesn't know why he arrested me, I hope he will investigate clearly."

Sun Ji knelt directly on the ground, lowering his head, not daring to look at the people in front of him.

"Old man, I don't care who is behind you, but I will not let you go if you dare to take my Lishan cup for profit.
You can also not say it, but can you guarantee that others will not say it?
Bengong has always had a zero-tolerance attitude towards gambling in Lishan. You can ask those who opened casinos what the consequences are.
Interrupting hands and feet is light, and I will give you time to think about it, but you'd better hurry up, otherwise you may suffer if someone else recruits you.

Tie him up, gag him, watch him, don't give him a chance to commit suicide. "

Li Yanran smiled at Sun Ji, turned around and walked out with Li Siwen.

A few guards immediately tied Sun Ji tightly, and stuffed a piece of cloth over his mouth.

Sun Ji looked at the two guards who were staring at him, and he also collapsed on the ground, his eyes rolling back and forth.

"Brother Li, why don't you interrogate? As long as I want to, there is no mouth that cannot be pried open."

Li Siwen frowned, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.

"It's okay, don't worry, it's easy to tell when someone catches you. What I want is the truth, not for him to grab and bite at will. We have plenty of time to spend with him."

Li Yanran shook her head. There were many dead men in ancient times. These people were very tight-lipped. If they want to get the truth of the matter, they have to break through the opponent's psychological defense.

As for how to break it?It can only be peeled off and ground a little bit.


Li Siwen had nothing to say, after all, Li Yanran never missed anything.

He believes that the other party is the same this time.

Soon those minions confessed, and all the confessions were sent to the two of them, and all of these confessions pointed to Sun Ji without exception.

For a while, everyone knew that this old guy had messed up.

"Brother Li, it really is him."

"Well, this Sun Ji is definitely a key person, but does anyone know about Sun Ji's family?"

(End of this chapter)

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