My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 375 The Golden Egg Hen

When Cheng Yaojin heard Li Hong's words, he was in a bad mood.

I just said that you, a silly boy, have grown up, and you actually did something that was disrespectful to the imperial court.

I'm really going to piss me off.

Cheng Chubi gave Li Hong a gouged look, you little brat is only afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

You are everywhere, Brother Li is also true, why don't you tie this guy to a tree and give him a hard pump, let him come out to harm people.

Seeing Cheng Yaojin who had changed his face, Cheng Chubi didn't dare to neglect, so he just ran away.

Cheng Chubi ran away, Cheng Yaojin chased after him.

"Father, listen to my explanation."

"You son of a bitch, I listen to your explanation, but you should stop for me."

"I don't dare to stop, you are already using a stick, my son is afraid of being beaten to death by you."

"I have trouble with my legs and feet, please stop for me."

"I don't want it."

Seeing Cheng Chubi being chased wildly, Li Hong smiled slightly.

Who made you win against Yuchi Huan, and made Bengong slap my father twice.

If I don't find something for you, how can I dispel the hatred in my heart.

"Boss. Boss, is this really okay? If His Highness finds out, I will have to lecture you again."

Looking at Li Hong who was licking candied haws, Ma Hou's scalp felt numb.


Hearing Mahou's words, Li Hong also gasped.

If that idiot really wants to sue his sister for his tricks, then he will be finished.

"The wind is tight, scream."

"Mom monkey, run."

After saying that, Li Hong ran away as well, and Ma Hou also followed behind Li Hong when he saw this.

Li Yanran didn't know about their situation, she was now settling accounts with Li Siwen and Changsun Yan.

"Brother Li, this time we have seized a total of [-] yuan of gambling capital through Sun Ji, which is really terrifying."

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran and reported the amount of the gambling money.

"Actually, it's still too little. If you can stop for two more days, you may break through [-]."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she felt at ease this time when the wool was plucked.

Because she deserves it all.

After all, she did this to let those who like to gamble know the dangers of gambling, and take it as a lesson for them to spend money on.

"Changsun Yan, how is your side?"

Li Siwen's side is easy, but Changsun Yan's side is more difficult. Looking at the pile of reports in his hand, his head hurts.

"Brother Li Li, please allow me a little longer."

Changsun Yan was depressed, these accountants are really shameful, they only calculate half of the accounts, and I don't know how to sum them up for Lao Tzu.

Really beeping a dog.

"You pig brain, forget it, I will collect it myself."

Depressed, Li Yanran snatched the report from Changsun Yan's hand, and Li Feng obediently presented the pen and paper.

After receiving the pen and paper, Li Yanran began to summarize the figures on the report.

"A total of 360 five pens and 780 three coins."

After the calculation, Li Yanran also reported the final number.

"That means we made a total of 360 five guans this time. If we count the registration fees and accommodation fees of those teams in the early stage, the profit should be more than [-] guans."

Li Yanran looked at the two people in front of her with smiles in her eyes.

She really didn't expect that a small football game would earn one hundred thousand guan, and this was only the money earned by her own side.

If the income of the entire Lishan and Xinfeng is included, at least a profit of 30 yuan has been created.

Making money is second to none, the key is that Lishan and Xinfeng's reputation has spread, and the people of Chang'an will choose Lishan as their first choice if they travel in the future.

She knows how fast those tourist attractions in later generations make money, as long as there are people, they will have everything.

This money tree has been planted, and in the future it just needs to wait for someone to send money.

"There are [-] guns?"

"This is too amazing."

The two were stunned when they heard this figure. It's not that they haven't seen big money, but a small Lishan cup can generate so much income.

This is faster than robbing coins.

"Brother Li, when are you going to hold the Lishan Cup next time?"

Changsun Yan rubbed his little hands, his eyes were full of brilliant gold.

He is already looking forward to the start of the next Lishan Cup.

"Start your head, this thing will be fine once, are you addicted to wool and wool?"

Li Yanran gave Changsun Yan a blank look, you kid is playing tricks on money.

"Then we can't just hold this session. It's a bit of a pity."

Li Siwen also frowned, how upset it would be if it was only this one time.

"Of course it's impossible for this session, next time it's not just near Chang'an,

I want to expand the event to the entire Yongzhou, and then the entire Datang,

I want to make the Lishan Cup a sports event for the entire Tang Dynasty. "

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Yanran to give up on this golden hen.

Not only will she not let go, but she will also expand the Lishan Cup to make the entire Tang Dynasty crazy about Cuju.

"That's right, hehehehe."

Hearing that Li Yanran was going to extend the Lishan Cup to the entire Tang Dynasty, Changsun Yan already began to imagine himself dancing on the pile of money.

Brother Li is Brother Li after all, beyond my ability.

"Brother Li, you are almost the richest person in the Tang Dynasty now. After all, the hot spring town and a few other industries make you an incomparably rich country."

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran enviously.

As far as Li Yanran's industries are concerned, a rich man can make anyone a millionaire.

Now when all these are added up, Li Yanran's money is already innumerable.

"A lot? I don't think it's enough."

Li Yanran smiled slightly. To be honest, she doesn't even know how much money she has now.

"Isn't that enough? Brother Li, do you have to earn all of Datang's money?"

Changsun Yan pouted, isn't that enough for you?
Don't say it's you, this money won't be spent in a hundred lifetimes.

Anyone who can marry you as his wife is marrying a golden mountain.

The flowers are endless.

Earn more, earn more and you can buy Changan.

"There is no way to pile up money like this. It has to be spent."

Thinking of how much money she has, Li Yanran felt depressed for a while.

With so much money piled up in the accounting room, she thought it was a waste.

Not letting money make money is the greatest evil.

"Brother Li, I think it's difficult for you to spend the money."

When Li Siwen heard that Li Yanran wanted to spend money, he couldn't help being taken aback.

How do you spend so much money?
Even if you eat every day and lose every meal, you can't spend it all.

"If you do this, let me send people out to buy grain, as much as you want, and then build a granary locally to store it."

Li Yanran thought about the various disasters that would occur in the future, and every time someone jumped out to speculate on food prices, making a lot of money.

Just taking advantage of the fact that I have money in my hands now, I will charge more to prepare for emergencies.

"Brother Li Li, food is so cheap now, and it will spoil if stored for too long. Isn't this a loss-making business?"

Hearing that Li Yanran wanted to buy food, Chang Sunyan was stunned.

Buy food?What the hell is Brother Li thinking?
Losing money and making money?
"This Palace tells you to do it and you do it. Food is related to the national economy and people's livelihood of the Tang Dynasty, so I must be prepared.

Otherwise, once a disaster occurs, my father will scratch his head again. "

Li Yanran shook her head. Although her situation is not big, she still has her own views on what should and should not be done.

I can have everything I have now, relying on the Tang Dynasty. Although there were not many disasters during the reign of Emperor Gaozong in history, the country moved forward steadily.

But if she can help her father settle the local problems, Datang's national strength can be further improved.

"Okay, I'll send someone to buy food right now."

Glancing at Li Yanran, Changsun Yan also shook his head, and was about to arrange for people to buy food.

"You have to buy people separately, don't act on a large scale, otherwise it will inevitably lead to a surge in local food, which is not good for the people.
It is best to find a larger grain merchant and buy the grain in their hands at a low price, understand? "

Li Yanran glanced at Changsun Yan, and said all her thoughts.

"and then?"

Changsun Yan nodded, he knew that the other party must be thinking more than that, and there must be a backhand.

"And what else? That's all."

Li Yanran was taken aback, what else is there? Then, what she did now was just a precautionary measure.

"it is good."

Changsun Yan left straight away, and then arranged for people to buy grain according to Li Yanran's idea.

"Brother Li, what do you want to do?"

Li Siwen frowned and looked at Li Yanran, not knowing what the other party meant.

"As I said, it's just a matter of planning for a rainy day. Anyway, the money is here, so let's make the next move."

Li Yanran was a little bit dumbfounded, she really had nothing to do.

Can you all look at me like this individually?
I'm just a little girl and can be shy.

"Brother Li, since you want to do it, you might as well do it to the end. Since you want to buy grain, why don't you open a grain business?

In this way, new grain is collected and stored, and then the stored grain is sold, so that there will be no loss of money. "

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran again, you said you are fine, only ghosts will believe you.

Could it be that there are business opportunities in this food that I can't see?

"No need, just save it for now."

"Yes, if it's okay, I'll leave first."

Li Siwen frowned and saluted Li Yanran, then left straight away.

Time passed quickly, and under Li Yanran's order, Changsun Yan also began to secretly send people to collect grain in various places and build granaries for backup.

The autumn was crisp and clear, and the land under Li Yanran's rule also had a bumper harvest, not only here, but the entire Tang Dynasty was full of fruit.

The bumper harvest of grain also allowed Changsun Yan to store nearly a million shi of grain in a short period of time, and it only cost less than [-] guan.

It just happened to spend the proceeds from the Lishan Cup this time. After finishing all this, Changsun Yan still sent people to continue to buy, but it was not as much as before.

With a bumper harvest of grain, Li Yanran's eaters were also extremely excited.

They all thought that this was the royal noble protection brought by Li Yanran, and they all sent pigs and sheep to offer gifts.

Seeing the fellow villagers drive the pigs and lead the sheep over, Li Yanran was a little dumbfounded.

I don't lack this, so if you give it to me, you might as well keep it for your children to improve their meals.

Even if it is so, Li Yanran also accepts everything according to the order, which is what she deserves.

After all, they are able to have a good life now, no matter what I say, I have some credit.

"Your Highness, the old lady has come to greet you."

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