My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 376 Moon Cake

With the help of Wei Shan, Wei Sun also came to salute Li Yanran with two baskets of eggs.

"This is too much, Mrs. Wei Sun, your family is not rich, so take it back."

Looking at Wei Sunshi, Li Yanran shook her head.

"Your Highness, this is my mother's wish, you can accept it, besides, I am also a person with a salary now, these are nothing."

Wei Shan scratched his head and looked at Li Yanran. After this period of work, he had already secured his position as the head of the captives, and his monthly income was more than that of the imperial guards.

Two baskets of eggs are too rare for him, if not for his mother's insistence, he would definitely not give these gifts that cannot be put on the table.

"Your Highness, if it weren't for you, my idiot might have died in the wilderness by now,

These eggs are double-yolk eggs picked out by the old woman, they are the most nourishing, I hope His Highness will not dislike them. "

Wei Sun saluted Li Yanran again, and passed the egg over.

"Okay, then I will accept it, Wei Shan, I heard that you are planning to marry a wife?"

Li Yanran nodded, she accepted this kindness with light courtesy and affection.


Wei Shan scratched his head and giggled for a while, his mouth involuntarily turned upside down.

"Thanks to His Highness, my stupid son's wedding date is set on August [-]th. If His Highness can show you some face, the old lady will be very grateful."

Wei Sun looked at Wei Shan, and there was a burst of relief in his eyes.

Her greatest wish now is that Wei Shan can quickly marry a wife and give birth to a fat grandson as she had planned before, so that she will have the face to meet Wei Shan's father in a hundred years.

"If I have time, I will definitely go. Wei Shan is now one of my generals, and besides, I haven't attended anyone else's wedding yet."

Li Yanran also pursed her lips and smiled when she looked at Wei Shan, this big fool.

Fortunately, I was soft-hearted and didn't kill him, otherwise the Wei Sun family might not be able to live now.

"The old lady will be waiting for His Highness at that time."

The Wei Sun family was also delighted, if the princess could attend Wei Shan's wedding, that would be great.


After bidding farewell to Wei Shan's mother and son, Li Yanran also looked at the sky with her chin on her hands.

"Sister, what are you thinking about?"

Li Hong licked the candied haws and came to Li Yanran's side, looking at him with some doubts.

"The Mid-Autumn Festival will be here soon, do you miss Father Emperor and Auntie?"

Li Yanran didn't look at Li Hong, but still looked at the white clouds in the sky, letting them change their shapes.

"What you said, I really miss it a little. Father and mother haven't come to Lishan for a long time."

As Li Hong said, he looked at the sky like Li Yanran, with a strange emotion in his eyes.

"I don't know what the father and mother are doing now?"

"It must be reviewing the memorial, but it's not as comfortable as ours."

Li Hong said sitting on the steps, crossing his calves, licking candied haws, feeling very comfortable.

"You can't say that you will live like this in the future."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, you say that they are not happy now, don't you know that you will end up like this in the future.

"Sister, let me ask if it is possible. If you become the empress and I am your general, our two swords combined will definitely be invincible in the world."

Hearing that he would be like Li Zhi in the future, buried in the memorial all day long, Li Hong's face instantly turned away.

Being an emperor is not as comfortable as being a salted fish.

He doesn't have any big ambitions, as long as Ajie can lead Datang forward, he will be satisfied.

They are all the sons and daughters of the emperor, and they are all children with the surname Li. Whoever is capable can do it. For the sake of the Tang Dynasty, is it necessary for men and women to be so important?
"Are you talking nonsense again? Your skin is itchy, right?"

Li Yanran slapped her with a slap, the little brat was just talking nonsense.

Did you give up the throne at your will?
My mother has indeed become a queen, so what?
Hasn't it been criticized for thousands of years?
Besides, what is good about the emperor, food, clothing, housing and transportation must be controlled by others.

There are only [-] days in the world, and it is enough to live each day well.

The throne is really not as important as happiness.

"Sister, I'm telling the truth, your talent is a hundred times better than mine, and I'm more suitable to be your little follower."

Li Hong smiled at Li Yanran, his eyes were full of innocence.

"The wings are hard, aren't you? Don't you want to be a general? Sister, I'm here today to test your military strength."

As Li Yanran said that, Li Hong was pinned to the ground with a catch, her eyes were full of complacency.

"Sister, you don't talk about martial arts, you engage in sneak attacks, let me go if you have the ability, let's come again."

Li Hong babbled, accusing Li Yanran of cheating.

"See what you can do, what can you do if you let go."

Li Yanran let go of Li Hong as she spoke, but the other party jumped to the side.

"What can I do? Sister, let me show you the art of war that Brother Hong learned."

Li Hong stepped back while talking.

"Come on, sister is waiting for your art of war."

Li Yanran embraced her arms and looked at Li Hong with a smile.

"A 36-pronged approach is the best policy, and the wind is blowing."

After speaking, Li Hong twisted his buttocks and ran away.

In the blink of an eye, he ran away without a trace.

"Hehe, this kid."

Looking at Li Hong's back, Li Yanran also smiled.

My younger brother has been in the fief for a long time, and he hasn't learned anything else, but he has learned [-]% of this trick.

Duan is not ashamed at all.

"Meiniang, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, I want to call Yanran and Hong'er back to the palace to celebrate the festival together, what do you think?"

Li Zhi looked at Wu Zetian in front of him, the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon, and he also missed these two children a little.

"Your Majesty, it should be so. Meiniang also misses the two of them a little bit. I don't know what's going on recently."

Hearing that Li Zhi wanted to call the two of them back to the palace, Wu Zetian also smiled slightly.

She also misses her children.

"Then I will send someone to call them back, how about going back after the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"Your Majesty will make arrangements."

Soon, some imperial guards rushed out of Chang'an towards Lishan with Li Zhi's will.

"Father invited me and brother Hong to return to the palace to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival together?"

Hearing the order from the imperial army, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

It may have been a long time since I came out of Chang'an, I don't know if Chang'an has changed much recently.

It's time to go back and have a look.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince and Princess, please prepare to return to Beijing."

The Imperial Army smiled slightly, and hastily saluted again.

"Okay, you go down."


After the imperial army left, Li Hong jumped directly into Li Yanran's arms. He really missed his father and mother.

"Then get ready, let's go back to Beijing."


Li Hong jumped up and went to bid farewell to his ace younger brother Ma Hou, and Li Yanran also called the Four Heavenly Deaths under him.

"Brother Li, what are you waiting for? It's not time for dinner yet."

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran, it's not time to eat now, what are you calling us for.

You are fine, we have a lot of work to do.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat all day long, look at your belly, can you see your toes?"

Li Yanran was depressed for a while, could it be that I only came to you for a meal?

It was really cold.

"Hehe, look at what you said, we don't call it fat, we call it strong."

Cheng Chubi patted his stomach, not ashamed but proud.

"Father just ordered me to return to the palace to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Do you have any arrangements? If nothing happens, come back to Beijing with me. It's time to reunite with your parents."

"Ah, it's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, time flies so fast."

Hearing that it was almost Mid-Autumn Festival, Yu Chihuan was also surprised.

He felt that he didn't have much time to come out, why is it the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Then I'll go and arrange the matter at hand, and I'll go back to Beijing with Brother Li."

"Me too."

"Me too."

The four of them looked at each other. Although Chang'an's home is in purgatory mode, they haven't seen their mother for such a long time. It's a lie to say that they don't miss her.

"That's all right, let's go back to Beijing together. I'll arrange the back kitchen to make some mooncakes, and I'll bring them back to the dukes."

"Mooncake? What is it?"

Li Hong was taken aback for a moment, Ajie could always say something that he didn't understand.

moon cake?

What is delicious again.

"Mooncake? Haven't you eaten it?"

Glancing at the crowd, Li Yanran couldn't help being taken aback.

Don't they all say that moon cakes appeared in the Tang Dynasty?

Several people shook their cheeks together, especially Li Hong, who was still shaking a little bit of saliva.


"Let's go, I'll let the kitchen do it for you on the spot."

Li Yanran walked in front as she spoke, and Li Hong and the others followed closely behind, wanting to see what this mooncake was.

When they came to the back kitchen, Li Yanran immediately asked the back kitchen to bring the five kernel ingredients.

Sesame seeds, walnuts, almonds, since there are no melon seeds and olives, Li Yanran also uses crushed peanuts instead, and then teaches the back chef to bake according to the process of making mooncakes in later generations.

After baked, the mooncakes are crispy and delicious. Added eggs, vegetable oil, and sugar, it is really delicious after one bite.

"Sister, these mooncakes are delicious."

Li Hong was holding a moon cake, his mouth was full of oil residue, and his eyes were indescribably satisfied.

"Brother Li, what is the origin of this mooncake?"

Li Siwen also ate half of the mooncake in his hand, but he was still a little confused about the name mooncake.

"This moon cake is also called reunion cake. You can see that it is as round as the fifteenth full moon, so it means harmony and reunion."

Li Yanran ate the mooncake in her hand, looked at the sky, wondering if the future generations were also celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival.

I don't know if anyone still remembers her.

"This is very good. The reunion of the two people is exactly in line with the scene of the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, this mooncake is not only delicious, but also has such a meaning, it is really a perfect match for this Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Hehe, Brother Li, this mooncake is too small, it will be gone in two or three bites. Wouldn't it be better if we could make some bigger ones and share them with the whole family."

Cheng Chubi is worthy of the title of King of Big Stomach, the palm-sized mooncake has completely entered his prime minister's stomach.

On the other hand, I was a little unhappy to eat.

"Also, these mooncakes are too ugly, and some of them are hard to handle. It would be nice if they were more beautiful."

Yu Chihuan also wiped out the moon cake in his hand, and said to Li Yanran.

"It's not impossible, but the mold is a bit rough.

Immediately let the craftsman make some flowers, and the bakeware with Xiang pattern comes out, and it's done. "

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