My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 377 Souvenirs

Li Yanran smiled slightly, this naive batch still has such a delicate side.

This moon cake is indeed a bit ugly, if you want to take it to your father, isn't it not worthy of his worth.

The craftsmen acted very quickly, and the new molds were ready immediately, and the second round of mooncakes began to be baked.

This time, not only small moon cakes, but also seven or eight discs as big as them.

Seeing the finished product, everyone nodded together. This mooncake is much more upscale than the one just now.

"Sister, I want to make a box of mooncakes for my father and mother myself."

Seeing how beautiful the mooncakes are, Li Hong was also moved.

If I can make mooncakes for my parents, wouldn't they be happy to take off.

"You do it yourself?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong hesitantly, are you sure the food you cook is edible?

Don't poison your father and mother to death at that time, it will be ridiculous.

"Sister, just let me go."

Mist appeared in Li Hong's eyes instantly, he must seize such a good opportunity.

I want to show my father and queen mother that their Hong'er has grown up.

"Okay okay."

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's little head, her eyes were full of pity.

But she is not for herself, but for her parents.

It should be a joy to be able to taste the mooncakes made by your son.

Besides, the fillings are all ready-made, so there should be no poisoning to death.

Let's go!
"Oye, sister is the best, you guys are not going to give me a hand, hurry up."

Li Hong jumped up, put his hands in his pockets and shouted loudly at the people in the back kitchen.


Li Hong rolled up his sleeves and was about to work, but was stopped by Li Yanran.

"Sister, you won't go back on your word, will you?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, and mist began to brew in his eyes again.

"Wash your paws for me before making them. I don't want father and mother to go to the imperial doctor after eating your mooncakes."

As Li Yanran said, she twisted Li Hong's ear and walked to one side.

After everything was ready, Li Hong started to make moon cakes for Li Zhi and Wu Zetian.

It didn't take long for Li Hong's masterpiece to be completed. Looking at the moon cakes in front of him, he also smiled slightly, his eyes full of pride.

"Okay, let's take these away first, you guys make more, don't be afraid to spend money, it's best to make one for each person in Lishan Town, understand?"

Li Yanran took a look at the mooncakes, and immediately ordered someone to bring a box to pack them, and then took them to the carriage, and left Mount Li under the escort of a thousand forbidden soldiers, heading for Chang'an.

"Changsun Yan, did I ask you to bring all the good wine?"

When it was time to part, Li Yanran called Changsun Yan and the others over again.

"How can I forget this? Forget it, I'm afraid my father will throw me out."

"My father sees that wine is closer than me, so I can't forget it."

"That is, even if you forget me, you can't forget the good wine."

Several people smiled together, Li Yanran thought it was very fair, not only prepared moon cakes, but also silk and fine wine for them, and each of them brought a few free-range poultry.

"So, Changsun Yan, take a few people to Lan Kwai Fong to pick up some perfume, and then go to Haagen-Dazs and Shuren Tea House to pick up some pastries and good tea. Don't lose your courtesy."

Li Yanran nodded, and ordered them to prepare some more presents, so they wouldn't be asked to go back with only some souvenirs.

"Brother Li Li, may I ask, are these yours or ours?"

Li Yanran was so generous, but Changsun Yan felt a little numb in his heart.

Brother Li wouldn't want to squeeze his own wool, would he?

These are very valuable. Although they have money now, they can't spend it at will.

Driving a tractor to a bar is worth the money in the province.

I still know this truth.

"That's right, Brother Li, you can't take this opportunity to kill us."

The four of them nodded together, who knows which part Li Yanran is singing.

It hurts to go down this knife.

"A group of clubs, I told you that I can still ask you for money? It's all mine, and the princes of the state are also considered nobles in the town. I can still afford this little money."

Li Yanran is depressed, am I that small?

You really look at the demoted princess.

"Oye, the raid is over."

"Hush, don't say anything, what if Brother Li changes his mind."

"That's right, let's go, let's go."

The four of them were also excited. While running towards Lan Kwai Fong, they looked at Li Yanran behind them, as if they were afraid that she would regret it.

Hearing what the four of them said, Li Yanran was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Sister, I'm going too, and I want to bring some presents back to the queen mother."

The four of them left, and Li Hong rushed towards Li Yanran baring his teeth and claws.

Sister, I am your real brother, you can't favor one person over another.

"Go, go, choose more."

"Sister is the best."

Li Hong jumped up directly, kissed Li Yanran on the small face, and followed the footsteps of several people towards Lan Kwai Fong.

"Little kid, really."

Li Yanran wiped the saliva off her face, looked at Li Hong's carriage and smiled slightly.

"Empress, His Royal Highness and Princess Lishan are back."

Just as the palace servants saluted, they saw that Li Hong had jumped over him and threw himself directly into Wu Zetian's arms.

"Mother, mother, Hong'er misses you so much."

Looking at the child acting like a spoiled child in her arms, Wu Zetian also touched Li Hong's little head and smiled, her eyes full of kindness.

"Not bad, not bad, Hong'er has not only grown taller but also strengthened a lot, ha ha."

"That's right, Hong'er can eat two bowls for a meal now, but sister always says that she can't support Hong'er and wants to send me back."

Li Hong turned over, looked up at Wu Zetian, and complained with his eyes bent.

"Really? The queen mother will definitely punish your sister."

"Queen, don't punish Sister, Master Hong'er has a lot, so don't worry about it with Sister."

Hearing that Wu Zetian wanted to punish Li Yanran, Li Hong shuddered and hurriedly excused her.

What a joke, if you punish sister, sister will punish me.

He was the one who was hurt by going around and going around, and he was not a fool.

How can you do something so detrimental to others.

"Aniang, who do you say you want to punish? Who else is suing me?"

Li Yanran also walked slowly, showing a fierce smile at Li Hong.

"Ah! Sister, I have nothing to sue you."

Looking at Li Yanran, Li Hong was frightened immediately, and hurriedly hid behind Wu Zetian.

"came back?"

Wu Zetian patted Li Yanran on the head, and smiled at Li Yanran.

"Aniang, you don't like Yanran anymore, and you haven't come to Lishan to see me for so long."

Li Yanran also threw herself into Wu Zetian's arms, full of coquettish intentions.

"How could A Niang not like Yanran? Isn't there so many things that cannot be separated from each other?"

Wu Zetian hugged Li Yanran and gently stroked her daughter's hair.

"Besides, Auntie is busy, aren't you idle?

I don’t know if you came to Chang’an to see me, it’s because you don’t like Auntie. "

As she spoke, she raised her show hand and patted Li Yanran on the head.

"Don't call, Auntie, Yanran is also busy. The fiefdom and Xinfeng have a lot to do, so I don't have time."

Li Yanran shrank her neck, looking pitiful.

"I'll forgive you this time, and next time, Auntie will never forgive you."

"Auntie is the best."

Looking at the mother and daughter snuggling together, Li Hong's little mouth pouted instantly.

A bad woman, my elder sister is, and so is my mother.

Once I had a daughter, I forgot about my lovely son.

"You can hang an oil bottle on your mouth, why are you still standing there, bring the gift for A Niang."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, she was so jealous at a young age, it's okay when she grows up.

"Oh oh oh."

Li Hong ran out quickly, and fell down without paying attention.

"Hong'er, be careful."

Seeing her son wrestling, Wu Zetian was also nervous for a while.

"Queen, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Li Hong got up, patted his butt, and ran out in a hurry.

"The kid is frizzy."

"Children, it will be fine when they grow up."

The two looked at each other and laughed together.

Soon Li Hong turned back, holding a big rooster and a big goose in his hands, behind him was a court lady holding a gift.

"Queen, look, these are gifts prepared by Honger for you."

Li Hong smiled slightly, picked up the chicken and goose, and showed them to Wu Zetian.


Wu Zetian was stunned, you brought these things when you came to see Ben Gong?

The bad guy thought you had grown up.

"Li Hong, put those down, didn't you bring perfume for Aunt?"

Li Yanran is also depressed, who asked you to bring these poultry, it is really embarrassing and I don't know how to lose face.

"Yes, yes, I also prepared perfume for my mother."

Li Hong threw the chicken and goose on the ground as he spoke, and turned around to get the perfume.


"Quack quack."

The big rooster and the big goose got out of the bondage and immediately had fun.

The big rooster spread its wings and flew high, while the big goose took aim at Li Hong's ass and pecked at it.


Li Hong's buttocks hurt when he was pecked, and he was about to cry.

"If you dare to peck at me, I will make you look good today."

At the moment Li Hong couldn't care about anything else, he turned around and wrestled with the big goose.

"Hurry up, catch the big rooster for me, and protect the prince, don't let the goose be pecked by him."

Seeing this scene, Wu Zetian was dumbfounded.

What's going on, chickens and geese dancing together?

The point is that Li Hong is still fighting with the big goose.

It really opened her eyes.

"I heard that Yanran and Hong'er are back, so I didn't come to see them."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Zhi was stunned.

What kind of scene is this? Could it be that he is hallucinating?

Otherwise, how could there be poultry like chickens and geese here.


It was a coincidence that the big rooster fell from the sky and landed on Li Zhi's head.

"I go."

Li Zhi reached out and grabbed the big cock directly, his eyes were already full of anger.

It's just a chicken, but it dares to fly on the head of a real dragon emperor like me, it's really daring, damn it.

"Li Hong, what are you doing?"

Li Zhi held the big rooster in one hand, and shouted at Li Hong who was pushing the big goose to the ground.

"Father and father?"

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