My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 381 Water Tune Getou, When Will the Bright Moon Come?

Chapter 381 Water Tune Getou, When Will the Bright Moon Come?

Li Zhi looked at Li Shangjin below, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

This poem is indeed better than Li Sujie's, but the artistic conception in it is not something that children can make.

"Father, father, why did you say that? This, of course, is what my son did."

Li Shangjin was also stunned, not understanding what Li Zhi meant.

"Hmph, you dare to cheat and play tricks in front of me, do you think I'm you? Can't even hear these things?"

Li Zhi slapped the table in front of him and stood up suddenly.

As his own son, he can be incompetent. After all, he can't beg everyone to be talented, but you can't lie to me.

This is his bottom line.

"Father, emperor, calm down."

Seeing Li Zhi angry, Li Shangjin knelt on the ground.

The pride in his eyes also turned into panic and hesitation.

"Nizi, do you know that this is deceiving the king, come here."

Hearing Li Zhi's words, the forbidden army roared over immediately.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. Although it is wrong to go up to the gold, it is to please His Majesty after all. Besides, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, let him be spared this time."

Wu Zetian looked at Li Shangjin who was trembling, and smiled slightly to comfort him.

The more unbearable the other princes were, the less they would pose a threat to their own son.

She wished that Li Zhi's sons were all like Li Shangjin.

"Hmph, I haven't thanked your queen mother yet."

Li Zhi glanced at Wu Zetian and restrained his temper.

Although I don't know why the other party excused Li Shangjin, I still have to give the face that should be given.

"My son thanked my mother."

Li Shangjin looked at Wu Zetian in confusion.

This empress would never excuse herself before, he didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in this gourd.

But he was able to escape, Li Shangjin hurriedly thanked him.

"Not backing down yet."

"Thank you, Father."

Li Shangjin hurriedly sat down on his seat with his head down, not daring to vent his breath.

"But there are still people who want to contribute poems. If there are excellent works, I will definitely reward them, but don't copy other people's works again, otherwise I will not tolerate it."

Li Zhi glanced at the princes present, and his words were full of sternness.

"Your Majesty, Meiniang has long heard that Zhong'er is proficient in poetry and poetry, why don't you listen to Zhong'er's masterpiece?"

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhong who was sitting on the side, and said slowly to Li Zhi.

"Well, Zhong'er, do you have a masterpiece to dedicate to me?"

Li Zhi also looked at Li Zhong. This son has a dull personality, but he is also well-read in poetry and books. He also looks forward to his son's excellent works coming out.

"My son and minister are dull, not as good as the fourth emperor's younger brother. If you can't write good poems, you still look to father and mother for punishment."

Li Zhong knelt directly in front of the two of them, his eyes full of fear.

"Forget it, if you can't do it, you can't do it. Go back and sit down."

Looking at Li Zhong, Li Hong was also a little depressed, and waved his hand to signal him to go back and do a good job.

"Father, sons and ministers can also write poems."

Li Xiao smiled slightly, stood up and saluted Li Zhi.

"Xiao'er can also compose poems? Read it quickly."


Li Xiao also hurriedly sang the Mid-Autumn Festival poems that he had polished for a long time.

"Although it's not as good as Sujie, it's not bad. Go back and sit down."

Li Zhi nodded, although what Li Xiao did was a little immature, but it was done by himself.

He would not scold the child for his bad poems.

Li Xiao took his seat, his eyes were full of joy, after all, it was enough to be appreciated by his father.

"Tch, that's good too? What's there to be proud of?"

Looking at Li Xiao and Li Sujie beside him, Li Hong couldn't help curling his lips.

It's nothing more than a bunch of spicy chickens, and it's a good thing you haven't seen what is called the world.

Otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

"What are you muttering about?"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Hong beside him, and also frowned.

"It's okay, I just feel that the poems written by the emperor brothers are difficult to listen to."

Li Hong curled his lips, Dad, this is what you want to ask me, not what I want to say by myself.


Li Zhi was dumbfounded, Wu Zetian was also dumbfounded, and everyone present was also dumbfounded.

You say that the poems written by the two of them are difficult to listen to, as if you could write better poems.

"Hong'er, don't talk nonsense."

Li Zhibai glanced at Li Hong, the little brat is really talking nonsense.

"Father, what my son said is the truth, the poems of the brothers are really embarrassing."

Li Hong stared at Li Zhi with a pair of small eyes, full of dissatisfaction.

"you you."

Li Zhi was so pissed off, you really aren't afraid of being beaten, are you?

"Father, don't be angry, since Brother Hong said that the poems we made are difficult to listen to, he must have a good composition in his chest.

You might as well ask Hongdi to sing it out, so that I can learn it later. "

Li Sujie is very depressed, I'm afraid you can't read all the words.

Just say that my poems don't make sense, then I'll make you make a fool of yourself.

"I can't, but I know that there is one person who is better than the emperor brothers by a hundred times. Thousands. It should be ten thousand times."

Li Hong glanced at Li Sujie with disdain, and you dare to come out for a while.

I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

"Hehe, I would like to see who among the princes has such ability."

A sneer flashed in Li Sujie's eyes, he really didn't know who Li Hong was talking about.

He could beat himself a hundred times, no, ten thousand times.

"That person is naturally my heroic, valiant, invincible elder sister."

Li Hong stood up, with his hands in his pockets, holding the sun, the moon, and the stars in the other hand. There was no one like me in the world.

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to Li Yanran.


Li Yanran was tasting the palace delicacies with her bloody mouth open, she was stunned when she heard Li Hong's words, and then looked at the eyes of everyone, feeling bad all over.

Damn Li Hong, I still need you to say who I am.

Am I the one to quarrel with those children?
Really deserves a fight.

Hearing Li Yanran's name, Li Zhi also nodded.

He knows his daughter's literary talents better than anyone else. Although it is an exaggeration to say that she is ten thousand times better than them, there are still a hundred times.

"Sister Yanran, is what Hongdi said true? Are you really able to create a masterpiece that is a hundred times better than mine, no, ten thousand times better?"

Li Sujie stared at Li Yanran with staring eyes, he really didn't believe what a wild girl could do.

who do you think You Are?

Ten thousand times better than me?
Really funny.

Seeing Li Sujie's disdainful eyes, Li Yanran also frowned.

In her opinion, fighting against a child is better than eating two more bites of meat.

No need.

"Brother Huang, you are joking. Your poems are rare in the sky and unique in the earth. How can I surpass you ten thousand times?"

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she began to feast on the delicious food on the table.

"Sister, how can you do this? You are clearly better than Brother Three Emperors by ten thousand times, why do you say that."

After hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong quit.

You are obviously so good that you are about to take off, why don't you compose a masterpiece.

Let him know what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky, mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people.

Judging by his embarrassing appearance, he is not a good person.

"Brother Hong, don't make mistakes. Listen to Brother Huang's advice and read more books. You still have a lot to learn."

Li Sujie dismissed Li Hong, as if to say, you can't do it, go back and read books for two years.

"you you."

When Li Hong heard Li Sujie's words, mist welled up in his eyes.

"His Majesty."

Seeing Li Hong being wronged, Wu Zetian was also angry for a while, and pinched Li Zhi underneath.

The son has been wronged so much, don't you, a father, show nothing?
Li Zhi smiled slightly at Wu Zetian, signaling to Wu Zetian to stay calm.

Because he knew Li Yanran's temperament, at the time when the grandson Yan was criticized by the idiots, his daughter was able to bring people to the poetry conference to find her place.

Not to mention her own younger brother now, it would be strange if Li Yanran didn't take action.

Wu Zetian was also puzzled when she saw Li Zhi's confident appearance, but she couldn't make trouble now.

After all, in front of so many princes and princesses, she can't take the lead.

Sure enough, just as Li Zhi expected, Li Sujie dared to ridicule his brother, Li Yanran just quit.

I don't have to fight against you little kid, but I can't watch my brother being bullied.

Because the only person in the world who can bully my brother is me, my elder sister.

If anyone else dares to touch him, they have to ask me, who is my sister, whether to agree or not.

Of course, except for my father and mother, because she can't afford to mess with her.

"Brother Sanhuang, it's wrong for you to say that. Although Brother Hong is young, he knows people much better than you.
When I say you can't beat you by ten thousand times, I mean it's fine by a thousand times. "

Li Yanran stood up slowly, threw the gnawed bone on the table, her eyes were full of anger.

"Hehe, then I'd like to listen to Huangmei's masterpiece, to see if it can really beat me by a thousand times."

Li Sujie was taken aback for a moment, and her small face instantly contorted.

He knew that Li Yanran was looking for a place for Li Hong.

But if he has a big appetite and eats a few bowls of rice, he wants to see if the other party will support him to death.

"Sister, do him."

Li Hong was also excited and helped Li Yanran cheer up.

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a reassuring look, and slowly stood up.

"Since Brother Huang wants to embarrass himself, then Yan Ran can only do as you wish, does Brother Huang know the words?"

Li Yanran walked in front of Li Sujie. Among the poems of Tang and Song Dynasties, she still remembers Su Shi's "Water Melody Song Head. When Will the Bright Moon Come?"

But I don’t know if it’s popular in Datang now, so I’d better ask first.

"Poetry is not divided into families, and the words are naturally known. Could it be that the imperial sister wants to write a poem?"

Hearing the words, Li Sujie smiled disdainfully.

Although poetry is not divided into families, poetry and prose are at their peak in the Tang Dynasty, but Ci is a small group, and it is even called Shiyu.

As the name suggests, it is the rest of the poem, which shows the low status of words.

"As long as there is, then I will start."

Hearing the definite answer, Li Yanran also settled down, as long as there is.

You just wait to be beaten.

"it is good."

"This song is called "Water Tune Getou. When Will the Moon Come?"."

(End of this chapter)

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