Li Yanran broke away from Wu Zetian's arms as she spoke, and went to search for Li Hong's gifts again.

Seeing Li Yanran turning over again, Li Hong's heart also rose to his throat.

Auntie won't bring out the good tea I found from the tree man tea room again.

Then he would really get angry, and if he didn't fight Li Yanran for [-] rounds, he would definitely not let it go.

"found it."

Li Yanran dragged a box similar to Li Hong's mooncakes in her hand, and handed it to Li Zhi.


Looking at the two boxes, Li Zhi was also puzzled.

No matter the appearance, size or material of these two boxes, it cannot be said that they are exactly the same, and it can only be said that any similarity is purely coincidental.

"Little Yanran, don't tell me that you have mooncakes inside."

"Father really has sharp eyesight, talent and intelligence, and he guessed Yanran's gift right away."

"Deng dong dong dong."

Li Yanran hummed a ditty while opening the box in front of her.

Looking at the same mooncakes with one big, eight small and nine mooncakes, Li Zhi had an urge to run away.

Are you a gift?Saying that you are here is a cannonball to flatter you.

If time could be turned back, he would never talk cheap and ask for gifts.

"Father, are you surprised or not? Are you surprised?"

Looking at Li Zhi's pale face, a sneer flashed from the corner of Li Yanran's mouth.

You were teasing me just now, didn't you say that I will scare you again today.

"Meiniang, I suddenly remembered that there are still a lot of memorials that have not yet been reviewed. You can play with the children, I will go to work first."

Speaking of which, Li Zhi raised his leg and wanted to leave, but Li Yanran stood in front of Li Zhi one step before Li Zhi.

"Father, you have just tasted Hongdi's handicraft. If you don't taste what I made specially for you now, isn't it a bit unfair, and my daughter doesn't want to lose face?"

Li Yanran stared at Li Zhi with wide eyes, with playful smiles in her eyes.

"Here, I really have something to do. I'll taste the mooncakes after I'm done."

Li Zhi only felt his scalp tingling now, his stomach had suffered a huge blow just now, and he didn't want to suffer another second injury.

Otherwise, I might really have to call the imperial doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

"Your Majesty, it's just eating moon cakes, and it won't waste much time. It's not too late to leave after eating."

Wu Zetian also pursed his lips and smiled.

Let me tell you that you can't afford to offend your daughter, but you still don't believe me.

Well now, let's see how you end up.


"Mei Niang, you."

Li Zhi is depressed, you two mother and daughter are united again, right?

it is good.

Since you don't want me to have a good time, let's destroy it together.

"Yanran, didn't you say that this mooncake symbolizes reunion, so it should be shared with everyone, don't you want to give it to your mother?"

Li Zhi picked up a piece of moon cake and looked at Wu Zetian on the side with hatred.

Let's go swimming together, and no one will be the one who does the laundry.

"I don't want to, I specially made this for my father, how can I let my mother suffer like this. Enjoy such a delicacy."

Li Yanran covered her mouth, and looked timidly at the Ninth Five-Year Supreme of Tang Dynasty.

If I can't scare you to death, I'm not your girl.

Li Zhi is depressed, that's not what you said just now.

No matter what you say, you will turn around.

If you don't let your mother suffer this torture, don't you just have the heart for your father to suffer this torture?

How can I make you wish.

As he spoke, he divided the mooncake into more than half and handed it to Wu Zetian.

"Yan Ran, how can you do this, I and your mother are a couple of gods and gods, how can I enjoy delicious food to myself,
Mei Niang, come and eat this moon cake with me. "

Wu Zetian looked at the mooncake in front of him with some hesitation. After all, the lesson from the past is still there, and now he wants to eat the mooncake by himself.

Don't be afraid, that's impossible.

"Okay, Your Majesty, please first."

Wu Zetian took the mooncake, glanced at Li Zhi, and signaled that he should start.

Li Zhi gritted his teeth when he heard that, and bit on the moon cake.

As soon as the mooncake entered the mouth, the taste of various fillings exploded in his mouth instantly, and Li Zhi was shocked.

The two flavors are simply worlds apart.

Looking at Li Hong on the side with hatred, Li Zhi was also depressed.

Why can the same thing make such a big difference.

"Your Majesty, how is it?"

Seeing Li Zhi's unpredictable expression, Wu Zetian's heart also fluctuated.

Now she no longer expects the mooncakes to be delicious, as long as they are not the same as Li Hong's, she will be satisfied.

"It's delicious, Yanran's cooking is definitely better than Hong'er's."

Li Hong looked at Li Zhi with excitement.

It seems that the king's skills are improving very quickly, and my sister is only a step ahead of me.

Then if I work harder in the future, I will be able to keep pace with Sister.

Not bad.


Wu Zetian was speechless for a while, last time you said that the mooncakes made by Li Hong were only a little sweeter, I'm afraid you are going to deceive me again this time.

Looking at Li Yanran in a blink of an eye, Wu Zetian didn't want to disappoint his daughter's kindness.

Gritting his teeth, he opened his cherry mouth and bit down on it.


When the mooncake enters the mouth, the wonderful feeling bursts out instantly.

Wu Zetian gave Li Zhi a blank look. Is this what you call superior?
Are you belittling Yanran's skills, or are you artificially exalting Hong'er's skills?

Or maybe you just don't have the ability to appreciate food.

I'm afraid the tongue is broken.

"Auntie, how are you?"

Although Li Yanran has tasted mooncakes made by herself, she really doesn't know if the mooncakes suit her mother's taste.

"Delicious, really delicious."

Wu Zetian took another bite, with a smile in his eyes.

Xiaoyanran's products must be high-quality products, and the world will not deceive me.

"As long as you like it, hee hee."

Li Yanran grinned, and then rolled her eyes at Li Zhi, now she knows how powerful this girl is.

Li Zhi sensed Li Yanran's malice, and slapped her directly.

You dare to scare yourself, your daughter is really bad.

Worse than my father.

I don't know who I learned from, but I have a bad stomach at a young age.

"Aniang, look at Father."

Li Yanran threw herself into Wu Zetian's arms again, and grimaced at Li Zhi again.

"Your Majesty, didn't you just say that you have government affairs to deal with? Now that you have tasted the mooncakes, go there quickly, don't delay the important matter."

Wu Zetian is depressed again. As a father, you will bully your own daughter. Do you have any other abilities besides these?

Yes, if you count having children, you are quite powerful.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that those important government affairs have been approved, and the rest are trivial matters, so don't worry."

Li Zhi had finished eating the small half mooncake in his hand as he spoke, then picked up another one, and ate it heartily.

If I leave now, maybe you will wipe out all the mooncakes.

I absolutely cannot give you this chance.

"Ha ha."

Wu Zetian also smiled slightly, and began to eat the mooncake in his hand in small bites.

"Sister, I want to eat too."

Seeing his parents eating so happily, Li Hong also felt that he was hungry, so he took a mooncake and joined the battle.

The whole of Chang'an is preparing for the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival, and naturally the palace is also heavily decorated.

The mid-autumn moon sacrifice has existed since ancient times. At night, Li Zhi gathered all the princes and princesses in Chang'an in the palace, and launched a grand moon sacrifice ceremony.

This time, Li Yanran's mooncakes were also placed on the altar as an offering to worship the bright moon in the sky.

After the sacrificial ceremony was over, Li Zhi even divided the largest mooncake with his own hands, and shared it with all his sons and daughters.

"Father, these moon cakes are really delicious. Compared with the previous moon cakes, they are much better."

Li Zhong saluted and complimented Li Zhi while eating moon cakes.

"Well, this is what Princess Yanran specially made for this Mid-Autumn Festival, it's not bad."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, and glanced at Li Yanran who was beside him.

"It turned out that it was presented by the imperial sister. I have long heard that the imperial sister has a delicate mind and is amazed by the world. Now I have really seen it."

Li Zhong was depressed for a while, originally he thought the moon cakes were made by his father.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Li Yanran, as if she felt a little depressed about making a wedding dress for someone else.

"That's necessary, but you don't have to be jealous, Zhonger, you can't learn these things."

Li Zhi didn't notice Li Zhong at all, all his mind was on his good daughter.

"Yes, my son and minister are dull, what my father taught me."

Li Zhong saluted, then sat in his seat and fell silent.

"Father, now that the bright moon is in the sky, my son is willing to present a poem to add some fun to this party."

Li Sujie glanced at Li Yanran who was favored by Li Zhi, and a hint of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

They are all the sons and daughters of the father and emperor, Li Hong was favored by heaven, he had nothing to say, who told me that his mother and concubine had never fought against Wu Zetian.

But you, a wild girl who was picked up halfway, how can you let your father love you so much.

I can't afford to offend Li Hong, so I can't offend you, a wild girl.

"Since Su Jie has the heart, I will allow it."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, in fact he still liked this child very much.

If it wasn't for his mother and concubine, it might not be certain who will be the prince.

"Father, this son of a minister will show his shame."

After speaking, Li Sujie got up from his seat, looked at the full moon in the sky, and began to recite the poems he had prepared a long time ago.

"Not bad, not bad, my son has a good literary talent, and I deserve a reward."

Hearing the poem written by Li Sujie, Li Zhi also pursed his lips and smiled.

After all, he is his own son and also Li Tang's prince.

It's not bad for a ten-year-old to do this.

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhi, then at Li Sujie, but there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

"Father, my son thinks that the poems made by the fourth brother are mediocre, and my son can also compose poetry."

When Li Shangjin heard that Li Zhi wanted to reward him, he immediately stood up and saluted Li Zhi.

"Oh? Shang Jin can compose poems? I really want to hear about it."

Looking at Li Shangjin, Li Zhi also became interested.

Usually, I have never heard that my three sons are proficient in poetry.

But people will grow up, and he is also looking forward to Li Shangjin's masterpiece.

"In this way, my son has also made a fool of himself."

Li Shangjin smiled slightly. He had already been preparing for this day, and had paid a lot of money to ask a poet to compose a poem for him.

Now it's finally time to express yourself.

As he spoke, he paced out and began to sing out the poems he had borrowed at a high price.

Unexpectedly, after listening to Li Shangjin's poem, Li Zhi frowned.

"Shangjin? Are you sure this is your own poem?"

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