My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 379 Is there a 5-meter-high Golden Buddha?

Chapter 379 Is there a five-meter-high golden Buddha?
Li Zhi waved his hand, looking at the mooncake in his hand, he really couldn't take a bite.


Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, and there was already a mist in his eyes.

"Brother Hong, didn't sister say that mooncakes symbolize reunion and should be shared by the whole family."

Seeing that Li Zhi didn't take the bait, Li Yanran directly changed her target and handed the big mooncake to Li Hong.

"Sister is right, the family should share."

Li Hong took the mooncake handed over by Li Yanran with a smile, and took a bite.

"Bah bah bah."

Feeling the extreme sweetness, Li Hong immediately vomited out the mooncake he had taken in.

There was also a flash of surprise in the eyes of several people.


Why it came out like this.

What the father and mother ate turned out to be something like this.

"Royal father, queen mother, you guys."

Li Hong's eyes were misty again, looking at his father and mother, he was a little speechless.

"Hong'er, didn't the emperor say it, it's actually okay, it's just that there's too much sugar, you'll do better next time."

While talking, Li Zhi put the mooncakes on the box calmly.

He touched Li Hong's little head, his eyes were full of kindness.

"Father, Hong'er knows."

Li Hong lowered his head and dared not look at Li Zhi.

This moon cake is so unpalatable, his father actually comforted himself, he really felt a little guilty.

"Father said very well, but Hongdi's whole heart, why did you let it go? Shouldn't you eat it all now?"

Li Yanran gave Li Zhi a blank look, I have no objection if you want to be a loving father.

But if you act and stand again, I can't stand it anymore.

Li Zhi is depressed, what a warm picture, just ruined by you.

Besides, if you let your father eat such unpalatable food, won't your conscience hurt?
"This, this, after Hong'er's craftsmanship has improved, I will taste it, okay?"

After giving Li Yanran a blank look, Li Zhi patted Li Hong's head again.

"Okay, next time Hong'er will definitely cook delicious food for the emperor and the queen to taste."

As Li Hong said, he took a bite on the mooncake, even though it was extremely sweet, he swallowed it steadily.

"This is my good son. By the way, Li Yanran, your little brother knows how to bring me presents, how about yours?"

Li Hong smiled slightly, then glanced at Li Yanran at the side.

You silly brother knows how to bring gifts to parents, you can't come to the feast empty-handed as a big sister.

"Father, you are not ashamed. Brother Hong knows how to bring gifts to father at such a young age. You are so old, don't you know how to give your children some gifts?"

Li Yanran stared with small eyes. In the past, parents gave gifts to their children, but in ancient times it was the other way around.

Hong'er gave you the gift because he is sensible, why are you so old that you are not sensible at all.

I'm ashamed to lick my face and ask for a gift from a child like me.

Really shameless.


Li Zhi was furious for a while, and slapped Li Yanran on the head with a slap.

Xiao Mian, you will turn your back on the customer, right?

Are you okay with not bringing presents?
Living so much is not as good as a six-year-old child.

"Aniang, look at father, he bullies children."

Li Yanran felt aggrieved, and hid directly behind Wu Zetian, and slightly gave Li Zhi a grimace.

"Your Majesty, you are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and it's somewhat disrespectful to fight against a child. Besides, shouldn't you give the child a gift?"

Wu Zetian looked at the wronged Li Yanran, and gave Li Zhi another big roll of his eyes.

You are a father who fights against children all day long, you know that you are a child at heart, but those who don't know think you have a brain problem.

Besides, when you fought with your daughter, when did you win?

At that time, don't be rectified by others, but you will lose yourself.

"I want a gift, right? How could I not prepare it?"

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran with a playful smile in his eyes.

Take advantage of your mother's influence to suppress me, then I will play with you.

"Oh? What gift did the emperor prepare for me?"

Hearing that Li Zhi really prepared a gift, Li Yanran was also interested.

The emperor's father must be a rare treasure if he makes a move. Could it be that he can give himself a five-meter-high pure gold Buddha?
How much would it cost if she would be melted up and down like that.

"That is inevitable. Yi County is adjacent to Xinfeng, so it can be regarded as your neighbor.

I am going to give you Yi County as well, making it part of your fief,

Yanran must like this gift very much. "

After Li Zhi finished speaking, Li Yanran was stunned, her little face turned pale with fright.

This old man is really unreliable, I even said that I don't want land, only money.

If you want to assign Yi County to me again, this is not a gift, it is a disaster.

"Aniang, father bullies others, he bullies others."

Li Yanran plunged directly into Wu Zetian's arms, wiping away tears while accusing Li Zhi of not practicing martial arts.

"Hahahaha, ordinary people are so happy to hear this gift, why do you still say that the father is bullying people?"

Seeing Li Yanran's appearance, Li Zhi pursed his lips and laughed.

Ask you to ask me for a gift, if I can't even handle you, how can I rule the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, you're scaring Yanran again."

Wu Zetian was really depressed, why is the emperor acting like a child.

It's really not big at all.

"Hehehe, isn't I happy to see my daughter and son? It doesn't hurt to make a joke."

Li Zhi was refreshed, nothing could be more interesting than bullying Li Yanran.

"Okay, Xiao Yanran, whatever gift you want, Auntie will promise you."

Wu Zetian was too lazy to talk to Li Zhi, and looked directly at Li Yanran.

If a mother does not prepare something for her daughter during the Mid-Autumn Festival, it will be somewhat unreasonable.

"Aniang, Yanran heard that you often worship the Buddha. I wonder if there is such a five-meter-high pure gold Buddha. My daughter also wants to pay a visit."


Wu Zetian was directly frightened by Li Yanran's words.

A five-meter-high pure gold Buddha would cost a lot of gold.

Don't say you don't have it anymore, even if you have it, it's impossible to give it to you.

I really don't know what to say.

"Great Golden Buddha, I'm afraid that if Auntie gives you the front foot, your back foot will be melted into gold."

With a slap on Li Yanran's head, Wu Zetian's eyes were sullen.

"Oh, mother, don't fight."

Li Yanran held her head in depression for a while.

It's not all said that the royal family is rich all over the world, and they don't even have a big golden Buddha. It seems that the TV dramas are all deceptive.

The director misunderstood me.

"Hahahaha, Mei Niang, I said that this little Yanran's thinking is different from ordinary people. If you still don't believe it, you must have suffered a lot now."

Seeing Wu Zetian's depressed pretty face, Li Zhi also smiled.

Let you protect your daughter, now you know what it feels like to be stabbed in the back.

How dare you imagine a five-meter-high pure gold Buddha.

"Really? Although Mei Niang doesn't have one, but His Majesty's nenu has abundant funds now, why don't you cast a big Buddha and give it to Yan Ran, how about it?"

Wu Zetian stared at Li Zhi with phoenix eyes, and directly directed the disaster to the east.

"Well, Nenu's money belongs to the royal family, so let's take a long-term plan to cast a golden Buddha."

Li Zhi smiled smugly, a joke.

Casting a golden Buddha that big, Wu Meiniang, are you out of your mind?

Isn't this going to waste my money?
This is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible.


Li Yanran felt angry watching the two play football.

Thanks to me making money for you, I can't bear to part with such a small amount of money.

Whether I am your biological daughter or not, you have to keep Nenu's money. You might as well give it to me to improve the national economy and the people's livelihood.

Dad was really short-sighted.

"Okay, I owe this gift first, and wait until you think of a reasonable request."

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, and touched Li Yanran's small head again.

Forget it this time, you earn money for your mother, and when you earn enough money, your mother will use the money you earn to cast a golden Buddha for you.


"Okay, Yan Ran has made a note of it, Auntie, don't play tricks when the time comes."

Although she only got a bad check, Li Yanran was also very satisfied, after all, to get a promise from her own mother is more precious than a five-meter-tall Golden Buddha.

Haven't you heard a word?
It is better to get a promise from my old lady than to get a hundred catties of gold.

"rest assured."

Wu Zetian also smiled, but it was just a verbal promise. As for being so happy.

"Auntie, you wait."

Since he has benefited from his old lady, how could Li Yanran not return the courtesy.

As he spoke, he walked to the middle of Li Hong's pile of presents and began to rummage through them.

"Sister, what are you looking for?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran's actions and was also taken aback, not knowing what she was doing.

"It's okay, I found it."

Holding a beautifully crafted box in Li Yanran's hand, she sent it to Wu Zetian.

"Aniang, this is a gift from Yanran, Lan Kwai Fong's Mid-Autumn Festival limited edition perfume."


Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong was stunned.

This is obviously the perfume I chose for my mother, so why is it a gift from you to my mother.

You are a bit of a bully.

"Hey, Xiao Yanran has a heart."

Seeing the unique shape of the perfume bottle, Wu Zetian also liked it tightly, and immediately hugged Li Yanran into his arms.

"Empress, sister is lying. That is clearly a gift I bought for you. She...she is not a good person."

Seeing Wu Zetian's happy look, Li Hong immediately left violently.

He rushed over with baring teeth and claws, his eyes were full of anger.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Yanran in his arms, his eyes were full of inquiries.

"Brother Hong, you said that this perfume is yours, but if you call it, will it agree to you?

And a bottle of this perfume costs [-] sticks, do you have money? "

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, this perfume is mine, you said you chose it for A Niang?

It was true before, but now I take it back, what can you do?

"I, my mother, woo woo woo."

This time Li Hong completely broke his defense, Li Yanran was too deceitful.

It was agreed that she could buy whatever she wanted, but I didn't expect it to be such an algorithm.

If I had known this earlier, I would have picked a fart.

Playing word games, you are really uneducated to bully children.

"Okay, don't cry, the queen mother knows what you want."

Wu Zetian also hugged Li Hong into his arms, and couldn't help laughing seeing his pear-blossoming appearance.

"Li Yanran, you have prepared such a good thing for your mother, what about mine?"

Li Zhi also stared at the side, and it was exactly as he thought.

You take my perfume to give to my wife. If I knew it would be like this, I would give it myself. Doesn't he smell good?

"Of course there is, father is waiting."

(End of this chapter)

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