My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 384 Feast, feast!

Li Feng walked in with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Wei Shan? I forgot that he was going to be the bridegroom's official. Let him in."

Hearing Wei Shan's name, Li Yanran was also excited, almost forgot to go to dinner.

"Your Highness."

Wei Shan entered the door and knelt directly in front of Li Yanran, his eyes full of tension.

"Bring it."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and waved to Wei Shan.


Wei Shan was taken aback, wondering what Li Yanran was going to do.

"Invitation, aren't you here to send invitations to Bengong?"

Li Yanran tilted her head, looking at the nervous Wei Shan was also amused.

"Oh oh oh."

Wei Shan hurriedly took out a bright red invitation card from his bosom, the two characters on the cover were still inlaid with gold thread, it was not comparable to street stalls at first glance.

"It's a waste of money, you are not giving me a chance to eat for nothing."

Li Yanran looked at the invitation card in her hand and felt depressed for a while.

You have such a high standard for an invitation, what kind of gift should I return at this time.

It was all calculated on my head.

"Your Highness, you and Wei Shan have been reborn together. This invitation was specially customized by Wei Shan for you. It has no other intentions, it is just to show respect."

Wei Shan also smiled embarrassingly, he really didn't have that many thoughts.

Li Yanran's being able to go is already giving him a great face, a gift, let's forget it.

He can't stand it.

"Since you say that, then I won't be embarrassed. Don't cry when you get poor."

"How could it be? Wei Shan welcomes His Royal Highness then."

Wei Shan didn't say much, he hurriedly saluted and retreated.

"Wei Shan, get ready, call Shang Cheng Chubi and those idiots, and go to dinner."

Li Yanran also jumped up and had a feast, she had never eaten a feast before.

I don't know the difference between the wedding banquet in Tang Dynasty and the wedding banquet in later generations.

"Miss, are you really going to go empty-handed?"

Li Feng was stunned, his miss would not really go empty-handed.

What a shame.

"Why, why don't you show them a chest crushing boulder at that time, to add to the fun?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Feng, and couldn't help teasing.

"It's not impossible."

Li Feng blushed, isn't it just a broken boulder in his chest?
Both Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan could break mountains with their chests, so it shouldn't be difficult to break a rock by themselves.


Li Yanran was depressed, this particular meow was indeed the one who was close to vermilion, the one who was red, and the one who was close to ink, who was black.

Li Feng has been somewhat assimilated by Cheng Chubi and the others now. How could he be like this now that he was such a witty child.

No, I have to find a way to get Li Feng back, otherwise this child will be useless.

Li Yanran rolled her eyes and smiled slightly: "Li Feng, do you want a wife?"


Li Feng was stunned, why did he mention this again.

"Li Feng, just wait, I will send someone to bring Zhou Qing to you, she has been waiting for you."

"Miss, don't tease me."

Li Feng blushed, he didn't mean anything to Zhou Qing at all, why does Miss always want to push me out?

What did I do wrong?Can't I change it?

"You were the one who teased me first. How did your brain grow when the boulder was broken in your chest?"

Li Yanran immediately jumped up and gave Li Feng a slap on the head.


After this, Li Feng became depressed. Didn't you say you wanted me to act like a boulder in the chest?

Why is it that I have a problem with my head now.

Miss, you are really difficult to serve.

Seeing Li Feng's foolish and cute appearance, Li Yanran was not angry at all.

Always being with those idiots will indeed affect IQ. It's time to find a smart person to neutralize it.

But where do smart people come from?Who should I turn to?
This is a big problem.

Li Yanran was also lost in thought.

Seeing Li Yanran's appearance, Li Feng also shook his head, and left slowly to inform Cheng Chubi and the others that they were going to dinner.

Cheng Chubi and the others were also excited when they heard that they were going to have a meal. They were all ready to have dinner, but they didn't want to eat now.

Who wants to eat their own food when they can go to someone else's house for dinner?

Otherwise, you won't be able to eat much in the past, isn't it a waste of opportunity?

The few people also made a decision at the moment, they will not eat from now until tomorrow night, and then they will have a good meal of Wei Shan.

Time passed and the next afternoon came, Li Yanran greeted everyone to prepare to go to Weijia Village for a feast, and she was taken aback when she saw the listless people.

"What kind of expression do you guys have? Why do you all look weak?"

Li Yanran questioned several people suspiciously, but Chang Sun Yan and the others hadn't spoken yet, but Li Hong jumped out.

"Sister, sister, I know."

"You said."

"They knew they were going to eat at Wei Shan's house. They haven't eaten since noon yesterday, and they've been hungry until now. Of course they're exhausted."


Looking at the four of them, Li Yanran was also drunk.

Li Shan doesn't care what you're doing, Wei Shan kindly invites you to the wedding.

It's good for you, this is going to eat the big family, and eat Wei Shan to death.

Really don't want any face.

"You guys are really kind. Seeing your prospects, you deserve to starve to death."

Li Yanran really hated that iron could not be made into steel, and they were really dogs to the extreme.

Several people also knew that what they had done was too much, they lowered their heads and dared not speak.


While speaking, Li Yanran's stomach also groaned inappropriately.


Hearing this familiar voice, the four of them also looked at each other, blaming each other for not taking care of their stomachs.

This has already been scolded, but I still want to be scolded again, right?

"Sister, are you hungry? Why do I hear this voice coming from your stomach?"

Li Hong moved his ears, and moved directly to Li Yanran's side.

"Go away, I think it's reasonable for a child to be hungry quickly."

As Li Yanran said, she kicked Li Hong, and directly boarded the carriage.


Li Hong was depressed, kicked me if I said something?
Really unreasonable.


"Sister, sister, wait for me, I haven't got in the car yet."

"I'm not in the car yet."

Li Hong was also stupid when he saw the carriage moving, so he hurriedly chased after it.

Seeing this, Changsun Yan and the others also burst into smiles, Brother Li, you still have the face to criticize us.

Talk like you're not hungry.

At present, several people boarded the carriage and headed towards Weijia Village under the protection of more than a hundred imperial guards.

Weijia Village is also decorated with lights and festoons now, and Wei Shan will be considered number one in Weijia Village.

Besides, the princess will come to the wedding, if it is too shabby, it is a bit inappropriate.

Wei Shu, Wei Shan, Wei Sun and other elders in Weijia Village were all waiting for Li Yanran's arrival at the entrance of the village.

"I'm coming."

A young man galloped on a donkey, his eyes full of excitement.

Hearing this, everyone was excited and looked into the distance together.

Hundreds of cavalry went first, their armor was cold, and there were many horses and spears. Behind them were several carriages, which were slowly approaching them.

"Wei Shu and all the people of Weijia Village welcome His Royal Highness."

When the carriage came to a close, Wei Shu and a group of elders knelt on the ground.

"Okay, don't make such a big gift, I'm only here to attend Wei Shan's wedding, don't delay the couple's wedding."

Li Yanran's voice slowly floated out from inside the carriage.

"Come on, open the way."

Wei Shan nodded and hurriedly shouted.

The crowd made way for a road, and the knights still went first, escorting Li Yanran's carriage towards Wei Shan's house.

When Li Yanran arrived, the forbidden army immediately set up their defenses to prevent accidents in the middle.

After Wei Shan greeted Li Yanran, he also rode a tall horse borrowed from the fief to welcome his bride with drums and gongs.

"Your Highness, please drink some tea, which Shan'er specially bought from the Shuren Tea Shop in the city."

Mrs. Wei Sun brought a bowl of clear tea to Li Yanran.

"Bought from the tree man tea room?"

Li Yanran and Changsun Yan looked at each other and smiled, isn't this a coincidence?
Buying tea from my teahouse pays filial piety to me, which means that what I drink directly is money.

Wei Sun looked at the smiling people and couldn't help being stunned, wondering what happened to them.

"It's okay, Mrs. Wei Sun, go get busy, don't call us,
You're going to be a mother-in-law, but Wei Shan didn't prepare a new dress for you?

When it is not good. "

Looking at Wei Sunshi who was dressed in sackcloth, Li Yanran couldn't help frowning.

Your kid is dressed brightly, so why don't you wear this for your mother?
It's really not good.

"Your Highness is wrong to blame Shan'er. He also prepared a lot of new clothes for me. The old lady is afraid of getting dirty."

Wei Sun also gave a smug smile, it wasn't that Wei Shan was unfilial, it was her...she really didn't want to wear it.

"If this is the case, don't change it. Wear it when you wear it. If you do this, others will think that Wei Shan is an unfilial person."

Li Yanran nodded. She naturally knows that the older generation is diligent and thrifty, but now Wei Shan is no longer what it used to be.
If you are a mother, you should enjoy it, otherwise it will not look good.

"It was the old lady who was negligent, thank you for your reminder, Your Highness."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Wei Sun was also taken aback, but after thinking about what the other party said, it was quite reasonable.

At the moment, she bid farewell to Li Yanran and went to change into the new clothes that Wei Shan had prepared for her.

"Sister, when will the banquet start?"

Li Hong sat beside Li Yanran, his small eyes were full of anticipation.

Li Yanran has never had a feast, so how could he have.

He had never seen what this wedding banquet looked like.

"Open your watermelon."

Li Yanran slapped her across the face, the bride hasn't married yet, you are going to start the banquet?
It is because you are a noble child, otherwise you would not be beaten out by the master.

No manners at all.

"Sister, don't hit me."

Li Hong was depressed and ran to the side.

Soon the sound of beating gongs and drums sounded outside, and Li Yanran was also excited when she heard this sound.

"Sister, I'm back, I'm going to see the bride."

Li Hong jumped up directly, just like Li Yanran, excited.

"Go, sister will take you to a good place."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and led Li Hong out directly.

Looking at Li Yanran who was building a ladder, Zhang Sunyan and the others were stunned.

"Brother Li, what is this for?"

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