My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 386 Get out of the way, I'm going to copy poetry again!

Wei Sun looked at Li Yanran, and recalled the scene in the school field again in his mind.

Without Li Yanran, how could my son be where he is today.

"Forget it, it's still the same sentence, this palace is nothing more than a little effort, don't do this, or I will leave immediately."

Li Yanran looked at Wei Sun, if she didn't make another cruel move, the old lady would probably kneel down.

How can she let the other party do what they want.

"Since His Highness is like this, then... hey."

The old woman sighed and sat back on the chair.

"Two thanks to the high hall."

Wei Shan and his bride also made a big gift to Wei Sun.

"Happy husband and wife."

According to the rhythm of the host, Wei Shan and the bride also followed suit.

"Take off the hijab, take off the hijab."

Before the host could speak, Li Hong couldn't bear it anymore, and jumped up to let Wei Shan lift the bride's hijab.

He would like to see what Wei Shan's new wife looks like, he is afraid that she is far worse than Ajie.

"This one, let's let the groom uncover his hijab in advance, so that everyone can see the bride's beautiful face?"

The host knew that Li Hong's identity was unusual, and since people wanted to see it, he had nothing to say.

"it is good."

Now Li Yanran is also excited, the bride who plays on TV has to lift her hijab in the bridal chamber, did not expect that the atmosphere of Tang Dynasty is so open?
"it is good."

"Take off the hijab."

"Wei Shan, lift the hijab, let me see how lucky you are?"

Cheng Chubi and the others excitedly shouted after Li Yanran, they also want to see how the bride looks.

"Okay, since that's the case, take the joystick."

Soon the joy stick was delivered to Wei Shan, looking at the bride in front of him, Wei Shan was also shy.

"play music."

Following the host's words, the gongs and drums outside also started to beat.

"This pick has a clear eyebrow."

"Second pick, lipstick and white teeth."

"Three picks, what you want."

"His head is red, pick three picks, and within three years there will be two kids."

Listening to the host's red words, Wei Shan also picked out his bride's red head covering.

Under the red hijab, there is a round fan in front of the bride.

"Sister, the bride is so stingy. After hearing so much nonsense, she also took off her hijab. She didn't expect to have a fan to cover her face."

Li Hong was also angry when he saw that the bride was still invisible.

I waited for such a long time, but I was lonely.

Could it be that you are insulting my young age?
"This one, that's not the case. The bride has a round fan to cover her face. In fact, she has to pay attention to the groom's official status. It's not stingy."

Hearing Li Hong's words, the host was also depressed for a while.

If you hadn't come down with the princess, maybe he would have someone kick Li Hong out.

"Pay attention to the groom's officer? This."

Li Yanran was also taken aback, there is such a program?

Glancing at Wei Shan, Li Yanran was also sweating for him.

Asking Wei Shan to slash people with a knife may be a good hand, but asking him to recite poems against people is a bit difficult for him.

Wei Shan was also taken aback, he had never heard of such a procedure before.

It is more difficult for him to chop off two heads than to let him write poetry in the public.

"Bridegroom officer, the young lady of this family is from a rich family, and she is also well-educated. Thinking of this is a good fit.
Of course, it doesn't matter if the bridegroom officer can't do it, and there is no embarrassment. "

The host looked at Wei Shan who was sweating on his head, and then at Xi Niang who was on the other side, didn't you report this matter?
Doesn't this make the groom's official embarrassing in public?
It's a bit unprofessional.


Wei Shan's face was full of anger.

This tells him what to do. Although the other party says it doesn't matter if he can't do it, it doesn't matter if he really can't do it.

Embarrassment is second, the key is to embarrassment in front of the princess, which is a bit bad.

Looking at the irritable Wei Shan, Li Yanran smiled slightly and stood up.

"Bride, why don't I write a poem for you?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Wei Shan also revealed a trace of relief.

In his impression, Li Yanran is an omnipotent person in the world, with her rescue, today's face can be regarded as saved.

After hearing this, the bride nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, Your Highness."

It's not that she deliberately made things difficult for Wei Shan, but she wanted to add some fun.

I have read books anyway, so I can't let my sisters look down on me.

And she also brought up this idea before, who would have thought that the other party was not prepared.

Now that Li Yanran came out to rescue her, she was also very happy.

Li Yanran stamped her small steps, looked at the two people in front of her, and a poem came to her mind.

"This poem should be called Dai Wei Shan Que Fan."

"Don't fan the painting out of the curtain to cover up the stagnation of Chunshan."

"If Taoist reunion is like the bright moon, sweet-scented osmanthus must be placed in it."

What Li Yan copied was Li Shangyin's "A Gentleman Who Knows Talents But Fans", after finishing a poem, the house was full of silence.

This made her a little dazed. Usually when she writes poems, there will always be applause.

Could it be that he failed today? He glared at Cheng Chubi and the others.

They don't give me face, and you don't give me face?

"it is good."


"Brother Li is the best."

Seeing Li Yanran's threatening gaze, Cheng Chubi and the others reacted and clapped their hands in applause.

The surrounding guests also woke up like a dream, and followed suit.

On the contrary, Li Yanran was a little depressed. It seems that she should be more careful when using poems in the future, otherwise she would weaken her reputation as Wenchaogong.

"Your Highness, Zhang Mengru thank you."

The bride suddenly took down the round fan in front of her, and bowed respectfully to Li Yanran, still performing the disciple salute.

These guests may be from the countryside and don't understand the artistic conception of this poem, but she can hear the general idea.

This fan poem is not only suitable for the occasion, but also has gorgeous rhetoric, which is much better than the miscellaneous poets she bought from the street.

"Sister, this bride is so beautiful, but she is still a bit worse than Sister."

Li Hong finally saw the bride whom he had been longing for, but he was a little discouraged at first glance.

That's it?Still hiding it from the king to see.

Look at my sister, she has a round face, big eyes like ink and a small cherry mouth, she is a peerless beauty.

She has never been like a bride, hiding from others.


Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran was stunned, Wei Shan was stunned, the bride was stunned, and everyone was also stunned.

Where did this kid come from, he couldn't speak for a living.

You are really speechless when you say that you are not as good as others in front of other people's brides.

"Wei Shan, Zhang Mengru, don't be angry, my little brother is just talking nonsense."

Li Yanran is so embarrassed that she wants to die now, you can't speak so you should say less, no one will sell you as dumb.

"Sister, I'm telling the truth."

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, still angry.

What Ben Gong said is from the heart, what is nonsense, this bride is not as good-looking as you.

Li Yanran slapped her directly, and then Li Hong fell silent.

"Okay, this bride is beautiful, pretty and dignified, let's send it to the bridal chamber immediately."

Seeing this, the host hurriedly ordered the bride to be sent to the bridal chamber, lest the young grandpa say anything astonishing.

Otherwise, his years of reputation in the business of hosting weddings will be ruined.

The music outside played again, the bride Zhang Mengru was also sent to the bridal chamber, only Wei Shan came to salute Li Yanran and his party one by one.

"Your Highness, if you hadn't been here today, Wei Shan would have embarrassed you."

Wei Shan looked at Li Yanran with guilt on his face.

"You don't need to talk such nonsense, I only have one thing to ask now, when will the banquet start, you see Cheng Chubi and the others can't wait any longer."

Li Yanran looked at Wei Shan, now she only had one thought in her mind.

Open, open, when can we open.

She said this definitely not for herself, but for Cheng Chubi and the others.

She was afraid that her four heavenly kings would starve to death at the wedding.


Cheng Chubi and the others were depressed. If you are hungry, you will be hungry. Why should we say that we can't wait.

Are we like that?
"Your Majesty, wait a moment, I will arrange for someone to open the table immediately."

Wei Shan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and arranged for a banquet.

"The master has opened the table."

With a shout, the guests who were still watching the fun scattered like birds and beasts, and started looking for their own tables. Some people even prepared the sacks they were carrying.

Just in case, just in case they can't finish eating, they can walk around, so they can't waste it, right?

As a group of people was busy, dishes were also served on the table.

Looking at the not-so-exquisite but fragrant dishes in front of him, Li Hong felt that he could no longer suppress his prehistoric power.

"Sister, can I start now?"

Li Hong's eyes wandered back and forth, and finally placed on a roast chicken.

It's up to you, you nasty big rooster, who caused me to be beaten by my father in the palace.

If I didn't digest you today, I wouldn't be Li Hong.

"Your Highness, you have the right to be your own home, and you can eat whatever you want."

Wei Sun looked at Li Hong with kindness in his eyes.

He glanced at Wei Shan again, you bastard, hurry up and give birth to a big fat grandson for my old lady, so that I can live a good life as a grandma.


Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, everyone has already spoken, can I start now?


Li Yanran nodded.

"Okay, roast chicken, I'm here."

Li Hong said he was going to pinch him, but he was stopped by Cheng Chubi's big hand.

"Brother Li, you and Your Highness have noble status, if there are any young people who want to take advantage of the opportunity, the matter will be serious.

Let me try it first, and you can eat it if there is no problem. "

Hearing Cheng Chubi's words, Li Yanran and Li Hong also nodded.

After all, this is not a feudal land, if something really happens, it's not a matter of killing one or two people.

Unexpectedly, a vulgar person like Cheng Chubi could have such a delicate mind, when the child grows up.

Cheng Chubi did it directly, first of all he did it with the roast chicken.

He has been staring at this big fat chicken for a long time. If Li Hong takes it away, it will be difficult for him to eat it.

Seeing that the fat chicken he got was about to be digested by Cheng Chubi, Li Hong's mouth almost dropped to the ground.

This is the fat chicken that Bengong wants to eat, you damn Cheng Chubi, can you try this chicken alone if you try the dishes together?
If you are tasting it, you will finish eating Bengong's chicken.

Seeing that Cheng Chubi was going to do something to the only remaining chicken leg, Li Hong quit and went straight to the case.

"Cheng Chubi, I've had enough. You're so meow that you're trying to taste food? If you eat any more, you'll be left with chicken butts."

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