My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 387 Broken boulder in the chest?Still double?

Hearing Li Hong's roar, Cheng Chubi smiled coyly, put the chicken legs on the plate, and went to taste other dishes.

Li Yanran and Li Hong didn't dare to eat, but Cheng Chubi and the others swept away the delicacies on the table at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Your Highness, in fact, these delicacies are all made individually, and Mr. Feng, His Highness's royal chef, was invited.

I bought all the ingredients myself, so there shouldn't be any problems. "

Looking at Li Yanran and Li Hong's aggrieved faces, Wei Shan couldn't laugh or cry, and told the origin of all these dishes.

"Damn, you didn't tell me about the dishes that Old Feng cooked, you made me wait for so long."

Li Yanran gave Wei Shan a blank look, you were too lazy to mention the dishes made by your own people, which made my stomach pound again.

Immediately, he didn't hesitate anymore, and directly moved his chopsticks to join the battle. Li Hong was even more straightforward, directly threw away the chopsticks, grabbed the only remaining chicken leg and ate it.

It's really beyond everyone's imagination to eat quite a lot. Is this the high-ranking dignitaries?

From this point of view, it seems that he is not elegant enough to eat by himself.

"Oh, I haven't eaten yet, so you put it in a sack, it's too much."

"I can't help it. I have a ninety-year-old mother in my family and seven children waiting to be fed. The villagers will take care of me."

"Take care of your head, aren't you a bachelor? Where did you find the seven children?"

Eating feasts is joyful, but also short-lived. After three feasts, Li Yanran and the others finally couldn't eat anymore.

All of them clutched their bellies, their faces full of contentment.

"Wei Shan, I don't have anything to give you for your big wedding this time. Let me give you an apple. I wish you peace and safety."

Li Yanran took out an apple from her pocket and put it on the table.

"The wind is tight, scream."

After finishing speaking, he led a group of people and fled out.

The imperial army got on their horses, Li Yanran boarded the chariot, left Weijia Village and headed towards the fiefdom.

"Sister, we ate someone's three-seat noodle dish, and you gave me an apple, isn't it a bit bad?"

Sitting on the carriage, Li Hong looked at his elder sister with some puzzlement.

"Do you really think that sister gave me an ordinary apple?"

Li Yanran smiled at Li Hong, am I such a stingy person?

Take your group of idiots over there to eat Hesai, and give an apple at the end?

Saying it doesn't make people laugh out loud.

"Then what kind of apple did you send, sister?"

"I won't sue you, I won't tell you, I won't tell you."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Respectfully sending Li Yanran away, Li Feng also returned to the table, looking at the apple in front of him and smiling slightly.

Gifts are light and affection is heavy, he really doesn't care what kind of gift Li Yanran gives, as long as it's what he wants.

It's like a double-yolk egg that my old mother personally picked, maybe this apple was also picked by His Royal Highness.

Wei Shan picked up the apple with his hands, but it was heavy, much heavier than ordinary apples.

Wei Shan stared at the apple in a daze. After all, His Highness is His Highness, even the apples he ate were so different.

This apple should be regarded as the king of apples.

"Aniang, this is a gift from His Highness, let me taste it for you."

"This is a congratulatory gift from His Highness to you and Mengru. You and your husband should enjoy it together. Auntie is tired, so let's go to rest first."

Wei Sun smiled and left directly.

Wei Shan shook his head, put the apple in his pocket, and began to entertain the guests in the courtyard.

After everyone left, he also came to the bridal chamber in a daze.

"Husband, why do you drink like this?"

Seeing Wei Shan coming in, Zhang Mengru hurried over to help him.

"It's okay, just be happy."

Wei Shan looked at Zhang Mengru, who was like a flower, and was also distracted, and directly embraced her in his arms.

"Husband, what is so hard?"

Zhang Mengru was hugged by Wei Shan, and felt something clicked underneath her.


Wei Shan was puzzled for a while, and was also taken aback when he saw the bulging pockets.

"Forget, this is a congratulatory gift from His Highness, wishing us peace, harmony and beauty."

He quickly took out the apple from his pocket and put it in front of Zhang Mengru.

"Is this a congratulatory gift from His Highness?"

Looking at the apple in front of him, Zhang Mengru was also puzzled.

This apple looked ordinary, and she didn't understand what was the meaning of His Highness giving this?
"Don't look, this apple is different from ordinary apples. It is very heavy. It must be a good food for His Highness. Let's taste it together?"

Wei Shan's eyes were full of excitement, and he also had a little yearning for the good food that the upper class eats.

"Okay, then Mengru will eat with her husband."

Zhang Mengru also picked up the apple as she spoke, and it really took a lot of weight.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and bit the apple together.


After this mouthful, Wei Shan almost didn't doubt life.

What is so hard, this bite almost broke his teeth.

"Husband, we seem to have been deceived by His Highness, this is not an apple."

Zhang Mengru looked at the golden color under the tooth marks, and was completely dumbfounded.


Wei Shan was also dazed while holding the apple, wiped it vigorously with his sleeve, and burst into tears instantly.

What kind of apple is this? It is clearly a golden apple.

"This Highness is really an interesting person. If my husband looks down on His Highness and discards the apple, wouldn't it be such a great gift missing."

Zhang Mengru also smiled slightly, Li Yanran is not only good at composing poems, but also a clever person.

"Why would Your Highness think so? She knows that Wei Shan is definitely not such a person. What he did is just childlike."

Wei Shan gave Zhang Mengru a blank look, he didn't allow the other party to think of Li Yanran like that.

Since he reformed himself, it is only thanks to Li Yanran's support that he can have a good life now.

Not to mention an apple given by the other party, even if it is a piece of paper, he will frame it and pay tribute to it.

"Husband, Mengru knew she was wrong, don't be angry."

Feeling Wei Shan's anger, Zhang Mengru knew that she had said something wrong, so she quickly bowed her head and admitted her mistake.

"Well, you have to remember that Your Highness's kindness to me is like recreating me, don't say such words again."

"Mengru, remember."

Zhang Mengru nodded.

"Okay, let's go to bed then, Auntie is still waiting to hold her grandson."

"My husband, please take pity on me."

After Li Yanran returned to the fief, Li Hong continued to ask Li Yanran what the secret of the apple was, but they were all dismissed with the song "I won't tell you".

When Wei Shan came to thank him the next day, Li Hong hurried over.

"Wei Shan, tell me quietly, what is the magical effect of that apple? Could it be that?"

Li Hong looked Wei Shan up and down, and remembered to peek at some records in the book.

Wei Shan was terrified by Li Hong's look, and hurriedly told about the golden apple.

"It's that simple?"

Hearing that it was just a simple golden apple, Li Hong was stunned.

He hadn't seen anything good in the East Palace, and he thought it was some kind of treasure that his elder sister gave him, but he didn't expect it to be an ordinary golden apple.

It's really a loss because I didn't sleep all night.

"That's easy? That's an apple of pure gold."

Looking at Li Hong, Wei Shan was also dumbfounded.

What do you mean it's that simple? It's an apple of pure gold. How dare you understate it so lightly?

After all, he is a child of the royal family, so he has much more knowledge than himself, a countryman.

He only thought that gold could be made into gold cakes, but he didn't expect that it could be made into golden apples.

"Cut, it's boring."

Li Hong directly gave up on Wei Shan and ran out.

Shit Golden Apple, in his opinion, is not as fragrant as candied haws, at least candied haws are still sweet.


Wei Shan was depressed, this His Highness really is, it is beyond words.

"What's wrong with you, Wei Shan?"

Li Yanran came out, looking at the depressed Wei Shan, she was also taken aback.

"Your Highness, Wei Shan is here to greet you."

Seeing Li Yanran, Wei Shan hurriedly saluted, and then handed over a box.

Opening the box, seeing that it was the golden apple that she had given inside, with two tooth marks on it, Li Yanran's face was full of smiles.

Hehe, this girl knew that you would bite that apple, so she gritted her teeth.

"This golden apple is a congratulatory gift from this palace to you. Now that you have brought it back to me, are you disrespecting me?"

But now you have sent my congratulatory gift back, what does that mean?
"Your Highness, this gift is too expensive, and Wei Shan accepts it."

Wei Shan shuddered, and hurriedly explained.

"What was given to you is yours, and you send it back, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?"

Li Yanran was depressed, a golden apple was nothing more, although it was expensive, but Ben Gong didn't really care about it.

"In that case, Wei Shan thanked His Highness."

Hearing this, Wei Shan had nothing to say.

"Okay, I promise you a few days off, so you can stay at home with your wife and mother."

Li Yanran nodded, that's right.

Although I like money, I only like money that I should like.

"That's what Wei Shan came here for, and I hope His Highness will allow me to continue working today, so that the construction of the city wall cannot be delayed because of me."

Wei Shan shook his head, rest is impossible, not possible in this lifetime.

It's so easy to find such a good master and such a good job, if he doesn't cherish it, then he is still human.

"You think you can't operate without the town, so get out of here quickly, or your dog legs will be interrupted."

"Oh oh oh,"

Wei Shan shuddered again, and Sa Yazi ran away.

He has seen how Li Yanran hits people before, and if he says to discount your left leg, he won't hit your right leg.

Even if the right leg is beaten, the left leg will still be broken.

"Brother Li, what are we doing today?"

Cheng Chubi and the others also came over, their energy and energy were completely different from yesterday's.

After all, it is easy to work when you are full, and the feeling of being hungry is simply too uncomfortable.

The few of them have also reached a consensus, and if they have a chance to eat, they will definitely not go hungry in advance, it is not worth it.

Looking at the four idiots criticizing Li Yanran gave me a headache.

These few of you come to me all day long when you have nothing to do, can't you find something to do by yourself?

If this continues, this girl will also be led astray by you.

No, we must find a way to find a smart person to come over and influence them.

But where to find smart people, she really doesn't know.

"How's the party I'm preparing for? Have you thought about your program yet?"

"Didn't I say, did you perform the boulder breaking in the chest?"

Cheng Chubi was taken aback, didn't he tell you all about his program?

If you want to see the broken boulder in the chest, I will perform this for you.

"Two people, two people crush big stones in their chests."

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