My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 388 I can only use a sledgehammer if you smash big rocks!

Chapter 388 I can only use a sledgehammer if you smash big rocks!

Yu Chihuan also jumped out, he had already tried it with Cheng Chubi, it is okay to break a big stone in the chest,
But it was boring to watch alone, so they also decided to perform in duo.


Li Yanran has completely accepted these two idiot criticisms, I was just joking, you really want to go to the streets to perform.

"Then Li Siwen, what program have you prepared?"

Li Yanran gave up, and these two idiots could not be saved at all, so it's better to see what Li Siwen thinks.

"I crush big rocks."

Li Siwen smiled slightly, his eyes full of excitement.


Li Yanran looked at Li Siwen and was immediately dumbfounded.

What is crushed dashi?
The two of them use the chest, which one do you want to use?

"Brother Li, I'll use the sledgehammer to smash big rocks in their chests."

"I'm so meow, get out of here."

Li Yanran pointed out with her hand, the three of them didn't dare to stay when they saw this, so they ran away.

"Brother Li, don't be angry, they are all idiots."

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, and moved in front of Li Yanran.

"What gift did you prepare? If you dare to mention the boulder on your chest again, I will treat you as a boulder and crush you."

Li Yanran looked at Changsun Yan with a gloomy face, and threatened.

"Actually, my show is about moving rocks up."



Changsun Yan ran away just like a girl, Li Yanran was simply too scary.

"Miss, in fact, if you want to see the broken boulder on your chest, Li Feng can do it too."

Li Feng looked at Li Yanran's depressed look and moved to his side.


Li Yanran slapped her forehead, and sure enough, Li Feng was also led astray.

No, it is urgent to find a smart person, otherwise she will die in the hands of these fools sooner or later.

Too lazy to talk to Li Feng, Li Yanran's mind has already begun to flash the celebrities of the entire Tang Dynasty, and today, it seems that there are not many celebrities that she can think of.

"Di Renjie, yes, look for Di Renjie."

Thinking of this name, Li Yanran immediately stood up.

As Di Renjie's staunch supporter of his mother, the famous old Di Ge in history should still be very young now.

If he can be fooled and found, he will be the best candidate no matter for the future planning or teaching the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks.

"Li Feng, send someone to the Ministry of Officials immediately. I want to find a man named Di Renjie."

Li Feng had long been accustomed to Li Yanran's behavior, so he immediately saluted Li Yanran and arranged for someone to go to the official department to inquire about the news.

At that time, Di Renjie had just been recommended by Yan Liben, and was promoted from Bianzhou Judge to Bingzhou Governor's Law Cao, and it was the time when he was in high spirits.

She didn't know that she was already missed by Li Yanran.

The person who went to Chang'an to inquire about the news came back soon, and also learned of Di Renjie's whereabouts. He was a little helpless to hear that he was now working as a law enforcement officer in Bingzhou.

Originally, I wanted to have a chance encounter, and then take the opportunity to tie him back, but now that I'm well, I seem to be beyond my reach.

"Sister, what are you worrying about?"

When Li Hong entered the door, he was also taken aback when he looked at Li Yanran who was a little frowning.

"It's okay, sister wants to find someone, but he's far away in Bingzhou, so it's really difficult."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, and continued to think about how to get Di Renjie over.

"It's not easy. Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan have nothing to do and wander around Lishan all day. Let them go to Bingzhou and bring people here?"

Li Hong smiled slightly, what is he doing, that's all?

"There is some truth in what you say."

Li Yanran was also taken aback when she heard Li Hong's words.

Just thinking about meeting by chance, I have someone, even if there is no fate, I can go for alms.

"However, this person is still an official of the court. If Cheng Chubi and the others go, what if he doesn't come?"

Now that there is a plan for begging for alms, but who is Di Renjie?

The prime minister of later generations, Mr. Di Ge, is now also the Facao of Bingzhou, a proper official of the court.

She also finds it a little difficult to ask people to abandon their official positions and travel thousands of miles to Mount Li.

"Tch, sister, you forgot your identity,

Don't say that he is a little Facao, even if he is the governor of Bingzhou, he still comes here to see him,

Besides, even if he doesn't come, just send someone to tie him up, just like King Sun Yao. "

Li Hong looked disdainful again, your own identity is the princess of the Tang Dynasty, and you are definitely second only to yourself as Gao Zhi.

Can climb high branches, which one is not flying over.

Even if he is really innocent, then he is bound.

Beat the board, starve for a few days, let him know what the dangers of society are, and he will naturally succumb.


Li Yanran hit Li Hong on the head with one fist, her eyes were full of anger.

What is a small Bingzhou Law Cao, who is also the chief officer in charge of a state's litigation, why should he come to you.

Besides kidnapping people, those are officials of the Tang Dynasty, not ordinary people.

If my father and mother knew about this, they would not beat themselves to death.

"Tch, those who were afraid of wolves and tigers in the past don't have a bit of royal arrogance. Sister, if you are like this, it will be difficult for this king to entrust the beautiful rivers and mountains of Datang to your hands."

Li Hong rolled his eyes, you want to get someone, but you don't want to be scolded, how can such a good thing happen.

Those who achieve great things don't care about small things, but if you are like this king, I will change my mind.

How could the Great Tang Dynasty be handed over to a cowardly person like you.

"You're itchy again, aren't you?"

Li Yanran slapped him again, "Small sample, if you don't slap you for three days, you will go to the house to expose the tiles."

See what you can do.

"Sister, I'm telling the truth."

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with an aggrieved face, I'm giving you advice, it's fine if you don't miss me, and beat me.

This king will definitely not hand over the Great Tang Dynasty to a capricious villain like you.

Come to your senses, sister.

"I remember that you seem to owe me a pot, don't you?"

Seeing Li Hong shrunk aside, Li Yanran also smiled.

In fact, thinking about what her little brother said is not unreasonable, anyway, there is a big talent behind the blame, so what is she afraid of.

At that time, if the father and mother start to investigate, they will use the method of sacrifice to the younger brother and throw Li Hong out to take the blame.


Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong was completely dumbfounded.

This pot is not small, sister, your father loves your mother, carefree, I can't do it.

When my father saw me, I was just like other children, beating or scolding me.

The same is true for my old lady, for fear that I will be beaten lightly.

If the pot is on his own head, it will really be over.

Thinking of the mixed doubles he might face, Li Hong also shuddered.

"Sister, if you say that, I feel that what I just said is actually bullshit.

After all, kidnapping a Datang official in broad daylight is somewhat unreasonable, so let's take a long-term view. "

Li Yanran doesn't care what you say now, the idea is yours, and you should bear the blame.

Otherwise, wouldn't all my previous foreshadowing be wasted.

Stupid brother Ou, you sent it to your door by yourself, no wonder sister.

"Sister, do you really want to do this?"

Seeing that Li Yanran did not speak, Li Hong was also terrified.

"What do you think, the so-called law of heaven is good for reincarnation, who will the heaven spare, you can't escape if you plant the cause of the past life and get the fruit of the present life."

Glancing at Li Hong, who looked miserable, Li Yanran also patted his little head, telling him not to think about running away.

"Sister, you promise, when it comes time for me to be beaten, you can't add fuel to the flames, otherwise I will hate you for the rest of my life."

Li Hong also knew that he was doomed, and accepted this fact with a bitter face.

Otherwise, what I have to face is not mixed doubles, but compound triples.

That would cost my life.

"Don't worry, my brother is so caring, how can sister add fuel to the fire, it's too late to love you."

"Then, sister, can you not let me take the blame, you love me so much."

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with hope in his eyes, but Li Yanran ruthlessly suppressed it.

"Don't even think about it. Sister is trying to make you take the blame? It's just to make you grow up. Don't think too much about it."

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong who was covering his head, feeling annoyed.

Little brat, you still want to play me a trick and make your spring and autumn dream.


Li Hong cried for a while, turned his head and ran out.

After preparation, Li Yanran's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was held as scheduled, and it was still in the stadium.

All the people from the entire fief rushed over, and even several dukes came together.

This fief is now the place where they and their children live and work, and it is only natural to come here to add power.

All kinds of performances came on stage, lion dances, juggling, singing and dancing, and even a rudimentary burlesque of stand-up comedy.

But what attracted the most attention was the big stone on the chest performed by Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan.

"Everyone, the next performance is a big boulder in the chest, and the performers are Mr. Cheng Xiaolang and Mr. Yuchi Xiaolang."

The host smiled slightly at the two of them, then directly bowed and backed away.

"What is this for? What is a broken boulder in the chest?"

When Cheng Yaojin heard that his son was performing, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at Yuchi Jingde beside him.

"What do you think I'm doing, I'm talking as if I know it."

Yuchi Jingde was also taken aback, look at me, I still want to see you.

Who knows what these two bastards are up to.

"It sounds like it means breaking the stone with the chest."

Li Ji looked at the outside, thought for a while, and then expressed his opinion.

"This is interesting, the old man really wants to see and see."

Changsun Wuji smiled slightly and stroked his beard.

"Changsun Wuji, you are old and shameless, what is interesting, co-authoring is not the face of your eldest grandson's family, is it?

Come on, go and bring me Cheng Chubi right away. "

Cheng Yaojin was depressed, no matter what the performance situation was, Cheng Chubi was Lu Guogong's noble son, and he did such a shameful thing in such a public place.

"Also, that bastard Yuchihuan also brought along."


There was a sound of harmony outside the box, and he left with the sound of footsteps.

After the curtain call was over, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan were all shirtless and full of tendons, slowly coming to the stage, one on the left and one on the right.

A dozen soldiers of the Imperial Army were also shirtless, and carried two heavy stone slabs, and moved them in front of everyone.

The two laughed foolishly, waved their hands at the audience around them, and after looking at each other, they slowly lay down on the ground.

"I'm so meow."

"What a shame."

(End of this chapter)

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