My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 389 The show begins!

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde also scratched their heads for a while, this f*ck is simply too resolute.

You are like this in public, have you considered your own identity, have you considered the identity of your father.

I won’t talk about embarrassment in my own family, but now you are all embarrassing outside.

"bring it on."

Cheng Chubi yelled loudly, and the imperial guards also nodded, lifted the stone slab and pressed it on the chests of the two of them.

"I invite the hammer holders below, Mr. Li Xiaolang, and the eldest grandson, Mr. Xiaolang."

As the host spoke, Li Siwen and Changsun Yan did the same, shirtless and slowly walking up with a huge hammer.

"Come on, go and bring Li Siwen back to me."

Seeing Li Siwen's shirtless appearance, Li Ji also frowned, and shouted outside.

"There is also Changsun Yan, the rebellious son, hurry up."

The eldest grandson Wuji's beard is flying, they have no status now, at most they can be regarded as rich and noble sons, you poor fool are not the same.

You are the county magistrate conferred by the Tang Emperor, the lord of the empire.

Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud to expose their upper body in public? If anyone with a heart knows about it, it's possible to commit a crime of disrespect for etiquette.

"Changsun Wuji, Li Ji, don't be angry, even if you send people over now, it won't help."

Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin felt relieved, as long as his son wasn't the only one who was ashamed, that would be fine.

In this world, there has always been a problem of inequality rather than scarcity. Some people lose together and suffer together. He is very satisfied with the result.


Changsun Wuji was depressed, and he also knew that what Cheng Yaojin said was right, but he was really dead.

"If it comes, it will be safe. Now let's see what tricks our son is playing."

Li Ji was also depressed, and could only wait to see their performance.

A few people sat in rows outside the window, waiting for the performance of their silly sons.

"Cheng Chubi, you are ready, the young master's hammer is not sympathetic."

Changsun Yan stood with a hammer in his hand, and asked Cheng Chubi who was in front of him.

"Why are you? Where is Liu Hui?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Changsun Yan, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Although he had tried it a few times before, as long as he gathered energy in his chest, it would be fine if the stone was smashed, but those people before were all warriors of the Imperial Army.

Just when he was about to take the stage, the ghost knew that the elder Sun Yan jumped out and said that he would participate in it, and now he became his own hammer bearer.

If this kid is not strong enough to break the boulder with a single hammer, he will be the one to suffer.

What's even more frightening is that if the kid misses the shot, then his life is really over.

"Don't worry, I have also trained many times, guaranteeing a one-hit kill, one-hit crushing stone."

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, and missed it, how could this county magistrate, you underestimated me too much.

"You have spotted me, but don't hurt me, I haven't married a wife yet."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi froze.

What is a one-hit kill? Are you trying to kill Lao Tzu?

"How could I harm my brother, talk nonsense, and mess with my Dao heart, I can't guarantee this hammer."

Changsun Yan looked at Cheng Chubi with disdain, you can guess my son's ability?

Talking nonsense again, I have to make you suffer.

"Li Siwen, I want to change someone, this grandson Yan is too scary."

Cheng Chubi glanced at Li Siwen, who was on the side, and yelled for a replacement.

"Cheng Chubi, what are you howling like ghosts, this is fate, the county magistrate will recognize you."

Changsun Yan spat, and now I want to change people, I really dare not smash your head.

"That's right, Cheng Chubi, you have a predestined relationship with Changsun Yan, so you should give up on it."

Yuchihuan also shuddered, change?
If you were a big watermelon, I don't want to be smashed by that stupid grandson Yan, otherwise I would be the one who died.

"I don't play anymore, I don't play anymore."

Cheng Chubi directly tossed about, he really didn't dare to take any risks under the current situation.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Changsun Yan is still a little unreliable, he is afraid of losing his life.

"I want to retreat now, it's too late, hold Cheng Chubi for me."

Changsun Yan's eyes are about to pop out, and now he's hammered on the rock, you want to escape?
which is so easy.

The imperial guards next to him also hesitated when they heard it, after all, it was Cheng Chubi.

"Why are you staring blankly? This is a party prepared by His Highness. If Cheng Chubi escapes and messes things up, you will know the consequences."

The imperial guards shuddered, rushed over and held down Cheng Chubi.

"Host, let's get started."

"Oh oh oh."

"Beat the drum, crush the boulder in the chest, and start."

"Dong dong dong."

Thunderous drums resounded throughout the stadium in an instant, and the audience was also instantly ignited, standing up one by one and shouting loudly.

"You bastards, let go of me, I will stop playing, this will kill you."

Cheng Chubi yelled loudly, he was really scared, this is not for fun.

Grandson Yan, don't you want to kill your own brother.

"It's late, Cheng Chubi, I advise you to calm down and gather your breath, otherwise, if you die, I don't blame the young master."

Changsun Yan looked at Cheng Chubi who was babbling, and spat again.

"You, then you will be sure."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi also stopped his disturbance, concentrated his energy, and waited for Changsun Yan's hammer.

"Yuchihuan, are you ready?"

"bring it on."


Li Siwen directly raised the hammer high, and then smashed it hard into the center of the stone slab.


With a crisp sound, the stone slab on Yuchihuan's chest instantly cracked, and then shattered to the ground.


"Young Lord Yuchi, you are really strong."

"That's right, mighty, domineering and invincible."

Yu Chihuan stood up slowly, his eyes were full of complacency.

"Cheng Chubi, are you ready?"

Changsun Yan also glanced around you, and spit on his hands.

"I am ready."

Cheng Chubi's eyes trembled, and he slowly replied.

"Hey, take a hammer from me."

Grabbing the hammer with both hands, he smashed it directly with force.


There was a loud noise, and Cheng Chubi only felt a huge force coming from his chest, but why the stone slab was unharmed.

"Changsun Yan, what kind of plane are you flying? Why isn't the stone slab broken?"

Cheng Chubi was depressed, he didn't understand what was going on, as before, everything was broken with one blow.

"It's okay, come again."

Changsun Yan was also worried for a while, and it was strange that the stone slab was unharmed.

It was a bit embarrassing to say that, so he quickly raised the hammer and smashed it on the stone slab.


There was another loud noise, and Cheng Chubi only felt a pain in his chest, but the slate still remained motionless.

"Changsun Yan, you are so meow, hurry up and let Li Siwen come, I can't take it anymore."

Cheng Chubi finally knew the reason now, Changsun Yan didn't have enough strength, so only the strength was transmitted, but the stone slab was not cracked.

"Don't talk nonsense, please come again."

Changsun Yan smashed it again with a hammer, but the stone slab was still intact, only Cheng Chubi almost fainted.

"Come again."

"Come again."

After smashing the hammer seven or eight times in a row, Cheng Chubi was about to vomit blood from the shock, and the stone slab cracked in response.

"Amazing, Mr. Cheng Xiaolang is mighty."

"That's right, she's still unharmed even after being hammered seven or eight times, she's really tough."

"Invincible, invincible."

The people around didn't know why, they just thought it was the effect of the show, and shouted loudly.

Cheng Chubi's eyes were bloodshot, he jumped up, grabbed the hammer and looked angrily at the culprit in front of him.

"Cheng Chengchubi, what are you going to do?"

Changsun Yan was startled by Cheng Chubi, and shivered back.

"It's nothing to do, everyone, do you want to see the eldest grandson come and smash a big stone in his chest?"

Hearing this, Changsun Yan also shuddered, and Sa Yazi wanted to escape, but was caught by Cheng Chubi.

"Eldest grandson can do it too."

"Fantastic, powerful, the eldest grandson is mighty."

"Young master grandson, domineering."

When the common people heard Cheng Chubi's shout, they also erupted again.

"Cheng Chubi, please forgive me."

Changsun Yan looked at Cheng Chubi with a miserable expression, his eyes full of despair.

He really regretted it now, why did he jump up to join in the fun when he had nothing to do.

This will be fine, get burned.

Thinking about his own physique, and looking at those slates, he couldn't help trembling.

"Excuse me? It's too late."

The corner of Cheng Chubi's mouth twitched, and he said to Changsun Yan: "Brother Li often said that the way of heaven is like reincarnation, and it is your cause and effect that the heaven spares anyone."

"Come here, hold Changsun Yan down for me."


Several imperial guards directly pressed Changsun Yan to the ground, frightening him to babble.

"Changsun Wuji, you have a good son. I didn't expect him to be so thin and weak, but he can also do such a thing of crushing a big stone in his chest."

"It's amazing, it's amazing, the stone slab weighs dozens of kilograms, it's really amazing."

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde looked at Changsun Wuji beside him and praised him without hesitation.

After all, his son is as strong as an ox, so it's okay to do this, but Changsun Yan also has the courage.

Really gave birth to a good son ah.

"This, huh, huh, I underestimate my son as different from ordinary people, these are just drizzle."

Listening to what the two said, although Changsun Wuji was also worried, but the child has such courage, the father should be fulfilled.

"Cheng Chubi, are you going to kill me?"

When a stone slab was pushed on, Changsun Yan felt a heavy pressure on his chest, which made him almost out of breath.

"What? Not enough for one piece?"

Cheng Chubi spat, and shouted to the surroundings: "Master Changsun wants two big stones to be broken on his chest, but don't press them on."

The imperial guards were also taken aback when they heard this, but they also shuddered seeing Cheng Chubi's murderous eyes, and hurriedly pressed another stone slab on it.

The weight of the two stone slabs almost crushed Changsun Yan.

"Cheng Chubi, be careful."

Yu Chihuan came to Cheng Chubi, looked at the pinned Changsun Yan, with hesitation in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I have considerations, it's just to make him suffer, it won't kill him."

Cheng Chubi glared at Yu Chihuan, is Lao Tzu such a superficial person?
Changsun Yan is his own brother, so he will not be given any less food that should be eaten, and will not be given any food that should not be eaten by him.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want."

Yu Chihuan stopped talking, he believed that Cheng Chubi had his own judgment.

Talking is useless.

"Changsun Yan, gather your energy in your chest, Lao Tzu is coming."


Changsun Yan was dumbfounded, gathered his breath in his chest, gathered your uncle.

I have never practiced martial arts. If you say that, I understand you.

"If you don't want to die, just do as I live, take a deep breath, hold it, and that's it."

Changsun Yan hurriedly followed suit, took a deep breath and held it in his chest, and then Cheng Chubi swung the sledgehammer, smashing Huashan Mountain directly on the stone slab.


Changsun Yan only felt a huge force coming, the air in his chest burst out instantly, and the stone slab on his body was also crackled and shattered to the ground.

"it is good."


"My grandson, mighty."

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