Chapter 390

The crowd erupted again with the sound of roaring and tsunami, and everyone was excited.

No one thought that Changsun Yan could really break a big stone in his chest, or two pieces.

Really mighty and domineering.

"it is good."

The eldest grandson Wuji was also overjoyed, his son was really promising.

He actually practiced such a good kung fu behind his back, no, he must let his son perform it again after returning home.

Let his old mother also see his son's ability.

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead."

Although Changsun Yan suffered severe chest pains, he did not die. He actually did it.

"Nonsense, this is Lao Tzu's skillful use of a hammer. If you were the one holding the hammer, you would probably be gone by now."

Touching his aching chest, Cheng Chubi let out a sigh of relief.

"The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has come to a successful conclusion. See you next year."

Looking at the messy venue, the host hurriedly announced the end of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

After the party, a group of people all gathered together.

Li Hong looked around Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan, and finally set his eyes on Changsun Yan.

"Changsun Yan, I didn't expect you to be so powerful? Can you break two big stones in your chest?"

Hearing Li Hong's words, Changsun Yan felt his chest hurt again.

You really can't speak, you kid, you know which pot to hold and which pot to lift.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, are you all okay?"

Li Yanran called Li Hong back and looked at the people in front of her, especially Changsun Yan.

To be honest, Li Yanran was a little surprised that he was so powerful.

At first, he thought that the boy's body would be sent back, and Changsun Wuji, the white-haired man, would send the black-haired man, but unexpectedly he held on.

"Brother Li, we are in good health, don't worry."

Changsun Yan straightened up, his eyes were full of lust.

"Stop bragging, why don't you feel grateful?"

Cheng Chubi is depressed, you really are a stinky fart, you don't know how to thank me.

If I knew this earlier, I should have smashed you to death with a hammer in the first place, so as to save you from embarrassing yourself here.

"Hehehe, if it wasn't for Brother Cheng, I wouldn't have been able to do that incredible thing."

Changsun Yan smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly rushed to Chubi to salute.

"That's what it looks like, I forgive you for your eight hammers."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing Cheng Chubi and the others playing together, Li Yanran also shook her head and coughed twice at them.

"Cheng Chubi, Li Siwen, I have an important matter for you to do, do you dare to do it?"

"Brother Li, what's the big deal?"

"That's right, let's hear it."

Cheng Chubi and Li Siwen immediately became interested when they heard that there was something important to do.

The major event Li Yanran mentioned must be a major event.

"I want you to find someone who will be of great use to me."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and said slowly to the two of them.

"Find someone?"

"Who is worthy of Brother Li's concern? Even our Four Heavenly Kings have never experienced such an honor."

The two were also taken aback, not knowing who it was that made Li Yanran so worried.

Even at the expense of dispatching them?

You know they are the pillars of the town.

What if the town collapses if he leaves.

"This person's name is Di Renjie, and he is now the Facao of the Governor's Mansion of Bingzhou. Hurry up and go,

No matter what method you use, you must bring people back to me, understand? "

"Di Renjie?"

"Facao of the Governor's Mansion of Bingzhou?"

The eyes of the few people who heard this name were full of doubts.

Never heard of it at all.

Besides, it's just a small state attorney, so what?

"You don't need to worry about the reason, just bring the person."

Li Yanran has no way to explain to them, as long as they bring them back.

"Okay, it's just a little facao, how about I bring back the governor of Bingzhou?"

Cheng Chubi curled his lips and smiled, a Facao is really not worthy of his presence, if he brings along with the governor of Bingzhou, he will be worthy of his status.

"You are so meow."

Li Yanran jumped up and slapped Cheng Chubi on the forehead.

"I only want Di Renjie, others don't. If you dare to make up your own mind, this princess will not let you go."

Seeing this idiot like this, Li Yanran's thoughts on Di Renjie became more urgent.

Take the time to reconcile before it really is too late.

"Brother Li Li, hey, I see."

Li Siwen frowned and wanted to say something, but hesitated for a while and still didn't speak.

"Your Highness, several Dukes and County Kings are here."

A guard came in and told about Cheng Yaojin's visit.

"Quick, follow me to welcome you."

Li Yanran hurried out after hearing this, but in a blink of an eye, Cheng Chubi and the others had already run wildly.

"Brother Li, tell my father, I have to leave beforehand."

"That's right, don't say I've been here."

"I, ah, Dad."

"What are you bastards going to do?"

"Don't hit me, daddy don't hit me."

After a burst of noise, a few princes of the state were in front, but Changsun Yan followed slowly with their heads down.

"Several princes of the state have come to visit, and we are far away to welcome them."

Li Yanran hurriedly took Li Hong to greet them.

"Your Majesty, the old man has already said that, if you do this again, we will not dare to come."

Seeing Li Yanran and Li Hong like this, Changsun Wuji and the others rushed to salute.

What a joke, even if I am an old thief, I can't stand your salute.

"Several, why are you here?"

After everyone was seated, Li Yanran asked them obediently.

"Without him, just look at these bastards."

Changsun Wuji glanced at Changsun Yan beside him, and his eyes were filled with sorrow and joy.

"Oh, then Yan Ran won't bother you, brother Hong will leave."

Li Yanran looked at the four people who were full of evil spirits, and immediately understood, and she was about to escape with Li Hong.

Seeing Li Yanran's expression, everyone was taken aback, Chang Sunyan and the others were even paler, without a trace of blood.

"Congratulations, Your Highness."

Several people hurriedly stood up and saluted the two, then looked at their evil sons with unkind faces.

"Nizi, don't kneel down yet."

"Father, please forgive me."

"You will not be spared today if you corrupt the family style in public."

"Look at the fist."

"Don't fight, it hurts."

Hearing the wailing sound inside, Li Hong also glanced at Li Yanran beside him, not understanding why she had changed her sex this time, and the excitement was unbearable.

"Sister, you."

"Don't talk too much, it's time for Bengong to take a beauty sleep, when can't we watch these excitements."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, and didn't even look at what time it was.

If she doesn't sleep anymore, if she develops wrinkles, who will compensate herself, maintenance should start from a young age, Li Yanran firmly believes in this.

"Okay okay."

Li Hong glanced back, gritted his teeth, and followed Li Yanran away.

At dawn the next day, Cheng Chubi and Li Siwen directly stepped on their horses and left the Lishan fief with dozens of disguised soldiers of the Imperial Army, heading towards Bingzhou.

Cheng Chubi and the others walked quickly, eating and sleeping in the open all the way, crossing the city without entering,
Not for anything else but to get to Bingzhou as soon as possible and bring back Di Renjie that Li Yanran wanted.

Along the way, I also encountered some mountain bandits and robbers, but they were all defeated by the opponent, killing a lot of people.

"This Bingzhou is so chaotic, the bandits dare to rob on the official road?"

Cheng Chubi wiped the steel knife in his hand, his eyes were full of depression.

"Don't think too much, these bandits have existed from the beginning to the end, and they are like weeds, they will regenerate as soon as they are cut, and it is impossible to eradicate them."

Li Siwen also frowned, but these bandits existed even in Chang'an, let alone this small Bingzhou.

"No, when the time comes, Brother Li must open up a new one, so as to deal with the banditry in Bingzhou."

Cheng Chubi clenched his fists tightly, looked around and made a decision.

Be sure to let Brother Li come out with a business way, and frighten these small-timers.

"I'll talk about those later. This Bingzhou is too far away from Chang'an. Even Brother Li may be out of reach. Let's start from the nearby place."

Li Siwen shook his head, it was not easy to open up business.

The last time they opened up a commercial road from Lishan to Wugong County, how much effort was wasted and how many prisoners were captured.

The more than 2000 people are still in the fiefdom to reform themselves. If they come to Bingzhou again, the fiefdom will not be able to support them.

"I'll talk about this later. Jinyang is ahead. I want to see who Di Renjie is."

Cheng Chubi felt cold when he thought of Di Renjie, but he wanted to see why a little Facao was worthy of Brother Li's trouble.

"That's right. I'm also very curious about this Di Renjie, so let us brothers meet him well."


A group of cavalry rushed into the city of Jinyang across the long yellow sand.

Jinyang City is the place where Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, lived. In the Tang Dynasty, it was even called Beijing, and it was the accompanying capital of the Tang Dynasty.

Although the prosperous scenery is not as good as Chang'an, it is much better than other places.

"This Jinyang City is not bad."

"Well, this place is indeed very prosperous, but it has a hint of Xinfeng."

A few people entered the city and wandered among the crowd with their horses, feeling a little happy.

"Brother, do you know where the Facao Yamen of the Governor's Mansion of Bingzhou is located?"

Li Siwen grabbed a passerby and opened his mouth to ask where the Facao Yamen was.

"Young gentleman, do you have any grievances that you want to complain about? If you have grievances, you should go to Mr. Di."

Hearing Li Siwen's question about Facao's Yamen, the pedestrian also smiled and responded quickly.

"Master Di you are talking about is Di Renjie?"

Looking at the pedestrian, Li Siwen was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that Di Renjie was still a celebrity in Jinyang.

"That's right, it's Lord Di Renjie Di."

"Then there is Brother Lao, take us to the Facao Yamen."

"Fine, follow me."

Cheng Chubi and Li Siwen looked at each other and followed closely.

"That's the Facao Yamen. Judging by the situation, today is another open day, and we can see Mr. Di trial the case."

"Xiao Langjun, you are at the right place."

After saying that, the passerby squeezed towards the crowd.


The two were dumbfounded, and followed the man to squeeze past.

"Don't squeeze."

"Who is this, why are you squeezing?"

"That's right, I really don't know what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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