My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 391 Let the dead talk!

Amid the scolding of the crowd, Li Siwen and Cheng Chubi also cheekily squeezed to the front.

"Wang Liushan, my official is Di Renjie, Cao Cao of Bingzhou, and he is now publicly interrogating the massacre of a family of [-] in Liujia Village."

In front of the two of them, a young man in an official uniform was sitting in the middle, and a middle-aged man in a prison uniform was kneeling at the foot of the hall.

"Di Renjie, I know you are a god at judging cases, but so what, I am the heir of the Wang family, how dare you try me? Are you afraid of losing your official hat?"

A trace of disdain flashed in Wang Liushan's eyes, he was a member of the Wang family, and even the governor of Bingzhou wanted to give him some favors from the Wang family.

Just because you are a little seventh-rank Fa Cao, you dare to interrogate yourself in public.

"A lot of nonsense, as a member of the Wang family, you should justify the name of the Wang family, instead of doing that unconscionable act,
The world is so big that the law comes first, do you think the Wang family can protect you? "

Hearing this, Di Renjie also threw the gavel in his hand on the table, and shouted at Wang Liushan with his eyes wide open.

"Joke, Di Renjie, I advise you not to make mistakes, otherwise Yan Liben will not be able to save you, so let me go quickly, and I may introduce you to you."

For what Di Renjie said, Wang Liushan didn't care at all.

The world is so big that the law is the first, I am a child of the royal family, you dare to say that, if I were a child of the royal family, would you dare to say that?

"Full of nonsense, since Di Renjie decided to try your case on an open day today, don't you know the reason?

This official is to let the people see that no matter who you are, this law is a sharp sword hanging over your head, and you cannot allow it to be trampled on. "

A sneer flashed across Di Renjie's eyes. The reason why he put this case on the open day for trial was to not give the Wang family any room to act.

This case is heinous, if it is handled by the Wang family, the real culprit will be allowed to go unpunished, and he, Di Renjie, is ashamed of the official robe of Fa Cao.

"Hehehehe, all 17 members of the Liu family were exterminated. Do you have any evidence to identify me as the murderer?"

When Wang Liushan saw that Di Renjie was toasting and refused to eat the fine wine, he laughed wildly and asked Di Renjie to show evidence.

"Really? Wang Liushan, although 17 members of the Liu family were exterminated, sometimes not only the living can speak, but the dead can also speak, don't you know?"

"Dead people can talk? Di Renjie, do you really think you can summon ghosts to confront the ghosts? Don't make fun of me."

Even if you beat Zhang Liushan to death, you don't believe that the dead can still speak. Could it be that you, Di Renjie, are the judge of the underworld?

Really ridiculous.

"Of course Di Renjie can't do it, but I can still let the dead talk."

"Hahahaha, if you can let that dead man correct me, then I will be willing to obey the law."

"Really? Then I will let you see how this dead man corrects you, an outlaw."

After Di Renjie finished speaking, he started his own interrogation. By comparing and matching the clues obtained from the corpse,

In the end, Zhang Liushan also sat on the ground slumped, without a trace of blood on his face.

"Zhang Liushan, you disregarded human relations, trampled on the law, and killed 17 members of the Liu family.
The evidence of the crime is convincing, and now I sentence you to be executed immediately, and report to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for review, and you will be executed after autumn. "

"Master Di is really alive in the world."

"Damn Zhang Liushan, he is simply inferior to a beast."

"Good sentence, this kind of person should be killed."

Hearing that Wang Liushan was finally sentenced to execution, and Qiuhou asked to be executed, all the people applauded.

You must know that Wang Liushan is considered a local evil in Jinyang by relying on his status as a royal family, bullying men and women, and running rampant.

Now that he is finally punished by the law, how can he not be happy.

"This Di Renjie is quite a character."


The two saw that Di Renjie was not afraid of power, and brazenly sentenced Wang's heirs to beheaded, they were really a hero.

Moreover, watching him decide the case was like peeling off the cocoon, dissecting the case layer by layer, and in the end Zhang Liushan had nothing to say.

Brother Li really didn't miss the person, just like the four of them.

"Let's go, I'll meet Di Renjie later."

The two nodded and squeezed out of the crowd again.

"Master Di, I have a greeting card for you."

After finishing Zhang Liushan's case, Di Renjie sat in front of the case file again, looking through the case files collected from various places.

"If it is a member of the Wang family, I will push it away. This case is too insane. If Zhang Liushan does not kill him, it will not be enough to anger the people, and it will not be enough to clarify the law."

Di Renjie didn't even look at the little official. Since he chose to interrogate Zhang Liushan publicly, he didn't think about retreating.

After all, maintaining the law is his own job, no matter who comes to intercede.

"My lord, it's not the invitation from the Wang family, but the sons of Duke Lu and Duke Ying."

The little official shook his head, this is the top dignitary of Datang, the noble son of the Duke.

"The son of Lu Guogong and British Duke?"

Hearing these two famous names, even Di Renjie was taken aback.

The sons of the two princes are not in Chang'an, so why come here to Jinyang.

Could it be that they followed Zhang Liushan for a reason?
"Tell them that the official is busy with official duties and can't get out, so let's reject them."

For the reason that one thing more is worse than one thing less, Di Renjie didn't want to cause any trouble, so he simply asked the little official to refuse.

"My lord, that is the noble son of the Duke of the state. Isn't it a little bit for you to do this?"

The little official was dumbfounded, he really is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

You have offended the Wang family now, and you still want the two young masters to be rejected.

You really don't know how to write dead characters.

If you don't offend people, you won't give up at all.

"It's okay, let's just put it this way, I don't have time to deal with those dudes."


Seeing this, the little official was also helpless, he chose the path himself, and he could only bear the result.

"What are you talking about? Di Renjie is really high-spirited when he is busy with official duties."

Li Siwen frowned as he looked at the little official in front of him.

Not only did Di Renjie not come out to greet him when he heard his identity, but he even shut the door, he really is a hero.

Cheng Chubi also clenched his fists beside him, no one in Chang'an dared not give himself face.

No, this is not to lose face, but to rub the faces of our Chang'an Four Heavenly Kings on the ground?
"Cheng Chubi, why are you standing still? We are not allowed to return a gift when they shut us down."

Glancing at Cheng Chubi, Li Siwen's mouth also flashed a trace of coldness.



A smirk flashed across Cheng Chubi's face, and he threw the little official flying with one punch, and then rushed directly into the Facao's yamen.

"What do you want? How dare you force your way into Facao's office."

"Take them down."

The yamen servant next to him was also taken aback when he saw this, and hurried over to stop him, but they were all thrown away by Cheng Chubi's pair of iron fists.

"What's so noisy?"

Hearing the screams outside, Di Renjie was also agitated for a while, and slowly stood up.

"My lord, two people have broken into the Facao Yamen."



Di Renjie was wondering, when he saw the door was knocked open, and the yamen servant fell in front of him.

"Who is so bold that he dares to commit murder in Facao Yamen?"

Looking at the two people in front of him, Di Renjie couldn't help frowning.

Judging from this posture, he should be the noble son of Duke Lu and Duke Yingying.

"I'm Li Siwen."

"Cheng Chubi."

Li Siwen and Cheng Chubi were standing at the door, and outside were a group of government servants covering their mouths and eyes.

"Di Renjie, we're just here to meet you, aren't you going to make a big fuss?"

Looking at the situation outside, Li Siwen smiled and walked directly towards Di Renjie.

"You go back first."

Everyone came to the door, Di Renjie felt a little helpless, and directly ordered the yamen soldiers outside to retreat temporarily.


Hearing this, the yamen servants also retreated slowly, leaving only the three of them in this room.

"Don't panic, sit down and talk."

Li Siwen sat on a chair and motioned for Di Renjie to sit down and talk.

"If the two noble sons came here for the sake of Wang Liushan, then don't open your mouth. This son has committed a heinous crime, and there is no room for change."

Di Renjie looked at Li Siwen and said what he meant directly.

Don't think that you will give in because you are the sons of the Duke, there is no way.

"Wang Liushan? Hahahaha."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Li Siwen and Cheng Chubi looked at each other and laughed together.

It turned out that the reason why Di Renjie didn't see them was because he was afraid that he would intercede with that beast. He really underestimated them.

"Why are you two noble sons laughing so loudly? Didn't you come here for him?"

Seeing the two laughing, Di Renjie was a little confused.

Did you think wrong?

If it wasn't for Wang Liushan, what kind of greeting card would they send me, the little Facao?

"Di Renjie, you are thinking too much. This person has nothing to do with us. Such a beast should be killed. We are here only for you."

"Come here for me? I hope Mr. Xiaolang will make it clear."

Di Renjie was stunned, you are the top dignitaries in Datang, you came here from Chang'an to Jinyang with nothing to do, just for me?
I'm just a Bingzhou lawyer, so I can't be like you.

No, there must be something strange about it.

"His Royal Highness Princess Lishan, do you know?"

Li Siwen also smiled when he looked at the bewildered Di Renjie.

How about the confident state of your decision?How did this become like this?

"Princess Lishan? But which Princess Yanran was conferred on Lishan?"

Hearing this name, Di Renjie frowned again.

You come to me, what does it mean to mention Princess Lishan.

There's something strange about this.

"That's right, Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan has taken a fancy to you."

Cheng Chubi showed a naive smile, and directly stated his reason for coming.


Rao Di Renjie was smart and quick-witted, so he couldn't figure out what kind of medicine the two of them were selling in their gourds.

Did Princess Lishan admire me?It shouldn't be.

It's not that this princess is only nine years old, how could she have such an idea.

He could no longer see the strangeness in it.

"Don't think about it, my brother Li knows that you are talented and shouldn't be buried in Bingzhou, so I want you to go to Lishan with us to develop. How, are you very excited?"

Cheng Chubi came to Di Renjie's side, patted him on the shoulder, and showed a simple and honest smile.

"This this."

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