My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 392 Let's meet again?

Chapter 392 Let's meet again?

Di Renjie was depressed, he was just a little Fa Cao.

If it is said that the reputation in Bingzhou is quite loud, but if it is said that it has spread to Chang'an, he does not believe it at all.

As for the princess looking at her talent, it was even more nonsense.

Although he asked himself that he had the ability to master the world, it was just asking himself.

How could Her Royal Highness know about it.

Was it Yan Gong's recommendation?
This is also unreasonable, Yan Gong will also recommend it to the court, and it is impossible to recommend it to a princess.

This strange thing is really deeper than the sea.

"Stop pretending, I have already seen through your heart, clean up immediately, and return to Chang'an with me."

Cheng Chubi stretched out his right hand, and slowly touched Di Renjie's chest.

"Di Renjie is the law officer of Bingzhou. It is impossible to abandon the Bingzhou prison and go to Chang'an.
As for the princess's favor, Di Renjie appreciated it,

You two gentlemen, please go back."

Di Renjie looked depressed, what is called seeing through my heart, you saw through a hammer.

When did I say I was going back to Chang'an.

How can the Facao of the Governor's Mansion of Bingzhou give up at will.

I really don't know what to say.

"What did you say? Is this not giving us face?"

Cheng Chubi directly grabbed Di Renjie's collar, his eyes were full of anger.

Brother Li gave you such a big face, but you don't want it.

Do you really think you are a character?
A small seventh-rank official like you, normally we wouldn't even take a look at it.

You're still on the shelf.

"Xiao Langjun, everyone has their own aspirations, you can't force it, my heart is not in the officialdom, please go back."

Di Renjie glanced at Cheng Chubi, there was no trace of fear in his eyes, as if he was not the one who was arrested at all.

"court death."

As Cheng Chubi said, he wanted to let Di Renjie taste the punch the size of a sandbag.


Li Siwen suddenly opened his mouth and stopped Cheng Chubi.

"Di Renjie, think about it again, we will see you again."

Li Siwen kicked Cheng Chubi and walked out.

"Hmph, you'd better not be ignorant of compliments, or you won't be so lucky next time."

Cheng Chubi threw Di Renjie aside and left with Li Siwen.


Di Renjie adjusted his official uniform, feeling depressed for a while.

These two people are really difficult to deal with. It seems that I have to find a way to deal with them, otherwise it will be difficult for me to solve the case properly if I am tossed by them.

"Li Siwen, why don't you let me beat him up? Such a literati is too lofty. After beating him, he will figure everything out."

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Siwen beside him, his face full of doubts.

"It was just now at the Facao Yamen, you beat up Di Renjie in public, do you really think you can beat this Bingzhou elite soldier?

Also, Di Renjie is different from the fake nobility we usually see. Even if you beat him to death, he probably won't agree to go back to Lishan with us. "

Li Siwen shook his head, Di Renjie should not be underestimated, otherwise, how could Brother Li send himself all the way to Jinyang to bring someone back.

People who can resist such temptations are not easy to do.

"Then what do you want to do? Don't talk to me about big reasons. I just want to bring him back and complete Brother Li's mission."

Cheng Chubi was depressed, it was beyond his imagination that this person was so difficult to deal with.

"I haven't thought of a way yet, let's think about it in the long run."

Li Siwen shook his head, dealing with such a capable person, it must be difficult for him to change his mind and go with him,

But it's okay, he believes that as long as he thinks, there will always be a way.

After all, human beings have weaknesses, as long as he can find Di Renjie's weaknesses, then this matter will be accomplished.

"I don't have so much time for you to think long-term. From what I see, let's tie him up and bring him back to Mount Li. Brother Li will find a way to take down Di Renjie."

Cheng Chubi glared at Li Siwen, what you said is nonsense.

Also take a long-term plan, plan your elbow.

Li Yanran is still waiting to go back, it's not for you to travel around.

"Cheng Chubi, don't be impulsive, what is the identity of Di Renjie, and the state governor's mansion, robbing officials of the Tang Dynasty, do you know what crime it is?
This is a big crime for both us and Brother Li. Do you want to cause trouble for Brother Li? "

Li Siwen just wants to kill Cheng Chubi now, and Temiao's kidnapping and state law enforcement officer, thanks to your stupidity, you can figure it out.

"Li Siwen, you've been so smart for a while, you didn't even understand Brother Li's intentions?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Siwen with contempt.

"What do you mean?"

Li Siwen was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Cheng Chubi was in a state of dementia again.

I didn't even see what Brother Li meant.

"Brother Li is such a smart person. Since she knows Di Renjie, how can she not know that Di Renjie will not give in easily?

That's why he told us to take Di Renjie back no matter what method we use. This means that if we can't do something, we can use unconventional means, and kidnapping is one of them. "

A smug flash of pride flashed in Cheng Chubi's eyes, it's useless for you to claim to be the smartest of the Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an, but you didn't even see this.

It seems that it is time for a replacement for the throne of the number one smartest person.


Li Siwen gasped, now that what Cheng Chubi said seemed to make sense.

Sure enough, Brother Li is Brother Li, and every word is worth thinking about.

This time, I was not as stupid as Cheng Chubi.

"Cheng Chubi, it seems that you are not really stupid."

Li Siwen gave Cheng Chubi a look that you can do, and he has already started planning in his mind how to get rid of this Di Renjie.

"Then did you agree with my plan? No, you are the fool."

Cheng Chubi punched Li Siwen on the head.

You are the one who is really stupid, my son is called Dazhi Ruoyu.

You know shit.

"Well, let's do this."

"Okay, just do as you say."

"Hey, Di Renjie, let's see what you do this time."

The two looked at each other, and laughed sinisterly at the same time. The passers-by looked at them with contempt and kept them at a respectful distance.

"My lord, it's getting late, won't you go back?"

A small official pushed open the door and saluted Di Renjie.

"It's so late? It's time for me to go back and rest."

Looking at the sky outside, Di Renjie creased the file in his hand and slowly closed it.

"My lord, would you like me to arrange for someone to give you a ride?"

The little official smiled slightly, this grown-up is really worrying, as soon as he starts working, he has no concept of time, and he has to remind him to go home.

"What? You are a three-year-old child as an official, and you will be escorted home?"

Di Renjie glanced at the little official and was taken aback, what does this guy mean.

"My lord, you just sentenced Wang Liushan to death today, and today you have two noble sons visiting, I'm afraid they will harm you."

The clerk scratched his head in embarrassment and explained.

"No, it's nothing more than young people, I want to see how brave they really are."

A gleam of coldness flashed in Di Renjie's eyes. If someone really wanted to harm him, even if he was escorted by the yamen servants, it would only add casualties.

Rather than that, he might as well have passed by himself.

If he was really ambushed by the members of the Wang family, it would just give the court a chance.

This is called although there are thousands of people, I go alone.

"Yes, my lord, be careful."

The little official had nothing to say, so he saluted and sent Di Renjie off.

Di Renjie got into the sedan chair, and slowly left from the Facao Yamen. During this period, he also went to the wine shop on purpose, and waited until the sun set before heading towards his mansion.

After he returned to the mansion, it was already Yueshang Liushao.

"You all go back and rest."


Watching the bearers go away, Di Renjie also shook his head.

It seems that the members of the Wang family did not dare to do anything against the world.

I look up to them.

Just a bunch of gutless rats.

Pushing open the door and entering, a sack fell from the sky, directly trapping Di Renjie inside.

"Who dares to attack this official?"

Di Renjie roared, but immediately his eyes went dark and he passed out.


A carriage came, and two figures threw Di Renjie into the carriage and ran to the side.

"How did I hear the master's voice?"

A servant poked his head out and looked outside, his eyes full of doubts.

"I seem to have heard it too, but there's no one here."

The other servant was also stunned.

"Maybe I heard it wrong, but why hasn't the master come back now, I'm afraid he will spend the night in the yamen again."

"Well, rest early."

The carriage came to the backyard of an inn, and carefully moved the sack into it.

"Hey, Li Siwen, you are really insidious. You actually chose the location of the ambush at the gate of his mansion."

The two men in black took off the veils on their faces, who else could it be if it wasn't Cheng Chubi and Li Siwen.

"It's called being unawares and attacking unpreparedness. Today, if he sentenced Wang Liushan to death, he will definitely guard the Wang family against him.
When he got home, he must have been negligent in guarding against it, and it was not easy to take it down. "

Li Siwen also smiled slightly, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Or you're still kid, amazing."

Cheng Chubi patted Li Siwen on the shoulder, and he did not hesitate to praise him.

"Stop talking nonsense, tie him up first, and don't let him run away."

As soon as the two opened the sack, a cold light flashed out and stabbed towards Li Siwen.

Cheng Chubi shot like lightning, directly grabbed Di Renjie's right hand, and then twisted hard to remove the short knife from his hand.


Di Renjie was confused, why are these two in front of him.

Shouldn't he be a member of the royal family?

Who the hell is going to tell me why.

"Good boy, I was almost deceived by you."

Li Siwen broke out in a cold sweat looking at the dagger on the ground. Fortunately, Cheng Chubi reacted quickly, otherwise he would have to be popular.

"You two young masters, why did you kidnap me? We know that kidnapping an official of the court is a serious crime, even if you are the Duke behind you, you will not be spared."

Since it was these two people, Di Renjie calmed down instead.

At least they have no reason to kill themselves.

"Di Renjie, I said we would meet again, it's just a different way."

(End of this chapter)

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