My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 393 Kidnapping

Looking at Di Renjie who looked wary, Li Siwen's eyes were full of coldness.

"Hehe, I don't like this way. I hope you two don't make mistakes and let Di Renjie go quickly. I'll take it as a joke."

Di Renjie didn't want to talk so much nonsense with the two of them. These rich and noble sons were really unscrupulous in their actions, even more domineering than those from aristocratic families.

"Didn't I say, Your Royal Highness wants you to go there, since you don't eat the toast, you can only eat fine wine, tied up."

Li Siwen glared, and Cheng Chubi immediately rushed towards Di Renjie.

"I surrender."

Di Renjie watched Cheng Chubi rushing towards him, and directly raised his hands.

Because he has no ability to resist the opponent at all. After all, he is so small that he is not good at beating.

Now that the other party has made up his mind, he can only go to Mount Li.

"That's right."

Cheng Chubi smiled slightly, took out the rope that he had prepared earlier, and tied Di Renjie tightly.

"Xiao Langjun, discuss it, can you keep your mouth shut."

Di Renjie moved his shoulders, it was really tight.

"What do you say?"

Cheng Chubi directly took out a sackcloth from his waist, and forced it into Di Renjie's mouth.

The next day, Cheng Chubi and Li Siwen sent someone to write a letter to Di Renjie's residence, then boarded a carriage and left Jinyang, heading towards Chang'an.

"Where's Di Renjie? I have something to ask him."

Sun Qianming, governor of Bingzhou, came to Facao's Yamen, his eyes were full of desolation.

The members of the Wang family have already found him, and they want to let him pass the position of governor, suppress Di Renjie, and give Wang Liushan a way out.

He really has no choice but to come here for a while, whether it is successful or not depends on Wang Liushan's fortune.

"Reporting to the governor, Master Di hasn't come back since he left the Yamen yesterday, could it be that?"

Glancing at the governor of Bingzhou, the little official suddenly thought of a terrible situation.

Di Renjie was usually the most punctual, but it was already high in the sun and no one came. Could it be that he was really ambushed?
"Is it what?"

Sun Qianming was also taken aback when she looked at the little official, and she didn't know why she turned pale with fright.


The little official quickly expressed his thoughts.

"What did you say? They dare."

Sun Qianming froze when he heard the little official's thoughts.

Although he is afraid of the might of the Wang family, this world belongs to Li Tang, if they really dare to do such a thing that violates the law of the country.

He will definitely not let it go, after all, no matter how powerful the Wang family is, it must be under Li Tang's rule of law.

"Captain, it's better to quickly send someone to Mr. Di's house to inquire."

"Come on, go to Di Renjie's mansion immediately."

The carriage rushed straight to Di Renjie's mansion, seeing the letter sent by his servants, Sun Qianming was furious.

What nonsense went to Chang'an to join His Royal Highness, who would believe such nonsense.

Wang family, if you want to play, don't blame the governor.

"Come here, thoroughly investigate the whole of Jinyang, and find Di Renjie for me. If you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies."


After a period of ups and downs, Cheng Chubi and the others finally returned to Mount Li.

"Brother Li, Cheng Chubi and the others are back."

Yuchihuan rushed to Li Yanran's side, excitedly telling the news of Cheng Chubi's return.

"Back? Where is he?"

Li Yanran was also excited and rushed out immediately.

Li Hong also followed closely, his eyes full of tension.

If Cheng Chubi really kidnapped Di Renjie, then he would be doomed.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, we're back."

The carriage stopped outside the school yard, and Li Siwen and Cheng Chubi ran over together.

"Where are people, where are people, have you brought them back?"

Li Yanran stared straight at the carriage in front of her.

Di Renjie, are you finally going to see him?
"If we go out, we will succeed immediately."

Cheng Chubi got into the carriage again as he spoke, and then walked down carrying Di Renjie who was tied into a rice dumpling.

"I knew it, I knew it."

Looking at the person in front of him, Li Hong sat slumped on the ground.

He knew that these two idiots would definitely screw things up, and it was over now.

Kidnapping the imperial court official, the pot himself will be beaten to death.

"You two idiots, who told you to treat him like this."

Li Yanran hurried over and pulled the sackcloth out of Di Renjie's mouth.

Looking at Li Yanran in front of him, Di Renjie knew that this was the real master, Princess Lishan.

It is not a fool to listen to these words.

Just about to say thank you, but Li Yanran said again: "Besides, if you kidnap someone, you will just kidnap him, and he can run away after leaving Jinyang? Why are you so nervous?"


Now Di Renjie is not calm anymore, as expected, he is acting like a boss, and there are subordinates as long as there is a master.

The reason why they acted so recklessly is because of Li Yanran.

Really depressed to death.

"Di Renjie, don't panic, I'm here to untie you."

"Cheng Chubi, you idiot, why are you tied up so tightly? You're not a wild boar, why don't you hurry over here."

"Oh oh oh."

After some actions, Di Renjie also managed to get out of trouble. Looking at Li Yanran in front of him, although he was reluctant, he respectfully saluted him.

"Foreign Minister Di Renjie pays homage to Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan."

"Don't see outsiders like this. As the saying goes, if you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, if you don't have the destiny to meet each other across the face, do you think we are destined?"

Li Yanran took a closer look at Di Renjie, he looked like Zhou Zheng, but definitely not a handsome guy.


Di Renjie just wants to scold her now.

Go to your fate to meet thousands of miles away, are you meeting?
This is clearly a premeditated kidnapping thousands of miles away.

The distance of thousands of miles is only for you.

I really can't bear your fate.

"What? Isn't it?"

Li Yanran tilted her head, this Di Renjie didn't look as smart as he thought.

Could it be that they found the wrong person?

"Your Highness, you said that if you are destined, it is destined, but you brought me here all the way, why?"

Di Renjie shook his head, no longer entangled in the word fate.

"Hehe, Cheng Chubi is preparing a hot pot. I want to welcome Di Renjie, and of course you as well."


Cheng Chubi was immediately excited when he heard the word "hot pot". After so many days of eating and sleeping in the open, his mouth has already faded out.

Eat a good meal, just make up for your belly.

"Let's go, it's not good to stand here and talk."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, took the lead and walked in, passing by Li Hong and directly twisting his ears.


Di Renjie glanced at Yuchihuan and Li Siwen beside him, and at the imperial guards around him,

Knowing that he has no chance of escape at all, he can only let it go as soon as it comes.

A group of people entered the main hall, Li Yanran sat down, looking at Di Renjie who was restrained, his eyes were full of joy.

"Di Renjie, don't panic, sit down and talk."

"Your Highness, the ministers should stand still."

Di Renjie shook his head, you are surrounded by tigers and wolves, if I can sit down, how much I would appreciate it.

"Okay, I'll open the skylight and speak honestly. I know you are talented. Being a Bingzhou Law Cao is too wronged for you.

So I want you to come to me, how?think about it? "

With a slight smile, Li Yanran directly expressed her thoughts.

"Di Renjie thanked Your Highness for your kindness, but I have little talent and knowledge, and I only have some attainments in criminal law, so Your Highness should find someone else."

Di Renjie was depressed, he had already said this, he was an official not for climbing the ranks, but for the common people.

Even if there is a better development with Li Yanran, he will not obey.

Li Yanran was only a little angry.

Well, only a billion points.

But it doesn't matter, I have too many hole cards, let's throw them one by one.

"Di Renjie, do you know who he is?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and touched Li Hong beside her.

"Who is this?"

Di Renjie glanced at the little kid sitting next to Li Yanran and was also taken aback, but who has such a status and is on an equal footing with Princess Datang.

Could it be that.

"I believe you have already guessed it. He is my younger brother, the crown prince Li Hong."


Sure enough, this child is the emperor and empress's son, the current crown prince Li Hong.

"Foreign Minister Di Renjie pays his respects to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Now that he knew Li Hong's identity, Di Renjie also bowed down, showing absolute respect.

After all, Li Hong and Li Yanran have different identities, and he is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme of Datang in the future.

"Di Renjie, since you know the identity of this palace, you can obey my orders."

Li Hong also coughed and put his hands in his pockets, as if he was the only one in the world.

"Di Renjie will naturally obey the prince's will."

Di Renjie was dumbfounded, why is this little brat so cheap.

You are the current crown prince, dare I say no?
But you better stop talking nonsense, or I really don't know what to do.

"Then the will of this palace is that you resign immediately and come under my elder sister's command. After I become a great treasure, I will make you the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty."


Sure enough, the prince and the princess are together, but what you said is too childish.

Let me be the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, thanks to you, you can tell.

Are you playing house?Just seal it?
Why don't you say let me be the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Really drunk.

"Di Renjie, don't doubt the prince's words. I believe that you have the potential to be the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty. How about it? But you still have to hesitate."

Li Yanran stroked Li Hong's hair again, the little brat did a good job, I will reward you with a big chicken drumstick later.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie said that this is not my wish, and I hope that your Highnesses will not make things difficult for me."

Di Renjie was a little speechless looking at the two nobles, one big and one small, in front of him, but these were indeed not what he thought.

When the prime minister, he asked himself that he could achieve it with his own efforts, and there was no need to take this shortcut.

"Di Renjie, if you dare to resist the order, is this disrespecting my palace?"

Li Hong became angry in an instant, it's fine if you don't give elder sister face, but if you don't give me face, do you really think I dare not hit you?

"Your Highness, it's not about saving face, it's going against my heart. I hope you will forgive me."

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