Di Renjie lowered his head depressed, not daring to look into Li Hong's eyes.

After all, the other party is the prince of the Tang Dynasty. If the future emperor offends him, maybe he will be finished in the future.

But even so, he has no regrets, this is him.

The upright Di Renjie.

"Di Renjie, Di Renjie, your temper is really tough, then I can only use a unique move."

Li Yanran shook her head, this Di Renjie's temper is really tough enough, this may be the reason why he was frequently demoted and promoted.

Relying on talents without being arrogant, is to be too outspoken, which will touch the interests of so many people.

"Trick? Sister, I know."

Hearing that Li Yanran was about to use a unique move, Li Hong immediately became excited.

"Come here, drag Di Renjie out and give him a hard [-] blow."

Li Hong pointed forward with his right hand, his eyes were full of sisters, I understand your look.



At this moment, everyone was stunned. The trick is to hit the board?

This. This also.

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong directly on the head, her eyes were full of anger.

Is my trick so superficial? What's on your mind all day long.

"Sister, why did you hit me again? Isn't your ultimate move to hit the board?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with a full face of grievance, isn't your unique move just to hit the board?
"Playing the board, I know how to play the board all day long, so someone will put Di Renjie under custody first."

Li Yanran kicked Li Hong aside.


Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan hurried over and escorted Di Renjie away.

"Come here, prepare the carriage, I want to go back to Chang'an."


"Brother Li, why are you going back to Chang'an?"

Li Siwen was taken aback, wondering why Li Yanran was returning to Chang'an now.

"When I go back to Chang'an, I will naturally use a unique move. Don't worry, this Di Renjie can't escape from the palm of my palace."

Li Yanran sneered, her eyes full of pride.

Di Renjie, I, Li Yanran, have never been unable to get what I want.

You can't run away.

The carriage came, Li Yanran took Li Hong into the carriage, and headed towards Chang'an under the guard of the imperial army.

"Empress Empress, Princess Lishan and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are asking to see you."

Wu Zetian was reviewing the memorial, and the servant came slowly.

"Yanran and Hong'er are back? Let them come over."

Wu Zetian was taken aback, the child didn't have much time to leave, why did he come back again?

Could it be that he wants to be a mother himself?
"Mother, mother, son Chen is back to see you."

A small figure flashed across suddenly and plunged directly into Wu Zetian's arms.

"Yan Ran, Hong'er."

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, while stroking Li Hong in her arms, while looking at Li Yanran.

"Aniang, let's come to see you, whether you are surprised or not."

Li Yanran smiled sweetly, and moved to Wu Zetian's side to salute her.

"There are indeed surprises, but where do we start with surprises? Don't you think it's right for you to come back to see me?"

Wu Zetian hugged Li Yanran into her arms as well, enjoying the beauty of her son and daughter's joy.

"Aniang, do you still remember that you promised me a small request during the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Li Yanran tilted her head, looking at Wu Zetian in front of her.

If you have an accident, it will happen immediately, but don't be angry.

"Sure enough, you are a smart person, you didn't come back to see Auntie."

Wu Zetian was taken aback for a moment, she really did not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, she thought that the other party really missed her.


"Looking at A Niang is naturally the most important thing, and that request is just secondary."

"Then just look at A Niang, don't ask for it, okay?"

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, Xiao Mian, what the hell are you planning, can't I see it?
"Aniang, if you do this, Hong'er will be embarrassed."


Wu Zetian was taken aback for a moment, but Li Hong in her arms shuddered, and his head sank a little deeper.

He knows, he just knows.

What should come will always come, and I can't escape it.

"Would Hong'er be in trouble? Then Aniang is a little interested."

Wu Zetian touched Li Hong who was trembling slightly, not understanding what Li Yanran meant.

"Aniang, do you know Di Renjie?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and slowly mentioned Di Renjie's name.

"Di Renjie? I have an impression that Yan Liben, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, recommended this person."

Wu Zetian frowned slightly, saying that Li Zhi might not know this person, but she had a little impression.

After all, he was recommended by Yan Liben, the current minister of the Ministry of Industry, but why did his daughter mention Di Renjie?

"But Di Renjie seems to be serving as a law officer in the Bingzhou Dudu's Mansion. Jinyang is thousands of miles away from Chang'an. How do you know this person?"

Facing Wu Zetian's words, Li Yanran was also taken aback for a moment.

My aunt is worthy of being the person who will become the number one empress of all ages in the future, even a little Facao knows it, it's amazing, it's amazing.

Now that you know, it's easy to handle.

"Aniang, I don't know where Hong'er heard that this person is talented. He is very happy and wants him to come to my Lishan Mountain to help me take care of my fiefdom."

"Let Di Renjie come to Lishan to help you take care of the fiefdom? Nonsense, that's an official appointed by the court, how can you just shout around because of your own selfishness."

Wu Zetian looked at Li Hong who was trembling in his arms, and was instantly angry.

It's really a bit too nonsense to shout at Datang's order for selfishness.

"Mother and queen."

Feeling Wu Zetian's anger, Li Hong trembled even more.

Sister, if you have something to say, finish it quickly, don't be so rambunctious, okay?
If you want to fight, just fight, don't continue to output.

Seeing the trembling Li Hong, Wu Zetian roared even louder, and raised her hand to slap her son.

"Aniang, there is something even more extreme, originally I wanted to stop Brother Hong,

Who knew that he would send someone to Jinyang privately to contact Di Renjie,
Unexpectedly, Di Renjie was unwilling, and then. "

As she spoke, Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, brother, I'm sorry, you owe me this.

After this time, sister will try not to blame you.

"Then what happened? Don't do anything outrageous."

Wu Zetian stood up abruptly, looked at Li Yanran, and then glanced at Li Hong who was in his arms, her eyes were full of worry.

"It's too late, Hongdi's people have already brought that Di Renjie to Lishan. After Yanran found out, she hurriedly brought Hongdi over to confess her mistake, and hoped that Auntie could save Hongdi."


Wu Zetian's slap fell again, and Li Hong burst into tears immediately after the slap.

Woo woo

"You still have the face to cry. As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, you are really capable of acting recklessly and robbing officials of the Tang Dynasty."

Seeing Li Hong crying, Wu Zetian was not soft at all, that slap was really waving like the wind, Li Yanran was stunned.

It turned out that my aunt knew the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. It turned out that the martial arts in this novel were all true.

Just when Wu Zetian made it impossible for Li Hong to die, a figure rushed in.

"Meiniang, Meiniang."


Li Zhi glanced at the three people in front of him, and he was stunned.

What's happening here?
Why did this son and daughter appear here?
"Why are you two back? And Mei Niang, what are you doing?"

Li Zhi pointed at the three people in front of him, his eyes full of doubts.



Li Hong escaped from Wu Zetian's arms and plunged into Li Zhi's arms.

"Don't be afraid, Hong'er, the emperor will protect you well."

Touching Li Hong in his arms, Li Zhi also shook his shoulders, showing a domineering aura.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Wu Zetian looked at Li Hong in Li Zhi's arms and smiled coldly.

You have to protect him well, right? I'm afraid I'll have to see the picture of the Emperor Tang's godson later.

"Oh, Mei Niang, if you don't ask me, I will forget about it.

Today I received a memorial from the governor of Bingzhou, saying that the Wang family of Jinyang acted recklessly and even robbed the officials of the Facao Yamen.

He hoped that I would immediately send imperial envoys to Jinyang to thoroughly investigate the matter. "

Li Zhi was excited. The Wang family of Jinyang was one of the five surnames and seven wangs. They had extraordinary power, but they had always acted wretchedly, and now they finally seized the opportunity.

How could he not be excited, if he could use this incident to find out some secrets, the Jinyang Wang family would be seriously injured.

"Oh, Your Majesty, is this Facao's name Di Renjie?"

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Yanran who was beside him, it was just a coincidence that his son and daughter had just arrived, and the memorial of the governor of Bingzhou arrived.

Your Majesty, perhaps your wish is about to come true.

"Meiniang, how do you know this person's name? Could it be that you arranged it?"

Li Zhi was stunned, how did Wu Zetian know the name of the missing Fa Cao?

No way, is it all?
"Your Majesty, how can Mei Niang have such supernatural powers?"

Wu Zetian was depressed. Even if I was smart, I wouldn't think about bringing down the Wang family with a Facao.

Such a mindless thing, hey.

"It's okay, it's okay, I was shocked,
Yanran, Hong'er, you go out first, the emperor has something important to discuss with your mother. "

Li Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Li Yanran and Li Hong, frowned and asked them to leave first.

Some nasty things, it's better not to let the children know.

"Father, the sons retire."

Hearing this, Li Hongsa was about to run away.

"Li Hong, stand still for Bengong."

Wu Zetian sneered coldly, Li Hong seemed to have been hit by a spell, and he froze on the ground, not daring to move.

"Mei Niang?"

Li Zhi didn't understand, so, could it be that she wanted to discuss with him how to deal with the Wang family in front of the children?
This...isn't this a bit too early.

After all, the child is still too young.

"Your Majesty, Mei Niang said that I don't have the magic power to make Bingzhou Facao disappear, but someone has it, right, Hong'er."

Wu Zetian smiled coldly, Your Majesty, if you want to ask for supernatural powers, why don't you ask what your son has done.


Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment, then he turned around and caught Li Hong in front of him: "Hong'er, I don't quite understand what your mother's empress means, maybe you can explain the confusion for your father?"

"Father, father, my son doesn't know."

Li Hong was really going to cry now, he was beaten by Wu Zetian just now, his bad luck was over, who knew that his father came here again for this matter.

Could it be that he is destined not to escape the fate of mixed doubles?
"I don't know? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? What's going on, why don't you just ask me?"

Li Zhi's eyes were full of anger, he seemed to have understood what Wu Zetian meant, could it be said that his son actually did the matter of Bingzhou Facao?
"Father, father, it's not me, it's not me."

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