My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 395 Surprised or not, not surprised.

Li Hong really had tears in his eyes, and started crying while hugging Li Zhi's tiger waist.

"Father, in fact, this Di Renjie was kidnapped by brother Hong, and now he is enforcing land in Mount Li."

Seeing that Li Hong was showing signs of collapse, Li Yanran hurriedly told the whole story.

If this kid can't hold back anymore, he will be finished.

"you you."

Li Zhi slapped Li Hong directly on the head, which almost made Li Hong stunned.

In vain, I thought it was a good opportunity from heaven to rectify the Jinyang Wang family, but I didn't expect that this daring person turned out to be my son.

How can this make him not angry.

Wantlessly robbing officials of the Tang Dynasty is really my good son.

"Father, I. I."

Li Hong glanced at Li Yanran who had a cold expression on his face, and also shivered.

At first he wanted to justify, but now that he looked at it, in order to prevent the situation of compound three strikes, he could only admit it.

"What are you? Tell Father, what are you thinking about? Why did you take Di Renjie away?"

Li Zhi slapped him again, the more he looked at his son, the angrier he became.

He even doubted whether the other party was his own flesh and blood.
Otherwise, if I am so smart and Wu Zetian is also a hero among women, why would Yuhui give birth to such a bastard.

Look at your elder sister, and look at Li Hong, are you sure these are brothers and sisters?

"Father, Hongdi is actually doing it for his daughter's good.

He heard that Di Renjie is quite talented, so he wanted Di Renjie to come to the fief to help his daughter take care of it.
It's all my daughter's fault, who made me so ignorant that I can't manage such a large area. "

Li Yanran also shivered when she saw Li Hong who was being beaten violently.

Fortunately, this girl is smart, otherwise, she might be the one being beaten now.

Terrible, really terrible.

Brother Hong, if it happened this time, I will definitely make it up to you.

"You mean it's my fault? Shouldn't Xinfeng County be allocated to you as well?"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, and he also understood what the other party meant.

Obviously he was pleading for Li Hong, but secretly he was telling himself that all this was caused by him?

Well, you Li Yanran, you are here unexpectedly.

"Father, my daughter just said that she is ignorant, so don't think otherwise."

Li Yanran also stuck out her tongue, it seems that her father is not stupid, he can even hear this.

As expected of Li Yanran's biological father, he is amazing.

"Hmph, don't play tricks on your little mind, just beg for mercy, don't use these words to prevaricate me,
Even if you are ignorant and inexperienced, you can rob Tang officials at will. If you fail, you should fight. "

As Li Zhi said, he slapped Li Hong again, it was because of you that my daughter accused me of scolding me.

If I don't hit you, it's hard to dispel the hatred in my heart.

"Your Majesty, that's enough. Hong'er acts recklessly. Even if you kill him, it's nothing. Now it's time to discuss how to help him wipe his tail."

Wu Zetian looked at Li Zhi also depressed for a while, didn't you just want to show the power of the emperor and protect your son comprehensively?

Now that he is punching and kicking again, it is assumed that he does not have the majesty of an emperor.

"Hmph, spare your life for now."

Li Zhi let out a sigh of relief, gave Li Hong a bitter look, and came in front of Wu Zetian.

"What do you think we should do now? After all, even if he is the crown prince, it would be unjustifiable to rob Tang officials."

Li Zhi was a little distressed. Although his son should be beaten, he would clean up after closing the door, but he couldn't tolerate others pointing fingers.

Otherwise, wouldn't the power of the Tang royal family be about to drop by a thousand miles?

"Father, A Niang, the matter has come to this point, we can only make mistakes, but let Di Ren enter my fief and take charge of all the places under my command, so there will be no problems."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, since it's already like this now, it's okay to make mistakes.

This girl said, Di Renjie, you can't escape.

"Well, there is only this way now, let's deal with it like this."

"Hmph, you're really going to piss me off."

Li Zhi shook his sleeves and left. When he left, he glanced at Li Hong who was wiping away his tears, and slapped him again.

"Okay, Hong'er, you go out first, the queen mother has something to tell your elder sister."

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Hong, who also ran out quickly, leaving the mother and daughter in the bedroom.

"Aniang, you... what's the matter with you?"

Li Yanran looked at Wu Zetian, and couldn't help but shudder, not knowing what this old lady wanted to say.

Could it be that my old lady saw something?
"Why are you nervous? Could it be that these things are all your handwriting?"

Wu Zetian frowned, and glared at Li Yanran.

"Auntie, how could it be me? How could you think so?"

Sure enough, it is easy to hide from my father, but it is too difficult to hide from my mother.

After all, Wu Zetian, the most amazing woman in the past and present, is difficult, difficult.

"It's best not to be the one who did it, otherwise Auntie will never forgive you."

Wu Zetian flicked Li Yanran's forehead lightly, but Li Yanran felt cold all over her body.

She knew that her mother must have been angry just now.


In the future, it is better to do less of such things, otherwise, if she really makes her think that she has thoughts about the Tang Dynasty, she will be finished.

"Aniang, no, I'm your good daughter."

Thinking about it, Li Yanran plunged into Wu Zetian's arms again, using this to hide the fear in her heart.

"Okay, if there's nothing else to do, take Hong'er back to the fief. Di Renjie is a talent, so don't bury him."

Wu Zetian frowned, it's fine for someone to give it to you, but don't waste it.

After all, this Di Renjie is considered a talent no matter what, but it is Datang's wealth, which cannot be wasted lightly.

"My daughter found out, so she resigned."

Li Yanran breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly saluted Wu Zetian, turned and left.

"and many more."

"Auntie, is there anything else?"

Li Yanran turned around and looked at Wu Zetian for no reason.

"Yan Ran, don't do things that make people in the world despise you."

Listening to Wu Zetian's inexplicable words, Li Yanran also scratched the back of her head, not knowing what it meant.

"Forget it, you can leave."

Wu Zetian looked at the bewildered Li Yanran, shook his head, and sat down in front of the table again.


When Li Yanran left, Li Hong had already been waiting outside.

"Sister, what did Mommy tell you?"

Li Hong came to Li Yanran's side clutching his buttocks, his eyes full of hesitation.

"Aniang said let me discipline you, don't let you do those bastard things, and gave me the right to kill you first, and I can deal with you as you like."

Li Yanran pouted and glared at Li Hong beside her.

"Sister, you're a liar. How could the queen mother say that, and she cut it first and played it later. I believe you are a ghost."

"Slightly slightly,"

Li Hong said that he wanted to, and made faces at Li Yanran while running.


One careless, Li Hong fell another big somersault.

"Boy, stop running, sister will kill you now."

Li Yanran also chased after her without hesitation, and she looked like she was about to kill someone. Li Hong was so frightened that she quickly got up from the ground and continued to run.

"Sister is going to kill someone."

"The wind is tight, scream."

"No-nosed monkey, forget, no-nosed monkey is not here."

In the end Li Hong was twisted by Li Yanran's ears and got into the carriage, leaving Chang'an and heading towards Lishan fiefdom.

"Empress, Her Highness the Princess and the Crown Prince have already left."

"Okay, you go down."


"Yan Ran, don't have such a big idea, this world is still dominated by men, if you really have such an idea, let A Niang go first for you."

The servant left, Wu Zetian glanced into the distance, and then buried his head in the memorials full of cases.

"Brother Li, are you back?"

When Li Yanran returned, Cheng Chubi and the others gathered together.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?"

Seeing the miserable prince, several people were all stunned.

It was fine when I went, but why did I turn into such a ghost when I came back?

The co-author went to Chang'an to get beaten?
He rushed to the door and was beaten, Li Hong, as expected, you are more of a dog.

"Why so much nonsense, I have fought three hundred rounds with my father, queen and queen, and it is my destiny not to be killed. You are not convinced?"

Li Hong glared at them, his eyes full of cruelty.

If they dare to say anything, he will let these people have a taste of his power.

"His Royal Highness the crown prince is wise and mighty, invincible in the world."

"That's right, the prince is brave, we can only look up."

"I am the same."

Several people shuddered, they had experienced Li Hong's vindictive character.

Heroes don't suffer immediate losses, so there is no need to offend them because of this.

Even if you want to laugh, you have to wait until there is no one there, at least you have to avoid Li Hong, a little devil.

"It's almost there."

Li Hong put his hands in his pockets, as if there is no one like me in the world.

"Oh, it's too bad, no-nos monkey, no-no-nos monkey."

Li Hong couldn't hold back the pain in his butt, so he hurriedly called out his ace brother.

"Boss, I'm here."

Mahou came out from nowhere, looking at Li Hong wondering what he was going to do.

"Don't take Bengong to Yaowang, hurry up."

He jumped directly on Mahou's back, and the other party ran towards Sun Simiao's house holding Li Hong's ass.

"Mahou, Bengong's ass has just suffered, so you can't take it lightly."

"Okay, okay."

"Thigh hurt too."


"Well, bring Di Renjie to see me immediately."

Li Yanran shook her head, her little brother is really a Coke.

Now that my father and mother have taken care of it, let's see how long you, Di Renjie, can be tough.

Even if you are a stone in the latrine, I will smash you to pieces.


Soon Di Renjie was brought in front of Li Yanran, looking at the smiling princess, somehow he always had a bad premonition.

"Di Renjie, the news of your kidnapping has spread, and the governor of Bingzhou has already reported it to my father."

"Your Highness, this matter has gotten out of hand. I hope you will let me go back quickly. I... I will just go out and wander around. Let this matter be over."

Hearing that the governor of Bingzhou had reported himself to the emperor, Di Renjie also frowned.

Although he didn't want to come to Lishan, he didn't want the prince and princess to be criticized because of this incident.

This will harm Li Tang Jiangshan.

"I said before that you can't escape from my palm. Father has agreed to appoint you as the commander of this princess's fiefdom to help me handle the fief affairs."

"What, surprise or surprise, from now on you are not the Bingzhou Facao."

Li Yanran smiled at Di Renjie who was dumbstruck, and wanted to run, but you are destined to be unable to.

"How is this possible?"

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