My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 398 A new task, being a teacher

Di Renjie is still in shock. The prosperity of Xinfeng and the planning of the fief have greatly touched him.

Now he finally understands what it means to be a noble man in the sky, and he can manage this place so well, no wonder he is so blessed by the Holy Grace.

If this was his own child, he would not hesitate to reward him.

"Don't say so many good things. If you have any suggestions, feel free to mention them."

Li Yanran smiled at Di Renjie, now is the time to test you.

"Your Highness, since you said it, I would like to make a little suggestion."

Di Renjie stepped forward and said slowly: "Xinfeng is prosperous, so it is inevitable that there will be young people, and after all, there are only so many yamen servants in Xinfeng government office, it is impossible to cover everything.

I think that according to Chang'an, a special patrol team can be set up to be responsible for rectifying law and order and preventing the emergence of vicious gangs. "

Li Yanran and Changsun Yan looked at each other and laughed together.

"Your Highness, what does this mean?"

Di Renjie was taken aback, not understanding why Li Yanran was laughing.

"Di Renjie, I seem to have said that the biggest ones in Xinfeng are our four heavenly kings. Those who dare to commit crimes in Xinfeng are all punished by us.

Now everyone in Xinfeng regards themselves as the master. If there is such a vicious gang as you mentioned, we don’t need a patrol team, just a message, and we will take the forbidden army to wipe it out. "

Changsun Yan looked at the bewildered Di Renjie, and directly explained their methods of governing Xinfeng.

The patrol team is really unnecessary, because they are Xinfeng's biggest force,

Those bastards who came here and wanted to be the king had been beaten by them so long ago that even their own mother didn't know it.


Di Renjie was dumbfounded, he really didn't expect that the biggest gang in Xinfeng was actually the princess herself.

With them, to be honest, those vicious gangs really don't seem to have the soil to survive.

No wonder I didn't see any hooligans wandering in the street after this round, they had already been cleaned up.

But as a princess, aren't you afraid of being impeached for doing such a thing?

"do you have anything else?"

"Others, those who went to work, I heard that they were all bandit captives captured from various places, and they were managed separately at that time.

After all, they were all robbers who robbed houses before. If these people make trouble, big things may happen. "

"Those, they have been divided into groups a long time ago, and they are governed according to the army model, so there will be no problems."

"and also."

Di Renjie made several suggestions in a row, but found that the other party had done a good job, which made him blush and feel melancholy.

You managed this land so well, and you even asked me to be the commander of the town.

This Commander-in-Chief seems useless.

It makes him feel like a piece of shit.

"Any more?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, this Di Renjie is really amazing, he can find so many problems just by turning around.

Although these problems are not a problem for me, they also show this person's ability from the side.

In the end, he is the favorite of his own mother in later generations. There are indeed two brushes.

"It's gone."

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran sadly, he was really depressed.

"It's gone, okay, call Cheng Chubi over right away, and have barbecue tonight."

"Okay, I'm going to call that guy right now."

Hearing the word barbecue, Changsun Yan was also excited, and ran out with a jump.


Di Renjie found that he had reached the blind spot of his knowledge again.

What is BBQ?

He really doesn't know anymore.

"Yes, you will know later."

Soon Cheng Chubi got everything ready, and everyone gathered around the oven, eating mutton and drinking milk tea, feeling comfortable.

On the third day, I ate big goose stewed in an iron pot.

The fourth day is ground pot chicken.

Di Renjie has also seen it these days.

What is carefree, what is to enjoy life.

He had lived in vain in the past years, but this kind of life was good, but it made him feel unreal.

I came here to be an official, not to retire.

Chang Sunyan was in charge of Xinfeng, Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan were in charge of the training of the Imperial Army and the Princess Guard, and Li Siwen was the chief supervisor of the labor camp.

Only myself is like an idler, doing nothing all day long.

"Your Highness, about you send Di Renjie something to do?"

Unbearable, Di Renjie finally came to Li Yanran to live.

"Are you free to do now?"

Li Feng handed over an apple, Li Yanran rubbed it and bit it.

"I really have nothing to do."

Di Renjie had a bitter face, he wanted to do something, but he couldn't find it.

"I really have something in my hand, you are willing to take it."

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie, and after thinking about it for a while, there was really no one to take responsibility for something.

"Your Highness, please tell me, Di Renjie will never hesitate to die."

Di Renjie knelt directly on the ground, a little starlight flashed in his eyes.

"Be a teacher for Cheng Chubi and the others."


Hearing this, Cheng Chubi was stunned.

what's up?

Be their teacher?

How can I be able to teach the four princes and noble sons.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Li Yanran gave Di Renjie a blank look, and asked you to teach a few crouching dragons and phoenixes, aren't you happy?
"No, no, Di Renjie has little talent and learning, and I'm afraid it will delay the homework of the noble sons. Otherwise, Your Highness should hire someone else."

Di Renjie's eyes were filled with tears. These few seemed to be used to being dandies, so it's better to let him teach them.

He still wants to live a few years earlier.

The so-called dead wood can't be carved, he doesn't think he has any power to turn decay into magic.

"I said if you can do it, you can do it. That's it. I'll arrange for them to come over to attend classes in the evening."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, you are the famous Di Gong and Di Ge Lao in later generations, if you are not qualified to teach them, then there may be no one in this Tang Dynasty.


"Don't do this and that, you don't need to teach them any great principles, just let them not be so stupid. It's not difficult to open up wisdom with others."

Li Yanran got up and patted Di Renjie on the shoulder.

She doesn't expect these idiots to grow into great Confucians, as long as she doesn't make trouble for herself, she will be satisfied.

"Okay, Di Renjie can only say that he will do his best."

Di Renjie nodded helplessly, he had no choice but to accept this task, which was simple to say but extremely difficult to do.

Everyone gathered together to eat hot pot that night, and after looking at the few people, Li Yanran also spoke out her decision.

"Brother Li, are you serious?"

When Changsun Yan heard that Di Renjie was to be his teacher, he was in a bad mood.

They are all so old now, and they are not three-year-olds. They will find a teacher again, and it seems that nothing will change.

And he asked himself that now that he has grown into Li Yanran's right-hand man, there is no need, there is really no need to learn anything.

After all, Li Yanran is the best teacher, what he taught him is enough for him to ponder for a lifetime.

"That's right, Brother Li, it's not necessary."

Cheng Chubi was also depressed for a while. The last time he accompanied him in Chongwen Museum had been unforgettable for his whole life. He really didn't want to learn any more.

It's so annoying.

"Brother Li, let's take it back. I have a lot of things to do every day, and I really don't have time to play house anymore."

Li Siwen also nodded, he didn't want to fall into the ocean of knowledge either.

After all, he can't swim, he can't swim, and it would be bad if he drowned.

"I don't want to either."

Seeing that all four of them objected, Li Yanran's face turned cold, and she slowly stood up.

"What I'm talking about is a decision, not a discussion. Let's see what you do all day long. Besides fighting and causing trouble, what else can you do."

"Di Renjie has the talent of mastering the world. He can be your teacher because of the blessings you have cultivated in your previous life. If anyone dares to object, don't blame me for being rude."

As soon as Li Yanran finished speaking, Li Hong also jumped out, pointed at the four of them and said, "You don't listen to what my elder sister says? Don't blame me for being rude."

"What are you clamoring for? You also have to go to class with them, that's it."

Li Yanran punched Li Hong on the head, and you jumped out.

"Sister, I'd better forget it. After all, I already have so much homework. I'm going to study with Di Renjie. I... I will be exhausted."

Li Hong was stunned when he heard this. I have no objection if you let them learn, but if you let me follow along, isn't it a bit depriving of human rights?

After all, I am still a child, only six years old.

Don't overweight me, I haven't played enough yet.

"No, it's better to die of exhaustion than to die of stupidity. You are the prince of Tang Dynasty, so I can't let you go like this."

"After dinner, let's start, Di Renjie."


Di Renjie nodded. He had already figured out how to teach them. It's not that difficult if he is wise.

"His Royal Highness, noble sons, please."

Di Renjie got up and walked directly to his residence, Changsun Yan and the others looked at Li Yanran aggrievedly and had no choice but to follow.

Only Li Hong still grabbed Li Yanran's arm, his face full of rejection.

"Li Feng, bring the prince there."


With Li Feng's suppression, Li Hong couldn't resist, so he could only obediently leave with a few people.

"His Royal Highness, noble sons, Di Renjie will not teach you the contents of those books,
Because I can't, and you don't want to listen, so our first lesson today is about people. "


Cheng Chubi and the others were all stunned, not understanding what Di Renjie wanted to do?

"That's right, it's a human, what is a human?
You, me, and him are all human beings, but some people are admired by thousands of people, while others are spurned by thousands of people. Why?

Everyone can know the reason. "

Di Renjie also smiled slightly when he looked at the dazed people.

Although he is best at prison affairs, it is still no problem to fool a few idiots and a child.

"I know I know."

Li Hong directly raised his hand, indicating that he knew.

"Please speak, Your Highness."

"Because some people, like Ben Gong, have the appearance of becoming saints, and some people, like Cheng Chubi and the others, are naturally naive."

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