My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 399 Lost in praise

After Li Hong finished speaking, Cheng Chubi and the others felt bad.

Do you hear what you say is called human talk?
What does it mean that you have the qualifications of a sage, we are born to be naive.

If you weren't the crown prince, with your mouth, you probably wouldn't be alive now.

"Why, do you have an opinion? Di Renjie, just tell me if what I said is right."

Li Hong gave the four of them a look, and then looked at Di Renjie.

"Your Highness, there is some truth in what you said, but."

Di Renjie can't fix Li Hong's words, how can I answer your words.

The two ends are not human.

"Di Renjie, what exactly do you want to say, just say it, let's get out of class after the lecture, I have a lot of things to do over there."

Li Siwen was also depressed, this Li Hong was really speechless.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight, no matter what a person's status is, as long as he can understand why he lives, he can become a person admired by others.

Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, loyalty, filial piety, honesty, fraternity and forbearance.

Which one we have to obey first, do you know. "

Hearing Di Renjie's words, everyone fell silent.

Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith, loyalty, filial piety, honesty, fraternity and forbearance, shouldn't all of these be followed?

Why did he say to follow that one first?
Seeing the silence of the crowd, Di Renjie didn't say anything, just looked at them, waiting for their own answers.

"I know I know."

Li Hong raised his hand again and looked at Di Renjie with complacency in his eyes.

You foolish critics don't know, hehe, it depends on me.

"Li Siwen, how do you feel?"


Li Hong was dumbfounded, didn't I raise my hand?

Why are you asking Li Siwen?

Are you looking down on me?

Just say you look down on me.

"I think what you said just now is equally important, regardless of the importance. I don't have any ideas. If you don't believe me, ask the prince?"

Li Siwen was also taken aback. Li Hong raised his hand to signal, but you called my name.

Are you looking down on Li Hong, or are you looking down on me too much.

If this makes the little devil bear a grudge, he can't seize the opportunity to punish me to death.

Di Renjie frowned, and then looked at the other three. The three of them felt their scalps go numb for a while, and they were all afraid of stealing Li Hong's limelight.

According to his character of vengeance, he really couldn't stand it.

"Your Highness, why don't you tell me."

Di Renjie shook his head, he didn't know what happened to these people.

Why are you so afraid of Li Hong?

It's just a class, as for that?
"I don't want to talk about it anymore, hum."

Li Hong folded his hands on his chest, and his eyes were full of sadness.

You let me say it and I will say it?
Am I being embarrassed?
Di Renjie, I remember you, don't give me a chance, otherwise I won't be Li Hong if I don't blow your ass.


Di Renjie is depressed, is he so arrogant?
"Since no one wants to talk about it, then Di Renjie will share his thoughts with everyone."

Di Renjie looked at the crowd and spoke slowly.


Li Hong was depressed again, I was just a little arrogant just now, why don't you ask me?
Are you looking down on me?
This king wanted to ask if he looked down on me.

"Di Renjie, I want to talk again."

Li Hong stood up quickly, staring at Di Renjie with his small eyes.

"Your Highness, please listen to Di Renjie's thoughts first before expressing your opinion."

Di Renjie smiled slightly, Xiao Mian, can't stop you?
You want to say, I don't want to hear it yet.

"Di Renjie, Bengong said that I wanted to say something, do you insist on fighting against me?
Do you really think that I dare not hit you? "

Li Hong slapped the table, his eyes were full of angry flames.

You seem so meow that you really don't know how powerful I am.

Dare to ignore me like this, I really don't know who is the most unprovoked person in this fief.

"Your Highness is brave."

"Your Highness is domineering."

"Your Highness, beat him up."

"I, I."

Seeing that Li Hong was angry, the four of them also sneered and sneered at the side.

If Li Hong, the demon king, was really angry, I don't know what punishment Di Renjie would suffer.

"Hmph, did you hear that, this is the power of this palace."

Li Hong looked at Di Renjie coldly, with his hands in his pockets, looking invincible.

"Qu Jing, if anyone dares to disturb the classroom order, don't blame Di Renjie for being ruthless."

Di Renjie pulled out a ruler from nowhere and looked at Li Hong with chills in his eyes.

Do one thing and love one thing, since he promised Li Yanran to teach these people, he naturally doesn't care about their identities.

He is not a fool these days, he has long seen that Li Yanran is the absolute boss in this Lishan fiefdom.

Having obtained Li Yanran's order, it is equivalent to having Shang Fang's sword. If anyone dares to provoke him, he will not let him off lightly.

So what if you are the prince?It's not about being suppressed by Her Royal Highness.

"Di Di Renjie, what do you want to do? Benben Palace is not afraid of you."

Seeing Di Renjie take out the ruler, Li Hong's scalp was about to explode.

Why is this guy at such a young age, like those old pedants in the Chongwen Museum, who always comes out with a ruler? Who do you want to scare?
Do you really think that Ben Gong is a three-year-old child?

Can this scare me?

"Your Highness, why don't you admit it, don't be ashamed."

"That's right, it's still too late."

Li Siwen and Changsun Yan looked at each other and smiled.

It was obvious that he was persuading Li Hong, but in fact he was still fighting.

They also wanted to see if Di Renjie was bluffing people or if he was really ruthless and even dared to beat Li Hong.

"Your Highness, as the saying goes, listen to people's advice to eat enough, don't ask me to do it, and don't sit down."

Di Renjie's eyes widened, and he directly drew the ruler on the table, which made Li Hong tremble in fright.

"Di Renjie, this king is the current prince. If you dare to do something to me, I will definitely go to my father's place to give you a book and open your ass."

Li Hong glanced at the Four Great Clevernesses and gritted his teeth.

Can't I lose face in front of these people, or I won't be laughed to death by them in the future?

"Your Highness, reach out."

Di Renjie shook his head when he saw Li Hong like this. He was a child after all, but he couldn't stand being provoked by others.

Can't you see that others are getting ready to watch your show?

With such a mentality, how to become a great treasure in the future, how to rule the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the Tang Dynasty.

He also saw that if he couldn't handle Li Hong today, he wouldn't be able to take this class afterward.

"Do not stretch."

Seeing that Di Renjie was coming, Li Hong hurriedly put a pair of small hands behind his back, and ran away as soon as his calf stretched.

"Your Highness, what are you going to do?"

Li Feng stood guard at the door, and stopped Li Hong with one step.

"Li Feng, didn't you see that? Di Renjie wants to be disrespectful to Ben Gong, so hurry up and get out of the way. I'm going to sue my elder sister and let her spank Di Renjie's ass."

Li Hong was depressed, you wooden man, should I hit you, didn't see that Bengong was about to be beaten, and stopped me meowingly.

I don't have any eyesight at all, I really don't know what is good about you, my sister, to trust you so much.

If it was Sun Xu, he would have already discounted [-] dog legs by himself.

"Your Highness, the princess' order is for you to study hard."

Li Feng crossed his arms and looked at Li Hong coldly.

We are His Royal Highness's guards, after all, you are only the crown prince.

If you were the emperor, I might still be afraid of you three points. Now, you don't seem to be qualified enough.

"you you."

Li Hong was speechless, Li Feng, just wait for me.

Last time you leaked my king's secrets, I haven't settled for you yet, so it's going to be the same this time, right?

Well, let's have a long time in Japan.

If you are capable, wait for me for 20 years, 20 years is not enough.

If you have the ability, you can wait 50 years, and if I break your walking stick by then, I will take your surname.

"Your Highness, now Di Renjie is giving you two choices, either be beaten obediently, or I will report to Her Royal Highness, and let him take care of you."

Di Renjie didn't chase after him, and Li Hong couldn't escape with Li Feng, and Li Yanran was behind him.

If this still can't suppress Li Hong, he shouldn't be this teacher anymore.

"Di Renjie, do you want to die?"

Although Li Hong's mouth was very firm, a pair of small hands had already started to twist behind his back.

He didn't want to be beaten, and he didn't even want to be sued.

He really couldn't bear it when his sister became ruthless.

Don't be afraid, that's impossible.

"Your Highness, do you want to be beaten by me or by His Royal Highness, you can choose for yourself."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Hong, and tapped the ruler on the table again.

This time not only Li Hong was taken aback, Cheng Chubi and the others were also taken aback.

This Di Renjie is really learning and using it flexibly. It seems that he wants to kill Li Hong, a chicken, to frighten them monkeys.

Bah bah bah, it's people.

"How many hits?"

Li Hong shivered, looked at Di Renjie, the stubbornness just now was gone in his eyes, only submission remained.

My elder sister is notorious for her sharp mouth and ax heart, and she really beats people to death. Di Renjie should be concerned about his identity no matter what.

"Hit until His Highness realizes his mistake."

The corners of Di Renjie's mouth gradually turned up. Looking at Li Hong, I guessed correctly, you are just afraid of your elder sister.

"Your Highness, don't be cowardly, I want to see if Di Renjie dares to break your hand."

"That's right, Your Highness, you are the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, how could you give in because of a beater."

"Your Highness, I support you."

"I won't say anything."

The four of them also raised the quality of eating melons to the limit, and each of them was about to drool. They wanted to see whether the east wind overwhelmed the west wind or the west wind overwhelmed the east wind.

"Hmph! Di Renjie, I'm convinced."

Li Hong gave the four of them a look, wanting to see Bengong make a fool of himself, am I that stupid?

Are you still fighting the fire?

I remember you guys, don't give me a chance, otherwise if I don't kneel down and beg for mercy, I won't be Li Hong.


Di Renjie was stunned, and he was convinced. I haven't beaten him yet, how can you be soft?

This doesn't fit your personality.

You must know that you are the prince of the Tang Dynasty, how can you bow down because of this.

"Well, I'm done."

Li Hong nodded resolutely, when will he refuse to accept now?
Does it have to be beaten to be subdued?
I am not a stick, but I am the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

"If you obey, you will be punished. Reach out."

Di Renjie was depressed, he could serve well, but if he didn't fight, he wouldn't be able to brighten the court. If he couldn't establish prestige, he wouldn't be able to play in the future.

"Then play lightly."

Li Hong was depressed for a while, you beat me even after I was convinced, you really don't care about children.

"it is good."

Di Renjie nodded, and Li Hong slowly stretched out his right hand.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie is coming."

Di Renjie just raised his ruler.

"and many more."

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