My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 401 Small report?Find a fight!

Chapter 401 Small report?Find a fight!
Li Hong ran all the way into Li Yanran's house.

"get out of class is over so soon?"

Seeing Li Hong rushing, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

"Sister, that Di Renjie is simply too hateful. Not only did he not pay attention to Ben Gong, he even ignored Sister."

Li Hong immediately changed into a pitiful look, and plunged into Li Yanran's arms.

"Really? Why doesn't he take you and sister seriously?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong who was acting like a baby in her arms and smiled slightly, revealing two small canine teeth.

"He not only attacked me, but also hit me on the hand. He wasn't afraid at all when I carried my elder sister out. Do you think he didn't take our Lishan duo seriously?"

Li Hong hugged Li Yanran's waist tightly, without even raising his head.

"This Di Renjie is really abominable. He even hit my brother Hong's hand. Doesn't he know that you are the current prince?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong slowly raised his head.

"Sister, do you really believe Brother Hong's nonsense?"

"You are sister's real brother, if I don't believe you, who can I trust?
Could it be impossible to trust Di Renjie, an outsider? "

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's little head, her eyes were full of kindness.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Seeing the somewhat different Li Yanran, Li Hong was stunned.

What happened to my sister today?
I still have a lot of bad things to say, you just believe it?
It made me not know how to answer the call.

"Sister is very good, by the way, Di Renjie is so hateful, how did he hit you on the hand?"

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

Li Hong's small eyes stared round, wondering what Li Yanran wanted to do again.

Why do you ask me how to play handboard?

"Sister means that if he hits you, then sister will beat him. If you don't learn a little bit, then sister will make a mistake, so how can I vent your anger on you?"

Li Yanran grabbed Li Hong's small shoulders, her eyes were full of solemnity.

"Sister, wait."

Hearing this, Li Hong also beamed with joy, it's better to have a sister.

I was beaten, and the other party would return it intact for me, I was really excited.

Li Hong held the rattan whip that Li Yanran had placed in the main hall, weighed it, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

Di Renjie, don't blame me for being the fifteenth since you are the first grader.

If you hit me with a ruler, I'll let my elder sister beat you hard with a rattan whip.

Seeing Li Hong approaching with a rattan whip, Li Yanran gave him a smile again, and showed his two small canine teeth not to be outdone.

"Sister, that's how he hit me."

Li Hong stretched out his left hand, and smashed the rattan whip on his left hand with his right.

"Does it hurt?"

A trace of distress flashed in Li Yanran's eyes.

"It hurts, Sister, you don't know that when Di Renjie hit me, his teeth were almost crushed, that is to say, I am stronger. If it were Cheng Chubi and Sun Yan, his hands would probably be discounted."

Li Hong nodded his head, and his small face instantly became aggrieved again.

"Hey, this Di Renjie is really daring, he doesn't look at the monk's face but also looks at the Buddha's face, how dare he treat my own brother like this.

Brother Hong, don't worry, Sister will not spare him, tell me, how many times do you want Sister to beat him? "

Li Yanran calmly took the rattan whip from Li Hong's hand, and swung it twice in the air.

"Sister, use this cane to whip him, give him a hundred and one blows, let Di Renjie know who is the biggest in Lishan, and help Brother Hong dispel his hatred."

Seeing Li Yanran swinging the rattan whip, Li Hong's eyes were filled with smiles.

He seemed to have seen the scene of Li Yanran beating Di Renjie violently with a rattan whip.

Hey, Di Renjie, it looks like you're still alive.

"One hundred and one is too much, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Hearing one hundred and one, Li Yanran also said coldly to Li Hong.

"Brother Hong? Sister, it's Di Renjie you want to beat, not me. If there's anything I can't stand, it's over."

Li Hong was taken aback for a moment, then yelled at Li Yanran viciously.

"Then hit one hundred and one, Li Feng, hold Li Hong down before you do it."

Li Feng seemed to have expected such a result a long time ago, so he immediately grabbed Li Hong and prevented him from moving.


After glancing at Li Yanran, and then at Li Feng who was pressing him, Li Hong was stunned.

"Sister, what do you mean? Didn't you want to hit that nasty Di Renjie? Why did you let Li Feng hold Brother Hong down?"

Li Hong smiled at Li Yanran, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

Li Feng glanced at Li Hong, and shook his head involuntarily.

It's time to meet Tu Qiongdagger, but you, the future Emperor Tang, haven't reacted yet?
As far as this IQ is concerned, I am really worried for you.

I really don't know that you, He Dehe Neng, and your young lady are biological siblings, the difference is not even a little bit.

"Brother Hong, are you a three-year-old child like you?"

"Sister, I'm not a three-year-old child, I'm already six years old, and I'm going to be seven soon."

Li Yanran directly whipped the whip to Li Hong's left hand, staring at her eyes and said: "How dare you talk back? Is that how you and Di Renjie talk back?"

"Sister, I see. So you are bombing me, but you are bombing your own brother."

If Li Hong didn't understand this, he would really be a second idiot. It turned out that his elder sister didn't believe his nonsense at all, and kept setting traps for him to fall for.

Really too insidious, too shameless.

For a child, all the tricks were used.

Shameless, shameless.

"You see it now? It's too late, one hundred and one. Do you want to hit your hand or somewhere else?"

The corners of Li Yanran's mouth gradually turned up, little brat, aren't you stupid?

But it's too late to react now.

If you don't take care of you today, you really don't know how high the field is and how thick the ground is.

At that time, maybe there will be another moth.

"Sister, there are still one hundred hits, and I have already hit me once."

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with a straight neck, he hit me just now, why did he say it was one hundred and one.

Do you bully children who don't know how to count?
"Don't you know sister's rule, buy one hundred and get one free, and the one just now was a free one, so how do you treat it?"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong's left hand again, tears burst into his eyes due to the pain.

This elder sister is simply a devil, she can do such a cruel thing to her own brother.

It's really devoid of conscience.

"One hundred more."

Although Li Hong had tears in his eyes, he stubbornly called out the number of one hundred.


Li Yanran said without any hesitation, and just hit Li Hong with a smack, which made Li Hong tremble all over, with snot and tears everywhere.

"Have you taken it?"


Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with a wrinkled face, and was very soft-hearted.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, but this time he was tricked into admitting him by his elder sister.

The so-called gaining wisdom by eating a pit, this king will have a long memory, next time, next time, don't try to deceive me with the same routine again.

I must.

"Submit it, then I will remember the one hundred blows this time, sister. If you dare to contradict Di Renjie again next time, or make trouble in class, sister will definitely not let you go."

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong viciously.

"Sister, you hit me 24 times, and there are 77 hits left, not a hundred."

Li Hong was depressed, why was it still a hundred blows, and the beatings he had just received were all in vain?
Sister, are you really Brother Hong or did you just come to the fief?
Now I am familiar with the nine-nine multiplication table, and you dare to do the same for addition and subtraction within one hundred.

People will grow up.

"Really? Why does Sister remember that I didn't hit you just now? How about we do it again? This time Sister will count it for you, how about it?"

Li Yanran flicked the rattan whip, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

I spared your life just now, don't be ignorant.

"Sister, you bully, you bully, woo woo woo."

Li Hong succumbed in an instant, and could only use crying to cover up the helplessness and despair in his heart.

"Okay, don't cry, sister is not unreasonable, as long as you study hard, how about I give you a discount every day?"

Li Yanran waved to Li Feng, squatted in front of Li Hong and said slowly.

"Sister, you'd better kill me, it's too little, and there is no hope at all."

Li Hong turned his face away, and his eyes were full of the look of going to death.

"You still dare to negotiate terms with me? Then what do you want?"

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a sideways look, the kid has grown up, right?

"Five downs and ten strokes a day, this is the minimum."

"Okay, let's take ten blows off, but the ugly thing is before, if you dare to make trouble within ten days, I will give you a hundred blows."

"make a deal."

Li Hong jumped up directly, touched his left hand and buttocks, his eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Tell me, what did Di Renjie teach you today?"

Li Yanran helped Li Hong up, looking at the little brother who was wrinkling his face, she also felt distressed for a while.

Although harmony is her masterpiece, but the distressed will still be distressed.

"Sister, there is really something in this Di Renjie. Today he taught us the first principle that we must follow in life."

Li Hong looked at the elder sister in front of him, but he didn't feel jealous either.

Because he understood that Li Yanran beat him for his own good, even though this kind of good was a bit heavy.

"The first rule to follow in life? What is it?"

Li Yanran was also taken aback when she heard Di Renjie explain such a great truth at the beginning of the article.

Didn't you say that you don't make sense?This Di Renjie is also real.

These things, those stupid critics and Li Hong, the little devil, can understand them, can they listen to them?
"Sister, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness, loyalty, filial piety, honesty, forbearance, which of these ten principles do you think we should follow first?"

Li Hong tilted his head and smiled at Li Yanran, he wanted to hear what his sister thought.

"Which one should be followed first? Brother Hong, which one did you answer? Could it be Ren?"

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's small head, and said slowly.

"Sister, how do you know?"

Li Hong was dumbfounded, and glared at Li Feng who was on the side.

It must be the wooden man who notified in advance, otherwise how would Sister know her answer.

Really hateful.

(End of this chapter)

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