"It wasn't Li Feng who told me that the way of benevolence is the way of the king, and it is the righteousness that the emperors and princes of all dynasties yearned for.
Only the benevolent can love others, and the one who loves others loves others,

As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, you will definitely teach you these things whether you are taught by your father's words and deeds or those great Confucians from aristocratic families. "

Li Yanran patted Li Hong on the head, and used Li Feng to tell herself about this.

You really underestimated your sister.


"Sister is really a god, you even know what I say?"

Li Hong was really dumbfounded now, his sister is so powerful?

Could it be that she has the ability to predict the future?
"It's nothing to be surprised about. I also know that what Di Renjie said must be different from what you said."

Li Yanran turned around and sat on the sofa, crossing her legs and looking at her little brother.

"Sister, what you said is really right. Di Renjie's point of view is indeed different from mine, so what do you think, sister?"

Li Hong became more and more excited, he really wanted to see how capable his sister was.

"What do I think? These ten qualities, my sister thinks, the first thing to follow is the character of loyalty."


"Li Feng, still say it's not you?"

Li Hong was depressed, and stared at Li Feng, his eyes were full of anger.

If it wasn't for Li Feng, how could sister know what Di Renjie said.

I really thought that Li Hong was a three-year-old child, but I'm not so easy to deceive.

"He came later than you, how could he have time to tell me that, these are all my guesses."

Li Yanran waved her hand at Li Hong, and the other party also approached sister tactfully.

"Then how does sister understand the word loyalty?"

"Loyalty is a word with thousands of words, and all kinds of righteousness are contained in its words,
The emperors of all dynasties must be loyal to the people, every official must be loyal to the court, and every commoner must be loyal to themselves.
I'm not wrong. "

"Sister, are you human?"

After hearing this, Li Hong took a few steps back, his eyes full of horror.

Sister is not human, she is definitely not human.

Otherwise, how could one have such insights at such a young age.

"What did you say? It's against you."

Li Yanran got up straight away, and slapped Li Hong on the head with a slap.

After receiving this slap, Li Hong calmed down.

It still hurts the same, sister is human.

so far so good.

"Get out of here quickly, or I won't be able to resist beating you again."

Looking at Li Hong, Li Yanran was also depressed for a while.

Am I just a little bit smarter? As for saying that I am not human?
Really deserves a fight.

"Sister, I'm not leaving. You haven't told Hongdi a story for a long time. The Monkey King finished half of the story, and the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story has disappeared."

Li Hong hugged Li Yanran's arm, his eyes were full of pleading.

"Okay, then today I will tell you another legend about the new white lady."


Li Hong was stunned, why did the legend of the white lady pop up again.

What I want to hear is Monkey King and A Chinese Ghost Story, what is a White Snake?

"It is said that there is a white snake practicing on Qingcheng Mountain. One day she was playing outside, but she was captured by a snake catcher who wanted to kill the white snake."

With the development of Li Yanran's story, Li Hong has long left Monkey King and A Chinese Ghost Story behind, and put all of them into the story of the legend of the new white lady.

"Okay, sister is sleepy, it's time to go to bed."

Li Yanran yawned, looked at the sky outside, and felt a little sleepy.

"Sister, sister, continue to talk about what happened next?"

Li Hong's small eyes were bright, looking at Li Yanran in front of him, his eyes were full of depression.

This elder sister is so provocative, and she loses the chain every time she talks about the critical moment, it really makes people want to stop.

"Later? Do you really want to know?"

Li Yanran knocked Li Hong once, her eyes were full of teasing.

"Forget it, I won't listen, when the time comes, sister will die again, and I won't be able to sleep again."

Seeing this, Li Hong quickly covered his ears.

With a few lessons learned from the past, he also knows how powerful it is.

Monkey King died of starvation, and Yan Chixia died in battle. He was really afraid that Li Yanran would let the white lady and Xu Xian die as well.

"That's good, go to sleep."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, little boy, little boy, if I can't handle you, how can I rule over the people of Lishan Mountain.


There was nothing to say all night, and Di Renjie waited early in the school yard the next day.

"Your Highness."

Seeing Li Yanran coming, Di Renjie immediately went over to greet him.

"You don't need to say anything, I already understand. Your lecture yesterday was very good. I am very satisfied."

Li Yanran nodded to Di Renjie, she knew what he wanted to say.

"Your Highness, there are still things in Lishan that Di Renjie can take care of. It's just that being a teacher of a few precious sons is really a little free."

Di Renjie stood up, looking at Li Yanran also a little depressed.

He asked himself that he has the ability to stabilize the country, but now he can only teach those dudes, it really makes him feel a bit wasted in life.

"Since you want to do something, then talk inside. I happen to have something to ask you."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she had always had an idea, but she was suffering from lack of skills to do so, now Di Renjie is a good candidate.

But she still needs to ask something.

"Your Highness, please."

Di Renjie's eyes lit up when he heard something was going on, and he hurriedly asked Li Yanran to go first.

"Your Highness, what should Di Renjie do?"

After entering the room, Di Renjie smiled at Li Yanran.

"Don't ask what it is, but I would like to ask Di Renjie, since you put the word loyalty as the first criterion, who are you loyal to?"

As soon as Li Yanran finished speaking, Li Feng handed over an apricot.

"I am loyal to all the people in the world, I am loyal to Li Tang Jiangshan, and I am loyal to the belief in Di Renjie's heart."

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran, although he didn't know why she asked that question, he still expressed his understanding of Zhong.

"Di Renjie, do you think there is a difference between men and women? Can women only become men's vassals? Can women make great achievements?"

Li Yanran bit into the apricot, the juice splashed everywhere, sweet to the heart.


Di Renjie was stunned.

From all the things on the fief, he could tell that this Li Yanran was absolutely different from ordinary women, but a person of great wisdom.

Asking this question now, he was indeed a little confused.

Could it be the other party?

Thinking of this, Di Renjie lowered his head, not daring to look into Li Yanran's eyes.

If this is the case, then the world may be in trouble again.

"I'm asking you something."

Li Yanran ate apricots and looked at Di Renjie.

There must be a reason for Di Renjie to become a die-hard supporter of Wu Zetian in later generations.

She wanted to know what this guy was thinking.

"Your Highness, I think that the difference between men and women is all nonsense, and women can have great ambitions.

Just like His Highness, being able to love the people like a child, and to manage this Lishan well, is the best proof.

But. But. "

Di Renjie didn't say what happened next.

"It's okay, but it's okay to say."

This Di Renjie really has something, he can say that the difference between men and women is nonsense.

This is the Tang Dynasty, not a later generation. Is equality between men and women possible?

"However, in this world, men are superior to women. It has become a theorem. If His Highness wants to change this view, it will be difficult.
Even if you can make some achievements, you will inevitably be scolded by thousands of people,
So please think twice, Your Highness. "

Di Renjie didn't say it clearly, but he believed that Li Yanran definitely understood what he meant.

"Di Renjie, you think too much, I don't care what you said, don't worry."

Li Yanran nodded, she naturally understood what the other party meant.

But I didn't want to do that, I just wanted to see what kind of person this old Di Ge, who was widely rumored in later generations, was like.

"I hope His Highness will forgive me. Di Renjie shouldn't presume His Highness."

Di Renjie knelt directly on the ground, but his heart was full of mixed emotions.

This princess is really smart, but as the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the ambition.

She has already gathered around her three princes and the heirs of a county king. This power is unrivaled even in the current Tang Dynasty.

These people are just following each other's side now, once Li Yanran can't satisfy them in the future, if they don't keep them together, there will be forced palace matters.

At that time, the princess may really have no way to be alone.

"I just want to know now, for my Commander Yi, will you concentrate on doing things for me?"

"The minister is the official of His Highness the Princess, so he will naturally be loyal to His Highness and concentrate on doing things for His Highness!
This is Di Renjie's responsibility and also Di Renjie's obligation! "

Di Renjie knocked his head on the ground, expressing his feelings.

"Okay, then I really have something important for you to handle now, so let's get up and talk."

Hearing this, Di Renjie's heart skipped a beat, and his whole body trembled a little.


Could it be that?
"What are you thinking?"

Looking at Di Renjie's expression, Li Yanran knew that this guy must be thinking about it again.

It really got her drunk.

The favorite thing for these smart people to do is to think wildly.

He can take apart a sentence for you and read it word by word.

It seems that only in this way can we give full play to our brain cells.

"No, please show your Highness."

Di Renjie was taken aback for a moment, quickly calmed down, and saluted again.

"Can you get up and talk first, I don't see anyone kneeling and talking to me."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Di Renjie got up slowly, but looked at Li Yanran with guarded eyes.

He was afraid that Li Yanran would send him to do something that would endanger Li Tang's country.

"Di Renjie, you also know that I have earned unimaginable wealth by selling houses and running Lishan Cup and Xinfeng County, but what you see is just the tip of the iceberg.
I have Lan Kwai Fong, Haagen-Dazs, Shuren Tea Room, and that sofa, lottery tickets,

You can hardly imagine the money I earn, so I want to set up a bank. "

"Qianzhuang? What is Qianzhuang?"

Hearing this name, Di Renjie was dumbfounded again.

He found that what he had learned before seemed to be of no use at all in Lishan.

Now this money bank should literally be a Zhuangzi that puts money, but if you want to put money and hide it in the money bank, it's fine.

Lishan also has accountants, so she doesn't need to set up any bank at all.

There must be something strange in it that I don't know about.

"The so-called bank is."

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