My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 404 I want to get off the car, I want to get off the car!

Li Hong covered his head, gritted his teeth, and found all the money in his pocket.

"Do you think that this little money is enough for Sister Sister? That place is only Sister Sister. Others really can't get in if they want to. It's a pity that you didn't seize the opportunity, Brother Hong."

Li Yanran sighed and shook her head.

Seeing this, Li Hong scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, and couldn't stop.

"Sister, what exactly do you want, what exactly do you want to take me to that good place?"

"You can go if you want, Baiguan. If you want to agree, I will take you with me."

Li Yanran showed her signature smile again, her ten teeth gleaming brightly.

Why not eight, don't forget that Li Yanran still has two small canine teeth.

"Sister, you are taking advantage of the fire to rob. My mortgage has not been paid off yet, and you want another hundred coins now. Where can I steal it for you?"

Li Hong was depressed, Sister, did you not brush your teeth after eating, and took such a big breath early in the morning.

The place you are going to is Penglai Wonderland, and the palace itself is not rare, just open your mouth and it will be a hundred words.

If he had never blinked before, but wouldn't this be Longyou Qianshui?

23 The money has already been saved by him, and this is not counted as the mortgage he owed.

Isn't this embarrassing people?

"Sister, I said in advance that there are not many people in Chang'an who are qualified to go to this place, and it's only a hundred guan. I don't want it now, just an IOU."

Li Yanran was not in a hurry at all, she could handle her younger brother with ease.

This kid is rebellious all over, the more you tell him to go, the less he wants to go, but the more you don't let him go, hehe.

"Sister, don't you lie to me, is that place really a good place?"

Hearing the word IOU, Li Hong's calf trembled, but he was really curious about this place.

I don't know where it is, there are not many people in the entire Chang'an City who are qualified.

"Beautiful, it can be said to be a fairyland on earth, and it makes people linger and forget to return."

Li Yanran glanced at the roof, and then glanced at Li Hong beside him from the corner of her eye, the corners of her mouth were full of color.

"Okay, I'll write."

As soon as Li Hong gritted his teeth, he was inexplicably burdened with a hundred guan debts.

"Miss, please drive..."

Li Feng came in, glanced at Li Hong who was beside Li Yanran, and was also taken aback.

"What's the matter, the prince will go with me, don't talk too much, let's go."

Li Yanran gave Li Feng a wink, telling him not to talk too much, and don't spoil his good deeds.

"Your Highness, please."

Li Fenggate received the signal from Li Yanran, with a hint of joy in the corner of his eyes, he invited the two to get in the car.


Li Feng stepped into the carriage, assumed the duties of the coachman, and headed towards Chang'an under the escort of the imperial army.

After walking for a while, Li Hong looked at the direction of the carriage, and frowned.

"Sister, why does this direction seem to go to Chang'an?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, wondering where this was going.

"Of course I went to Chang'an, this good place is in Chang'an."

Li Yanran calmly picked up the apple on the small table and took a big bite.

"Is there the place you mentioned in Chang'an? Why don't I know?"

Hearing that he was indeed going to Chang'an, Li Hong suddenly had a bad thought.

"There are still many places you don't know about, have you heard about Chang'an Ghost City?
Do you know the Eight Great Hutongs in Chang'an?

If you want to go, there is still time to get off now. "

Seeing Li Yanran's indifferent look, Li Hong also collected himself, picked up a peach, and ate it.

"The place I'm going to later is extraordinary. Don't look out any more, or I won't be able to go to that place if you don't bother me."

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong who was venting his anger by eating peaches, and said in a low voice again.


Li Hongmo didn't say a word, just focused on fighting with the fruits on the table.

He wanted to see what was so good about this place that my sister was full of praise for.

The carriage moved quickly, passed through Chang'an's square gate, and headed straight for the imperial palace.

"Open the door."

Seeing Li Feng's gold medal and the imperial guards around him, the captain who guarded the gate directly opened the palace gate and let Li Yanran in.

"Miss, here we are."

Li Feng yelled at the inside, and Li Yanran also patted Li Hong.

"Sister, why did you call me? I'm sleeping soundly."

Li Hong rubbed his eyes, and looked puzzled at the elder sister who woke him up.

"The good place is here, why don't you get out of the car?"

Li Yanran ignored it and got off the carriage directly.


Li Hong followed Li Yanran down, looking at the scene in front of him, there was a chill in his eyes.

"Sister, this place dares to imitate the imperial palace. It is a heinous crime and deserves to be killed."

"What is nonsense, what is imitation, this is the palace."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head, Xiao Mian, are you sleepy?
Don't even recognize your own home?

"Imperial Palace? Sister, you lied to me, you pay me back."

Hearing that this is the imperial palace, Li Hong collapsed.

He really didn't expect that he was already on guard to the extreme, he didn't expect that he was still in the way of sister.

Back to the palace now?Why is he going back to the palace?

What will you say after seeing your father and mother?
Could it be that he was cheated back?

Not to be broken hands and feet.

"When did I lie to you? As long as you can say one thing, I will not only return the money to you, but also give you a hundred guan."

Li Yanran sneered, word games are her favorite.

If you little Li Hong can pick out the fault, I will take your surname.

"You said that there are not many people in Chang'an who are qualified to enter that place,
He also said that it is beautiful there, like a fairyland on earth,
And you said this is the best place in Chang'an. "

While thinking about Li Yanran's words, Li Hong opened his mouth to defend.

"Yes, how many people in Chang'an can enter this palace, and is this palace beautiful, is it the best place in Chang'an?"


Li Hong was stunned, now thinking about Li Yanran's words, there was nothing wrong with it, but it made him feel a little helpless.

"Sister, I can't say no to you. I don't want the one hundred crowns. I don't want to see my father and mother. I want to go back to the fief."

Knowing that he was no match for Li Yanran, Li Hong accepted his fate.

The hundred guan is considered to be the tuition fee, but he really doesn't want to go to see his parents.

Next time, next time, I will definitely not be fooled by sister.

Sister, it is really too insidious.

It's shameless to use this trick to deceive a child of her own.

"Okay, Li Feng is going to drive the prince away."

Li Yanran didn't say anything, if you want to leave, fine, we will definitely not stop you.

"Sister, you won't stop me?"

Hearing this, Li Hong was stunned again.

She tried her best to trick herself into this palace, but now she let him leave so easily.

There must be something strange here.

"Why should I stop you, you can leave as you want, but you don't know what will happen if the father and mother know that their good sons have returned to the palace, but they avoid them?"

Li Yanran ignored Li Hong at all, and went directly to Li Zhi's imperial study.

"Sister, wait for me."

Li Hong was depressed, he finally understood why his elder sister didn't stop her.

Because there is no need at all, there is no need to want to get off the ship when you get on the thief ship, because you can't get off at all.

You may be able to withstand the wind and waves on the boat, but when you get off the boat, you will be in great waves.

He is going to run away now, if his father doesn't send someone to arrest him and beat him to a level ten disability, he will take the surname of Li Zhi.

"His Majesty."


Just as Ryan was about to report, Li Hong rushed in before him.


Li Yanran walked over slowly, and saluted Li Zhi in a graceful manner.


Looking at the pair of children, even if Lychee Juice has experienced a lot of wind and waves, it is a bit stunned.

Why did they come back? Could it be that something happened to Lishan?

"Father, why do you see that we are unhappy? If you are like this, Yan Ran will be angry."

Seeing Li Zhi in a daze, Li Yanran put her hands on her hips and stared at her father.

"Oh oh oh, Yan Ran, Hong'er, I'm very happy that you guys are back."

Li Zhi couldn't help shivering, quickly put on a small face, and embraced Li Hong in his arms.

"Father, Hong'er misses you."

Li Hong put his head into Li Zhi's arms, and shivered uncontrollably.

There must be something wrong with Sister bringing him back, but he doesn't know.

The unknown is the scariest thing, he is really scared.

"Hong'er, you are suffering from a cold. Why do I feel that you are shivering?"

Sensing Li Hong's abnormality, Li Zhi also asked with concern.

"Father, maybe it's because Brother Hong learned something and was too excited to tell you, so he trembled."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, I brought you back because I was bored, I want to find a companion, it seems to scare you.

"Really? Hong'er learned something, what did he learn? Tell me."

Hearing that Li Hong had achieved something in his studies, Li Zhi was also overjoyed.

Nothing brings more joy to parents than the success of their own children.

"Father, Hong'er does have some feelings."

Li Zhi was so happy, but Li Hong shivered.

This is a hurdle. If you can't get over it, you might have to eat a meal of meat sandwiched with bamboo boards.

"Tell me, if you really make progress, I will definitely reward you well."

Li Zhi stroked his beard and smiled, wanting to hear what his son thought.

"Then I'll tell you, this is benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, loyalty, filial piety, honesty, brotherhood, forbearance. I don't know which one is most important to the emperor?"

Li Hong also gained courage and began to ask Li Zhi.

"How many times have I told you that benevolence is the most important thing for the emperor, and you have fallen on deaf ears to the words of the emperor?"

Hearing Li Hong's question, Li Zhi slapped his son on the head.

He is a thousand exhortations, and he often teaches his son that the world's righteousness and benevolence are the first words. Why is his son so forgetful?

I really want to piss him off as a father.

"Father, why are you beating someone?"

Li Hong was depressed, why his father beat people at every turn, just like his sister.

Elder Sister is a child, so you will be beaten if you are beaten, but you are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty today, above tens of millions.

Why is it so frizzy? It's really sad.

"Hitting you is to let you have a long memory. The word benevolence contains thousands of things. Don't forget it."

Li Zhi stared, eyes full of anger.

"Hong'er thinks what the father said is right or wrong."

"Why so much nonsense, just say what you want, what's the point?"

Li Zhi slapped him in the face again, he was so young that he would imitate those old pedants, it's all on Lao Tzu's head.

How can I not hit you.

"Father, my son believes that the first thing to follow in the righteousness of heaven and earth is the word loyalty."


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