My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 405 If a man is alive, he must not live without money for a day

Li Zhi was also stunned, and glanced at Li Yanran who was on the side, no need to think that she must have poured the ecstasy soup on his son again.

Otherwise, how can I even change the thoughts I have instilled for so many years.


You are the prince now, and you will be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the future. I am loyal to you, a walnut.

"That's right, Father, listen to me carefully."

As Li Hong said, he kicked his legs and began to turn around in the imperial study.

"That's how it is. These views really caught my eyes and ears, but are these really what you think and understand?"

After listening to Li Hong's exposition, Li Zhi was also stunned.

He was a little surprised by this consideration, but it was impossible for his son to think about it.

"Father, Brother Hong naturally felt this, are you surprised?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she naturally would not reveal Di Renjie's identity.

The other party was a great talent that she had worked so hard to get, and she was counting on him to help her teach those idiots well.

If people are poached away, then they will lose a lot.

"Hong'er, is what your elder sister said true?"

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, and then looked at Li Hong in front of him, with a look of disbelief still in his eyes.

"Father, how could Yanran deceive you, and besides what you said just now, if you are satisfied with what Honger said,

You are about to reward him, why don't Brother Hong tell you what you want? "

Li Yanran smiled at Li Hong, you boy, you have to keep your mouth shut, otherwise my hundred vine whips will be called to you.

There is a way to heaven, you have to go, and there is no way to hell, so don't vote.

"Father, if my son wants money, you can just reward me with ten thousand taels of gold."

Li Zhi slapped Li Hong on the head with his backhand.

Staring at his son with staring eyes, his eyes were full of angry fire.

Jin Wanliang, do you think I look like someone with that much money?
Why are you a brat as good as your elder sister?
Could it be said that greed for money can also be contagious?

"Father, why are you beating me? You are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so you can't even give me ten thousand taels of gold."

Li Hong glanced at Li Zhi, his face full of grievances.

"It's not an exaggeration to kill you. Do you know how much ten thousand taels of gold is? Is it worth that much just because you have a little insight?"

As Li Zhi said, he slapped him again.

How dare you borrow your father's shortcoming?I don't have ten thousand taels of gold, but I will beat you up if you say it.

"Father, how much can you give me? After all, you should be able to take out a hundred guan."

Li Hong was depressed, you don't have ten thousand taels of gold, and if you can reimburse my one hundred guan IOU, it would not be in vain for me to come back once.

"Can't you order something else? You are eating, drinking, and living in your elder sister's fief now. Money is of no use to you at all."

Li Zhi glared at Li Hong again, you dare to ask for the special one hundred guan.

Now you are in the fief and have no expenses, why are you always looking for money?
"Father, haven't you heard a word?"


"When a man is alive, he can't be without money for a day. Without money, what can I buy candied haws, what can I buy tofu, does it depend on my face?"

Li Hong was depressed, whoever said that it is useless for me to ask for money, you don't know how hard your son is living in the fiefdom.

Besides, if I want money, do I need to pay off my debts? Sister asked me a hundred guan for travel expenses.

If I don't seek compensation from you, wouldn't it be a loss to me.

"Since the father has spoken, you can't go back on your word. How about I reward you with a treasure that is more valuable than ten thousand taels of gold?"

Li Zhi looked at Li Hong and also showed a kind smile.

Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi in the distance, and for some reason, she always felt that her father wanted to play tricks on her younger brother.

"What is it, what is it? What is more valuable than ten thousand taels of gold?"

Li Hong didn't notice it at all, and looked at his father excitedly.

"I sent you a collection of thousands of volumes for you to study hard, how about it? Are you very grateful to the father?"


Li Hong was stunned. What his father said was more valuable than gold ten thousand taels was actually a collection of books?

He has really convinced his father, the old sixth, that you gave me a collection of thousands of books for a fart.

Can it be used for money?
Can candied haws be substituted?

He can't even wipe his butt with hard paper.

"Father, is this what you said is more valuable than ten thousand taels of gold?"

Li Hong stared at Li Zhi, he wanted to know why this thousand-volume collection of books was more valuable than ten thousand taels of gold.

"You haven't heard that gold and silver are valuable and knowledge is priceless. Books can make you wise and let you know the ancient and modern times. Once you can master all the knowledge in the books, it will be easy to earn ten thousand taels of gold."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, looking at his son in front of him, his eyes were full of complacency.

If you want to fight with your father, you are still far behind.

"But father, as far as I know, those famous people seem to have been displaced in the early stage, and some of them even have nothing to eat. Even if they learn this knowledge, I am afraid that they will be a beggar."

Li Hong straightened his neck. Although celebrities are well-known, they generally have a living certificate. Learning from those people, not to mention ten thousand taels of gold, is good enough to eat enough.

"What did you say? It's against you."

When Li Zhi heard this, his eyeballs were about to pop out, and he slapped his son again with his backhand.

Did you hear what you said was human?
It's not that celebrities can't make money, but they disdain to practice the way of merchants.

Otherwise, how could their heads be worse than those illiterate merchants? It's really annoying.

"Father, don't hit me. If you want to reward me with fifty guan, ten guan will do. Don't give me those books on great principles. My head hurts just reading it."

Li Hong hugged Li Zhi's arm, his eyes were full of pleading.

"No, if you dare to do this again, I will break your legs and get lost."

Li Zhi slapped Li Hong again, and the other party was also aggrieved, and ran out whining.


Seeing Li Hong running out, Li Yanran also shook her head, and leaned in front of Li Zhi.

"What's the matter with you?"

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran with a grim expression.

It's all because of you that Hong'er learned this virtue.

"Father, don't be angry, I have a profitable business, do you want to buy a share?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and stroked Li Zhi's beard.

"A profitable business?"

Li Zhi looked around and after confirming that there was no one there, he approached Li Yanran.

Li Hong is a child, and he can't just be keen on making money, but he is different.

I am an adult, and if I want to make money to support my family, it is good to be able to make money.

"Father, you also know that we are earning a lot of money now, and it is not false to say that we are rich, but it is a waste of money to stay in the cashier's treasury.
So I am going to start a bank and let money make money. "

"The bank? What is it? Can you use money to make money?"

Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment, but also became interested, can money make money?
Really interesting tight.

"The bank is."

Li Yanran immediately explained the concept of Qianzhuang to Li Zhi.

"Flying money is really a move that benefits the country and the people, but it may not be so easy to implement."

As the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Zhi didn't feel much about Li Yanran's talk about taking deposits, but he had a lot of feelings about what he said about flying money.

You must know that although Datang is now economically prosperous, there is a situation where one mountain is poor and the other is rich, all because of the difficult and dangerous roads.

It is difficult to guarantee the safety of merchants and merchants. If Feiqian can be implemented, it will definitely make Datang's economy take off again.

"Yes, so I wonder if we can cooperate with the government, such as depositing money in our bank, and then take the bond deed to the household department to issue a certificate,
With this certificate, you can go to any government office in any place to exchange it for the required money. In this way, can you get the least money and do the biggest thing. "

Li Yanran looked at her father, he really deserved to be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the first thing she valued was the role of Feiqian, she also took the opportunity to express what Di Renjie was thinking.

"You came up with all this?"

Li Zhi was really shocked now, looking at his daughter in disbelief.

Although my daughter was considered powerful in the past, she has risen to a higher level by borrowing from the government of the world.

If she really thought about it, then Li Yanran's overall view really shocked him.

"Of course I thought about it, but these are still a little worse than the father, and it takes a lot of courage to do this.

After all, the money exchange involved is not just a little bit, but I don't know what the people in the household department will think. "

Li Yanran nodded, only her father could do this in the entire Tang Dynasty.

This not only involves the Ministry of Households, but also involves the loss of transportation money.

They are the government of Datang, isn't this the same as working for Li Yanran in disguise?

It's not a good thing to work hard, and it must be difficult to pass the Ministry of Accounts.

"You don't have to worry about this. I'll take care of it from the Ministry of Accounts. At worst, let some profits go to the Ministry of Accounts.

In addition, if Chang'an merchants have more flying money, wouldn't it be possible to exempt part of the tax from various places and send it to Chang'an, reducing the loss in the middle.

The most important thing is that this is also beneficial to Datang's economy. What face do they have to stop it. "

Li Zhi nodded, stroking his daughter's little head, his eyes were full of joy.

At this moment, he also had an idea in his mind, why is his daughter a daughter? If it were a man, Datang would definitely be countless times stronger than he is now in the next few decades.

"Father, what if the people from the household department want to leave us behind and do this by themselves? After all, they still have a great advantage over the bank."

Li Yanran looked at her father, although the other party agreed so readily, but there was still a problem.

What she is most afraid of now is that the officials of the household department will come and cut him off halfway and skip the sale, what should she do then.

"They dare, this Tang Dynasty is still my world, I want to see if the Ministry of Household Affairs has the guts to steal money from me."

Li Zhi stood up suddenly, Li Yanran and him are both prosperous and hurt.

If the household department is really like what the daughter said, it is taking money out of its own pocket.

If he didn't hit the other party, Spiral Ascension, how could he have such a good idea for his daughter.

"Father, you can't do anything recklessly. If you are like this, others will call me a wild girl, bewitching the king, and disregarding the world."

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