My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 406 The Book Has Its Own Golden House

Li Yanran looked at her father, but when it comes to her father's small coffers, the other party can always show the most stubborn attitude.

When Haagen-Dazs was taken away by Wu Yuanqing, his father dared to ask Wu Zetian for an explanation.

The end is a bit manly.

"Who dares to say that, I will definitely tear his stinky mouth, you don't have to worry about this matter."

Li Zhi frowned. He had heard these remarks before, but he didn't expect his daughter to be troubled by this.

It's true that the father didn't do his job well, and I also blame those people who talk nonsense.

It's time to kill.

"Father, if it's okay, I'll go see A Niang."

Now that these matters have been settled, Li Yanran immediately saluted and went to see Wu Zetian.

After all, he went back to the palace, if he didn't go to see his mother, and the other party found out, he might beat him up.

"Go, your mother must be very happy to see you."

Li Zhi nodded. After all, he was still his daughter. If it was Li Hong, he might just stick his ass and run away.

"Father, do you want to go differently?"

"I still have government affairs to review here, so you can go by yourself."

Li Zhi shook his head, then sat on the table and began to review the memorial.

"Sister, are you done with your business?"

When Li Hong saw Li Yanran coming out, he immediately moved over.

"Well, we're done talking."

"Then let's go back to the fief quickly, otherwise we won't be able to make time for dinner and class at night."

Li Hong covered his mouth as he spoke, and looked at his elder sister.

"I know how to eat all day long. Is there any reason not to see A Niang when I go back to Chang'an? Come with me to greet A Niang before returning to the fief."

Li Yanran directly picked up Li Hong's ears, eating and drinking all day long.

I really don't know when you can stop this girl from worrying.

"Sister, I don't want to see the queen mother. The queen mother is fierce. I'm afraid."

Hearing that he was going to greet his old mother, Li Hong's face twisted instantly.

"Do you dare to go?"

"Sister, it hurts."

"going or not."


Li Yanran brought Li Hong outside Wu Zetian's bedroom, and the servants who had been waiting for a long time also hurried over to salute.

"His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, the Empress has been waiting for a long time, please come in with me."

Hearing the servant's words, Li Hong's heart skipped a beat.

Fortunately, this king is as good as others, if he really leaves, he might be beaten by his wife.

Coming out of Wu Zetian's bedroom, Li Hong looked at the elder sister in front of him, and slowly moved over.


"Don't even think about it, I won't give you that one hundred IOU."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, and directly told him not to open his mouth.

"Sister, I didn't say anything, how did you know I was going to talk about the IOU?"

Li Hong was completely dumbfounded, but he didn't say anything yet, how did sister know what I was thinking.

Could it be that she can really pinch and count, and can't predict the future?

"As soon as you stick your butt, I know what shit you want to shit. If you can't even guess with your little thoughts, how can I manage such a mess of people under me?"

Li Yanran knocked Li Hong on the head directly, and the other party immediately covered his head.

"Sister, I have an idea, it's not worth talking about."

"If it's not worth talking about, don't talk about it, it won't be annoying."

Li Yanran didn't even act as Li Hong's agent, who knows what kind of crazy idea you have come up with.


In the face of Li Yanran, who was reckless, Li Hong was really speechless.

Why is this sister so difficult to deal with?

"Sister, do you like books?"

Although Li Yanran refused to accept the offer, Li Hong still continued to speak bravely.

"do not like."

"It turns out that sister likes it. Look, sister, I will transfer all the thousand volumes of books that my father gave me to you, and our one hundred IOUs will be fine."

Li Hong has also used his thick skin to the extreme. No matter what you say, anyway, what he is thinking now is how to offset the one hundred guan debt.

"Don't even think about it, didn't the emperor say that the knowledge in the book is priceless,
If the emperor knew that you sold this priceless treasure to me for a hundred pennies, he might tie you to a tree and whip you dozens of times. "

Glancing at Li Hong, Li Yanran directly moved Li Zhi out.

Aren't you shameless?Then I want to see if you are the best or the old man is the best.

"Sister, how can you sell things about scholars? This is a gift.
I will give you the priceless treasure from my father, and you will also give me my IOU. This is mutual benefit. "

Li Hong rolled his small eyes, and immediately came in front of Li Yanran again.

"You are a big kid, you really don't regret it?"

Li Yanran was a little surprised when she heard that Li Hong could think of such an excuse.

This kid has grown up quite fast, and he can even trick him into making a gift.

"I do not regret."

Li Hong nodded quickly when he saw Youmen.

"That's fine, this is for you."

Li Yanran directly took out the IOU from her pocket and handed it over.

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran and then at the IOU that was close at hand, his eyes were full of guard again.

"Sister, no, no, you shouldn't have given it to me so readily. Do you have something to hide from me?"

Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran slapped him directly, and dared to question himself.

When playing.

"Sister, why are you beating someone? I know. You must have been caught in your heart by what this king said, and you became angry from embarrassment. Isn't that right?"

"Li Yanran, what kind of conspiracy and tricks are there, and I haven't resorted to the truth."

Li Hong not only didn't get angry when he was beaten, but became complacent.

He thought that he must have seen through Ajie's routine this time.

A routine that is worth a hundred pennies may not tell what kind of ghost he will be beaten into.

"The skin is itchy, isn't it?"

Li Yanran was also dumbfounded, this guy was directing and acting out some inner drama.

How could I have conspired and tricked myself, hitting you just because I felt that you should hit.

It's just that you are still so self-righteous, it really makes her a little speechless.

It was just a grabbing hand to press Li Hong under him, and when he raised his hand, it was a slap.

The small sample, the wings are really hard, and it is about to fly.

"Li Yanran, wake up, I won't be fooled by you."

"Don't hit, don't hit, my ass hurts."

"Sister, I've taken it, can't I take it?"

Li Hong wailed like a wolf, almost knelt down and begged for mercy, and Li Yanran let him go.

"It's really going to piss me off."

After beating Li Hong, Li Yanran grabbed a peach and took a big bite.

"Sister, brother Hong is wrong, please give me the one hundred guan IOU."

Li Hong looked aggrieved at the elder sister who was still angry, feeling sad in his heart.

It's really embarrassing to think that a man of three feet can't even beat a woman.

"Didn't you say that my sister and I have some schemes and tricks? As the saying goes, if you stand on a wall, you can be strong without desire. As long as you are not greedy, you will never be fooled in your life."

Li Yanran directly put the IOU into her pocket, and stopped looking at her silly brother.

"Sister, don't be so, isn't Brother Hong all at fault? You should give me this IOU."

Li Hong quickly moved to Li Yanran's side again, and began to shake his arms.

"Then how can it work? Sister is really planning to use these collections of books to make a fuss, so don't get my younger brother involved."

"What does it mean to be involved? Sister's matter is Hongdi's matter. Sister, if you are so out of touch again, don't blame me for being angry with you."

Li Hong has learned to be smart now, and he can't beat sister A on the left and right.

If Li Yanran wants to trick him, no matter how much he resists, he won't be able to escape.

Rather than stand up to resist and be suppressed bloody, it would be better to be a salted fish lying flat.

At least the one hundred guan debt can be forgiven.

"If you had this awareness just now, would you suffer this beating?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, the speed of this boy's face-changing was so fast that she was a little overwhelmed.

He is really the number one hero in the world.

No, compared to Changsun Yan's idiot, Li Hong is still a bit inferior.

"So, sister, give me the IOU."

Li Hong smiled slightly, and spread his hands to Li Yanran.

"Little ghost, here you are."

Li Yanran tapped Li Hong's head with her finger, and handed over the one hundred IOU.

"Sister is the best, but why do you want those books? They are really useless at all."

While Li Hong quickly tore up the IOU, he asked Li Yanran what he meant.

"Whoever said that books are useless, this reading is of great use."

"The so-called rich family does not need to buy fertile land, but there are thousands of millet in the book.

There is no need to erect a high hall in Anju, the book has its own golden house.

Don't hate to be unaccompanied when you go out, there are so many carriages in the book.

Don't hate unscrupulous matchmakers when you marry a wife. There is Yan Ruyu in the book.

If a man has a biography, he reads the Six Classics diligently to the window. "

Li Yanran read to Li Hong the motivational chapter that was widely rumored by later generations. Although the other party may not understand, these are all what she thinks in her heart.

After all, when she was a child, she was often instilled with these famous sayings and aphorisms by the teacher. How could she let her younger brother miss such a good thing.

"Sister, who said this, why does it feel that there is so much truth, and that Qian Zhongsu, Brother Hong of the Golden House understands, but what is this Yan Ruyu?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, he felt somewhat indifferent to these words, after all, the other party is only six years old now.

But even so, he could understand the general meaning, that is, it is good to study, there is money and food in it, but what is Yan Ruyu?
He really doesn't understand.

"This is Sister Song's own conclusion.

I was outside the palace before, and my mother never let me go out of the palace. Every day at home, sister, I just read books.

The reason why sister can understand more than you and earn such a large fortune is all from books.

As for the Yan Ruyu you mentioned actually refers to a young and beautiful woman, you will understand later. "

Li Yanran almost didn't come out bald, but it's okay.

It was really too thrilling.

"So that's it. Then, sister, which book did you read?"

"Brother Hong wants to read it, and then earn untold money like Sister."

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