My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 407 Libraries

Chapter 407 Libraries

Hearing that Li Yanran's ability is learned from the book, Li Hong rolled his eyes and asked the other party for the title of the book.

A sister is so stupid that she can achieve her current achievements after reading that book. If this king reads it, wouldn't she soar into the sky and become the richest person in the entire Tang Dynasty.

When the time comes to eat candied haws by myself, I must buy two at once, no, three.

Eat one, play with one, and throw away the remaining one.

No way, who told us to be rich.

Seeing Li Hong's appearance, Li Yanran could no longer control her prehistoric power.

Which book to read?The book I read is called Life.

After all, this girl received 16 years of compulsory education in modern society, learned the seven main subjects of English, mathematics, English, politics, geology, biology, and was beaten severely by society for several years.

It would be amazing if you could learn it.

"I didn't study hard at a young age, and I was thinking of taking shortcuts all day long. I tore through every book in the house. If you can do it, I guarantee you can do it better than me."

Li Yanran grabbed Li Hong's ears again, her eyes were full of inexplicable expressions.

"Sister, let go, it hurts, it hurts."

Li Hong stood up after being pulled, and tears filled his small eyes again.

"Hmph, if you dare to have such an opportunistic idea, I will never let you go."

With a cold snort, Li Yanran let Li Hong go.

"Sister, what are you going to do with those books? You have to find out for me first."

Rubbing his ears with his hands, Li Hong didn't know what taboo he had committed to make Sister so angry.

I didn't read the almanac today, and everything went wrong.

"What are you doing? Books, of course, are for reading. I want to build a library, so that scholars from all over the world can come to my library to read books."

Li Yanran had thought about it a long time ago. It can be said that collectors of poetry and books have run through the entire history of China.

No matter when this sentence is, it is a status symbol.

Books, as Li Zhi said, are truly priceless, and a volume of ancient books can even be sold for an astronomical figure.

Even in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, only a small number of people could read books, and most of the classics were in the hands of the government and aristocratic families.

The next thing Li Yanran is trying to promote is Datang Everbright City. Who is the richest person in Datang?

It's nothing more than those scholars from aristocratic families. If Datang Everbright City wants to set sail, these scholars are the best Dongfeng.

As for how to borrow this shareholder wind, so that these scholars can flock to the city that never sleeps in the Tang Dynasty, there are only books.

Many of the books that Li Zhi donated were orphans, rare, and absolute copies, and even if they were not originals, they were copied by the palace calligraphers.

If I can open a huge reading library, why don't those scholars rush over by themselves?
At that time, they will eat, drink, and sleep, all of which will be settled in Lishan, which will definitely greatly improve the local economy.

"Sister, do you want them to watch it for free or do you charge for it?"

Li Hong was taken aback for a moment, his elder sister's ambition is really lofty.

It really surprised him that he wanted to open a library, but it's not like his elder sister's style.

There must be something strange in this.

"It's impossible for free, and it's impossible for a lifetime. Naturally, you have to charge money to read books in the library. What are you thinking?"

Li Yanran was taken aback, although most of the libraries in later generations were public welfare, but now in the Tang Dynasty, these books are more precious than gold to those scholars.

The so-called food is not delicious, if you want those scholars to cherish it, you have to charge money.

"Sister, shouldn't you build this library to be more attractive to those poor children?
After all, the aristocratic family has a large collection of books, and it doesn't matter if there is one more library or one less library, but those children from poor families have no inherent advantages.

If you are like this, I am afraid that many people will seriously hurt you in the back. "

Although Li Hong is a child, he still has his own judgment. His husband also told him about the difficulties of the poor scholars in the Tang Dynasty.

If Li Yanran did this, it would be tantamount to giving those poor families hope that they could not see but could not touch, and some people would definitely hold grudges against them.

"Rumours stop at wise men, wise men don't fall in love, iron pots only stew big geese,

Those who have money to read books, but those who have no money to find ways to make money, the door of the library is always open for them.

The Buddha also said that the scriptures should not be passed on lightly, nor should they be taken in vain.

The cannibals who come here will not cherish them. Only when they get the opportunity through hard work can they study wholeheartedly.

It is clear that I want their money, but in fact I am sharpening their body and mind, and I am doing it for their own good. "

Li Yanran sighed, but Li Hong listened with gusto.

He really admires his elder sister, who can always talk about making money so fresh and refined, and what she says is so righteous.

The most important thing is that sister doesn't value money every sentence, and every sentence makes you send money willingly.

It is really unmatched by anyone in the world today.

"Sister, how do you know that the Buddha said that the scriptures should not be passed on lightly, nor should they be taken in vain? Are you really the reincarnation of the Buddha, as the great monk Xuanzang said?"

Li Hong stared at his elder sister up and down, wanting to see if the back of her head was illuminated by Buddha's light.

"I don't know if I am the reincarnation of the Buddha, but you will become a Buddha in no time. If my sister knocks on your head today, I will not be your sister."

Li Yanran directly smashed Li Hong's head with a chestnut.

If you say that I am the reincarnation of Buddha, don’t you know that the person I am most afraid of now is the great monk Xuanzang?

If you really don't fix you, you're going to fly into the sky and escape from the ground.

"Sister, I dare not, I dare not."

Facing the vicious Li Yanran, Li Hong was beaten on the spot and ran away, begging for mercy.

"If you dare to mention the reincarnation of the Buddha in front of me again, I will definitely shave your head and send it to Xuanzang to become a monk."

"Understood, sister, don't send me to be a monk, I don't want to become a monk."

Li Hong's whole body was not well, and he hugged Li Yanran's arm with snot and tears.

He knew how powerful Li Yanran was, and if he really sent him to become a monk, he would be finished.

"Hmph, as long as you know how powerful it is."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, as long as Xiao Mian knows how good she is.

"Sister, does what you just said still count?"

Seeing the smile on Li Yanran's face, Li Hong immediately asked with a smile.

"Does it count?"

Li Yanran was stunned, what did she say, it doesn't count?
"You said just now that wise men don't fall in love, and only goose is stewed in an iron pot. Brother Hong wants to eat a big goose stewed in an iron pot."

Li Hong felt that his stomach was already beating drums and gongs. It didn't matter who he was, he just wanted to stew a big goose in an iron pot.

"Eat, eat, eat, what else do you know besides eating all day long?"

"Oh, sister, don't be angry."

"Can I not be angry?"

"Sister, it's not good to be angry, you won't be pretty."

"This girl will be mad at you sooner or later."

Hearing the commotion inside, Li Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

The carriage traveled all the way and finally returned to the small town.

"Your Highness."

Di Renjie had been waiting at the door for a long time, and immediately went up to meet the carriage when he saw it.

"Di Renjie, why are you waiting here?"

Li Yanran was taken aback when she saw Di Renjie.

"Your Highness, Commander Yi has been waiting here for a long time since you left."

The forbidden army glanced at Di Renjie, and hurriedly told the situation that the other party had been waiting here.

"Have a heart."

Li Yanran nodded, she didn't expect that Di Renjie would do such a thing, he really meant it.

"Your Highness, have you discussed it with His Majesty?"

Di Renjie shook his head. What he is most concerned about now is the flying money.

This is an act that benefits the country and the people, and it must be completed no matter how great the obstacles are.

Otherwise, it's a vegetarian meal in the corpse's place, sorry for my official clothes.

"Di Renjie, my sister is tired from traveling and traveling, besides, this is not a place to talk. If you have anything to do, you have to wait until my sister is full, right?"

Li Hong gave Di Renjie a look, this man is so boring, he asks this and that before he enters the door, he really should be beaten.

I haven't eaten the big goose stew in an iron pot yet, who knows how long it will take when you ask.

If you delay my meal and starve my belly, I will never forgive you.

"Eat, eat, eat all day long."

Li Yanran twisted Li Hong's ears again, he is worried about the national economy and the people's livelihood, you are worried about your belly.

"Sister, stop twisting, it hurts."

Li Hong's whole body is not well, I think about your stomach, but you only know how to twist my ears all day long.

Really bad woman.

"Get out, go and ask Cheng Chubi to prepare it. The goose is stewed in an iron pot."

"Sister is the best."

Li Hong was obedient, rubbing his ears, and ran out in a hurry.

"It's really a child's temper, Di Renjie, don't take offense."

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong's leaving back and shook her head.

"Your Highness is serious."

Di Renjie quickly saluted.

"Let's go, let's talk inside."


After entering the room, Li Yanran sat on the sofa, glanced at the newly delivered table case, and smiled slightly.

"Your Highness, how will His Majesty reply? This is an act that benefits the country and the people. I hope His Highness will try his best to make this happen."

Di Renjie knelt directly in front of Li Yanran, doing this for the sake of the country, the people, and Li Yanran herself, and hoped that she would do her best to make it happen.

"Father has already agreed, but now I am afraid that the government government will take over this matter or the local government will wantonly criticize and delay the exchange of flying money, and there may be problems at that time."

Li Yanran nodded, and told Di Renjie Li Zhi's response.

"Your Highness, these are trivial matters. As long as Feiqian can really make it happen, whether it is done by your bank or the Ministry of Households, it is for the sake of the people and can promote the economy of the Tang Dynasty."

Di Renjie shook his head. The reason why he proposed to let the government pledge is to promote the economy.

It doesn't matter who is in charge of this matter.

"Di Renjie, although I did this for the benefit of the country and the people, it is also for myself. If the business of flying money is taken away by the government, why should I waste so much effort?"

"You have to find a way for me, otherwise this matter will go to waste."

(End of this chapter)

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