My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 408 Rishenglong Bank

Li Yanran is depressed, you are my Commander-in-Chief, now my fortune is about to be robbed, are you still so happy?

"Your Highness, in fact, there is no need to worry too much about this matter. Flying money is complicated. If the government really wants to facilitate this matter, it will not be so easy.

This matter will fall on your bank in the end,

So what you have to do now is to take the first step and open up the bank. This is the truth. "

Di Renjie smiled slightly. This matter needs to be communicated from top to bottom, connecting the north and the south. The Ministry of Household Affairs does not know how long it will take to complete this matter.

Moreover, officials from all over the country may not always buy the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts. Only Li Yanran's royal status can deter the localities and facilitate the matter of flying money.

"Then I'll wait and see, how long will it take you to open this bank?"

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie, now she can only hope that what he said is true, and that her father can frighten the court.

Otherwise, if it is really broken by the officials of all parties, it will be difficult to remedy it.

"I have found the location of the store and all the staff in the store. Moreover, the bank is simple and does not require much decoration. It can be opened within two days."

Di Renjie smiled slightly. He had almost prepared these things, and the address was next to Lan Kwai Fong.

The reason for choosing this place is that the people who come and go to Lan Kwai Fong are either rich or expensive, and they are all potential customers of the bank.

Secondly, here is the gathering place of Li Yanran's industries, which is convenient for management.
Three times here are Li Yanran's shops, saving money.

"Okay, let's do it now."

Li Yanran nodded. This guy is really a man of affairs. It only took half a day to choose the site, decoration and personnel.

If this is given to those stupid people, it may take how many days.

It seems that this person has found a treasure himself.

"Your Highness, there is one more thing that you must do yourself."

"what's up?"

Li Yanran was taken aback for a moment, she didn't understand why she had to do it by herself.

"The name, the name of the bank is very important, and His Highness must do it himself."

"The name is simple, it's called Rishenglong Bank."

Li Yanran thought for a while, and directly named Ri Shenglong.

"Ri Shenglong, this name is really good."

Hearing the name Ri Shenglong, a gleam flashed in Di Renjie's eyes.

He likes the fact that the name is authentic, reserved and unassuming, not bad.

"Well, then it's decided."

"Di Renjie will do it right away."

Di Renjie saluted, turned around and left.

"and many more."


Di Renjie turned his head to look at Li Yanran, not knowing what else was going on.

"Cheng Chubi is already preparing food, let's get busy after dinner."

"Your Highness, you can eat at any time, but if the bank can open one day earlier, we will have an extra chance."

Di Renjie shook his head, bowed again and left.

Looking at Di Renjie's back, Li Yanran was also satisfied.

Who wouldn't like such a subordinate, he was much better than those four crouching dragons and phoenixes.

"Sister, everything is ready, we can serve dinner."

Not long after Di Renjie left, Li Hong hurried over.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. You know how to eat when others are working. I don't have your meal today."

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong and jumped up directly, her eyes were full of anger.


Li Hong was stunned, what's wrong with me?
Who am I provoking?

What do you mean I only know how to eat, didn't you ask me to prepare it just now?

Where does this follow.

"Sister, you are not good, you bully people."

Li Hong said with a small face and ran out.

There was nothing to say all night, and Li Zhi also delivered the promised thousand-volume collection early the next morning.

Looking at the classics on the carriage, Di Renjie was stunned.

These collections of books are all good things that he has heard of but never seen before, and he did not expect to see them in this small Lishan.

Seeing Li Yanran approaching, Di Renjie hurriedly saluted, his eyes full of shock.

"Your Highness, these"

"These are all given to Hongdi by my father. I am going to build a library and put all the classics in it, and then let scholars all over the world come here to see it."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and said her plan.



"Di Renjie has thanked His Highness for your kindness on behalf of the scholars in the world."

As Di Renjie spoke, he directly saluted Li Yanran.

If Li Yanran really thinks this way, it should be a blessing to the world's scholars.

The reason why the aristocratic family can become an aristocratic family is not only because of their high status, but more because of the collection of books in their hands.

Books can make people wise, and they can also make people grow. If you can accompany countless books every day, even if you are a pig, it will not be too bad.

People from poor families can only join the family if they want to get ahead, that's why the family is undefeated after the dynasty changes.

If Li Yanran can really make the book collection public to the world, it will be a blessing to the world's poor scholars, and it will also have a certain effect on the promotion of Datang.

"Di Renjie, you're overthinking it. My sister doesn't let the world see it for free. If you want to enter the library, you have to pay."

Li Hong glanced at Di Renjie, feeling depressed for a while.

Sister is for money, do you think it is for the so-called poor family in the world?

"Do you need to talk too much? As much as you know."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head again.

It seems that you know a lot, right? It's cool to expose me on the spot, right?

"That's also very good. Spending a little money but being able to read a lot of books is enough to make those poor children happy."

Di Renjie's expression also tightened, and he saluted Li Yanran in embarrassment.

"Let's not talk about that, your task now is to hurry up and open the Rishenglong Bank for me, understand?"

Li Yanran nodded, looking at how he was talking.

I have contributed to the world, so it's not as dirty as you said.

I really don't understand my sister's hard work.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, you will never be delayed."

Di Renjie smiled slightly, all of these were under his control, and there would be absolutely no delay in the matter.

"it is good."

After Di Renjie's preparation, Rishenglong Bank soon opened a shop next to Lan Kwai Fong, and everyone gathered together for the rare things that appeared.

"What is this for?"

"I don't know. The notice outside the door seems to be a bank."

"What does Qianzhuang do?"

A group of people looked at the bank in front of them and pointed, some of them didn't know what it was for.

"A group of clubs, I didn't see that it was clearly written over there. Today, Rishenglong Bank provides storage, and is there a flying money business for borrowing?"

A man in a blouse glanced at the people around him, smiled and said the contents of the notice slowly.

"Storage? Why storage?"

"That's right, we only have that little money, and we need to charge a storage fee for storage, let's go."

"It's boring, I thought there was something fun and delicious."

After hearing clearly about the bank's business, the people were extremely disappointed and left one after another.


The literati gave everyone a blank look, and walked in directly.

"Who is the shopkeeper, come out and meet me."

"This guest officer, do you have any business to discuss?"

Looking at the literati's clothes, a shopkeeper immediately came out to serve.

"Well, I have twenty coins here that I want to deposit in the bank, so I can find someone to make a bond for me."

The man smiled slightly and explained his intentions.

"Young master, our bank only accepts storage business of more than [-] guan, [-] guan is too little, and it is a waste to pay the storage fee."

The shopkeeper smiled awkwardly at the man, only twenty pennies, is it worth keeping in the bank?

Just find a box and bury it in the ground, so that the snitches can't find it.

Put it in the bank and waste it.

"Do you look down on me?"

"Are you looking down on me?"

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