Liu Fu was completely excited.

He was not only excited about what Liu Hui said, but also because his son had grown up.

Whether he can come back, he has already seen it.

If his son grows up, the Liu family will have hope in the future.

"Then my father gave me the money, and I'll go to Rishenglong to save the money, and I'll give him the good start first, so that Her Highness the Princess will definitely look at us highly,
Otherwise, it would be meaningless for us to go again after everyone else has saved their money. Giving charcoal in the snow is always more memorable than icing on the cake. "

Seeing that her father was so happy, Liu Hui also took the time to let him take out the money, otherwise he would be robbed of the No. 1 title by others, and he would have to look for it there.

"You're right, our business just happened to have a business going to Quzhou, and my father was worried about how to take the money. Isn't it a coincidence?"

Liu Fu stroked his beard and smiled, and shouted directly to the side: "Come here, prepare the car, sir, I'm going to Rishenglong Bank."

"Father, just leave this matter to your son. After all, you are a person with status, so there is no need to go there in person."

Hearing that her father wanted to go together, Liu Hui was completely dumbfounded.

How did I get the token that symbolizes my identity in the past? Aren't you playing with me?

"Since when will I need you, a bastard, to point out my work?
If I don't go to Ri Shenglong to confirm it, how can I know what you are doing with my ninety pennies?

Is there something you are hiding from me, kid? "

Liu Fu kicked Liu Hui aside with one kick, his eyes full of doubts.

"I didn't, how could a son lie to his father?"

Liu Hui was depressed, and secretly sighed that her father was so wonderful.

Even my little thoughts can guess.

"Why don't you go quickly?"

Liu Fu gave Liu Hui a white look, and walked out directly.

Liu Hui sighed, and also boarded the carriage with Liu Fu and headed towards Rishenglong.

"Where is your shopkeeper, my master is here to visit, so why not greet him quickly."

The carriage stopped, and the servant went straight into the house and started yelling.

"What are you shouting for? What kind of place is this? How can you be presumptuous?"

Liu Hui slapped the boy on the head with a slap, his eyes were full of anger.

Temeow, this is the bank of Her Royal Highness, you are not only causing trouble for yourself, but also for the Liu family.


The boy was dizzy from the beating, and his heart was full of grievances.

Isn't this what you always do, son?Why is it reversed today?

It's just a small bank. As for beating me like this?
"Young Master Liu is a true believer, Wei Shanqi has been waiting here for a long time."

Wei Shan Qixing came, glanced at Liu Hui, and saluted him directly.

"Treasurer Wei, don't do this, my father is outside, it's just this."

Seeing Wei Shanqi, Liu Hui leaned into his ear and said softly.

"My lord, don't worry, Wei Shanqi knows."

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, he naturally understood what Liu Hui meant.

"Okay, okay, then I'll ask my father to come and have a conversation with you."

Liu Hui showed a nice smile, and turned around to invite her father.

"This must be the famous Liu Fu and Liu Yuanwai. Wei Shanqi has admired him for a long time."

Looking at the old man beside Liu Hui, Wei Shanqi hurriedly saluted.

"Treasurer Wei, right? I came here to hear that Gouzi Shenglong Bank is the property of Her Highness the Princess. Is it true?"

Liu Fu glanced at Wei Shanqi, and directly asked the person behind Rishenglong Bank.

After all, this matter is no small matter, he must confirm it with his own ears.

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, if it's fake, the Shenglong Bank is indeed the property of Princess Lishan."

"Then the flying money business is also true?"

Hearing that it was indeed Li Yanran's property, Liu Fu was almost convinced.

"The flying money business is also true, but there is also a premise, that is, only those who have saved more than a thousand dollars in Rishenglong Bank can do this business.
Moreover, it is not easy to fly money. The minimum amount of money to fly is [-] guan each time, and you need to bear a certain handling fee. "

Wei Shanqi looked at Liu Fu, and directly told the specifics of Fei Qian.

"Save a thousand guan? Fly money at least [-] guan?"

Liu Fu glanced at Wei Shanqi, he was also a little hesitant.

Although he can take out the thousands of family wealth, it is not a small number after all.

The Liu family is an aristocratic family, and most of the family wealth is in the fields and manors. If he has to spend such a large sum of money rashly, even he is a bit stretched.

But this deal is imminent, if it can be done, it can at least make hundreds of money.

And this is also to gain a relationship with Her Royal Highness, so I gritted my teeth.

"Hui'er, take my token and ask the accountant in the house to prepare a thousand coins and send it to Rishenglong Bank."


Liu Hui gave Wei Shanqi a look, and the other party nodded in understanding.

"Please sit down, Mr. Liu. I will arrange for someone to prepare the bond. Seeing that you are so interested in Feiqian, you should be using it?"

Wei Shanqi gave the boy a wink, and the boy understood, and brought two cups of tea.

"Yes, I happen to have a business going to Quzhou, so I am very concerned about the flying money."

Liu Hui also smiled slightly, and took a sip of tea, her satisfaction was self-evident.

Today, Ri Shenglong's hospitality tea is even better than what he usually drinks.

It's really a princess' shop, and it's full of atmosphere.

"In that case, the flying money is just right,
It is a long way from Chang'an to Quzhou. If you really want to bring money there, you will definitely be missed by those bad guys along the way.
There are no such worries about bringing flying money. It seems that God will also help Liu Gong to facilitate this transaction. "

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, and also began to compliment Liu Fu.

After all, this is a good start for Ri Shenglong, a good man, he has to maintain it no matter what.

"In this way, the old man will present a good word to Shopkeeper Wei, ha ha."

No one is unwilling to listen well, and this Wei Shanqi is a wonderful person, how could he be unhappy.

"Ha ha."

Wei Shanqi also smiled.

After a long time, Liu Hui rushed back with the carriage, and then the conductor Ding began to unload the boxes from the carriage.

"Father, a thousand coins have already been brought."

Looking at her father who was chatting with Wei Shanqi, Liu Hui couldn't help being taken aback.

Didn't your old man always say that he is a member of a family, how could he have such a speculative chat with a merchant, even if he is the shopkeeper of Her Royal Highness, it shouldn't be like this.

"Come on, Shopkeeper Wei, send someone to check."

Liu Fu smiled slightly, and waved to Wei Shanqi to check the money.

"Well, Hua Yu, let's check."

Wei Shanqi nodded. Although the Liu family is also a prominent family in Guanzhong, they open their doors to do business by themselves, paying attention to both money and goods.

If it’s because the other party is a famous family, you don’t want to check, and if you lose money, you can’t afford it even if you go bankrupt.


Several servants came directly to the box and began to examine it carefully.

"Shopkeeper, I have checked, the amount of money is wrong."


Hearing that the amount of money was wrong, Wei Shanqi was dumbfounded.

How is this possible? The other party is a member of the Liu family, so it is impossible to damage his reputation for this little money.

"Hua Yu, you must have made a mistake. Mr. Liu is a prominent family in Guanzhong, how could we lose our money?"

"The shopkeeper, it's not that it's missing, but it's ten coins more, here is one thousand and one ten coins."

Huayu was depressed for a while, did I say too little?

It's clearly an extra ten pennies, and the shopkeeper's is real.

If you don't ask indiscriminately, you will scold me.

"Ten guan more? Mr. Liu, what is the meaning of this?"

Wei Shanqi immediately understood what Liu Fu meant, this old fellow was probably trying to benefit himself.

"Treasurer Wei, a little heart is not enough to respect, I just hope that you can facilitate this matter of flying money as soon as possible, and don't forget to say a few words of kindness for me in front of His Highness the Princess."

Liu Fu smiled slightly, also a little embarrassed, and hurriedly explained his meaning to Wei Shan.

"Since that's the case, Wei Shanqi has thanked Liu Gong, so I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

Wei Shanqi also smiled slightly when he heard this, and nodded at the other party.

"Okay, then Liu Fu would like to thank shopkeeper Wei."

Hearing that Wei Shanqi accepted the money so happily, Liu Fu was also overjoyed.

After all, using other people's money to eliminate disasters, as long as Wei Shanqi takes his own money, then he will not worry about him not helping him.

This can be regarded as a handle, presumably he does not want Her Royal Highness to know.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Liu. I'll go and issue you a bond right now. As for the flying money you mentioned, when you need to use it, just come here and let me know."

Wei Shanqi got up directly, and after a while came out with the voucher, and then gave half of it to Liu Fu, and kept half of it for himself as a voucher.

"So Liu Fu will leave first."

Liu Fu collected half of the voucher and was about to leave with Liu Hui.

"Father, I won't be going back to the house for the time being. I'm inviting me out for a drink for a friend, so I don't want to go."

"Nizi, you, hey, it's up to you."

Hearing this, Liu Fu was also depressed.

I said you've grown up, but I didn't expect you to be the same bastard you were before.

Knowing to eat and drink for fun all day long is really going to piss you off.

After speaking, Liu Fu boarded the carriage and left slowly.

"Treasurer Wei, the money has already been deposited, and mine"

Looking at Wei Shanqi in front of her, Liu Hui rubbed her little hands uneasy, her eyes full of anticipation.

"Hua Yu, take the NO.1 token."


Soon the servant took out a token from inside, inlaid with gold and silver, it looked like a luxurious thing.

"In this way, I thank Shopkeeper Wei."

Liu Hui took the token and played it left and right with great fondness.

After all, it is produced by the princess, it is really not ordinary.

With this token in hand, let's see who dares to look down on the young master.

"If it's okay, I'll go first. Remember, don't tell my father about this."

"Young Master Liu, don't worry."

Liu Hui nodded and left with a big smile.

"Shopkeeper, I don't think that Liu Fu is a good person, and his shot is a ten-shot, why do you want to accept it?

Are you not afraid that he will use this matter to blackmail you in the future? How should you explain it to Her Royal Highness? "

Hua Yu looked at Wei Shanqi in front of him, and a doubt flashed in his eyes.

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