My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 411 Because I Have No Money

This Liu Fu looked like an extremely smooth person, he didn't understand why the shopkeeper acted like this.

After all, this will be a disaster in the future, and the shopkeeper is not such an ignorant person.

"Hua Yu, I used to be the accountant of the princess, and now I have been entrusted with an important task.

Naturally, I should clean myself up, but I also take this money for the sake of Rishenglong,
You just record it and present it to Her Royal Highness when the time comes. "

How can Wei Shanqi not know that this matter is related to his own reputation, but sometimes it is better to get some things done with money than without money.

Now that he has accepted Liu Fu's money, the other party can rest assured that he will do things for him, and will send the money to Ri Shenglong's bank continuously.

"Hua Yu understands."

After listening to Wei Shanqi's words, Hua Yu also understood that his shopkeeper is the shopkeeper after all.

That's what it means.


After Liu Hui left Rishenglong, she directly summoned her cronies over for a drink, and even displayed the No. 1 token that symbolized her status at the banquet.

Everyone was also puzzled when they saw this, but the token was really gorgeous, and it was not ordinary at first glance.

So under the questioning of everyone, he also proudly told the origin of the identity token.

Hearing that this turned out to be the VIP token of Rishenglong Bank, an industry owned by the princess, everyone became interested.

Not only can I get a status symbol, but also get a chance to get close to the princess. Even those dandies who have nothing to do are very moved.

At the moment, they also resigned one after another, and then rushed out one by one. Since the top spot has been taken by Liu Hui, they naturally can't be left behind.

Be sure to get the NO.2 token in your hand, but it's only a hundred guan, even if it takes a beating, it's worth it.

"This group of idiots, but no matter what you do, you can only be the people under me, Liu Hui. I'm so talented, hehe."

Liu Hui also felt proud when she saw the people leaving.

You guys just grab it, after all, it's my master who has the better skills.

Skilled ah.

Wei Shanqi didn't expect that he planted willows inadvertently, but was planted into a big tree by Liu Hui, and the reputation of Rishenglong Bank began to spread among the major clans and rich households in Chang'an.

As for who got the NO.2 token, I don't know who it is.

"Okay, Hua Yu, have all of today's deposits been recorded."

Wei Shanqi glanced at the boy next to him, he didn't expect so many families to save money suddenly today, it really made him look sideways.

"Shopkeeper, the bookkeeping has been completed."

Hua Yu nodded, he had already sorted out these things.

"The donated money has also been recorded?"

"It's all sorted out."

"Immediately inform Your Highness to send someone to Chang'an to escort the money to Mount Li."


He rode a fine horse to the small town, and immediately came to see Li Yanran when he arrived at the school grounds.

"Your Highness, an urgent message from Chang'an Wei Shanqi."

The man immediately handed Wei Shanqi's letter to Li Yanran.

"Urgent report?"

Li Feng took the letter and delivered it to Li Yanran.

After reading the letter, even Li Yanran was a little surprised.

Thousands of coins were deposited into Rishenglong in one day?
It seems that Wei Shan Qidang chosen by Di Renjie really has some skills.

"Immediately call Cheng Chubi over and ask him to take people to Chang'an and escort Rishenglong's money back to Lishan for storage."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, got up and told Cheng Chubi to go over.

"Your Highness, wait a moment."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran, and stopped immediately.

"what happened?"

Looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran was a little confused about what the other party wanted to do.

"Your Highness, I heard that you have a very close relationship with Zheng Xuanfeng, the general of Zuo Jinwu Guard. Why don't you let General Zheng send Jin Wuwei soldiers to escort you?"

Di Renjie smiled slightly, walked up to Li Yanran and expressed his thoughts.

"What do you mean? The Jinwu Guard is an official of the imperial court. If you let him escort the convoy of merchants to Lishan, isn't this going to put Zheng Xuanfeng in a dilemma?"

Li Yanran was puzzled, what kind of medicine was sold in Di Renjie's gourd.

Rao even she couldn't figure it out.

"Your Highness, you are extremely intelligent. You can understand Di Renjie's meaning if you think about it carefully. These things can't help you."

Di Renjie shook his head slightly, he didn't think Li Yanran couldn't figure out the key point.

After all, the other party is Princess Lishan who is comparable to a man.

"You're playing charades with Bengong again, aren't you?"

Li Yanran gave Di Renjie a blank look. This smart person has brains, but it is precisely because he has too many brains that he always plays this trick.

Seriously, Cheng also has a brain, and troubles also have a brain.

The so-called pain and happiness are probably like this.

"Don't dare."

Di Renjie remained silent.

"Now everyone in Chang'an probably knows that Rishenglong is my property. You suggested that the Jinwu Guard send soldiers to escort it. I'm afraid it's for others to see.
Especially those wealthy merchants who are still watching, only by showing absolute strength can they put their surplus money in Rishenglong to store with peace of mind.

Second, you did this on purpose. Let's see what Zheng Xuanfeng will do?
Yes or no, Di Renjie? "

Li Yanran took two steps, looked at Di Renjie again, and said everything in her heart.

"Your Highness is really smart, His Highness has seen through Di Renjie's thoughts."

Di Renjie smiled slightly, His Highness is really amazing, he can think of so much in such a short time.

"Di Renjie, I don't think as much as you think,
The reason why I support Zheng Xuanfeng is just for the next move. If there is something to do in the future, there will be someone to help.
I didn't think about making him completely submit to me, it doesn't have to be like this. "

Li Yanran shook her head, this Di Renjie is too smart, he has already started to think about his own future.

But I really didn't think so much, Di Renjie, don't make trouble for me.

"Your Highness, even if you don't think so, can you guarantee that Zheng Xuanfeng doesn't think so?
Now it has been rumored in Chang'an that he is your confidant, so it is better to make this matter real,

In this way, Zheng Xuanfeng's heart can be reassured, and it can also help him become the general of Zuo Jinwuwei. "

Di Renjie saluted Li Yanran again, some things will not develop according to your thinking.

Zheng Xuanfeng is now running for the election of Zuo Jinwuwei General. If this can really prove his identity, it will be a huge advantage for him.

"Is there any other idea you haven't told me?"

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie, she always felt that there was something in his words that she didn't comprehend?
"Of course not. Di Renjie has little knowledge, so that's all he can think of."

Di Renjie quickly lowered his head, but the moment he lowered his head, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"It's best not to, otherwise I will know that you are plotting against me again, so be careful."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she glanced at Li Feng on one side, but the other side was concerned and motionless.

Miss, don't think about killing two birds with one stone again, scaring Di Renjie into cheating our private money again.

I, Li Feng, am not the three-year-old child of Crown Prince Li Hong, and it is enough to suffer once.

If you suffer a second loss, let alone your IQ, you will also be sorry for your wallet.

He didn't have ten pennies for compensation.

Li Yanran was also depressed, what happened to Li Feng, he didn't jump out this time.

I was really pissed off.

At the moment, he also patted the table next to him, and said to Di Renjie: "If you still dare to plot against Bengong, be careful, I will take your head."

"Di Renjie knows, if nothing happens, I will resign first."

Di Renjie hurriedly saluted, turned and left.

"Li Feng, didn't you see Miss Ben's wink just now?"

Looking at Di Renjie's back, Li Yanran glared at Li Feng beside him.

"I see."

"Then why don't you take action and help Miss Ben deter that Di Renjie."

Li Yanran slammed the new table in front of her again, and shouted at Li Feng.

"Because I have no money."

Li Feng looked aggrieved, I really have no money.

As long as I am as rich as you, miss, let alone a table, ten, or a hundred, I will smash it for you.

But aren't we poor?


Li Yanran was depressed, this is called karma.

The cause was planted before, and the fruit is now.

If I knew it was going to be five times last time, I wasted a great opportunity.

"Li Feng, do you feel that Di Renjie really only has these two meanings?"

Li Yanran has always been open-minded, but now she just can't see through the layers of Di Renjie's intentions.

"Li Feng is dull."

Li Feng shook his head, even if you are so smart, you can't see if Di Renjie is hiding something, let alone a little guard like yourself.

"Forget it, let him go. You immediately arrange for Cheng Chubi to wait outside the city gate, and then send someone to Zheng Xuanfeng, and ask him to arrange for the soldiers of the Zuo Jinwu Guard to escort the money out of Chang'an for handover."

Li Yanran was depressed for a while, she couldn't guess left or right, so let's do it according to Di Renjie's idea for the time being.


Li Feng nodded and went directly to make arrangements.

Soon Cheng Chubi got the order to march towards Chang'an with [-] forbidden troops. At the same time, he rode a fast horse ahead and galloped towards Chang'an.

"General, someone wants to see you."

"Is this general going to see you as soon as you say you see him?"

Zheng Xuanfeng frowned slightly, when he, General Zuo Jinwuwei, would see him as soon as he said he would.

"He said that he belongs to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

The Jin Wuwei soldier frowned and revealed the identity of the opponent.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? You almost ruined my event, so bring someone here quickly."

Zheng Xuanfeng really wanted to kick this grandson to death, why didn't he say something so important earlier?
so far so good.


"Wait, the general will go to greet you in person."

Zheng Xuanfeng thought for a moment, got up from the chair, and ran out.

"This subordinate is following the order of the princess to deliver a message to General Zheng."

Seeing Zheng Xuanfeng, the imperial guards saluted slightly and immediately whispered Li Yanran's meaning into Zheng Xuanfeng's ear.


Zheng Xuanfeng was also taken aback after listening to it, and asked himself to escort the carriage of Rishenglong Bank out of the city?
Is this a bit too much?

"If the general is in trouble, the subordinates will immediately report to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Looking at the embarrassed Zheng Xuanfeng, the forbidden army couldn't help frowning slightly.

"No, there's nothing embarrassing about it, please report back to Her Royal Highness, Zheng Xuanfeng will follow orders."

Zheng Xuanfeng shivered, and immediately replied to the imperial army.

"Subordinates retire."

The imperial army nodded, and then stepped on the steed and headed towards the Rishenglong Bank.

"General, is this really the case? The soldiers of the Jinwu Guard escorted the convoy of merchants out of the city. If the official censor finds out about this, it will definitely cause some trouble."

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