My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 412 The medicine sold in the gourd!

Zheng Xuanfeng's confidant looked at Zheng Xuanfeng, his eyes were full of worry.

"I also know, but how can I disobey the princess' order, I have always regarded myself as a princess,

This time I was able to take the lead in the election for General Zuo Jinwuwei, thanks to the kind words of Her Royal Highness the Princess and several Dukes,

If you look around even for such a trivial matter, what should Her Royal Highness think?
Besides, isn't my Jinwu Guard just patrolling along the way to protect the safety of the people?

Escorting a convoy, even if those officials want to say, what can they say,
You immediately gather people to go to Shenglong Bank that day. "

Zheng Xuanfeng shook his head, now is not the time to care about those trivial matters.

For the sake of General Zuo Jinwuwei, it doesn't matter if he is impeached by the officials.


Now that Zheng Xuanfeng had already made up his mind, his cronies had nothing to say, so they directly summoned nearly a hundred left Jinwu Guard soldiers to go to Rishenglong Bank.

Wei Shanqi was taken aback when he heard the message.

Let Zuo Jinwu Guard soldiers escort him out of the city, which is unheard of for a merchant like him.

After all, it is Her Royal Highness, the card is big.

All the soldiers from Zuo Jinwu Guard came to escort him, which really flattered him.

"Hua Yu, arrange it immediately. When the soldiers of the Zuo Jinwu Guard come to patrol, they will load up and leave."


Soon Rishenglong Bank began to sort out the cash boxes, waiting for the Zuo Jinwu Guard soldiers to patrol over
"Zuo Jinwuwei joined the army and Chen Cheng patrolled here. Dare I ask if Rishenglong Bank has a carriage to go to Chang'an today, and you can go with me."

Chen Cheng is also a smart man, he knew that the soldiers of the Jinwu Guard who came here to escort merchants' carriages would be criticized by others, so he thought of such an excuse.

"This old man is Wei Shanqi, the treasurer of Rishenglong Bank. He happened to have something to send a convoy out of Chang'an, and he hoped to go with Chen Canjun."

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, this Jin Wuwei man is not stupid, he knows to use this rhetoric to avoid suspicion.

"Where is the carriage? If you haven't pulled it out quickly, I can take you out of the city."

Chen Cheng nodded, and Hua Yu immediately loaded all the cash boxes into the carriage, a dozen or so carts.

Seeing so many carriages, Chen Cheng also frowned.

He thought there were only a few carriages, but now there are so many carriages.

It's impossible to fool people with this matter.

"join the army?"

A team led by Chen Cheng's side, their eyes full of worry.

What to do with so many big cars.

"No matter what, we must protect this cart to get out of Chang'an safely. You should go and call the brothers who are patrolling nearby to come together, and there must be no problems."

Chen Cheng shook his head, and said directly to the soldiers beside him, "Let's go."


A hundred Zuo Jin Wuwei soldiers immediately divided into two teams, one team opened the way at the front, and the other team circled behind the carriage, surrounding Ri Shenglong's carriage in the middle.

"It's rare, what kind of treasure is this left Jinwu Guard soldier escorting?"

"No, I seem to have seen this banner before. It seems to be the carriage of the newly opened Rishenglong Bank."

"That's right, it's the carriage of Rishenglong Bank."

"When did this high-ranking Jinwu Guard soldier serve as a guard for merchants?"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, that day Shenglong is the property of Her Highness the Princess, so don't bring yourself into trouble."

"After all, it is Her Royal Highness, Ri Shenglong is also really powerful today, and he can be escorted by soldiers of the Jinwu Guard, amazing."

Looking at the people along the way and listening to their pointing, Chen Cheng's brows never relaxed.

The so-called gossip can kill people, it seems that the general's affairs are going to be serious this time.

"join the army."

"It's okay, let them say it."

Depression is depression, the key now is to safely escort these carriages out of Chang'an.


Along the way, nearly a hundred left Jinwuwei soldiers joined the queue, and two hundred left Jinwuwei soldiers accompanied by more than a dozen carts, headed for Chang'an in a mighty way.

"Mr. Cheng Xiaolang."

After leaving the city, Chen Cheng saw Cheng Chubi waiting at the door, so he immediately came over to salute.

"It's Chen Cheng. I haven't been here in Chang'an for a long time. Have you made progress recently, let's practice?"

Cheng Chubi smiled when he saw that it was Chen Cheng, got off his horse and patted Chen Cheng on the shoulder.

"Xiao Langjun, please forgive me, you are born with supernatural power, the pillar of the Tang Dynasty, we can't compare with you."

Chen Cheng looked depressed, you are Lu Guogong's noble son, you are highly skilled in martial arts, and you have the shadow of your ancestors.

Even Zheng Xuanfeng, you are shouting and shouting, let me practice with you?

Isn't that me making fun of myself?

"As for you, Ghost, I'm here to pick up the carriage from Rishenglong Bank, so hand it over to me."

Cheng Chubi laughed wildly, after all, you are still a kid, but you can talk.

"Where is Rishenglong's man? Hurry up and see Mr. Cheng Xiaolang."

"Little Huayu, meet Mr. Cheng Cheng."

Seeing this, Hua Yu hurried over to salute, Cheng Chubi saw him often in Lishan, so how dare he neglect.

"Hua Yu, I know you, little wit in the cashier, let's go, follow me back to Mount Li."


The handover was completed quickly, and then Cheng Chubi waved his hand and the imperial army escorted the carriage towards Mount Li.

"Your Highness, we have brought the money back."

Cheng Chubi returned to the fief, rushed directly into the school grounds, and reported to Li Yanran.

"Little Huayu has met Her Royal Highness."

Hua Yu followed Cheng Chubi into the room, knelt on the ground and saluted Li Yanran.

"Hua Yu, right? Did you bring today's catalog?"

"Your Highness, today's revenue book is here, please take a look at it."

Hua Yu hurriedly presented the two booklets with both hands.

"Why are there two volumes?"

Seeing the booklet presented by Li Feng, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

"Returning to Your Highness, one volume is Ri Shenglong's revenue book, and the other volume is the benefits that those depositors gave to the shopkeeper without permission. Please don't blame your Highness."

Hua Yu hurriedly explained the reason for the compilation of the two volumes.

"I see, Di Renjie, the Wei Shanqi you chose is a wonderful person, not bad."

Hearing that Wei Shanqi is not afraid of accepting bribes, and even makes a record of the bribes he accepts, he is also a formidable character.

"Your Highness, it's absurd."

Di Renjie also smiled slightly, this Wei Shanqi is indeed a clever person.

Some money can be collected, and some money cannot be collected. This Wei Shanqi has done a good job.

"Okay, tell Wei Shanqi, I understand what he means, and he has done a good job."

"Yes, Huayu resigns."

Hua Yu nodded and left directly.

"Di Renjie, now that Zheng Xuanfeng has expressed his intentions, should I tell my father to protect him as the General of Zuo Jinwuwei?"

Li Yanran looked at Di Renjie on the side, and asked directly.

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran and shook his head involuntarily.

"His Royal Highness, the so-called haste makes waste. Now let the news fly for a while. When the time comes, Zheng Xuanfeng will definitely be able to be promoted to the position of General Zuo Jinwuwei."

"Really? If there is Ben Gong's recommendation, wouldn't he be able to become the General of Zuo Jinwu Guard sooner?"

A gleam flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, and she said to Di Renjie again.

"Your Highness, if you go to write to His Majesty to promote Zheng Xuanfeng now, His Majesty will definitely be afraid of you.
At that time, not only Zheng Xuanfeng will not be able to become the General of Zuo Jinwuwei, but he may be dismissed directly, so I hope His Highness think twice. "

Di Renjie stood up and saluted Li Yanran.

"Okay, I see, you go down."

"Di Renjie resigns."

After Di Renjie left, Li Siwen also joined Li Yanran.

"Brother Li, what kind of charades are you playing with this Di Renjie?"

Li Siwen was the smartest among the four, but he could smell something strange that others couldn't see.

There must be something between Brother Li and Di Renjie.

"Li Siwen, it was actually Di Renjie's idea to let the Jinwu Guard soldiers escort the Rishenglong Bank carriage out of Chang'an."

Li Yanran looked at Li Siwen, and slowly expressed Di Renjie's thoughts.

"So that's what I said, why is His Highness so public this time, that he sent Zuo Jin Wuwei soldiers to escort him? It turned out to be Di Renjie's idea."

Li Siwen frowned, and began to think about what else was tricky inside.

"Then sister was going to test Di Renjie just now?"

Li Hong tilted his head and looked at his elder sister. With this cause and effect, he also understood what the other party meant.

Li Yanran smiled slightly. After all, he is a child of the royal family, and he can learn these things without a teacher.

"Brother Li, are you afraid that Di Renjie did this to make His Majesty punish you for fear of your power?"

Li Siwen glanced in the direction of the door, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

If Di Renjie really meant this, he would have to kill this person himself.

It's not easy for Li Yanran to get to this point, one step at a time, and she doesn't have any special ideas at all.

If someone framed him because of this, Di Renjie really deserved to be killed.

"No, if Di Renjie really had such thoughts, he should have strongly supported Sister's statement just now, instead of making Sister think twice."

"What kind of medicine is sold in Di Renjie's gourd?"

Li Hong frowned, looked at Li Yanran beside him, wondering what this guy wanted to do.

"Okay, you all go down."

Li Yanran smiled slightly and motioned for them to go down.

"Brother Li, what about this?"

"Okay, let's wait and see what happens."

Li Yanran waved her hand, and several people also retreated after seeing this.

"Sister, you must have an idea, you can't tell them, you should tell me after all,

If that Di Renjie really has a different intention, I will kill this person for you without elder sister's action.

If he dares to plot against my elder sister, brother Hong will definitely not let him go. "

Li Hong hugged Li Yanran's arm, his eyes were full of determination.

If Di Renjie really wants to plot against Li Yanran, no matter what happens in the future, he will definitely not agree now.

"Don't hold grudges against Di Renjie, he did this for my own good."

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's little head, her eyes were full of love.

"Why is it for your own good? Brother Hong doesn't understand."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong was also a little dazed, not knowing what the other party was talking about.

"Although he did this with some intentions, he wanted to remind the royal father.

I, Li Yanran, are just a woman. If I become too powerful, I will cause some harm to Datang.

I want my father to be a little jealous of me and to restrain me, lest I really do anything harmful to Datang in the future.

As for my inquiry just now, it was to see clearly whether he was really hurting me, or whether he wanted to remind me. "

Li Yanran looked at the portal in front of her, and couldn't help but sneer.

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