My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 413 What is clear is clear, and what is turbid is turbid!

After all, Di Renjie is a formidable character, and now he has started to prevent possible problems in future generations.

"Such a person with ulterior motives, Sister, let him go back to Bingzhou and continue to be his Fa Cao. Brother Hong is afraid of such a person."

Li Hong hugged Li Yanran's arm, his small eyes were full of depression.

Sister is not looking for a subordinate, but an ancestor.

He is also an ancestor who could kill someone at any time.

Such people should be driven out immediately.

Otherwise, maybe something will happen.

"Brother Hong, sister is teaching you a lesson."

"Knowing people and being good at appointment is the first element of being an emperor. Employers should not only look at one side of him, but also look at another side of him."

Li Yanran shook her head, this Di Renjie is really worrying.

"Sister, what do you mean, brother Hong is already confused,
In my opinion, Di Renjie has ulterior motives and wants to harm you, so why do you still speak nice words to him. "

Li Hong became more and more confused when he heard it. Not only did he not understand Di Renjie, but he was also a little confused by what his sister said.

"On the surface, Di Renjie is here to remind Father, be careful that I, a princess, is too powerful, but he is really for the community of the Tang Dynasty."

"In fact, in the final analysis, he is also thinking about my safety. You will know this when you grow up."

"This is also the reason why he taught you the word loyalty in the first lesson. On the surface, he said it to you, but in fact he said it to sister.

But your sister, I have a clear conscience, I am not afraid of Di Renjie's temptation, nor my father's embarrassment,
As long as he can help me do things and do good things, that's enough. "

A trace of complacency flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, even if you, Di Renjie, are as treacherous as a ghost, how could you guess what this girl is thinking.

I'm not as dirty as you think, and I don't have the vital points you see, how can these hurt me.

Feel free to be a donkey to pull the mill for me.

"Sister, I understand what you said, as long as you have a clear conscience."

Li Hong smiled slightly, sister is really amazing.

Di Renjie is so smart that he can't compare to Sister.

"Well, the most important thing to be a human being is to be open and aboveboard. Your sister is sitting upright,

Only earn what I should earn, do what I should do,

My father understands me, my mother understands me, it's just that Di Renjie doesn't understand me. "

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head again, Di Renjie didn't understand herself, but she didn't need the other party to understand either.

He asked Di Renjie to do things for him, not for him to help him become emperor.

Let him go.

"Sister, Brother Hong understands you, and Brother Hong understands you too."

If Li Hong quit, then Di Renjie doesn't understand you, but you can't say that only the queen mother and the emperor understand you, right? My younger brother is also very powerful.

"Okay, okay, you understand me, go out and play."

"Sister is the best."

Li Hong smiled slightly, jumped out directly, and rushed out.

"Your Majesty, something has happened."

Ryan slowly approached Li Zhi, and told all the gossip about the Zuo Jinwu Guard soldiers escorting the Rishenglong Bank's cart during the day.

"Is there such a thing?"

Li Zhi frowned when he heard Ruian's words.

I don't understand what Li Yanran meant by doing this.

"Your Majesty, Zuo Jinwuwei's behavior is indeed a bit eye-catching. I'm afraid those officials will definitely impeach him tomorrow."

Ruian frowned, no matter what Li Yanran thought, tomorrow's affairs will be troublesome.

"They dare, this Zheng Xuanfeng is willing to take the risk of helping Rishenglong Bank to transport the cart, it is for the sake of Yanran, I will definitely not let this person suffer because of Yanran,

Not only that, I want to promote Zheng Xuanfeng, isn't he running for the General of the Zuo Jinwuwei?

So what for him? "

Li Zhi frowned, he seemed to have guessed what his daughter meant.

But Yanran, Yanran, how can a father not see through your intentions.

Who are you, how can a father not know.

After all, you have underestimated your father by doing this.

Since you can be so calm to me, how can father hurt your heart.

"Your Majesty, rumors have spread in Chang'an that Zheng Xuanfeng is under the command of Princess Lishan.

If His Majesty not only does not punish, but also promotes him, I'm afraid. "

Ryan didn't finish his sentence, there were some things that he could not say as a servant.

After all, the emperor sees these things more clearly than himself.

"You also said that those are rumors, why should he care about it.

You foolish slave just mind your own affairs, if you dare to speak nonsense again, I will never forgive you. "

Li Zhi glared at Ruian, who also shivered and quickly fell to his knees.

"Your Majesty knows clearly that the servant has no other intentions."

"Get out."


After Ryan left, Li Zhi reviewed the memorial in front of him again.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty saluted Li Zhi together.

"Okay, all the officials have something to play early, and nothing to retreat to the court."

Ryan cleared his throat, and directly drank Baiguangao.

"Your Majesty, this minister has something to play."

The speech officer Su Hui stood up and saluted Li Zhi directly.


Seeing Yan Guan jumping out, Li Zhi also frowned.

What should come is still coming.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the soldiers of the Zuo Jinwu Guard escorted a vehicle named Rishenglong Bank out of Chang'an yesterday.

Two hundred soldiers, mighty and mighty, swaggered through the market, causing a lot of gossip,

I also hope that His Majesty can issue a decree to severely punish Zuo Jinwuwei General Zheng Xuanfeng. "

Su Hui saluted directly and said what he meant.

"What do you say?"

Li Zhi didn't speak, just glanced at Manchao Wenwu and asked other people's opinions.

"Your Majesty, the veteran believes that Zheng Xuanfeng, the dignified left Jinwu Guard General, ordered his officers and soldiers to escort him, which is really against the prestige of the Tang Dynasty, and should indeed be punished."

Ren Yaxiang also stood up, he has always been indifferent to Li Yanran.

He has also heard those rumors, saying that Zheng Xuanfeng is under Li Yanran's command, if he doesn't take the opportunity to cut off Li Yanran's wings.

Waiting for Li Yanran to grow up in the long run will cause endless troubles for Datang.

"Your Majesty, I think the Prime Minister's words are somewhat biased."

Seeing Li Zhi's expression, Xu Jingzong smiled slightly and stood up.

"Xu Jingzong, the truth has never been biased, I would like to hear about it."

Ren Yaxiang glanced at Xu Jingzong and immediately became angry, you treacherous minister are really not human.

In order to lick the thighs of the empress and the emperor, they actually had to ignore the country and society of the Tang Dynasty.

Can't you see that the emperor likes Li Yanran, if he is pampering her, it will be the disaster of Tang Dynasty when she develops power.

"Prime Minister, Xu Jingzong would like to ask whether it is the duty of the Jinwu to inspect Chang'an, protect the safety of Chang'an, and protect the property of the people?

If the prime minister wants to punish Zheng Xuanfeng because of this matter, what should they do if they encounter such a thing in the future?
If those common people's cars encounter thieves in the street, should the Zuo Jinwu guard save them or not.

Therefore, I believe that Zuo Jinwuwei General Zheng Xuanfeng's move is not only correct but meritorious, and should be rewarded.

Only in this way can the people of Chang'an understand that they have always been under the protection of Jin Wuwei soldiers,

Only in this way can the common people live and work in peace and contentment, and the industry can prosper. "

Xu Jingzong shook his head, facing the Prime Minister Ren Yaxiang beside him, his eyes were full of disdain.

Ren Yaxiang, thanks to your reputation as a wise man, you don't even have the ability to perceive words and emotions.

Just like this, you can also be the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty. You are quite unworthy of Renya.

"That's what you said is the truth, but why didn't the soldiers of the Zuo Jinwu guard escort other people, but only escorted the chariot of Shenglong that day?

Wasn't it because the other party belonged to Princess Lishan, and now people in Chang'an are rumored that General Zheng Xuanfeng of the Left Jinwu Guard is Princess Lishan's eagle dog,
It is said that Zuo Jinwuwei is the private army of Princess Lishan, so he treats Rishenglong Bank so differently,
I also hope that His Highness will punish Zheng Xuanfeng, so as to appease the hearts of the people in Chang'an, and to prove the reputation of His Highness Princess Lishan. "

Ren Yaxiang is not a good stubble, he must get rid of this Zheng Xuanfeng for Datang.

Li Yanran's strength expanded too fast, he couldn't plant disasters for Datang.

Rao is your majesty, you like this Li Yanran, the veteran will risk his life to work for Datang.


Hearing Ren Yaxiang's words, everyone was stunned, including Xu Jingzong.

He never expected that the old man would do such a thing.

Taking retreat as an advance, using Li Yanran's reputation as an excuse to get rid of Zheng Xuanfeng, is truly formidable.


Rao is Li Zhi, who is also a little hesitant now.

Although I understand my daughter's intentions, the common people in the world don't know.

If it is really because of a little Zheng Xuanfeng, Li Yanran's reputation will be tarnished.

As a father, he couldn't do that.

"Hahahaha, Your Majesty, Changsun Wuji came here uninvited, and I hope you will forgive me."

Just when everyone was wondering, there was a burst of hearty laughter outside the Jinluan Hall, and then Changsun Wuji walked slowly.

"Prince Changsun."

"Prince Changsun."

"Prince Changsun."

Seeing that the person who came was Zhangsun Wuji, everyone was stunned.

Although he is the king of the county, he has also received Li Zhi's will to go to the palace to listen to the court at will, but the other party has never been here. I don't know why he is crazy today.

"It turns out that the king of Changsun County is here, Ryan, please give me a seat."

Li Zhi stood up straight away. Although he didn't know what Changsun Wuji was doing here, he was his uncle after all, so how dare he neglect him.

"The eldest grandson Wuji thanked His Majesty."

Changsun Wuji is now unofficial and light-hearted, and those things that were scruples before have disappeared.

He is an idle prince and the uncle of the Tang emperor, but he is sitting on this chair.

"Junwang Changsun, I don't know what you are talking about in this court?"

"Your Majesty, I'm here because the soldiers of the Left Jinwu Guard escorted the Rishenglong Bank's chariot."

Changsun Wuji stood up and saluted Li Zhi, and also expressed his intention for coming.

"Junwang Changsun actually knows about this?"

Hearing that Changsun Wuji came here for this reason, Li Zhi frowned again.

"Your Majesty, Changsun Wuji also heard what Minister Ren Ya said just now."

"Then what does King Changsun think? Should Zheng Xuanfeng be rewarded or punished?"

Li Zhi looked at the eldest grandson Wuji who had a white beard and beard, and also asked questions.

"Your Majesty, Grandson Wuji knows what Ren Yaxiang thinks, and I also know what he means.
Everyone in the world sees what Her Royal Highness the Princess does, and so does Your Majesty.
The pure is clear, and the turbid is turbid. Right and wrong are at your fingertips. How can it be that others say gossip and become,
Your Majesty, as the king of a country, should have his own judgment, and don't be influenced by others. "

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