My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 414 Ambush

Changsun Wuji glanced at Ren Yaxiang, his eyes were full of coldness.

Dare to play with your mind, even if my nephew will be manipulated by you, but he has an uncle.

You want to spoil Li Yanran's affairs because of some gossip.

Even if my nephew agrees, as an uncle, I will definitely not agree.

After listening to Changsun Wuji's words, Li Zhi couldn't help feeling depressed.

"Okay, I already know what's going on here. What Xu Jingzong said just now is correct. Zheng Xuanfeng will be rewarded for doing this for the second time. He was ordered to reward him with a hundred taels of gold as a reward."

"Your Majesty, this."

Ren Yaxiang is about to die of anxiety, Your Majesty, don't be confused.

The eldest grandson Wuji's son has a very close relationship with Li Yanran, his father even came to intercede.

You definitely can't go on being so self-willed.

"Okay, I've made up my mind, so let's stop talking."

After Li Zhi finished speaking, he left directly.


After Ryan shouted, he also left with Li Zhi.

Back in the imperial study, Li Zhi sat on the table but was a little absent-minded.

"Your Majesty, didn't you say you wanted to take the opportunity to promote Zheng Xuanfeng? Why?"

"What do I want? I want you, a servant, to talk more? Ryan, you've been talking too much recently."

"The servant is terrified, and I hope His Majesty will forgive me."

Ryan shivered, and quickly knelt down in front of Li Zhi.

"Okay, let's go down."


Li Zhi looked at the roof, his eyes lost focus for a while.

Uncle, uncle, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd?

Your nephew is indeed a bit confused.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, news from Chang'an has arrived, and Di Renjie is here too."

Li Siwen entered the room, looked at Di Renjie who was next to Li Yanran, and couldn't help being stunned.

Di Renjie hurriedly stood up and saluted Li Siwen.

"Okay, what's the news from Chang'an?"

"Brother Li, when the official impeached Zheng Xuanfeng, the benevolent minister also said that Zheng Xuanfeng had tarnished your reputation and asked His Majesty to punish you.

Thanks to the sudden visit of Prince Changsun, His Majesty decreed to reward Zheng Xuanfeng with a hundred taels of gold as a reward. "

Li Siwen gave Di Renjie a blank look, and directly told the news he got.

If it wasn't for your Di Renjie's stupid move, would such a thing happen?
Although Zheng Xuanfeng was awarded a hundred taels of gold, he always felt that it was not that simple.

"The king of Changsun County is coming?"

Li Yanran couldn't help being depressed when she heard that the eldest grandson Wuji had come to court to help Zheng Xuanfeng excuse.

After Di Renjie on the side heard it, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

I didn't expect, oh, I didn't expect that Changsun Wuji would come to court. It seems that this matter is getting more and more interesting.

"Di Renjie, what are you laughing at?"

Li Hong had been observing Di Renjie, and when he saw him smiling, he couldn't help jumping out and speaking.

"Am I smiling?"

Glancing at Li Hong, Di Renjie was also depressed for a while.

I laughed because Prince Changsun facilitated his own plan, and from now on, the disaster of killing Her Highness Princess is about to disappear.

As a subject, I can save Her Royal Highness from bad luck, shouldn't I laugh?
"That's right, Di Renjie, what are you laughing at?"

Li Siwen was also taken aback, and asked Di Renjie a question.

"I laughed because all our previous ideas have been realized, and now the whole Chang'an knows that the Rishenglong Bank is the property of Her Royal Highness,

And with the escort of Jinwu Guards, their surplus money will definitely be put into Rishenglong storage,
In addition, Zheng Xuanfeng has also been rewarded by His Majesty, and his promotion to the position of General Zuo Jinwuwei is just around the corner, shouldn't he be laughing? "

Di Renjie smiled slightly at Li Yanran.

"Really? Di Renjie, do you really think so?"

Looking at Di Renjie's smile, Li Yanran couldn't help but feel a little fake.

"If that's the case, His Highness can rest easy from now on."


Hearing Di Renjie's words "sit back and relax", Li Yanran was even more puzzled.

What kind of medicine is sold in this guy's gourd.

"Your Highness, if there is nothing else, I will leave first.
Now that His Majesty has known about the opening of Rishenglong, the business of Feiqian must start soon.

I have to hurry up and sort out the rules of the Feiqian business before then, so that there will be no mistakes. "

Di Renjie shook his head slightly, and that's all he said, princess, if you can understand, you should know that I am doing all this for your own good.

"Well, let's go, the Feiqian business can't be delayed."


Di Renjie saluted and left, Li Siwen was really confused.

"Brother Li, what did Di Renjie mean by that?"

"I don't know, but this guy is like this, we just need to be ourselves and get busy."


Li Siwen nodded and left directly.

"Sister, I see that Di Renjie is definitely not a good person. There must be something strange about his words of "sit back and relax."

Li Hong squinted at Di Renjie's back, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"You have forgotten what my sister said before. Don't feel resentful towards Di Renjie. He may do all this for me and for you."

Li Yanran was depressed, Li Hong was going to be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the future, and Di Renjie had the ability to be a prime minister.

If Li Hong felt resentment towards Di Renjie because of these things now, then this great talent might really be buried.

"Sister, do you understand what Di Renjie means?"

Hearing that Li Yanran said it was for his own good, Li Hong also became interested.

After all, my sister is astute, and can hear what Di Renjie means.

"My sister really understands the medicine sold in Di Renjie's gourd."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she had figured it out now.

Looking at it now, this Di Renjie is really good.

"Sister, tell me quickly, brother Hong is distressed."

Li Hong shook Li Yanran's arm again, his eyes full of longing for the truth.

"Brother Hong, the reason he said to sit back and relax is because the emperor must have made up his mind now,
Although my father understands me and trusts me, he also cares about the people around me,
Now that the eldest grandson Wuji has jumped out openly, the father will definitely throw a mouse trick,
Otherwise, according to the character of the father, Zheng Xuanfeng would not be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold, but would be promoted to General Zuo Jinwuwei.
It is precisely after seeing this that he said that I am at ease. Do you think it is for my own good?Also for your own good. "

After listening to Li Yanran's words, Li Hong quit.

"Sister, I feel that Di Renjie is not a good person."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head with one slap. He worked hard for you, for me, and for the great Tang Dynasty.

But you still said that he is not a good person. If he doesn't fight, he will fly to the sky.

"Sister, no matter what you say, I don't think this Di Renjie is a good person."

Li Hong covered his head and ran out directly.

"This is Li Hong, hey."

Watching Li Hong leave, Li Yanran also shook her head.

"Miss, I also feel that Di Renjie is not a good person."

Li Feng frowned, and also said to Li Yanran.

"Who can see clearly between good people and bad people? I still say that, as long as he can do things for me and do good things, that's fine."

Li Yanran shook his head, he believed that he would not misunderstand the person.


Li Feng stopped talking and stepped aside again.

"Moose monkey."

After Li Hong ran out from Li Yanran, he greeted his little brother directly.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Ma Hou looked at Li Hong who looked depressed, not knowing what was going on.

"You find someone to come over right away, you have to believe it, Boss, I have something big to do."

Li Hong's eyes were full of chills, and he whispered to Mahou.

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

Ma Hou was taken aback, not knowing what Li Hong was going to do.

"I'm going to ambush Di Renjie."


Hearing this, Ma Hou was stunned.

What the hell?Ambush who?

Di Renjie?
Boss, is there something wrong with his brain?

"Boss, are you going to ambush Di Renjie?"

"What's wrong? Can't you?"

Li Hong squinted at Ma Hou, and asked slowly.

"No, why did you ambush him? Is it because he hit your hand in class?"

Ma Hou scratched his head, not knowing why his boss was like this.

"Boss, am I the kind of villain who holds grudges? I ambush him because he is a big villain with ulterior motives."

Li Hong slapped the monkey on the head with his slap, he underestimated your boss so much.

Am I that kind of villain?
"Mahou doesn't understand. I heard that Di Renjie has done a lot of things for Her Royal Highness since he came here. Why does the boss say that?"

Ma Hou covered his head with a depressed expression.

How come you have ulterior motives.

Why is he not a good person?

Boss, you have to figure it out.

"You don't understand, do you know what it means to be treacherous and loyal?

He looks sanctimonious on the surface, but in fact he is full of bad water.

You have all been deceived by him, but no matter how he pretends to be, he can't escape the eyes of the boss.

After all, I am the direct disciple of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, how could my piercing eyes be false?
Why, don't say that you don't even stop talking about the boss. "

Li Hong slapped Mahou again, Boss, I am wise and powerful, you are all ordinary people.

How can it be compared to me.

"Of course I listen. I'm going to find someone right away, but how are you going to ambush him?"

Mahou looked at Li Hong with some grievances, although he was puzzled, he was the leader of the letter.

It's as if those little gentlemen trust Her Highness the Princess.

"you are like this"

Li Hong whispered in Mahou's ear, the other party also nodded, and immediately went to greet his little friend.

After Di Renjie finished his class, he left his homework, and then wandered back to his mansion.

"Boss, come here."

Seeing Di Renjie's figure, Ma Hou hurried back to report.

"Are you all ready?"

Hearing that people were coming, Li Hong also looked at the group of friends in front of him.

"Boss, get ready."

A dozen small figures nodded together.

"Okay, if you can really help me take down that Di Renjie today, each person will be rewarded with ten coins, do you understand?"

Li Hong nodded, and did not forget to tell his reward.

"Boss is wise, we will definitely help you take down that person."

After hearing this, more than a dozen people's eyes lit up.

Ten dollars, my father only spent twenty dollars a day working on the construction site.

This money is enough for them to buy some delicious food.

"Come on, keep silent."

Di Renjie came to the door, looked at the small footprints at the door, and frowned involuntarily.

Looking at the concealed door, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Pushing open the door and entering, Di Renjie stepped forward, then immediately withdrew, and then saw two figures descending from the sky, holding a huge sack in their hands.


Seeing this, Ma Hou was stunned, what's going on?
What about people?

"Are you looking for Di Renjie?"

Looking at the situation in front of him, Di Renjie couldn't help frowning and asking questions.

"No, it's exposed."

"The wind is screaming."

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