My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 415 Catch it right!

Chapter 415 Catch it right!

Seeing this, Ma Hou also knew that Di Renjie had seen through them, so he immediately shouted to run away.

"What are you talking about, give Ben and beat him up."

Hearing Mahou's shout, Li Hong jumped out immediately.

I saw him wearing sackcloth and a scarf, shouting at Mahou.

"beat him."

"Go on."

"Hit him."

With Li Hong's order, more than a dozen friends who had been hiding for a long time also rushed out from the inside and outside together.

Di Renjie was taken aback for a moment. He had already recognized Li Hong's voice. Although the other party wanted to change his voice, how could he hide it from his ears.

Seeing everyone running towards them, Di Renjie ran away like a fool.

Although I am an adult, there are more than a dozen of these children, and there are also a few half-grown children. If they are entangled, they may really be beaten up.

And there is a prince on the opposite side, if he gets hurt, it will be over.

"If you want to run, chase after me."

Seeing that Di Renjie was about to run away, Li Hong was also furious, and hurriedly ordered his companions to chase him.

If the opponent ran away this time, it would be difficult to ambush next time.

So in the small town, there were more than a dozen children chasing an adult and running all over the street.


The patrolling princess guard immediately became alert when they saw the situation in front of them, and asked questions over there.

"No, it's the patrol."

"The wind is screaming."

Seeing that he ran into a patrol, Li Hong was also extremely depressed.

Immediately call the friends to retreat.

"Where to go, take them all."

Seeing the situation in front of them, the guards immediately ordered the soldiers to disperse and took everyone down.

"Commander Didi?"

Seeing Di Renjie's appearance clearly, the team rate was also dumbfounded.

How could this Di Renjie be chased away by a group of children?
"I'm fine. I'm playing with the children. Let them go."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Hong who was taken down, frowned, and ordered the guards to release him.

Otherwise, if Li Yanran finds out that Li Hong has made such an absurd move, she will probably have to be taught a lesson.

"Playing with the kids?"

The team lead glanced at those children, and couldn't help but frowned.

"Wei Sanniu, get that Di Renjie for me immediately."

On this matter, Li Hong also didn't appreciate it at all, and directly rushed to the team to lead Wei Sanniu to order.

"Your Highness?"

Hearing this voice, Wei Sanniu was also stunned.

Why does this voice sound like His Royal Highness?

"It's Ben Gong, so hurry up and take down that traitor Di Renjie."

Even if it is not exposed now, then Di Renjie will go to complain to sister, and she will be taught by sister, so it is better to take the opportunity to beat that traitor Di Renjie violently.


Wei Sanniu won't do it this time either, one is the trusted commander of the town, Di Renjie, and the other is the current prince.

This made him a bit in a dilemma.

"What, you didn't follow my king's order?
Do you think that I, Sister Bingming, will beat you to death. "

Li Hong narrowed his eyes and scolded Wei Sanniu directly.

Seeing this situation, Di Renjie was also stunned, and didn't dare to wait any longer, so Sa Yazi ran towards Li Yanran's house.

"Wei Sanniu, don't catch him right away, or I won't let you go."

Seeing Di Renjie running in the direction of Li Yanran's residence, Li Hong jumped up angrily.

If this made him go to Ajie's place, how could he avenge her.

"Order Wei Sanniu, take down Di Renjie."

Who in the fief doesn't know that Li Hong is the reincarnation of the devil king, if he is provoked, it will be bad for the fief.

At the moment, he led people to chase after him with a wave of his hand.

"Boss, boss, let's break up, I'm afraid."

A friend looked at Li Hong with fear in his eyes.

"Go away. Although Di Renjie failed to ambush him this time, his heart is commendable. I will reward you with ten coins."

Li Hong gave everyone a look.

It's only a big deal, so I'm afraid.

I'm about to be slapped by my elder sister, and I'm not like you.

A group of useless people.

"Long live the boss."

A group of people dispersed in a hurry, went back to their respective homes, and went to their respective mothers.

"Ma monkey, aren't you afraid?"

Li Hong glanced at Mahou who hadn't run away yet, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Where the boss is, Mahou will be there. I'm not afraid."

Although Ma Hou spoke righteous words, his trembling calves completely betrayed him.

"Okay, the boss didn't hurt you for nothing, go, and punish Di Renjie with me."

Li Hong patted Mahou on the shoulder, looking satisfied.

In the end, he is his trump card brother, that is righteousness.

It seems that I have read the right person.


The two ran forward together.

After all, Di Renjie was just a scholar, how could he run past Wei Sanniu and other guards, and was arrested before reaching Li Yanran's house.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie has already taken it."

Seeing Li Hongxing coming, Wei Sanniu hurriedly saluted.

"Okay, Wei Sanniu, you have done a good job, I will definitely recommend it in front of my sister."

Looking at the suppressed Di Renjie, Li Hong also patted Wei Sanniu on the shoulder.

"Your Highness, let's forget about the recommendation."

Wei Sanniu shuddered when he heard this, recommended by you?
I'll be content if I don't get killed by you.

Just forgive me.

"Tch, I'm too lazy to talk to you, the monkey will beat him up for me."

Li Hong is too lazy to talk to Wei Sanniu, I really don't know what to do if I recommend you not to.

Fortunately, Di Renjie has already been taken down by himself, it's time to avenge my sister.

After Ma Hou heard it, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to do it.

"and many more."

Di Renjie looked at Ma Hou, then at Li Hong who was on the side, and hurriedly stopped.

"Di Renjie, what else do you have to say?"

Li Hong still covered his face, looking at Di Renjie, not knowing what he wanted to say.

"Your Highness, why you want to ambush me, you must let me die to understand."

"Because you are a bad person with ulterior motives and framed my sister,

My sister said that you are for her good, in my opinion, you are being deceived by your loyal appearance,
But you can fool my sister, but you can't fool my sharp eyes,

Mahou, call me. "

Li Hong walked up to Di Renjie with his hands in his pockets, his small eyes were full of anger.

"Your Highness, I am really doing it for Her Royal Highness."

Di Renjie was depressed. It seems that Her Royal Highness must understand my painstaking efforts, otherwise she would not be able to say such words.

Besides, other princesses have said so, but you came here to fight against injustices. You really are eating salty carrots and worrying about them.

"Well, you watermelon, Mahou, what are you doing in a daze, hit it."

Li Hong's small eyes stared, and he was still talking nonsense here now.

If you don't hit your server, how can you match my piercing eyes that I learned from Monkey King.


"You hit someone, your Highness hit someone."

"Cover his mouth."

"The monkey hit his eyes for me."

Hearing Di Renjie shout, Li Hong was completely dumbfounded.

How could this guy be such a rascal, yelling so loudly after being beaten by a child?
If this attracts sister's attention, wouldn't it be over.

"what sound?"

Li Yanran was also taken aback when she heard the cries for help outside.

Although Lishan's curfew will be later than Chang'an's, there are still people yelling outside his house now, which was unprecedented before.

After a while, I heard footsteps outside the door: "Miss, what's the matter?"

"What's the sound outside, hurry up and check."


Soon Li Feng rushed out of the house, and seeing a group of people not far away, he immediately ran away.


After seeing clearly the detainee Di Renjie, and then at the backs of the two children beside him, he couldn't help being stunned.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing Li Feng's words, Wei Sanniu and others immediately saluted Li Feng.

"No, Li Feng is here."

"The wind is screaming."

"Run, Ma Monkey."

Seeing Li Feng coming, Li Hong knew that something was serious, so he would not dare to commit another murder.

Sa Yazi ran away, and when he ran, he didn't forget to call Shang Mahou to run away together.

"Take them down."

Looking at the back, it looks like Li Hong and Ma Hou, and now I can confirm it directly.


Wei Sanniu was stunned, one was Li Feng, the princess' personal bodyguard, and the other was the princess's younger brother, neither of which he dared to offend.

"Why are you standing still? Assist His Highness to be fierce and beat Commander Yi. If he runs away, you will all be held accountable."

Wei Sanniu and the guards shuddered, and finally ran out together, taking Li Hong and Mahou down.

"Let go of me, Wei Sanniu, do you want to die?"

After being caught by Wei Sanniu, Li Hong also babbled and threatened him.

You actually listened to a guard and arrested me. Do you really think that this palace is made of mud?

"Let go of my boss, one person does the work and the other takes responsibility. I beat you, and it has nothing to do with the boss."

Ma Hou also yelled at the side, wanting to bear this calamity alone.

"Yes, they were all beaten by the monkeys. Why are you arresting me? Why don't you let me go."


Hearing Li Hong's words, Ma Hou also burst into tears.

Boss, I am willing to take responsibility for you as a younger brother, but you can't just blame me.

If you do this, you will probably lose my little brother.

If I am beaten to death by His Highness, you have to help me take good care of my mother.

"What nonsense, Wei Sanniu, please take care of them, I will report to His Highness."

Li Feng gave the two of them a blank look, and went directly to report to Li Yanran.

"Li Feng, Li Feng, don't go yet."

Seeing that Li Feng was about to leave, Li Hong hurriedly called him to stop.

"What's wrong."

Li Feng turned to look at Li Hong, not knowing what else he had to say.

"Li Feng, come here with your ear."


Li Feng frowned, but still lowered his head.

"Li Feng, I believe you can see that Di Renjie is not a good person.

The reason why I, Mahou, did this was to help my sister teach Di Renjie a good lesson, so please let us go. "

After Li Hong finished speaking, he looked expectant. He believed that although Li Feng was dull, he was focused on the master.

I believe that he absolutely dislikes Di Renjie just like himself.

"Your Highness, I can't guess Miss's mind, so I'm sorry."

Li Feng shook his head, gave up Li Hong and left.

"Li Feng, you stupid slave, if you dare to frame me, I will not let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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