My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 416 One person does one thing and one person does it!

Chapter 416 One person does one thing and one person does it!

Looking at Li Feng's back, Li Hong was really scared.

This stupid batch, why is it really a lump of elm?
I really want to piss off this king to death.


Li Feng came outside Li Yanran's house and shouted softly inside.

"What's wrong?"

"Miss, the people making noise outside are His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Di Renjie, and they have already been caught."

Hearing Li Feng's words, Li Yanran frowned directly.

"Bring everyone in and wait in the hall."


Li Feng left, Li Yanran hurriedly dressed and walked towards the main hall.

"Hehe, you guys are so elegant, making noise in my house in the middle of the night."

Li Yanran came and looked at the three people in the room with a cold look in his eyes.

"Di Renjie pays homage to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Seeing Li Yanran coming, Di Renjie quickly saluted.


Li Hong also took a step back, his eyes full of horror.

"Tell me, what show are you performing?"

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, no need to think that this guy must be looking for trouble again.

"Your Highness, I... I see the moonlight just right, and I'm playing with Your Highness."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Hong who was trembling and sighed, and excused him.

"It's good to play, but it's just that the middle of the night is a bit too much, isn't it, Brother Hong?"

Li Yanran ignored Di Renjie and just stared at Li Hong while talking.

"Princess, this matter is entirely due to Di Renjie, and has nothing to do with Your Highness."

"Your Highness, one person does things and one person is responsible. I don't think that Di Renjie is a good person.
So I encouraged the boss to lie in ambush with him, if you want to kill or cut, all come to me. "

Ma Hou looked at Li Hong who was bowing his head, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and spoke to Li Yanran.

"You are everywhere?"

Li Feng looked at his little apprentice and slapped him directly.


Mahou was depressed and could only lower his head like Li Hong.

"Oh? Brother Hong, is that really the case?"

Li Yanran glanced at Ma Hou, then at Li Hong, her eyes were full of understanding.


Li Hong trembled and dared not speak.

"Well, since you don't say anything, Mahou beat up the commander of the palace, which is really outrageous,

Li Feng dragged Mahou out and beat him thirty times, and then expelled him from Xinfeng, never to return. "


Li Feng looked at Li Yanran, completely dumbfounded.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mahou has been punished for others. Can he command Li Hong?

Is my lady blind?
Still sleepy.

"Why are you standing there? Why don't you go soon?"

Li Yanran slapped the desk, her eyes were full of coldness.


Looking at the angry Li Yanran, Li Feng seemed to have understood what she meant.

At the moment, he also nodded and walked Mahou out.

"Boss, Mahou won't be able to accompany you often in the future, take care of yourself."

"Boss, you will always be my boss."

Hearing Mahou's words, Li Hong's heart felt as if it was overwhelmed and could not be calmed down.

"and many more."


Li Feng stopped in his tracks and looked at Li Hong on the side.

"Sister, one person does things and the other is in charge, everything is mine.

It was I who asked the monkey to ambush Di Renjie, he was just following orders, you should let the monkey go. "

Li Hong took a step forward and looked directly at his elder sister.

Mahou is his younger brother, how could he let his younger brother suffer for him as a big brother.

"It's over if you say so early."

Li Yanran waved his hand, Li Feng released Ma Hou, and the other party also ran to Li Hong's side with tears in his eyes.

"Since I know I was wrong, I still don't apologize to Di Renjie."

"I'm right, why should I apologize to him?"

Hearing that sister wanted to apologize to Di Renjie himself, Li Hong quit immediately.

Let me apologize to this treacherous villain, no way.

"I asked you to apologize to Di Renjie?"

Li Yanran walked directly in front of Li Hong, staring at her little brother.

"I'm right, and it's impossible for me to apologize."

Li Hong also got a temper tantrum, and growled at Li Yanran with his neck straightened.

"What did you say?"

Li Yanran directly twisted Li Hong's ears, Xiao Mian, you really have a lot of guts.

"Sister, even if you kill me, I won't apologize."

Li Hong turned out to be a man this time, staring at Di Renjie angrily.

This time he made up his mind, no matter what he would not apologize.

A person is mortal, and he died for Sister, so he has no regrets in his death.

"Your Highness, forget it, children are just playing around, Di Renjie didn't take it to heart at all."

After Di Renjie finished speaking, his eyes hurt, and he also opened his mouth.

"Di Renjie, Brother Hong is stubborn. I neglected to discipline him. I will take him to apologize to you."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong who was grinning, feeling depressed for a while, so she could only apologize to Di Renjie on his behalf.

"Your Highness, don't do this, Di Renjie can't bear it, since there is nothing wrong, I will take my leave first."

Di Renjie nodded and also sighed.

One is the current crown prince but is extremely stubborn, and the other is a woman who is educated and reasonable, and is a corporal.

It would be nice if it could be reversed.

"Li Feng, help me take Di Renjie back."

"Commander Di, please."

Li Feng nodded and saluted Di Renjie.

"Princess, don't teach Your Highness a lesson."

Di Renjie saluted and followed Li Feng straight away.

"Mahou, as the younger brother of your boss, you should always think of him instead of helping the evildoers.
Although you acted according to the order this time, you still can't escape the guilt. If you go back and write that I made mistakes [-] times, can you accept it? "

"Eleven thousand times?"

Mahou is in a bad mood, punish me for writing [-] times?

Wouldn't that mean his own life?

It's better to hit me with a few boards than this.

"What? You don't want to? Then drive out of Xinfeng County and never return."

Seeing Ma Hou's face, Li Yanran also sneered.

She has the most say when dealing with a child like you.

Nine out of ten children are the masters who remember to eat but not to hit. If you hit him a few times, you will forget it when you turn around.

But writing is different.

I was wrong ten thousand times, enough for him to remember it for a year and a half.

"I will write."

Mahou's eyesight was already filled with tears, but he had no chance to repent.

If he didn't write, he would be kicked out of Xinfeng. He had just spent a few days with his mother, and the boss took good care of him.

If he really left, he didn't know if he and his mother could survive this winter.

"Hurry up and get out, finish writing and hand it over to your master within three days."

"Oh oh oh."

Ma Hou glanced at his boss with grievances, turned around and ran out.

"Sister, what are you going to do with me?"

Seeing that he was the only one left, Li Hong shivered again.

He knows exactly who his sister is.

Be strict with yourself and be lenient to others.

Elder sister has always punished others with small punishments, but punished herself with big punishments.

This time, I might really have to die.

"What do you want me to do with you?"

Seeing Li Hong's small appearance, Li Yanran was also a little depressed.

"How about you hit me twice?"

Li Hong asked Li Yanran tentatively.


"Ten times, ten times the head office."

Li Hong was so frightened that he almost cried when Li Yanran stared at him.

"I won't hit you."

Li Yanran shook her head, this little Li Hong's rebellious period is really long.

This is only six years old, and it started?

I think back when I was six years old, I could only beep.

"Sister, don't be like this, I'm afraid, why don't you hit me twenty or twenty times, that's fine."

Now Li Hong is really scared, won't he hit him?
Is this a good thing?

No, there must be something strange here.

Sister must have more powerful ones waiting,

For example, copy me wrong [-] times like Ma Hou, and if you don’t make mistakes, you will kill yourself.

"I said I won't hit you anymore, come here."

Li Yanran shook her head and sat on the chair.

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

Li Hong looked at the amiable Li Yanran, and was frightened to death.

Based on his understanding of his elder sister, the better she treats others, the more unlucky that person will be.

"I let you come over."

Li Yanran stared, Li Hong hurried over.

"Sister, just tell me how to deal with me, and give me a good time."

Li Hong frowned, he was really about to be tortured to death now.

The unknown is always terrifying, and Li Hong is in such horror now.

"Sister asked you, do you really think that Di Renjie is a bad guy?"

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's small head, her eyes were full of indescribable meaning.

"Well, otherwise, I wouldn't lead someone to ambush him. The purpose of beating him is to make his memory long, so that he doesn't dare to plot against Sister."

Li Hong nodded, this time it was the truth.

Di Renjie is not a good person, at least in his mind.

"Then why did you miss? If you want to ambush someone, you have to calculate everything, including where he came from, where he will go, and how to retreat after you succeed. Have you ever thought about it?"


Li Hong was stunned, shouldn't you scold me, sister?

Shouldn't you beat me up in the face?
Why are you discussing this with me?
Could it be that sister is bewildered?

"Why are you stunned? A man should make a decision before acting.
The reason why you failed to ambush this time is all because your plan was not careful,

Do you know what you would do if you were my sister? "

Li Yanran slapped him with a slap, now it is difficult to change Li Hong's view of Di Renjie.

Since it can't be changed, it's better to let nature take its course, I believe he will understand in the future.

"How will it be done?"

Although Li Hong didn't understand, he also wanted to hear what sister would do.

"As the old saying goes, a soldier must count his victory before his defeat. The first thing I need to do is to think of a way out.
Then send someone to clean up all the footprints in front of Di Renjie's door, so as not to reveal any flaws,

Also, I will not choose the ambush location at the gate, but inside his bedroom,

In this way, even if he finds out, he can be taken outside,

In short, there is one point, absolutely not give him the chance to run out for help. "

Li Yanran pressed Li Hong, and slowly expressed her thoughts.

"Sister, if you didn't tell me earlier, it turns out that I did everything wrong. If there is a next time, I will never let Di Renjie run away."

After listening to Li Yanran's arrangement, Li Hong's little eyes lit up immediately.

Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books, and he finally understood the meaning.

If you told me so earlier, I would let that villain Di Renjie run away?

Sister, you really are.

"And next time?"

(End of this chapter)

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