My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 429 If you use your brain too much, you will lose your hair!

Li Yanran took another bite of the apricot, drank a big mouthful of milk tea, and stared at Di Renjie just like that.

She doesn't need to think about anything for the time being, because Di Renjie will give her own ideas, take a step back and say, even if Di Renjie has nothing to say, it's not too late to think about it.

After all, if you use your brain too much, your hair will fall out. She doesn't want to be young and age prematurely.

Wouldn't it be nice if he had the brains to think about making something delicious?

Di Renjie was taken aback for a moment, originally he meant to see how the family would make moves next, and only by breaking down the moves again would they be able to win all battles.

Now listening to the meaning of the princess, it seems that she has already guessed what the family will do next, and already has a countermeasure.

This is too scary, right?
Could it be that Her Royal Highness the princess has the ability to be a prophet?
No, there must be something strange here.

Strange, yes it is strange.

There must be something I didn't expect.

What will the family do once it reacts?
Order the bandits related to it to start a reverse investigation to find out the identity of the bandit who received the money.

Although the identity of his own person is safe, but it is difficult to withstand scrutiny, so what this society should do is to cut off the tail and clean up the future troubles.

And before you leave, you can make a bad person, spreading that those rewards are false, and not exchanging them is even more murderous.

In this way, the disappearance of one's own people is reasonable, and it can still cause trouble for the aristocratic family.

Teach those bandits that the bond deed is a disaster, and those who will be rewarded for intercepting it will be wiped out.

If he was more ruthless, he would pretend to be the reward offerer who exchanged the bond, and when the bandits came to exchange, he would kill them directly.

Then the family plan will collapse.


Thinking of this, Di Renjie gasped, and took another peek at Li Yanran.

This Highness is really unfathomable, unfathomable.

"Di Renjie? Why are you in a daze?"

Li Yanran took another sip of milk tea and asked with some doubts.

"Your Highness is wise, Di Renjie already knows what to do."

Di Renjie knelt on the ground and saluted Li Yanran.


Li Yanran took a mouthful of milk tea and almost spit it out.

Thanks to her skill of drinking milk tea for more than ten years, she could hold back.

It seems that I didn't say anything, how could I be wise.

Di Renjie, tell me what you think, so that you can teach me and gain insight.

It's not your style to hide like this.

"I understand what Your Highness means. It's really a good plan. Don't worry, it's impossible for the aristocratic family to destroy Feiqian this time."

Di Renjie's eyes were full of excitement, and he was full of energy now.

As long as this can be done, no matter how hard Fei Qian is to resist, the family's economic advantage will gradually disappear.

It won't take many years, the family may fall down, and when the time comes, the humble family will rise, and the Tang Dynasty will be even more brilliant.

Seeing Di Renjie's figure running away, Li Yanran was in a bad mood.

Di Renjie, your car is driving too fast, you started the car before I got in the car.

This is too disrespectful to my highness the princess.

"Sister, what kind of charades are you and Di Renjie playing with? Why do I feel like you haven't said anything, but you seem to have said a lot? I really don't understand."

Li Hong was stunned. He couldn't understand what kind of secret language these two people were talking about.

Li Yanran shook her head.

He didn't say anything, but he seemed to say a lot.

I clearly didn't say anything, everything was just made up by Di Renjie.

The point is that she herself doesn't know what the other party is thinking.

"Sister, just tell me."

Li Hong was depressed, and if Sister didn't say anything, even if he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out what was going on here.

"What do you say? Think for yourself."

Li Yanran slapped her across the face, I don't even know how to answer your questions.

If you want to know, think for yourself, always thinking about getting something for nothing, is this what I, the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, did.


Li Hong was depressed, and lowered his head for a moment of grievance.

If you don't say it, don't say it, you always beat people, you are really a good daughter of the emperor.

Di Renjie left, and the news was brought out by Feiqi, and rushed in all directions.

After receiving the news, the bandits belonging to Lishan began to entertain the bandits around them, leaving behind the news that those who offered rewards would not redeem the vouchers, and wanted to kill themselves and eat blacks.

The bandits didn't believe it at first, but they withdrew completely the next night, and burned the village down with a torch when they left.

Some people rumored that those who offered the reward did not want to pay the money, led people to blackmail, killed people, burned the village, and settled everything.

There were also rumors that the vouchers were actually bait released by the imperial court. Anyone who intercepted those vouchers would be considered a heinous sinner by the imperial court.

Those villages that were destroyed were led by a large number of officers and soldiers to destroy them.

The most outrageous thing is that those deeds are actually passes issued by the king of hell to those merchants. If anyone intercepts or kills them, evil spirits will come to claim their lives that night.

At the least, the bandit leader died suddenly, and at the worst, the entire village was left alone. Those villages that were burned to the ground were the result of the punishment of Lord Hades.

With these muddle-headed and outlandish gossips, those bandits are also insecure and afraid of the bond like a tiger.

No matter what kind of rumor it is, anyway, if this bond contract is provoked, it will cause big trouble.

Compared with one's own life, money is something outside the body, if you don't cut it off, you won't lose a piece of meat, and if you cut it off, you might all die.

They can still tell which is more important.

"Damn it, it's all nonsense about black people eating black people, all the officers and soldiers ambushing, and Lord Hades coming out.

It must be the cowardice of the double-faced tiger. Write me a letter immediately and send it to Chang'an. "

Hearing the news from the people below, Tietutuo was also furious.

You are a double-faced tiger, you got that hundred taels of gold for nothing, and you caused such a big mess.

Damn it, just leave as soon as you leave, and let out so many stinky farts, wouldn't it hurt me.


Immediately, his cronies rode out and ran towards Chang'an.

"Your Highness, we are back."

Wei Shan was the first to go, and the distance was the closest, so when all the bandits returned, he was the first one to come back.

"Wei Shan, you've worked hard."

Looking at Wei Shan who was kneeling on the ground, Li Yanran also nodded.

Who would have thought that a small bandit would be able to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility by himself now, and the most important thing is that the other party has also done it.

It is true that arranging flowers intentionally will not live, but unintentionally arranging willows and willows to make shade.

"It's not hard, I brought a gift for His Highness."

Wei Shan waved his hand as he spoke, and Lin Che led someone to bring in a wooden box of thousands of taels of gold.

"Your Highness, this is a thousand taels of gold, all of which I exchanged from the bandits in the cottage, and now I return them all to Your Highness."

Opening the wooden box, the golden light shone inside, and the shining golden pancakes made people feel dizzy.

"Hehe, it's not bad."

Li Yanran's eyes lit up, these aristocratic families are actually rich, and they exchanged them for real gold, which made her a little excited.

Considering that 20 guan of gold is enough to cast a five-meter golden Buddha, it must be very shocking.

This can also be regarded as a congratulatory gift from you old masters to my Feiqian business.

No, I don't believe in Buddhism, what kind of big Buddha.

When the time comes, the great monk Xuanzang will find out, and he will come and annoy himself to death.

It's better to save it first and talk about it when you use it.

"Wei Shan, you have contributed a lot this time, what reward do you want, tell me."

Although I didn't expect how to use these gold, but Wei Shan has meritorious service, she naturally wants to reward it.

"Your Highness, Wei Shan doesn't want anything. It is my blessing to serve His Highness."

Wei Shan knocked his head on the ground, he was satisfied to be able to do things for Li Yanran, as for the rewards, he didn't need anything.

"For meritorious deeds, you will be rewarded, and for faults, you will be punished. This is my rule. Whatever you want, don't make it difficult for me."

Li Yanran frowned, I don't need to give you a reward, but I said it, if you don't want anything, isn't that not giving me face?

"If His Highness really wants to give Wei Shan a reward, Wei Shan wants a reward of a thousand coins."

Since Li Yanran said so, Wei Shan is not polite.

"A reward for a thousand strings? Wei Shan, are you crazy, kid?"

Hearing that Wei Shan wanted so much money, Li Hong quit on the spot.

Dare to ask my elder sister for money, and pay it back for a thousand dollars?
Do you really think that my sister's money is blown by the wind?You only brought back ten thousand coins when you went out this time.

It costs a thousand guan to open your mouth, one-tenth of it.

I don't want to live anymore.

"Wei Shan, if you continue to talk, you must not want this thousand dollars for yourself."

Li Yanran touched the handle of the chair, her eyes full of doubts.

In her impression, Wei Shan is not such a money-grubbing person.

Otherwise, she would not have been the first to send Wei Shan out to investigate the situation.

Now that he suddenly asked himself a reward of one thousand strings, there must be something strange in it.

"Your Highness is wise, this time Wei Shan took out five hundred brothers, but only three of them came back.

I know that His Highness will not treat them badly, but all the brothers have worked hard to get this credit back.

Wei Shan wanted to give them more, and hoped His Highness would agree. "

Wei Shan knocked his head to the ground again, his eyes were full of shame.


Li Yanran nodded, as expected, she saw the right person, this Wei Shan was kind and righteous.

It's just a pity, he has a bandit record, so he can't be an official anymore, but he can still be a cronies.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the gift."

Wei Shan kowtowed again, Li Yanran was able to agree to his impolite request, Wei Shan was really about to cry.

Everyone said that His Highness loves money, but is there anything wrong with that?

A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. As long as the money comes from the right way, so what?
Besides, His Highness has never been stingy with his own people.

Whether it's their wages, or the salaries of the guards and imperial guards, they are all higher than ordinary places, and this is enough.

"Go on, your mother and wife are still waiting for you."

"Hee hee, since His Highness said so, Wei Shan will."

Hearing about his wife and mother, Wei Shan was also a little embarrassed.

"Don't talk too much, let's go."


Looking at the back of Wei Shan leaving, Di Renjie also saluted Li Yanran.

"Your Highness, people from all over the country have begun to return, and our news has also spread.

When the news is fully fermented, the reputation of the family will be destroyed among the bandits.

At that time, the bandits will fear the bond like a tiger, and no one will dare to intercept and kill those merchants who are flying money.

The aristocratic family can be regarded as losing their wife and soldiers this time, giving up 20 coins, and even opened a pass for Feiqian. "

Li Yanran finally understood what Di Renjie had done.

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