My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 428 Di Renjie, what do you think?

Lin Che was depressed. Is he afraid of being responsible?

He just couldn't pass the threshold in his heart, killing people, he cut off a dozen heads just now, how could you, Wei Shan, be able to compare.

"Don't talk about it, I'm the head of the family."

"Lin Che, take your people back to Taro Slope immediately."

"Zhao Ming, take your brothers back to Taro Slope immediately."


A team leader clasped his fists and directly greeted the subordinates of the Forbidden Army to return to Taro Slope with the bodies of the wounded and the dead.

"Second in charge, what are you going to do?"

Seeing Lin Che standing there, Wei Shan couldn't help frowning.

I don't know what the captain wants to do.

"Don't underestimate Lin, although I can't pass the test of killing prisoners, I still know the truth of reciting mistakes together.

I see, you kill, and then we will go to plead guilty to His Highness. "

After speaking, Lin Che immediately closed her eyes, waiting for Wei Shan to act.

"Everyone, I'm sorry."

"We are not all the way, we can't go together, so we can only send you on the road."


Following Wei Shan's words, although the bandits hesitated, their movements were not slow at all, and they directly killed the prisoners one by one.

Hearing the continuous begging for mercy, Lin Che felt her heart being pounded, and her fists clenched tightly.

The more than 200 bandits captured were all beheaded without exception, and then Wei Shan ordered people to pile up the corpses and send them away with a fire.

"I'll send someone to plead guilty to His Highness immediately."

After everything was done, Lin Che opened his eyes and said to Wei Shan.

"Now is not the time, let's go to the cottage tomorrow.

Put the money into your hands first, and complete His Highness's important affairs, and then go to report to His Highness together. "

Wei Shan shook his head, now is not the time, let's wait until the matter is over.


Dozens of bandits fled all the way watching the wind and leaping mountains and mountains without daring to stop for a moment, and finally rushed back to the village before dawn.

"The master of the house, the master of the house."

A bandit rushed outside Tietutuo's house, his eyes full of horror.

"Do you want to die?"

Tietutuo's voice came from the room, and one could tell from the sound that the other party was very upset.

"The head of the family, the second head of the family was attacked by the double-faced tiger, and the five hundred brothers died and fled. All of them are gone."


The door of the house opened instantly, and Tie Toutuo rushed out with a shirtless face and a cold face.

"Is the news true or false?"

Tietutuo stared at the bandit in front of him with staring eyes, he just wanted to know if it was true or not.

"Malay ran back overnight, and what he said himself, there can be no falsehood."

"Let him come and see me right away."


Soon Ma Lai was brought in front of Tie Toutuo. The other party ran all the way, and his legs were almost useless.

Looking at Tietutuo in front of him, Ma Lai knelt directly on the ground.

"Master, we were ambushed, and the double-faced tigers moved at midnight, sneaking into us at night,
They even had dozens of cavalrymen, hiding from behind, leading to our defeat. "

Ma Lai hugged Tietutuo's leg and wept in whirlwind, his eyes full of grievances.

They don't complain if they lose a battle with open swords and guns, but the other party doesn't talk about martial arts and engages in sneak attacks.

It really made him aggrieved to lose.

"I still have the face to talk. I didn't guard against the night attack, and I blamed others for the sneak attack. A bunch of trash, where is Erhu? How is he?"

Tie Toutuo slapped Ma Lai on the head with one slap, and now he still has the face to say that he was engaged in a sneak attack, which is really useless.

"Boss, after all, we did something wrong in this battle. If other bandits find out, we will be in trouble."

"Doesn't my mother know? I'm afraid that the double-faced tiger won't let it go. That guy is not a good stubble. Tell the brothers to get ready."


The entire Fanshanzhai was in motion. Although the bandits didn't know what was going on, they knew that there might be a war going on next.

They have played a very powerful role here, and no one has dared to come to them for a long time.

The next day, the people from Yutoupo ran out directly, and followed Wei Shan and Lin Che towards the village.

"The head of the family, according to reports from spies along the road, the people of the double-faced tiger are already marching towards us, and the number of them is about 400."

Hearing the spies' report, Tietutuo also frowned, this guy came really fast.

"Order someone to inform Double-faced Tiger. I'll wait for him in Luomapo."



Looking at the bandits in front of them, Wei Shan's men immediately took them down.

"The head of my family asked me to bring a message and ask the head of the double-faced tiger to meet in Luomapo."

"Luo Ma Po? All right, let's meet at Luo Ma Po then."

The men and horses of the two sides appeared on Luomapo, each with their swords out of their sheaths, and they might start a war at any time.

"Two-faced tiger, what do you mean?"

Tietutuo rode his horse forward slowly, and glanced at Wei Shan in front of him.

"Tie Toutuo, you sent someone to sneak attack me on Yutoupo. This is Erhu's head. Take a look."

Wei Shan sneered at the corner of his mouth, and Lin Che directly threw Erhu's head.

"What do you mean? I would like to know what it means to be the head of the double-faced tiger.

Erhu brought people there just to beat the autumn wind, after all, your luck is so good, we brothers are just going to borrow money.

You'd better kill me straight away, you're a ruthless person. "

Tietutuo didn't even look at Erhu's head, no matter how good their relationship was before, they are nothing but dead people now.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, I'm lucky, that's right, so what if Erhu is gone? See what this is?"

Speaking of which, Wei Shan directly took out several vouchers from his bosom, his eyes full of hatred.

"You actually have to cut off that bond again?"

Looking at the voucher in Wei Shan's hand, Tietutuo was dumbfounded.

He had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't realize that Wei Shan was so lucky, and he cut so many bond deeds.

"That's right, I've gained quite a lot this time, a total of [-] guan. Why do you want to exchange money for me, or do you want to fight to the death and grab the money?"

Wei Shan looked at Tie Toutuo in front of him, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Rules are rules, you bring the bond, and I'll exchange it for you."

Tietutuo glanced at the people around him, the key now is not the two tigers, not the thousands of rewards, but his superiors.

If something bad happens today and the people above plan to die, then I will lose my head.

"Rules are rules. I can exchange this bond for you, but I want [-]%, which is considered as compensation for your sneak attack on me."

"Double-faced tiger, don't bully others too much, we have as many people as you do today."

Hearing Wei Shan's words, Tietutuo also stared at him with cruel eyes.

"If the leader of Tietutuo's family doesn't exchange it for me, I will take people away now and explain the situation of the two tigers attacking me on Yutoupo in an attempt to rob the bond.

I don't know if all your colleagues know about your activities, I will see who dares to intercept and kill those merchants to do things for you.

Presumably you don't want the people above you to know that you have ruined their plan. "

Wei Shan knew about Tietutuo's situation, so he would never dare to spoil that person's plan.

"you you."

Tietutuo was depressed, and the other party had finally grasped his sore foot.

If the other party really did this, then his reputation in the bandit circle would be ruined.

At that time, he may really die without a place to bury him.

He doesn't care if he dies.

But his wife and children are all in the hands of those people, and he can't let these people die with him.

"Forty out of four, come and get the money."

Without hesitation, he immediately ordered someone to withdraw the money.

Soon someone came out holding the money box, and when the box was opened, it was filled with shining golden cakes.

"Second master, go and check the money."

Lin Che stepped forward, took the other party's money box, and began to verify it.

"The head of the family, the money is wrong, only 790 taels of gold, ten taels of gold short."

Lin Che turned her head and glanced at Wei Shan, while the other party rode up slowly and looked at Tie Toutuo in front of him.

"Tie Toutuo, are you insulting me that I don't know how to count?"

"Double-faced tiger, don't think too much, that's all I have, and I will send someone to deliver the remaining one hundred coins later."

Tietutuo frowned, he only had so many now, so he had to take them out and give them to the double-faced tiger first.

"Okay, then I'll accept it."


Wei Shan threw the voucher on the ground and left with his troops.

"The head of the family, let them go like this?"

A bandit looked at the rebellious Wei Shan and was extremely angry.

"Go back to the cottage."

Without saying a word, Tietutuo rode his horse and galloped towards his cottage.

"Immediately send someone to inform His Highness that the bandits here have no money left. I hope His Highness will act according to circumstances."

On the way back, Wei Shan directly ordered Lin Che to send someone back to Lishan to report.

He was happy not because he got the 790 taels of gold, but because he had found out the truth about the village.

Ten thousand strings, the other party will no longer be able to come up with money. I believe the princess will be very interested in this matter.


A horse galloped out and ran straight towards Lishan.

"Your Highness, Wei Shan sent a message."

The scouts rushed over and handed over Wei Shan's letter.

Li Yanran took the letter, and after reading it, handed it to Di Renjie, who also stroked his beard after reading it.

"Di Renjie, what do you think?"

Looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran took the apricot that Li Feng handed over, and took a bite.

"Your Highness, this Wei Shan is a wonderful man, and he is decisive in killing. If it is said that he served in the border army before, I believe it. I am a little surprised to say that he is a bandit."

Di Renjie smiled slightly, and replied to Li Yanran.

"Those are just trivial things. It is legal to kill bandits and bullies. I didn't kill them before because I didn't want to waste manpower. You know what I want to ask."

Li Yanran frowned, usually not very smart, why suddenly became like this?

Do I care about those bandit captives?

"Your Highness, according to the information we found outside, there are about twenty bandits involved in the family.

According to ten thousand consistency, their early money should be almost gone.

It is estimated that the family is about to wake up. "

Di Renjie drank his chrysanthemum tea unhurriedly. What they did next depended on what the family would do.

"Wake up when you wake up, it doesn't matter, the money has already been obtained, and besides, Di Renjie, you must already have a backup."


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