My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 427 Regardless of life or death, I will take your Zhang family

"Hehe, let's fight then. Those banditry troubles that we swept up before are not enough, so let's treat it as a big fight."

Lin Che smiled slightly. What he was afraid of was mediocrity, so he was not afraid of war.

"Tell the brothers to rest during the day, and let's move at midnight, and kill them all."


In the middle of the night, the bandits in Yutoupo were eating meat. There was a big battle today, so even if you die, you have to be a full ghost, otherwise you will never end on the road to the gate of hell.

"Master, the time has come."

"Brothers, today is going to be desperate, but don't worry, no matter if it's life or death, I, Wei Shan, will eventually bring you back to Mount Li."

Wei Shan looked at the brothers in front of him, his eyes were full of coldness.

This time they only have [-] people, and the number of people on the other side is unknown, so it should be a tough battle.

Casualties are inevitable in war, and the only thing he can do is to bring people home.

"Don't worry, we know."

"If I die, the pension will be in the hands of the head of the family."

"I haven't married yet, and there is only my mother in the family. I hope that after I am gone, I can take my mother to Lishan to spend the rest of my life."

None of the five hundred bandits was timid to fight, and they ate just this bowl of rice, with their heads hung on their waists, and desperate efforts were just commonplace.

"Second leader, I am not good at leading troops in battle, and everyone will follow your command from now on."

Wei Shan glanced at Lin Che next to him. He understood bandits, but he still had to look at the other party when marching and fighting.

After all, Lin Che is the professional.

"From now on, everyone will obey my orders."

"Wei Shan, take our only cavalry around the back mountain, and when I hit the enemy's main formation, you take people out from behind.

Don't worry about anything, just charge as hard as you can and disrupt their formation.

The rest of the people follow me to attack the enemy's formation head-on. The forbidden army is in front and the bandits are behind. We must defeat the enemy with one blow. "

Lin Che glanced at the brother in front of him, and announced his order.

"Second leader, you are supposed to lead the cavalry to the rear, and I will lead the men straight to the enemy's line."

Hearing Lin Che's order, Wei Shan quit immediately.

In the current situation, everyone knows that it is definitely the most dangerous to attack the enemy line head-on, but he wants to go there by himself, how can he, the master, allow it.

"Wei Shan, now that Lin Che has taken over the command, if you dare to disobey the order, I will cut off your head right now."

Lin Che stared at Wei Shan with wide eyes, and a trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes.

"I don't agree, it's the same even if you cut off my head now. I'm the head of the family, so I should charge forward. I, Wei Shan, are the kind of villains who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

Seeing Lin Che's appearance, Wei Shan growled at him too.

"Wei Shan, compared to you, I'm just a small captain. Lishan has fifty if not one hundred. Your life is more useful than mine, so keep it."

Lin Che walked up to Wei Shan and whispered in his ear.


Hearing this, Wei Shan was also at a loss.

"No, but, it's just how it should be done for His Highness."

"Where is the forbidden army?"


"Array in front, follow me to attack, and attack thieves."


The forbidden army shouted loudly, and then took the lead in rushing out.

"Lieutenant Lin, go all the way."

Wei Shan looked at the figures of the people leaving, and slowly bowed to them in salute.

"Boss, it's time for us to go."

A team leader glanced at Wei Shan, indicating that it was time for him to leave.

"Get on the horse and go around the mountain."

Wei Shan also knew that the matter was urgent, so without hesitation, he got on his horse and ran towards the back mountain with thirty cavalrymen.

Dark clouds cover the top, and the bright full moon is also hidden in the clouds.

Except for some sentry guards, Erhu and the others all rested. After all, there might be something going on tomorrow.

The wandering bird was startled, fluttering its wings across the sky.

"This bird flies strangely."

A sentry guard frowned involuntarily as he watched the birds flying overhead.

"What's wrong, they're just stupid birds."

The other sentry glanced at the bird without any surprise.

"Hehe, it's just a bunch of silly birds, do you think it scares you?"

Another sentry also smiled slightly.


The surrounding sentry guards also laughed and laughed, but the first sentry guard frowned and moved forward.



Before the guard could speak, a sharp arrow shot straight through his head.

One arrow goes out, a hundred arrows come.

The continuous arrows instantly submerged these sentry guards.

"Enemy attack, ah."

A shrill cry pierced the sky, and the bandits who were resting in the village woke up in an instant.


Lin Che drew out the steel knife at her waist, cut down the bandit in front of her with one blow, and then waved her hand.

The five hundred bandits were like evil spirits from hell, attacking the banditry that had overrun the village.

"what sound?"

Erhu suddenly turned over from the ground, his eyes were full of horror.

"Second in charge, something is wrong, there are thieves coming to kill us."

A bandit rushed to Erhu's side and told the outside situation.

"It must be the double-faced tiger from Yutoupo, brothers, the copycats killed them."

Hearing that someone was killed, Erhu immediately understood that it must be Wei Shan who had killed him.

Immediately, he raised the big ax beside him, and led the soldiers to prepare to meet the enemy.

In the dark night, the troops from both sides began to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Although the bandits who came across the stronghold were powerful, they were completely insignificant in the face of the troops headed by the imperial army.

Those who were killed in a short time did not stay, and retreated steadily.

The two tigers are really powerful. After leading people to kill them, they actually blocked the attack of the imperial army, but they only blocked it.

Over time, the two tigers had no choice but to lose.

"Double-faced tiger kills, whoever blocks me dies."

Just as the fierce battle on the front line was in full swing, the thirty cavalry led by Wei Shan finally arrived, like a steel knife piercing the back of the banditry in the village.

The bandits who turned over the mountain village were struggling to support them, but now they were suddenly chopped off by the cavalry of Weishan.

Although there were only thirty riders, it was also the last straw that broke the camel's back.

In an instant, the banditry of Fanshanzhai collapsed.


Lin Che chopped down a bandit with a single knife, and continued to charge forward.

"Come on."

With a loud roar, the big ax fell from the sky and directly struck Lin Che's face.

Seeing this, Lin Che hurriedly rolled to avoid it, and the big ax slashed on the ground, causing dust to fly up.

The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other. Seeing Lin Che's figure, the two tigers immediately exploded.

Without saying a word, he picked up the ax and hacked over again.

He can't control anything now, his only thought is to kill Lin Che.

Kill this villain who humiliated him in front of the two armies.

"Two tigers."

Seeing the two tigers killed like crazy, Lin Che was not reckless. He knew that this group of thieves had already been defeated, and there was no need to fight him to the death.

So one of them chased and the other hid, and the fight was quite lively, but the two of them only spent some energy on average.

"Are you a coward who only knows how to escape?"

"Isn't it great before?"

"Come on, let's see who is stronger."

While chasing, Erhu growled at Lin Che, his eyes full of madness.

A war horse rushed out from behind and knocked the two tigers away.


Seeing Erhu being bumped, Lin Che seized the opportunity, rushed forward, and chopped Erhu's head off with one blow.

"The head of the family, it's amazing."

Lin Che hung Erhu's head on her waist, and smiled at Wei Shan who was on the horse.

"Second leader, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and send people to wipe out the bandits everywhere."


"Follow me to kill."

After an hour of killing, the five hundred bandits brought by the two tigers were seen beheading more than 200 people on the spot and capturing more than 200 people. Only a few dozen people escaped in the chaos.

"Happy, happy."

With Erhu's head hanging on her waist, Lin Che excitedly came to Wei Shan's horse.

"Stop talking nonsense and clean the battlefield."

Wei Shan nodded. Although the number of people in this battle was not large, the killing was really fun.

"What about the captives?"

Lin Che glanced at the bandits kneeling on the ground, and slowly asked Wei Shan.

"What do you say?"

Wei Shan looked at Lin Che with a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

"According to His Highness's previous actions, the big treacherous and evil people will be killed, so that the dead will not rush into the labor camp for reform, so that they can reform themselves."

"Does the second boss know how the bandits do it?"

Wei Shan didn't say anything, but just turned his head to the sky.


"There are only two ways, either to include them all, or to keep none, which way do you think we should go?"

Wei Shan shook his head. He knew that Her Royal Highness had a kind heart and didn't want to do more evil. It might have been possible before, but now it's... hard.

"Are you afraid of getting into trouble?"

Lin Che understood what Wei Shan meant, that he wanted to kill them all.

"That's right, we can't let others know what we're doing, once the news gets out, His Highness's plan may die prematurely.

What's more, let the subordinates pretend to be bandits, even if we didn't do the bandit thing, just a name, if it spreads out, it will damage His Highness's reputation.

So we can't risk it, they can't live. "

Wei Shan is an old bandit after all, he is used to intrigues and enemies, if one of these bandits escapes, it will be a catastrophe.

"But committing suicide without permission is against the rules of the army, and if His Highness finds out, I'm afraid."

Lin Che didn't continue to say that he would do anything to charge into battle, but his pride as a soldier would not allow him to kill these captives who put down their weapons.

Moreover, this is not in line with Li Yanran's ideas. Sooner or later, these unavoidable secrets will be known, and there may be some kind of punishment at that time.

"Don't worry, I will do these things, and I will be the villain. If His Highness is to blame, I will fully bear it."

Wei Shan shook his head. When he made this decision, he didn't think about letting others take the blame.

As long as it is for Li Yanran's good, even if Li Yanran punishes him after this incident, he will not hesitate to do so.

Not for other reasons, but because the other party gave him a new life, he would not allow anyone to hurt His Highness.

"Didn't I mean that? Don't look down on people who are in charge."

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