My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 426 The old man came to trouble the prisoner Qiu again

Anyway, money is given to everyone, but I don't know how capable this double-faced tiger is.

"I'm just angry, why can't our people catch big fish, five thousand guan."

The two tigers are just a little angry, it's fine to replace it with someone else, why did they give the double-faced tiger that stupid criticism.

"Don't talk nonsense, mother, prepare the money, and trade with the double-faced tiger tomorrow."


The second transaction went smoothly, and there was no more fighting that day. After everything was completed, the two parties ran away again.

The second time, 20 guan was exchanged for 20 guan in real gold and silver, and Li Yanran had exchanged half of the [-] guan money from the four major families.

"Your Highness, everything is going well. According to reports from various places, all [-] crowns have been traded. It's time for the third wave."

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran with excitement in his eyes.

After all, he usually plays games for a few dollars and tens of dollars, and he has never played a game at most. Now that he is easily buying and selling hundreds of thousands of dollars, it is a lie to say that he is not nervous.

"Continue to raise for the third wave, and add another 20. I want to see how much money those aristocratic families have to play with us."

Li Yanran is really rich and powerful. There are many wealthy businessmen in Datang, some of them are even wealthy, but there are very few who want to spend hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in cash in an instant.

The aristocratic family has countless money and food, and they are known as wealthy, but most of their family property is on the farm and the fields. It is not bad to have more than ten or 20 yuan in cash.

And their money is all over the place, and the ones in Chang'an are no more than [-] guan, so Li Yanran counts them as dead.

There is no successor.

In this economic war, whoever runs out of money first will lose completely.

"Your Highness, are you afraid that they will wake up early and take corresponding countermeasures?"

Hearing that Li Yanran wanted to raise, and it was still 20 guan at a time, Di Renjie said that he was not excited, it was impossible.

"I just don't want to cause extra problems. Now that we have thrown out 30 guan, this time I just want to test the opponent's bottom line.

Let's see if they are really planning to fight me to the death, or to fight the autumn wind, attitude determines everything. "

Li Yanran shook her head, the family's money did not come from the wind.

If they really throw out hundreds of thousands of pens, it will be difficult for this matter to continue.

"Di Renjie understands."

Di Renjie saluted Li Yanran, and immediately sent someone to preside over the new bond contract.

"Supervisor Qiu, the old man has come again."

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, and saluted Qiu Sanhua.

"Shopkeeper Wei, don't be like this, Qiu Sanhua can't take it anymore."

Seeing Wei Shanqi's appearance, Qiu Sanhua couldn't help but shudder. The last time he reissued the voucher, he hasn't slept well yet.

Now that the other party came again, it was still the same, so he couldn't help being confused.

"Qiu Suojian, don't be afraid, come, I have brought new tea from Shuren Tea House, try it."

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, and raised the tea bag in his hand.

"New tea from the tree man tea room?"

Hearing this, Qiu Sanhua was also excited.

It has long been heard that the tea in the Shuren Teahouse is the best in the world, but it is too expensive, and the worst ones have to be sold for one or two teas.

As a small eighth-rank official, according to his salary, he just needs to smell it, but forget it if he drinks it.

Wei Shanqi opened the tea bag, and a fragrant tea smell permeated in an instant. Seeing this, Qiu Sanhua also ordered someone to fetch the teapot and fresh water.

The new tea is placed in the teapot, and the emerald green tea leaves are twisted and stretched in the boiling water.

"Come on, this is given to me by Her Royal Highness, try it."

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Sure enough, it's good tea, and we've got the favor of shopkeeper Wei, otherwise I'd never be able to taste this good tea in my whole life."

After Qiu Sanhua took a sip, he was also full of praise.

I have long heard that the tea from the Shuren Tea House is very popular in Chang'an, and now it is a top-notch tea.

"Since it's good tea, this bag of tea will be given to Qiu Suojian."

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, and pushed the tea bag in front of Qiu Sanhua.

"What's so funny about that?"

Although Qiu Sanhua refused, he already had the tea bag in his hand.

"What's the matter, if Qiu Suojian feels embarrassed, then give the old man another 20 bonds from last time, and give me another 20 bonds, for a total of 40 bonds."


As soon as Qiu Sanhua took his tea, he spit it out when he heard this.

"Shopkeeper Wei, what did you say? Qiu didn't hear clearly."

Qiu Sanhua wiped the tea stains from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of horror.

He already felt that he was going to be frightened to death last time when he refilled 20 guan, this time he will refill 20 guan, and add another [-] guan, what does Her Royal Highness want to do?

Use that voucher as toilet paper?

It’s not enough, toilet paper won’t use this either.

While speaking, he pushed back the tea bag in his hand.

"This is an order from the princess, Qiu Suojian will not want to refuse it, and besides, one hundred thousand cans have already been opened, so what's the problem with opening another 20 cans?

Your Highness is doing big things. If this thing is done, your tea will be packed in the Shuren Tea Room in the future. "

Wei Shanqi still smiled, and pushed the tea bag back.

"Treasurer Wei, I...I really don't dare to do this."

Qiu Sanhua shook his head, his head was already hung on his belt, and if he opened it again, he would throw it to his heel.

"Don't talk about it, why is the old man not afraid? But once some things are done, there is no way to turn back. Just do things for His Highness wholeheartedly."

Wei Shanqi shook his head, he is not afraid, but he has no right to retreat after one step.

All they can do now is to help His Highness with all their strength and play this game of chess well.


"This tea is really good, okay."

With bitter eyes, Qiu Sanhua still held the tea bag in his hand.

"In this way, the old man will leave."

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, saluted Qiu Sanhua and left directly.

The 40 bond bond was issued again, and the whole Chang'an was stunned for a while.

Previously it was 20 guan, then 40 guan, and now it is [-] guan.

70 hits back and forth, are these businessmen really so crazy?

So much money was paid out?
Really rich.

"Brother, do you think all the merchants in Chang'an are crazy?

It's 70 guan from inside and outside. If this continues, the 20 guan money we gave out in advance will be spent. "

Cui Yuqing looked at Cui Yuanjun with horror in his eyes.

It is said that businessmen cherish their lives, but now that Feiqian is opened, these people seem to be not afraid of death, save money and open bond deeds to go to various places to do business, which really makes him a little scared.

In this way, once the Feiqian business is really launched, the family's business will definitely suffer a devastating blow.

It seems that my elder brother is really far-sighted, much farther than myself.

"Don't be afraid, the crazier they are now, when the news comes, those merchants will be hit harder. At that time, as long as we push a little bit, the flying money will be over."

Cui Yuanjun smiled slightly. He is not afraid of those businessmen going crazy now, but he is afraid that they will be indifferent.

This will be the time when everyone is scrambling to go to other places to do business, which is exactly what he wants to see the most.

"I see, hehe."

Cui Yuqing also responded with a smile, he knew what to do.

The news that the 40 bond deeds had left Chang'an instantly made the bandits around Chang'an go crazy again.

"Have you heard the news?"

Tietutuo looked at the two tigers in front of him, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"I heard, what do you want to do, Master?"

Erhu looked at Tie Toutuo, not knowing what the meaning of "Da Dang Jia" was.

"Didn't you say it last time, that Taro Slope may be a blessed place, maybe we can get a share of this business."

Tietutuo looked at the two tigers in front of him, a trace of coldness flickered at the corner of his mouth.

"Boss, do you mean to let me take people to ambush under the taro slope and steal their fortune?"

The two tigers also showed a sneer when they heard the words, they have been with the boss for so many years, and the other party is not a good person.

The double-faced tiger has already exchanged a huge fortune of [-] guan twice, and it is a lie to say that he is not tempted.

Now he finally revealed his mind.

"That's right, you bring five hundred brothers there, remember, we are here for money.

Don't conflict with the double-faced tiger unless it is absolutely necessary, but if they don't know each other, don't be afraid, kill them without leaving any. "

Tie Toutuo patted Erhu on the shoulder, signaling to him to just do it.


The two tigers nodded, and directly ordered the five hundred bandits to leave the village, and headed across the mountains and ridges towards the taro slope.

The people who turned over the cottage acted, and Wei Shan also got the bond to be exchanged first.

"There are so many this time?"

Looking at the voucher in his hand, Wei Shan was a little taken aback.

"Your Highness's order, we just need to do it."

Lin Che also frowned, but since it was sent by Li Yanran, she could just do it herself.

"Well, it's still the old rule. After three days, send someone to inform Fanshanzhai to exchange money."


Lin Che nodded.

A day later, Erhu led five hundred bandits under his command and quietly came to ambush in the small woods outside the taro slope.

"Second master, what are we doing here?"

"Why? Help Double-faced Tiger intercept and kill those merchants who come and go. Remember, from now on, everyone who passes by, regardless of gender, age or age, will be captured. If anyone lets go, kill them."


"Master, a large number of bandits were found outside the taro slope."

A forbidden soldier rushed in quickly and told what he found.

"The head of the family, I'm afraid the visitor is not kind."

Lin Che frowned and looked at Wei Shan.

Now the issue of the bond deed has become an uproar, and the bandits around here are all rumoring that this is a blessed land, and they are here to grab business.

"How many people and horses are there?"

Wei Shan looked at Lin Che, then at the scout who reported the letter, and asked him how many people there were.

"The brothers didn't dare to go to see it, but the estimated number of people was at least several hundred."

The scout clasped his fists again and told the answer Wei Shan wanted to know.

"It's not right, there are hundreds of bandits and we don't have that much power around here."

"It should be someone who turned over the cottage. It seems that Tie Toutuo has moved his mind after all."

Lin Che immediately understood Wei Shan's meaning, the so-called officials have official ways, and bandits have bandits.

Bandits also have their own ways, and different bandits have their own spheres of influence.

This area has already been explored in Weishan, and there is no such a big force around, and the only one who can do this is Tietutuo who has turned over the mountain village.

"After all, there is no bird that does not steal food. Since it is here, there is nothing to say. Tell the brothers to prepare. This battle is about to be fought."

Wei Shan stood up abruptly, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

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