Li Yanran jumped up, and directly slapped Changsun Yan on the head.

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan have no brains, but you belong to those who have brains and don't use them.

Such a master is even more infuriating than Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan who are born stupid.

"Then when will I wait? I'm afraid that after a long time, those aristocratic families will react, and it will be difficult to squeeze their wool by then."

Li Siwen frowned, those aristocratic families are not pigs, if you squeeze their wool like this, they will definitely notice after a long time.

He was afraid that if the other party woke up, it would be his own side.

"Don't worry, we are dealers, they are players, if you want to play, you have to follow our rules."

Li Yanran was not panicked at all, she could afford to wait for a few days, and those aristocratic families had to wait too.

If Feiqian doesn't officially start, they will have to wait an extra day.


In a few days, almost all of Li Yanran's people had their own identities.

Among them, Wang Hu was the most vicious. Once he got there, he broke down several bandit villages and played a very powerful role.

After receiving the news from all over the place, Li Yanran immediately started to act, one after another coupons were issued, as many as [-] guan, and as little as [-] guan, and spread towards Chang'an in all directions.

At the same time, these news also seemed to be raining flowers all over the sky, turning the surroundings of Chang'an upside down.

"Di Renjie, how long do you think it will take for those aristocratic families to react to our plan?"

During this period of time, the bond deeds she gave out amounted to [-] coins. According to the planned plan, she should be able to recover [-] coins.

When this wave of money is recovered, you can get rid of the BUG.

If she didn't get rid of the aristocratic family, she wouldn't be a princess of the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Highness must have already made up his mind, so why ask Di Renjie again?"

Looking at Li Yanran's calm eyes, Di Renjie shook his head.

You have already planned in your heart, why are you asking me.

Is it really okay to pretend to be confused while pretending to understand?


Li Hong looked at his elder sister and then at Di Renjie, feeling a little confused.

You both get it, I don't get it yet.

When will the aristocratic family react, you guys can tell.

"Stupid, although the family is not stupid, it is not as smart as imagined.

This would be unsatisfactory, but when they realized it, the money that had been thrown out had to be spent. "

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, can't figure out such a simple thing?

"I understand, it's like I went to the market with money, and at the beginning I spent a lot of money, and I really regretted it when I ran out of money.

This is the reason for those aristocratic families now. "

Li Hong touched his head, his eyes were full of excitement.

He always felt that he was going to grow his brain recently, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Otherwise, how could I understand sister's analysis, and even draw inferences from one instance.

I am so awesome.

No, in order to celebrate Ben Gong's growth, I will buy two more bunches of candied haws later.

Treat yourself.

"Okay, I really have grown up."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, the younger brother could still say these words.

A look is a personal experience.

Little spender.

"Your Highness's analogy is wonderful, it's actually the same reason, so now it depends on how much money the other party can prepare for the first time."

Di Renjie also smiled slightly, this prince is really a wonderful person.

This metaphor is a bit fresh and refined.

"I hope that the aristocratic family can use their strength to deal with me, otherwise it will be too boring for us to plan for such a long time."

Li Yanran also responded with a smile. If it was before, she might be afraid that the aristocratic family would give too much money, but now she is only afraid that the aristocratic family will pay too little.

After all, does it make money? No one thinks it's too little.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will definitely not disappoint you."

"Well, let's go down, and when those vouchers are reissued, you can figure it out yourself."


One by one, Li Yanran's people took the bond deeds and exchanged [-]% of the bounty. Fortunately, these bandits knew that this matter was serious, so there was no black-and-white situation.

"Brother Li, all the money has been exchanged?"

One letter after another was sent to the Lishan fief, and looking at the good news from all over the place, Changsun Yan was stunned.

Earning [-] guan in such a short period of time, Brother Li really made him amazed.

"It's been exchanged, the real gold and silver are all in your hands, so there is nothing to question."

Li Yanran was depressed looking at Changsun Yan, now that the money is in his hands, don't you believe it?

"Are these aristocratic families all pigs? Just give us money like this?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran, and to be honest, he also didn't believe it.

Aren't these aristocratic families known as the smartest people in Datang?How could it be so easy to be played around by Brother Li?

"They're not pigs, they're just too greedy.

Desire makes one lose judgment, so remember that.

When something has great temptation for you, you have to think about whether it is a trap. "

Li Yanran glanced at the crowd, her eyes were full of coldness.

This is a lesson learned from the past. If these idiots really encounter such a problem, she can only hope that they will rush over like idiots.


Several people nodded together, they also knew that Li Yanran was doing it for their own benefit.

"Di Renjie, immediately arrange for the people from Feiqian to make up the original bond, and then continue to collect wool."


Wei Shanqi went to the Feiqian office, looked at the prisoner in front of him, and hurriedly saluted him.

"Treasurer Wei, you are Princess Lishan's favorite, and Qiu Sanhua is just an eighth-rank official, so you shouldn't be like this."

The prisoner of Feiqian is a trusted aide specially sent by Cui Xiuye, seeing Wei Shanqi salute, he hastily helped him up.

"Supervisor Qiu, I didn't ask, but I actually asked for something."

Wei Shanqi looked at Qiu Sanhua, and directly stated his reason for coming.

"Shopkeeper Wei, if you have something to say, just say it, our Feiqian office is actually for cooperating with Ri Shenglong, don't do that."

Qiu Sanhua smiled slightly, and said to Wei Shan.

"I need to make up for the bond that was opened before, and I hope Supervisor Qiu will cooperate."

Wei Shanqi also smiled, but Qiu Sanhua couldn't laugh anymore.

You said you want to make up the bond deed?God cat mean?
Does the bond deed mean that it can be made up if it is said to be made up?
That's all wasted money, if you make up for it at will, it's not a mess.

I reissued the voucher, and when the two vouchers arrive at the same time, how should I exchange them.

If the money is paid twice, the country will lose money.

Even if you are an imperial princess, you can't benefit yourself at the expense of the country.

"Shopkeeper Wei, don't make such jokes, you're already drunk before dark."

Qiu Sanhua's face was serious, looking at Wei Shanqi, a little at a loss.

"I'm not joking, this is the princess' order."

Wei Shanqi directly took out a decree from his pocket, which was written by Li Yanran himself.

"Treasurer Wei, if you are like this, once people find out, I will be finished."

Qiu Sanhua was completely dumbfounded, the princess ordered, you are not a good person.

Even if the princess ordered it, what would happen if something happened.

The princess may just be scolded, at most be beaten, but she will be decapitated, and even her whole family will be beheaded.

"This is the princess' order, why, do you dare to disobey?"

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, a high-level official can crush people to death, not to mention that you have to face the daughter of the Tian family.

How can you defy the will of Her Royal Highness the Princess?

Qiu Sanhua was depressed, he really couldn't resist.

This Feiqian Office is to cooperate with others, now that Her Royal Highness's orders have come down, what can he do.

"Don't worry, no one will know about this matter. You just need to explain to the outside world that it is a newly opened bond. After the matter is completed, your benefits will be indispensable."

Does Wei Shanqi know that Qiu Sanhua dare not disobey, but what should be appeased should still be appeased, and what should be rewarded should still be rewarded.

"Treasurer Wei, why do I feel like you are joking, using the replenished bond as a new bond, I really don't understand."

Qiu Sanhua looked at Wei Shanqi, and the other party said there was a way, but he couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd under the current situation.

"It's not something you and I should consider, as long as we do our jobs well.

The more you inquire, the more disasters will happen,

If you should pretend to be dumb, pretend to be dumb, if you should pretend to be deaf, pretend to be deaf, if you should pretend to be blind, you should pretend to be blind,
Understand? "

Wei Shanqi looked at Qiu Sanhua with a cold look in his eyes, you can also inquire about these things?
Don't say you don't know, even if he knows, he won't dare to tell you.

Even if you say it yourself, you have to dare to listen.

"Thank you, shopkeeper Wei, for your teaching. I'll help you reissue the bond right away."

Hearing Wei Shanqi's teaching, Qiu Sanhua also shuddered.

Officials are most taboo to inquire about nothing.

He still knew this.

"Well, that's right, remember that only we know about this,

If a third person finds out, you and your family will die. "

Wei Shanqi nodded, and Qiu Sanhua also nodded, knowing how powerful it was.

Soon the supplementary bonds were issued, and the news leaked to the outside world was also newly issued bonds.

This time Li Yanran added another 20 guan, and a total of [-] guan was scattered in all directions.

Now that the move has been made, it is time to increase the size.

When the 20 yuan was sent out, the bandits all over the place were gearing up like sharks smelling blood, ready to fight.

But what surprised everyone was that Ming saw so much money going out, but didn't catch a single fish.

Just when those people were depressed, those bandits who had already obtained the vouchers also exchanged the changed vouchers for rewards one after another.

"Why did this kid get all the good luck, and got five thousand guan again."

When Erhu heard the news that Wei Shan had snatched another five thousand coupons, he immediately quit.

The co-author's money is all for this guy. These two times, it's [-] guan, and even if it's [-]%, it's [-] guan.

With so much money, how can I be a bandit, go to Chang'an to buy a Zhuangzi, and then buy some fields, and I will have nothing to worry about for the rest of my life.

"Maybe that taro slope is a blessed place, but no one can explain it.

No matter who gets the bond, as long as there is a bond, we will exchange money.

If that double-faced tiger is really capable, I will rob me of all the bonds, and I will save myself from trading with others. "

Tietutuo didn't mind at all, luck is always a destiny.

Mysterious and mysterious, no one can explain it.

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