My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 424 Get it!

A smirk flashed in Erhu's eyes. Although the other party was lucky, his own luck was not bad either.

After all, the six hundred pennies have to go through my own hands, as long as I get rid of that double-faced tiger, it's not all ours anymore.

"Er Hu, don't be arrogant, sometimes you need the money, sometimes you don't.

If the reputation of the Shang family is ruined because of these six hundred guan, we will all die by then. "

Tietutuo kicked the two tigers somersaults, you want to play black and eat black now?
If someone else finds out about it, who would dare to grab the bond and exchange it for money.

If the schemes of those big shots are ruined, I am afraid that I will be wiped out immediately.

"I see."

Erhu got up from the ground, scratched his head but didn't dare to say anything more.

"Boss, Tie Toutuo agreed to trade with you in Luomapo tomorrow."

"Luomapo, it's a good place to choose. It seems that Tie Toutuo didn't intend to cheat on others."

Hearing that the other party had chosen Luomapo as the trading location, Wei Shan also nodded.

Luomapo is flat, there is no way to hide people, but I chose a place where no one can ambush anyone.

"How to do?"

"What else can I do? Call the brothers and get the money tomorrow."


Lin Che nodded, and the next day five hundred bandits came out in full force and rushed directly to Luomapo, thirty miles away.

The bandits who turned over the cottage also selected hundreds of people to go out, and rushed over with the promised [-] gold cakes.

"The opposite is a double-faced tiger?"

Tietutuo rode on the steed and shouted loudly to the opposite side.

"I am a double-faced tiger, who are you?"

Wei Shan rode forward and shouted at Tie Toutuo who was facing him.

"This is Tie Toutuo, the head of our village."

Erhu directly called out Tie Toutuo's identity.

"It turns out that Tie Toutuo is the head of the family, and the double-faced tiger has seen it.

Did you bring the money?
I don't think you have a carriage for transporting money, are you planning to play black and white with us? "

Now that the identity of the other party has been confirmed, Wei Shan scanned around and frowned.

A bad thought came to mind.

Hearing what Wei Shan said, the bandits behind him raised their swords together.

Seeing the opposite side draw a knife, Tie Toutuo also became alert.

The situation suddenly became tense.

"Who still trades with copper coins now, what we bring is gold."

A trace of disdain flashed in Tietutuo's eyes, and he waved his hands to signal his fellow soldiers to put down their weapons.

He is really a bumpkin who has never seen the world, who still plays with copper coins now.

Speaking of which, Tie Toutuo waved his hand, and a bandit came out with a small box.

After opening it, there was a golden light, it was a gold cake made of pieces of gold.

"I brought the money, where is the bond?"

"The bond is here."

Wei Shan took out the voucher from his arms and waved it in the air.

"Master, you have seen the bond, how can we tell the real from the fake?"

Erhu squinted at the donation in Wei Shan's hand, feeling a little worried.

No one has ever seen what the bond deed looks like, what if the double-faced tiger forged one to deceive himself, so what?

I came here with real money, if I exchanged for a fake one, I would have to be killed by then.

"Don't worry, we don't know whether it's true or not, and neither does the double-faced tiger. How can he imitate it? Besides, he doesn't know whether we know what the bond looks like. Don't worry."

It is reasonable for Tietutuo to be chosen by the aristocratic family, but it is just a reckless word, but it cannot control so many bandits.


For a while, the two tigers were also a little dizzy.

What you know, what you don't know, what you don't know.

He didn't know anyway.

"Don't even think about it with your brain, bring the money over and exchange it with them.

Remember to show that we know the bond, and don't show them that we are guilty. "

Tie Toutuo gave Erhu a blank look, don't think about your walnut-sized brain, and quickly exchange money for me.

"Oh oh oh."

Erhu scratched his head, grabbed the box and walked over.

"Second child."

Wei Shan handed over the voucher to Lin Che, who also walked towards Erhu.

"Bring the money."

"Bring the bond."

The two walked up to each other and looked at each other, each about to reach out for something in the other's hand.

"you give me first."

"Why? You give it to me first."

"I can't test the authenticity of your gold?"

Lin Che glared at Erhu, what if you come here to fool me with fake gold.

"I still want to test the authenticity of your bond."

Erhu also stared at Lin Che with staring eyes. Although he didn't know what the bond deed looked like, he couldn't be cowardly in terms of aura.

"You really can't understand human language, can you?"

Lin Che was stunned. Can you, a fool, recognize the authenticity of the bond?
It's the first time I've seen Temiao's bond, so it's strange that you know him.

It's really a toad with a feather duster, pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

"What? Do you want to practice?"

Erhu's stupefied energy rose, anyway, if you don't show it to me, I won't show it to you.

You can't lose your momentum, otherwise you're just guilty?

"Practice? Just you?"

Lin Che directly put the voucher into her arms, and as soon as she rolled up her sleeves, she was about to fight Erhu.

Tietutuo and Wei Shan were dumbfounded for a moment as they looked at the two men who were at war with each other.

What are these two guys doing?Looking at the situation, can we still fight?
"Erhu, what the hell do you want to do?"

Tietutuo frowned, and hurriedly shouted at Erhu.

"The head of the family, he won't give me a bond."

Erhu turned his head and looked at Tie Toutuo behind him, his eyes were full of grievances.

He doesn't give me a bond, but still takes our gold, why are you yelling at me.

"Second, what's your situation?"

Wei Shan also yelled at Lin Che and asked.

"Boss, he won't let me examine the gold, I don't know if he's bluffing us with a piece of shit."

"You're the shit, and your whole family is shit."

Hearing this, the two tigers quit, and just punched him.

Being attacked suddenly, Lin Che was also furious, and wrestled with Erhu with her old fists.

Tietutuo was really dumbfounded now, Temiao's father asked you to exchange it, but you got into a fight with me.

If this is misunderstood, there will be big trouble.

"Erhu, you stop me."

Hearing Tietutuo's shout, Erhu was stunned for a moment, but Lin Che took the opportunity to punch Erhu with bang bang and was stunned.

Taking advantage of your illness killing you, Lin Che rode directly on Erhu, and it was a storm.

"Second, stop."

Seeing that Lin Che was taking advantage of it, Wei Shan hurriedly told him to stop, who knows your iron fist.

If the fight continues like this, let alone the two tigers are individuals, even if they are really tigers, they will be beaten to death.


Lin Che jumped to the side and looked at Erhu who got up from the ground with a wary expression.

"I killed you."

Erhu's eyes were bloodshot, and he had never been wronged like this in his old age.

He always attacked others by himself, but today he was plotted against by Lin Che, how could he not be angry.

"Erhu, if you dare to move again, I will kill you."

Tietutuo shouted loudly, Erhu, you big bastard, you are so meowing that you are trying to ruin my big business.

"The big one."

Hearing this shout, Erhu also stopped in place.

"Why don't you hurry up and let someone test the fineness of the gold, otherwise why would they give you a bond, hurry up."

"Give you."

The two tigers were about to die of depression, but they didn't dare to disobey Tietutuo's wishes, and kicked the box to Lin Che.

Lin Che picked up the box, took out the gold cakes inside one by one, inspected them, and then closed the box.

"Give you."

He took out the voucher and handed it to Erhu.


Erhu took the voucher and returned directly to Tietutuo.

"Double-faced tiger, since this is the case, let's clear the money and the goods. If there is a next time, remember to come and exchange it with me."


The two sides also left separately, without stopping for a moment, because this situation may happen at any time.

Even if neither party has this idea, there is no guarantee that the other party does not have this idea.

For safety's sake, let's run away first.

"Master, why don't you let me kill that kid."

Back in Fanshanzhai, Erhu smashed the table into pieces with one slap.

"Er Hu, your mother almost ruined my big business. If you hadn't been with me for so long, I would have killed you with a knife."

Seeing Erhu go mad, Tie Toutuo kicked him somersaults, drew out the steel knife from his waist and pointed it at his neck.

"Boss, Erhu knew he was wrong."

Feeling the cold air from the steel knife, Erhu lost his madness in an instant, and hurriedly confessed to Tietutuo.

"Next time you do something like this again, I will never forgive you."


The two tigers kowtowed to the ground, feeling a little wronged, can they compare with their own lives?

"Well, let's take a look at this voucher with Lao Tzu."

Tietutuo didn't think about Erhu, he just wanted to teach him a lesson.

After speaking, he took out the voucher obtained from Wei Shan, and looked at it carefully.

"What exactly is this bond deed made of? It's flexible and tough, and there's a watermark on it. It really opened my eyes."

Erhu looked at the bond in Tietutuo's hand and couldn't help admiring it.

He has never seen such an object before, it looks like silk but not silk, like paper but not paper, it is really rare.

"What do you think, otherwise, why would this bond be worth two thousand guan, I have to keep it.

When the portrait of the bond deed came, I was comparing it. If the double-faced tiger dared to lie to me, he would be finished. "

Tietutuo gave Erhu a look, folded up the voucher carefully, and put it in his arms.

After getting the real money, Wei Shan was also excited, after all, this was his first transaction.

Now it is done, and after that it will be Yimapingchuan.

"Go and inform His Highness immediately."


He galloped away on a fast horse, heading towards the Lishan fiefdom.

"Your Highness, Wei Shan's letter."

"Okay, okay, that's six hundred guns."

After reading the letter, Li Yanran also smiled slightly, the first pot of gold was finally earned.

Aristocratic families, just wait for me to cut leeks.

"Brother Li, can you tell the Quartet to let us go out?"

Changsun Yan was excited for a while, the amount of money was second to none, the key was the process.

He gets excited just thinking about the wool of the aristocratic family.

"Move out your head, our people have not yet gained a firm foothold, so why not?
Those are bandits, not fools. If you don't have a name, if you want to exchange a bond for money, I'm afraid they will be intercepted and killed there. "

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