My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 423 Begins!

Erjiu looked at Lin Che with some disdain, a few golden cakes will make you happy like this, so this double-faced tiger should be like that.

On the contrary, his brothers all looked very strong, not weaker than those bandits in his own village.

"The way to make a fortune? Tell me."

Wei Shan leaned forward, looking at Erjiu in front of him with great interest.

"Presumably the boss of the double-faced tiger has also received some news. Someone is offering a reward for a bond of fame and fortune. You can get [-]% of the face value in exchange for the reward."

Erjiu smiled slightly, and told the situation of the bond deed.

"Well, I've heard that it's just what the voucher looks like, and where can I exchange it for money, otherwise, even if I cut the voucher, it will be a blank sheet of paper."

Sure enough, this guy came here for the bond, and Wei Shan also pretended to be distressed.

"Boss Double-faced Tiger, the exchange place for this voucher is in our Fanshanzhai. If you really get the voucher, just come to us to collect the money."

"Go to the cottage to get the money? Could it be that you initiated the reward?"

Hearing that the place where the vouchers were exchanged was in the village, Wei Shan immediately glanced at Lin Che.

Lin Che nodded to Wei Shan, then held the golden cake in her hand and began to bite.

"Naturally, it's not that capable to turn over the cottage, but the people behind us are extraordinary, so I won't tell you who they are.

You just need to know a little bit, kill those merchants with all your strength, grab the bond and exchange it for real gold and silver. "

Erjiu glanced at Wei Shan, and didn't mention the person behind Fan Shanzhai, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't know at all.

After all, he is just a young man, and he is not qualified to know these important events.

"Second, prepare the food and drink. I want to have a good drink with Brother Erjiu."

"No, we have to go to another place, next time, next time."

Erjiu shook his head, his target was not only the taro slope in Weishan, but also other places, and he didn't have time at all.

"Okay, Brother Erjiu, remember to help me and Tietutuo's leader take care of me, and say that we, Yutoupo, will definitely do our best to intercept and kill those merchants."

"So Erjiu left."

Erjiu nodded, and led the people away directly.

"Second brother, you should immediately write a book to His Highness, explain the matter here, and arrange a few clever people to follow that guy, so as to find out the way to find the cottage."

"I see, master."

Lin Che cupped her fists and left directly.

Feiqian's business is progressing very quickly. With the imperial franchise and the full support of the Ministry of Household Affairs, the new yamen has been built in a few days, and it has also established a connection with Wei Shanqi.

After the docking was completed, the wealthy businessmen in Chang'an immediately surrounded them like sharks smelling blood.

Wei Shanqi frowned as he looked at these wealthy businessmen.

Although it is said that the Feiqian business can already be started, it has not yet received Li Yanran's instruction, and he dare not give an easy reply.

"Everyone, just listen to me. Although the imperial court has issued a decree, it has only been a few days. It will take some time for the decree to reach the Quartet. Everyone is waiting patiently."

Wei Shanqi repeated mechanical answers to each rich businessman, until he closed the shop, his mouth was grinning.

"Hua Yu, go and ask His Highness for instructions immediately."


Hua Yu rode on the steed and galloped out.

"Your Highness, the shopkeeper Wei Shanqi is about to be overwhelmed, and asked when the Feiqian business can be officially launched."

Looking at Hua Yu who was kneeling in front of him, Li Yanran was also depressed for a while.

Now the situation is unclear, and the aristocratic family is eyeing it. If the flying money is released, those merchants will inevitably become the rations of others.

This would be a huge blow to Feiqian. Now she would rather delay Feiqian than be suffocated to death by someone else.

"Tell Wei Shanqi that no bond will be issued without my order, even if the customer is lost, understand?"

Hearing this, Hua Yu was also depressed.

Obviously, the flying money business can already be carried out, why His Highness is not allowed to open it.

He really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Her Royal Highness's gourd.

But he is the owner, so there is a reason for doing so, and it is not something that a guy like himself should consider.

"Hua Yu resigns."

Shaking his head, Hua Yu directly bowed and left.

"Your Highness, is there any news from Weishan?"

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran with nervousness in his eyes.

Now the release of Feiqian is imminent, but there is no news from Weishan, and I really want to die in a hurry.

Seeing Di Renjie with an anxious face, Li Yanran couldn't help but smile.

This is not the same as the Di Renjie she imagined. After all, in Di Renjie's TV movies of later generations, the other party is always a character who has a plan in mind, and the mountain collapses in front of him without changing his face.

She didn't expect to be so nervous because of a small bond, it really made her a little hard to accept.

She really didn't understand how Di Renjie was so smart and cute.

"Di Renjie, stay safe and don't be impatient. The news from Wei Shan should be coming soon. After all, it's been so many days. Even if he is a pig, he should find out the news we want."

Li Yanran waved her hand, signaling Di Renjie not to panic, just wait for the news.

"Hey, the longer this time drags on, the worse it will be for Feiqian.
I believe that soon there will be slander against Feiqian in Chang'an. If those merchants lose confidence in Feiqian, then it will be difficult to handle. "

Di Renjie was depressed, and he also wanted to be calm, but he really couldn't stop.

After all, he is not the old Di Ge of later generations, he is just a young man in his 20s, so what can he do?

Li Yanran, on the other hand, was calm and unhurried from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, he couldn't tell whether the other party was confident or well-trained.

But no matter which one it is, a child can do this, he can't help but be shocked.

"I know, Li Feng served Di Renjie a pot of chrysanthemum tea to clear his anger."


Li Feng left immediately, and a pot of chrysanthemum tea came up after a while.

"Your Highness, this... eh."

Di Renjie sighed, pinched a few grains of rock sugar and put them in the teacup, then poured out a cup of tea from the teapot.

"Your Highness, a letter from Lord Wei Shan."

While the two were tasting tea, a fast horse rushed over and handed over Wei Shan's letter.

"Look, I'll just say stay safe and don't be impatient."

Li Yanran put the teacup in her hand on the table, opened the letter and read it.

"Your Highness, what did Wei Shan say?"

Looking at the letter in Li Yanran's hand, Di Renjie also put the chrysanthemum tea on the table, his eyes full of anticipation.

"I found it. The exchange place for his piece is in the Fanshanzhai in Fanshanling. We can start to act."

Li Yanran smiled coldly after reading the letter, finally found it, and the fun is about to begin.

"Your Highness, I'll arrange it right away. How much do you think the first phase is suitable?"

After reading the letter from Li Yanran, Di Renjie was already planning how to play this good show with Wei Shan.

"What do you think?"

Li Yanran instead glanced at Di Renjie and asked him what he thought.

"I don't think it's possible for them to put too much money in Weishan, but there are still [-] to [-] guan. How about [-] guan for the first time? Too much may cause suspicion."

Di Renjie thought for a while, and he felt that [-] guan should be a very reasonable range.

"Wei Shan can't change too many times, let's say two thousand guan. In addition, we are going to get some bandits out. There must be people from all directions in Chang'an.

And this first bond must be both secretive and public, I believe you understand what I mean. "

"Yes, I understand."

Di Renjie nodded, both secretive and ostentatious, thanks to you, the princess, who can figure it out.

But after thinking about it carefully, what the other party said is very correct. It is necessary to let those rich businessmen not know, but also let those aristocratic families know. Isn't this both secretive and public.

Soon Rishenglong Bank began to operate, and a bond deed of [-] guan was issued through the yamen of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and then was taken away from Chang'an.

A day later, the people at Feiqian Office also naturally revealed the news to their friends, and then the people in the aristocratic family knew the news that the two thousand Feiqian had left.

"Immediately announce to our people that [-] Guan Feiqian has already left Beijing, and the direction is Luoyang, so that the bandits along the way will strictly scrutinize it.

In addition, the messenger drew a picture of the bond deed and sent it out together. "

Fast horses galloped out one after another, but they were still one step behind compared to the flying riders who set off a day earlier.

By the time the news reached Wei Shan, he had already held the deed symbolizing flying money in his hand.

"Master, when are we going to exchange it?"

Lin Che looked at the bond deed in Wei Shan's hand, and was also excited for a while.

This is flying money?Who would have thought that a piece of paper could be worth two thousand guan.

This is just insane.

"Not yet, wait for two days."

Wei Shan shook his head. Now that Feiqian has just arrived, he has to rush to exchange it. Doesn't that show that there is something tricky in it.

Don't worry, let the voucher fly for a while.

"Well, it's all up to you."

Lin Che nodded and retreated directly.

For a while, the news of the [-] bond deed spread all over the surrounding area, and many bandits also came out in full force, and began to attack passers-by along the way.

But after searching for several days, there was no trace of the bond. Just when everyone was wondering about the information, Wei Shan also sent someone to the village.

"You said that your boss cut off the bond? Why don't we believe it?"

Tietutuo stared at the bandit who came to report the news with round eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Really, our head sent me here just to ask how to trade this, after all."

The bandit who reported the letter was a clever ghost specially selected by Wei Shan, named Qian Si.

Smiling at Tie Toutuo, he was not afraid of the big bald head in front of him at all.

"How about this, you let the double-faced tiger lead people to meet at Luomapo outside the mountain, where the terrain is open and you can see thousands of miles away, and no one can ambush anyone."

Tietutuo walked slowly in front of Qian Si, patted him on the shoulder and told him the place of the transaction.

"Okay, I'm going to report to our head."

Qian Si's shoulder hurt from being patted by Tie Toutuo, but he forced a smile on his face.

"Well, tell Double-Faced Tiger, if he dares to lie to me, I will immediately send troops to destroy your Taro Slope."

Qian Si nodded, turned around and ran out.

"Master, do you think this double-faced tiger is really so lucky? Why can't we find it?"

A burly man leaned in front of Tie Toutuo, his eyes were full of jealousy.

"Er Hu, this is fate, there is no way.

It doesn't matter who intercepted the money, as long as it can complete the mission of the previous family.

Instruct someone to prepare [-] coins and go to Luomapo tomorrow. "

Tietutuo's claim that he was not depressed was a lie, but that was six hundred guan, and how many merchants passing by would have to be robbed to earn it.

This double-faced tiger is really a mother's good luck.

"Master, since you have said so, why don't we."

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