My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 422 See Tricks and Tricks

Chapter 422 See Tricks and Tricks
As Wei Shan spoke, he patted the steed under his crotch and galloped forward.

After leaving Lishan Mountain, after drilling in the mountains for a few days, Wei Shan finally found a small bandit village with dozens of people.

Without any nonsense, he directly attacked and took down the opponent's cottage.

Seeing the group of bandits being captured in front of him, Wei Shan ordered someone to capture the leader of the bandits.

"Master, may I ask where Qianglong came from to step on the plate here, if Liu Mazi does something wrong, please look at Haihan."

Bandit leader Liu Mazi knelt in front of Wei Shan, his eyes full of horror.

He was really speechless. Where did this strongman come from, and he took down his stockade without saying a word.

It really made him extremely depressed.

"Where did I come from, Qianglong doesn't seem to need to tell you?"

Wei Shan glared at Mazi Liu, I'm interrogating you, not chatting with you.

"Yes, yes, it is Liu Mazi who is talking too much."

Liu Mazi quickly lowered his head, he was stronger than others, and he didn't dare to offend the master in front of him.

"Liu Mazi, I ask you, is there any news recently?"

"Grandpa, what news are you talking about?"

Liu Mazi was taken aback, wondering what Wei Shan meant.

"Recently, I heard that Feiqian in Chang'an is very popular. Is there any news about Feiqian?"

Wei Shan sneered, according to His Highness' guess, if those aristocratic families really want to do these things, the bandits around Chang'an will definitely be the first to get the news.

"Fei Qian, yes, there is news."

Hearing this, a message flashed into Liu Mazi's mind, and he hurriedly said the news.

Someone offered a reward to bandits to plunder merchants. If there is a bond of flying money, they can exchange it for money. The exchange amount is [-]% of the bond.

Wei Shan waved his hand, and someone immediately took Liu Mazi down.

"Wei Shan, what should we do now? Should we report to His Highness immediately?"

A lieutenant of the Forbidden Army glanced at Wei Shan. Now that the situation has been confirmed, someone really wanted to obstruct him.

"Well, first send someone to report to His Highness, and I still have to find a way to make something happen.

What this Liu Mazi said is unknown, who issued the reward, and where to exchange the money with the voucher, all these must be clarified. "

"I see."

The captain nodded, turned around and was about to walk out.

"Lieutenant Lin, there is something else I want to tell you."

Wei Shan looked at the captain's back, and called him to stop.

"You said."

"From now on, everyone can't call me by my first name, they can only call me the head of the family. I don't want to show my feet in these small things."

There was a hint of coldness at the corner of Wei Shan's mouth, if the other party couldn't accept this title, then don't blame him for sending him back.

"Lin Che knows, the master."

Lin Che turned around and cupped her fists at Wei Shan, and left straight away.

Looking at Lin Che's back, Wei Shan also nodded.

After all, His Highness's people are capable people, capable of bending and stretching, and they are willing to be instigated by a bandit like themselves. They are not wronged to lose.

A flying horse galloped over and rushed directly into the school grounds.

"Your Highness, a letter from Wei Shanda."

The scout directly took out the letter from his arms, Li Feng took the letter and handed it to Li Yanran.

After reading the letter, Li Yanran clenched her little fists involuntarily.

These people want to destroy Feiqian without regard to shame or society.

"Your Highness, has what we expected come true?"

Looking at Li Yanran's expression, Di Renjie immediately understood.

"Well, someone is offering a reward among the bandits around Chang'an. As long as you get a voucher, you can go to them and exchange it for a reward of [-]% of the face value of the voucher."

Li Yanran nodded, and handed the letter to Di Renjie.

"These families should be killed."

Di Renjie also had a flash of anger in his eyes after reading the letter.

These people really put their own interests above Datang, and they talked about a century-old family.

For Datang, they are moths, a group of leeches who only know how to suck Datang's blood.

"So what if we should kill them? Can we really kill all those people?"

Li Yanran was also helpless, although these aristocratic families should be killed, they cannot be killed.

Datang can have the current stability, they also have a lot of credit.

If they were really to be exterminated, then there would inevitably be turmoil in the country of the Tang Dynasty, and even if the family in front of them were killed, a new family would emerge.

This is like those mountain bandits, they can't be killed, they can't be suppressed.

"Brother Li, if you still implement your plan now, I'm afraid we will suffer a great loss.

This is tantamount to spending [-]% of our money to consume [-]% of the other party's money. Once we get in and out, the gap will be huge. "

Changsun Yan settled the account and was stunned.

If the other party took hundreds of thousands of coins, even if he exhausted his family wealth, he would not be able to spend it with the other party.

"Di Renjie, what do you think?"

Li Yanran also understands what's going on here, and now things have gone beyond her imagination.

At first, she thought that even if the other party wanted to offer a reward, she would give [-]% of it, but she didn't expect it to be [-]%.

The gap here really made her scratch her head.

"I don't think there are so many problems here, and there is no need to worry about our money being wasted."

Di Renjie smiled slightly, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"How to say?"

Li Siwen didn't understand what Di Renjie was thinking.

"Your Highness, what I originally thought was that they would offer high rewards to prompt bandits to intercept and kill merchants.

But now that the price they offered is so low, they must have never thought of exchanging the bond, and it is very likely that they will be burned on the spot.

If this is the case, we can find a way to reissue the bond deed from the household department and recycle it. "

Di Renjie glanced at Li Siwen and expressed his thoughts.

"Then what if the person offering the reward doesn't burn those vouchers? There will still be problems if there are two copies at that time."

Changsun Yan raised objections.

What if people don't do things according to your ideas, what if they don't burn?

You are reissuing the bond deed, aren't you hitting yourself in the foot?

"Hehe, Changsun Yan, don't be impatient, listen to Di Renjie finish."

Li Yanran glared at Changsun Yan, before he finished speaking, you just answer.

After finishing speaking, she also looked at Di Renjie with shining eyes, as if she had figured it out.

Di Renjie frowned when he looked at Li Yanran's eyes.

Could it be that the other party thought of going ahead again?

It took me two days to think about the Taoism in it.

If this is the case, this Princess Lishan is terrible.

"Even if they don't burn those bonds, they won't leave with them in a short time.

Those bonds are stolen goods, and they dare not put them on the bright side.

This is a knot that no one can untie.

We are the bankers in this battle, and we have to make the rules. This is our greatest advantage. "

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran, wondering if there was a way out for what he said and what Li Yanran was thinking.

"Di Renjie, it's you after all, this plan is very clever."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, sitting in the manor is such an advantage.

In this way, I only need to spend [-] guan to leverage the hundreds of thousands of guan from those aristocratic families. This business is capable.

"Princess, don't laugh at me. It's just picking on people's teeth. His Highness must have thought of it a long time ago. Di Renjie is just explaining it for you."

Di Renjie shook his head, so don't embarrass me.

I can't believe you didn't think of the sequel.

Otherwise you wouldn't have said that just now.

"Ha ha."

"If that's the case, then get ready, and I'll leave these things to you."

"Di Renjie takes orders."

A group of people left separately, only Li Hong and Li Yanran stayed in the house.

"Sister, did you really think of this long ago?"

Li Hong looked at his elder sister, a little confused.

Now that you've thought of it, why give Di Renjie the limelight.

"Brother Hong, as a superior, you must not let your subordinates guess what you are thinking.

Sister, I have already thought of it, so what?
What if I didn't expect it?

As long as Di Renjie thinks that I have already thought of these things, that's enough. "

Li Yanran looked at little Li Hong beside her, and said what was in her heart.

"Sister, you are like the emperor and the empress now, I have never guessed what he thinks.

It really makes me a little hard to figure out. "

Li Hong was taken aback for a moment, he also had a deep understanding of Li Yanran's words.

After all, what he has to face all day long is Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, both of whom are indifferent characters, and he really can't touch each other's heart.

"These are the things you must have in the future, otherwise you can only be led by the nose by those ministers, understand?"

Royal father, queen mother?
Forget it, how can I compare myself with those two masters.

She is only at the initial stage at most, and those two are the real strongest kings.

Li Hong suddenly straightened his face, and said to Li Yanran: "Sister, you may guess what this king wants to do now?"

"What do you want? I'll hit you with a big watermelon."

Seeing Li Hong with a serious face, Li Yanran slapped him across the face.

Pretending to be deep with me?You might as well forget it.

This girl will beat you up until you can't take care of yourself.

"Oh, sister, don't fight."

"Ma monkey, run away."

Li Hong directly broke the defense, covered his head and ran out.

After Wei Shan settled down in Yutoupo, he also sent people around to investigate, and even flattened a few small bandit villages with hundreds of people, so he gained some fame in that area.

"Master, someone sent a greeting card and wants to meet you."

A forbidden soldier ran in and handed over a post with a red head.

"Hehe, I've been waiting."

Looking at the red-headed post in front of him, Wei Shan also smiled slightly.

"Let them in."


Wei Shan looked at the few people in front of him with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"You are on that road, please report your number."

"Our name is Erjiu, and we searched the cottage fifty miles to the east. I heard that this taro slope has changed owners, so I came here to pay a visit."

The most inconspicuous person slowly stood up and smiled flatteringly at Wei Shan.

"Fanshanzhai, I heard that you came empty-handed when you came to worship my mountain?"

Wei Shan frowned when he heard that the other party was from the cottage.

He had heard about this village. Deep in the mountains, there were more than 1000 strong men. The leader called himself Tie Toutuo, and he was the most powerful bandit village around.

"How could it be, this is a gift from our master."

Erjiu directly took out a few gold cakes from his bosom, which glistened in the sunlight.

"Hehe, what a shame, then I will accept it."

Wei Shan gave him a wink, and Lin Che immediately took the golden cakes and bit them with his teeth.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

"Boss Double-faced Tiger, now there is a way to make a fortune, I don't know if you have any ideas."

(End of this chapter)

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