Chapter 421
Li Yanran was smart, glanced at Di Renjie, and expressed her understanding.

After all, Di Renjie is smart enough to come up with such an idea in such a short period of time.

If he can really succeed, not only can he destroy the family's plan, but he can also turn a wave of wool in the opposite direction.

Aren't you rich?I want to see how much money you have.

"The princess is smart, that's what Di Renjie means."

Hearing Li Yanran's explanation, Di Renjie was also taken aback.

Seeing the princess's appearance, she was not shocked at all. Could it be that the other party had already thought of this?
Could it be that she had guessed that the aristocratic family would respond in this way when the Feiqian business was proposed?
Could it be that the other party was testing himself before?


After all, the princess is a princess, it seems that she is still a little inferior.

I didn't expect that I, Di Renjie, who claimed to be smart all my life, fell behind.

Make a decision before moving, I still have a lot to learn.

"Brother Li, you want to pretend to be a bandit to steal the family's wool, but the bandit is not so easy to pretend, we are all wise and powerful, and then we will be seen through."

Yu Chihuan frowned, bandits killed a lot of people, but they have never pretended to be bandits, how can this be done.

"Idiot, you forgot that we have thousands of bandits under our command. Wei Shan, Wang Hu is not the leader of the bandits, so let them pretend to be bandits to collect the reward?"

Li Hong turned his eyes to Wei Chihuan, you can't be a bandit, but Lishan can be said to be the largest bandit den in the entire Chang'an area now.

There are more than 5000 bandits, which is quite explosive in the entire Tang Dynasty.

With their orthodox bandits around, I'm afraid they won't be able to get mixed up with the bandits.

"That's right, we have so many bandits, at worst, let them go back to their old jobs. If I don't get rid of the aristocratic family this time, I won't be Li Yanran."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and patted Li Hong's little head.

After all, it's my Li Yanran's younger brother, who is better than Yu Chihuan's big fools.

"Brother Li, this matter can be big or small, the most important thing is that you have to falsely open a bond to fight against those aristocratic families,

Once exposed, Feiqian's reputation will be greatly damaged, so we must find a way.

No, why don't you discuss it with His Majesty? "

Changsun Yan also frowned, although he said that doing so could pluck the wealth of the family, but it was another kind of harm to Feiqian.

"No, why bother to discuss such trivial matters with the emperor, there is no need to open the bond deed in vain, I spend the money myself.

Isn't the family rich?Then I will compare with them to see who is richer. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly, isn't it just money?
I have enough, at worst, everyone will come to death.

Let's see who can't stand it first.


Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

What does it mean to spend your own money?

Brother Li, what are your plans?

"Your Highness, it's really courageous."

Di Renjie turned his mind, and immediately thought of a possible thing.

Li Yanran wanted to deposit money into the household department by herself, then open a voucher, and take the voucher to exchange rewards with the aristocratic family.

This is definitely killing one thousand enemies and harming oneself by eight hundred.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he really doubted that such courage would come from the mouth of a child less than ten years old.

"There is no great courage, so why is this not a kind of willingness?

As a princess of the Tang Dynasty, I cannot allow the aristocratic family to block business channels for my own selfishness.
Money is something outside the body, it is taken from the people and used by the people.

As long as Datang can take off economically, these are nothing. "

Li Yanran shook her head, she also didn't want to fight with those big dogs.

After all, my own money is earned every penny, but there is no way.

If she wanted to keep Feiqian's business, she had to pay something.

But as long as the flying money can be spread out, the money spent by Fang Chang himself in the future can still be earned back after all.

The most important thing is that you can't find your father in this matter, because it is absolutely impossible for the Ministry of Accounts to allow false issuance of bond contracts. Once it is exposed, it will be a catastrophe.

She couldn't make things difficult for her father.

"His Royal Highness works for the country and the people, and Di Renjie is convinced."

Di Renjie knelt directly in front of Li Yanran, she could do this for Datang's economy.

It really made him outrageous.

This Highness is a man who does great things.

"Okay, get up.

Li Siwen, you immediately select the right person and mix them with the imperial army to form a new bandit squad.
Go out first to find out the situation, and if the situation we expected happens, come back and let us know immediately. "

"pass it to me."

Li Siwen nodded. All the bandits in Lishan were under his control, and now he was thinking about selecting the right candidate.

"Okay, everyone else must fully cooperate with Li Siwen's actions, and the next focus is to win the battle of Feiqian.
Everyone eats meat when they win, and dirt when they lose.
I still don't believe it, I can't beat those aristocratic families. "


Everyone saluted Li Yanran together, and then left separately.

"Sister, are you crazy?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran and suddenly couldn't understand.

The owner who usually splits a penny in half to spend, now wants to use the money to fight with those aristocratic families.

Is this still my sister?
"Brother Hong, what a man can do and what he can't do, what Sister is doing now can benefit the world.

It’s all just a little money, if you give it up, you can give it up, sister doesn’t care. "

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, her eyes were full of regret.

It's impossible to say that it doesn't hurt, but what should be done is still done.

She believed that she could live up to the merchants of the world, and the merchants of the world would not fail her.

As long as the business route is prosperous, so what if you lose all the money in your hand?
I have a money tree, as long as the tree does not die, the money will always come back.

"Then sister, you can forgive my mortgage! Brother Hong is really working hard."

After Li Hong finished speaking, even he felt a little embarrassed.

But if he can take advantage of the current trend, maybe he won't have to bear the debt.

"What do you think? The mortgage is to motivate you to grow."

Li Yanran hit Li Hong on the head with her fist, her eyes were full of coldness.

Sister, I'm going to spend all my wealth, and you still come to grab my wool.

Listen to this is human words?
You are really my good brother.

"Sister, you are stingy, stingy, slightly slightly."

Li Hong covered his head and ran out directly.

When they got to the door, they did not forget to give Li Yanran a big grimace.

"Little Li Hong, get the hell out of here."

Li Yanran was taken aback, and shouted at Li Hong.

"The wind is screaming."

"Mom monkey, run."

Hearing this, Li Hong also shivered, and ran away.

"Bastard, hehe."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, this kid didn't say anything else, but now he has practiced a whole body of scud skills.

"Miss, if necessary, Li Feng still has two more."

Li Feng looked at Li Yanran, although he didn't speak, he knew the danger of this action.

Li Yanran may really have to spend all his wealth to fight this battle.

That being the case, he, Li Feng, will help the situation no matter what.

"Let's keep your money first. When I'm really poor, you can just worry about my food."

Li Yanran nodded at Li Feng, after all, it was her own.

Unlike Li Hong, a bastard who only knows how to squeeze my wool.

"Well, I see."

Li Feng stepped aside again.

Soon Li Siwen selected 500 bandits and [-] forbidden soldiers, a total of [-] people, and then headed by Wei Shan, he was going to leave Lishan and become a bandit again.

"Aniang, Wei Shan is coming to say goodbye to you."

Wei Shan knelt in front of his old mother, his eyes full of nostalgia.

"Shan'er, Auntie doesn't ask what you are going to do, but there is one thing you have to know, you must not disappoint His Highness, understand?"

Wei Sun touched Wei Shan's head, and a gleam of light flashed in his cloudy eyes.

They have such a life now, thanks to the support of the princess.

Only by following Li Yanran can Wei Shan have a better tomorrow, and he must not let him down.

"Aniang, Shan'er knows, and will never let you down, nor will His Highness be disappointed."

Wei Shan nodded, going out this time is not for fun, but to deal with those bandits with his head up.

But he is confident that he will never let Li Yanran down.

"Well, there's nothing else here, Aniang, go and have a good talk with your wife."

"My child understands."

Wei Shan directly kowtowed three times to Wei Sun, then got up and went to the inner room to meet his wife.


Looking at his wife in front of him, Wei Shan couldn't help being touched.

He didn't have much time to get married, and now he is going to bring someone back to his old business, and become a bandit.

It doesn't matter to me, I just want my wife to keep the vacant room alone.

"Husband, needless to say, Mengru understands everything, a man should make a contribution, and I will take care of the family."

Zhang Mengru looked at Wei Shan in front of him, bit her lip and said slowly.

"Mengru, you."

Wei Shan directly hugged Zhang Mengru into his arms, his eyes full of love.



Li Yanran made preparations here, and the aristocratic family also spread the news to various places. Those bandits belonging to the aristocratic family had nothing to say, but the other bandits were a little surprised.

What is a flying money certificate deed, and why can these things be exchanged for money.

Who is doing this?What is their purpose?
But no matter what, as long as there is money to be made, bandits don't care about you.

For a while, the bandits stopped staring at the large caravans, and even the single person who was on their way became their target.

"Your Highness, Wei Shan is gone."

Wei Shan glanced at Li Yanran and the strong men behind him, and knelt down on the ground.

"Wei Shan, remember, life-saving comes first, do you understand?"

Li Yanran nodded at Wei Shan, now that she has only so many people under her command, Wei Shan can definitely be regarded as a general.

"Wei Shan understands."

"Well, it's smooth sailing."

"Set off."

With a wave of Wei Shan's hand, the 500 new bandit confidants left the fief and walked towards him.

On a small mountain depression, Zhang Mengru helped Wei Sunshi look at the team below.

Wei Shan seemed to have sensed it, and turned his head to look at it.

"Shan'er, go all the way."

"Husband, go all the way."

The two shouted loudly together, their voices drifted with the wind, crossed the mountains, and echoed in Wei Shan's mind.

"Aniang, Mengru, take care."

"Wei Shan, I will definitely come back."

(End of this chapter)

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