My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 420 Going the other way!Aristocratic wool

A sneer flashed across the corner of Cui Yuanjun's mouth, those who ask for money will give money, and those who ask for officials will give officials.
He didn't believe that he couldn't get a small flying money even though he had invested money and influence.

"This is to use our background to fight against Feiqian. It's okay to say in a short period of time. After a long time, I'm afraid we will be exhausted."

Cui Yuqing frowned, his elder brother was going to die.

Using real money to exchange those bonds that you can't use yourself is tantamount to throwing money out for nothing.

"It doesn't take much time, as long as the reputation of Feiqian is ruined, let those merchants know that the business route for carrying Feiqian in time has not been opened, so that Feiqian will exist in name only.
Merchants dare not do business, and the trade routes are not completely opened up, then Datang is still ours. "

"So I'm going to discuss it with them. This matter is too big. We can't do it alone. Everyone must act together."

Cui Yuqing nodded, his elder brother is more ruthless than himself, if so, let's fight.

"Well, tell those people that if you want to keep the wealth of the family, don't be afraid to spend money,
How much these extraneous things earn is just a number, and if they are stored in the treasury, they will only rot, and when they are spent, they will be spent.
For future generations, this must be done. "

Cui Yuanjun took another sip of tea and left directly.

Soon Cui Yuqing got together with those family members, and when he told about Cui Yuanjun's proposal, everyone's expression changed a little.

After all, he is the head of the five surnames and seven wangs. Just saying that this courage is not comparable to others.

It is a ruthless character to spend real money with those merchants.

"Everyone, it is now the critical moment of life and death.

If we let the flying money continue, we may not see anything in a year or two, but after a while, our wealth will dry up,
At that time, the aristocratic family may be just a rhetoric. For the sake of future generations, we should give up and give up. "

"Okay, I agree."

"I agree."

"Then let's do it like this. If there are too many, I dare not say, tens of thousands of guan is still no problem, and it will be taxed to the court."

The same front among the aristocratic families reached an alliance. The four families of Cui Lu and Zheng Wang each paid 20 guan, and a total of [-] guan became the total reward. They began to issue reward orders to bandits all over the world to arrest Feiqian.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, fly money."

Li Siwen rushed in front of Li Yanran, his eyes were full of excitement.

"What happened to the flying money?"

Hearing Fei Qian, Li Yanran immediately stood up.

Right or wrong is a matter of success or failure. If my father can really do what he promised, then he just needs to sit and lose money later on.

"The Chaohui has just passed Feiqian, and it has been decided to implement it nationwide, and our Rishenglong Bank is the only bank that sells Feiqian. We are going to get rich."

Li Siwen took a breath and told all the results of Feiqian.

"it is good."

A flash of excitement flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, her father was really awesome.

Not only has the Feiqian business been facilitated, but Rishenglong has also been designated as an exclusive operation.


"Your Highness, it's too early to be happy."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran, and frowned involuntarily.

In this world, one has always been concerned about unevenness rather than scarcity, and now that Rishenglong monopolizes the distribution of flying money, one can imagine what Chang'an's cabinets will think.

The most important thing is those aristocratic families. If the Feiqian business can be implemented smoothly, the business road will be opened up and the economy will develop again. They will not sit back and watch this happen.

If the two parties really join forces, Feiqian is likely to be killed in the cradle.

"What's the matter? Isn't it your original intention to develop Feiqian?"

Looking at Di Renjie, Li Yanran was a little confused.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid there will be troubles in the development of Feiqian, we have to plan well."

Di Renjie shook his head, everything was his inference, and no one knew if there would be any problems.

"Speak if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say, you literati are hypocritical."

Cheng Chubi glanced at Di Renjie, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Charades all day, charades all day.

are you dumbWhy so many fans.

"Di Renjie, tell me what you're worried about."

Li Yanran glared at Cheng Chubi, then looked at Di Renjie.

"Your Highness, this flying money is not just for one person's cake.

The reason why those aristocratic families are able to live comfortably is because of the huge profits brought by the commercial firms. I am afraid that they will make trouble from it. "

Di Renjie frowned, and expressed his conjecture.

"The aristocratic family's means are just those, so let's do it, I will issue some orders and stamp my princess seal on it,

Warn local officials not to make things difficult and to pay in time.

If you let me know that there is an act of obedience and transgression, I must go to my father to read their copy. "

Li Yanran waved her hand, but this world belongs to Li Tang after all, she wants to see if those officials are afraid of herself or the family.

If you dare to make things difficult for those merchants who exchange flying money, you will be against her, Li Yanran, and against my own father.

I must not let those people go.

"Your Highness, I am not afraid of those officials. Your Majesty has already made an order not to allow local officials to make things difficult. They cannot make waves. I am afraid of bandits."

Di Renjie shook his head. What he was worried about was not these, but the bandits who intercepted and killed those merchants halfway.

"How is this possible, those bonds are all dealt with with status, even if those bandits rob them, it is impossible to go to the place to exchange them.

A bond deed is a piece of paper to bandits. Would you rob those merchants just for a piece of paper?
It is thankless, and no one is full. "

Li Siwen was depressed for a while, he thought Di Renjie's worries were unnecessary.

Li Yanran also nodded, and looked at Di Renjie again.

Isn't the original intention of Feiqian just to fear that merchants and merchants will carry gold and silver and be remembered by bandits?
Why are you still worried about this?

"Your Highness, as I said just now, the aristocratic family will try their best to obstruct the development of Feiqian.

A blank piece of paper may be a blank piece of paper for bandits, but what if these bonds can be exchanged for real money? "

Di Renjie glanced at the top of his head, and said what he was most afraid of.

"You mean that those aristocratic families might spend their own money to buy those bonds, so that bandits won't be thankless."

Li Yanran seemed to have understood what Di Renjie was worried about.

"Is this possible? The aristocratic family is an aristocratic family, and they are not fools. Even if they buy the bond, it is just a piece of paper? Why would they do this?"

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran and then at Di Renjie, not understanding what the two of them were trying to do.

"Willing, willing, you have learned what you usually teach you into the dog's stomach?"

Li Yanran gave Changsun Yan a blank look, you really are a trash.

How long has it been, why can't you even understand the word willing?

What a mallet.

"It's okay, I understand.

As long as the Feiqian business is destroyed, Datang's commercial roads are still closed, and they can still earn untold amounts of money by relying on the commercial roads.

Temporary pay is nothing compared to long-term rewards, this is willingness. "

Changsun Yan was on the right track, his eyes lit up when he heard the word willing, and he immediately figured out the key points inside.

It has to be my brother Li, really the finishing touch.

Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books, Changsun Yan has realized it.

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome. There are so many bandits in Datang that it is impossible to guard against them.
Once those merchants feel that they cannot go well even with a bond, the advantage of flying money will be completely obliterated. "

Li Siwen was about to explode when he heard it. If these aristocratic families were really going to fight to the death, it wouldn't take long for Feiqian to exist in name only.

"Brother Li, you can't let those stupid people destroy Feiqian just like that, you have to find a way."

Yuchihuan burst into flames, his eyes were full of anger.

They have encountered many setbacks along the way, and they have encountered those aristocratic families several times.

In his opinion, these people are the pests of Datang. If he were the emperor, he would have killed them all long ago.

"I have a solution, but I want to hear what our Commander Di said? I believe he must have one too, right?"

Li Yanran looked at Di Renjie calmly, she believed that since Di Renjie could guess what the other party was thinking, he would also be able to think of countermeasures.

Even if he can't think of it, he can give himself a solution.


Di Renjie froze for a moment, a little speechless.

Her Royal Highness already has a countermeasure?

But I haven't thought of it yet.

No, there's no reason why she couldn't think of what she could think of.

You can't be ashamed in front of so many people.

Di Renjie, you have to calm down and believe in yourself.

You are no worse than anyone.

As he said that, Di Renjie's mind began to spin rapidly, thinking about the solution Li Yanran said.

"Di Renjie? You can't be a person who can only ask questions but can't think of a solution?"

Li Hong looked at Di Renjie who was in a daze, and also sneered.

He just sees this guy as a superficial figure, but thanks to his elder sister, he still thinks he is a great talent in Jingtianweidi.

At the critical moment, I still have to look at my sister.

"Flying money is nothing more than merchants. If the aristocratic family really wants to use this method to scare merchants, then why don't we do the opposite and compete with them for consumption."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Hong, but a wonderful idea came to his mind.

"Fight consumption? I don't agree, it will kill a lot of people.

Those businessmen also have wives and children, if they die, how many tragedies will happen.

Besides, the aristocratic family is powerful, they can afford to wait, but the businessmen can't afford to wait.

Brother Li, think twice. "

Li Siwen glared at Di Renjie. Although he was not a bodhisattva and knew that great things were achieved without regard to trivial matters, he regarded human life as trivial and he couldn't do it.

Li Yanran walked up to Li Siwen and kicked him on the thigh.

"Brother Li, what do you mean?"

Li Siwen was depressed, he didn't know why Li Yanran was going crazy, why did he suddenly kick him?

"What do I mean? Think about it, you walnut, is it possible for me to do such a thing?
It’s all said to do the opposite, why don’t you understand what it means?

What Di Renjie means is to find out the situation first, and if the other party really does this, we will squeeze their wool. "

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