Chapter 419
Ren Yaxiang glanced at the emperor on the dragon chair, and he could see it now.

It's not that Cui Xiuye ​​reacted quickly, but that everything was within his expectations.

He didn't believe that a little Cui Xiuye ​​could have such ability, it must have been instructed by His Majesty.

Do you just spoil your daughter like this?
Did he even disregard Datang's interests for her?
"Your Majesty, it's not just that I have the intention to shirk, the so-called no one is perfect, no gold has bare feet, no one can guarantee that they will not make mistakes.

Once a problem occurs, it is not the individual who loses, but Datang and the people.

This is like a lottery ticket, which is not issued under the guise of others, because it is related to the people and their livelihood.

For the sake of the country, the minister dare not take risks.

I also hope that His Majesty will learn from you. "

Cui Xiuye ​​saluted Li Zhi, but his eyes were on Ren Yaxiang.

Old man, do you know the lesson from the past?
This was the case with the lottery at the beginning, and it is the same with the flying money business now.

If you still can't see the situation clearly, you will have no place to cry when you will be beaten all over your head.

"Well, what Cui Xiuye ​​said is right, you can't gamble with Jiangshan Sheji whether a person will have a corrupt heart,

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, no one can bear the consequences,

I can't do it, and Ren Yaxiang can't do you either. "

Li Zhi nodded, this Cui Xiuye ​​is fine, take the lottery ticket as an example, this is not his instigation.

Now the other party can use an established fact to refute Ren Yaxiang, but he is a shrewd person.


From Li Zhi's words, Ren Yaxiang heard the decisive intention, the emperor made up his mind to send such a big deal to his daughter.

But he doesn't seem to have much to say now.

After all, the lottery was the first and was well managed by those people. Even if he wanted to refute, he had no place to find fault.

If you can't say anything and insist on objecting, isn't that waiting to be punished?
I don't know what ecstasy soup that Princess Lishan poured into the emperor.

Glancing at Cui Xiuye ​​who was calm and composed, he was also depressed for a while.

At first, I only thought that Cui Shouye was a talent of the Cui family, but I didn't expect him to be better than my younger brother, so I underestimated him.

"Alright, gentlemen, do you have any comments?"

Li Zhi didn't wait for Ren Yaxiang to speak, and asked other people's opinions directly.

Sensing Li Zhi's determination, all civil and military officials also frowned.

Ren Yaxiang's locomotive has stalled, anyone who stands up now will be hit by the locomotive.

There is a hole in the brain.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Xu Jingzong glanced at the officials around him, and also stepped forward.


Seeing Xu Jingzong jumping out, Li Zhi frowned involuntarily.

What does this old boy mean?
You don't want to object too, do you?


"Your Majesty, although there is only one Rishenglong Bank in Chang'an, what will happen after that?
What if another bank appears again?
If everyone follows suit, there will still be situations that Ren Xiang is worried about. "

Xu Jingzong looked at Li Zhi who was frowning, and smiled slightly.

Don't panic, Your Majesty, we are your people, how could we jump out and tear you down.

I'm just doing something to fill in the gaps.

"Your Majesty, what Xu Shizhong said is exactly what I want to say, in order to prevent the situation Xu Shizhong said, I suggest setting up a special power.

On that day, Rishenglong Bank was designated as the only bank that cooperated with the Ministry of Households, and all the business of Yingfeiqian was handed over to Rishenglong Bank.

In this way, problems can be avoided, and I hope His Majesty will allow it. "

Cui Xiuye ​​gave Xu Jingzong a smile. After all, he was one of his own. If he hadn't caused the trouble, he would be just singing a one-man show, which would be criticized to some extent.

The other party didn't even know the plan between himself and His Majesty, yet he was able to penetrate so smoothly.

It's really not a lie that Xu Jingzong can get the emperor's favor.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable, let's make it so, Cui Xiuye, you can negotiate a charter immediately, and then quickly distribute it to the states.

In addition, it is stated that if anyone dares to obey the law and violate the law, and willfully make things difficult for the merchants who exchange the bond, it is against the imperial court, and I will never forgive him. "

Li Zhi nodded, showing a fierce smile at the same time.

There are a lot of truths in this, if you don't frighten those state officials and let them wantonly make things difficult for them, then the flying money must be destroyed.

"Sir, obey the order."

The matter has been settled here, as long as there is no problem with the bond, nothing will happen in a short time.

"Let's retreat."

Li Zhi got up straight away and left with a flick of his sleeves.

"Your Majesty has a decree to retreat."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

All civil and military officials began to leave one after another, while Cui Xiuye ​​moved in front of Xu Jingzong.

"Thank you Gaoyang County for speaking out."

"They are all doing things for His Majesty, how can there be a gift of thanks."

Xu Jingzong smiled slightly, it seems that he did not help the wrong person back then.

This Cui Xiuye ​​is a character, he has nothing to say to refute Ren Ya, it's amazing.

"Cui Shangshu has made a great contribution this time. Long Yan is very happy. I think he will be promoted to a noble position just around the corner."

Gao Zhizhou also came over and smiled at Cui Xiuye.

"Doctor Gao is serious. He is doing things for His Majesty. How can he have any ideas?"

Cui Xiuye ​​smiled back, this Gao Zhizhou can be regarded as the queen's confidant, he can't offend him.

"In that case, why don't you two go to my mansion for a drink or two?"

"Dare to obey."

"Xiuye, thank you, Duke Gaoyang."

The three laughed together, and then agreed to leave.

The imperial court was planning to promote the flying money business, and also designated Nari Shenglong Bank as a franchise, and the news spread in the streets and alleys of Chang'an in an instant.

The eyes of those merchants who often trade with each other are bright, regardless of whether they have saved money before, they all rushed to the Rishenglong Bank.

"Brother, when did you come?"

Cui Yuqing came from the outside, seeing that his second brother Cui Yuanjun had arrived, he couldn't help being stunned.

"I heard about today's court affairs, and knew that you would definitely consult with me, so I came here early."

Cui Yuanzhen took a sip of tea and replied to Cui Yuqing.

"Brother, what do you think of this matter?"

Cui Yuqing nodded. He originally thought that Rishenglong Bank was just an ordinary cabinet shop and they also had their own cabinet shop, but he didn't expect such a thing to come up.

If things go on like this, I'm afraid that the entire cabinet shop in Chang'anli will face the impact of the rising sun.

The counter shop is a major source of their money. If this business is cut off, their income will inevitably decrease on a large scale.

This is absolutely not allowed for the Cui family.

"How can I see it, I'm afraid our cabinet shop is going to close down."

Cui Yuanjun frowned, this situation was predictable.

The same storage fee, but the other party is the royal property, and also specializes in flying money business.

Security, credibility, and convenience are all inferior to the other party. Is it possible not to close the door?

"Is there no other way?"

Cui Yuqing sat down on the chair he bought from Li Yanran, his eyes were full of depression.

In the past, there were hundreds of flowers blooming in the cabinet shop, and everyone had their own regular source of customers. It can be said that no one affected anyone.

It is really unpredictable that a monster like Ri Shenglong pops up now.

"Compared with the counter shop, I am actually more worried about other problems."

Cui Yuanjun looked at his brother and shook his head involuntarily.

"Brother, do you mean that our firm may also have problems?"

Cui Yuqing was not stupid, and immediately understood what Cui Yuanji was worried about.

"That's right, if the Feiqian business can really be carried out, then the previous advantages of our firm will disappear. Compared with the closure of the counter shop, this matter is the most serious."

Cui Yuanjun nodded. The reason why their business was able to flourish and make huge profits was because of their smooth business routes.

Other businessmen dare not go, they dare to go, other businessmen dare not do it, they dare to do it.

Just looking at the smooth business roads, now that they have Feiqian business, their advantages will be wiped out to the greatest extent.

This has the biggest impact on them.

"Then can we also carry out private flying money business, so that we can fight against Rishenglong? With the semicolons of our aristocratic families in various places, we can also do this."

Cui Yuqing also understands that the situation is critical now. After thinking about it, he can't fight left and right, so why can't he join?

"Your idea can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, of course you can open the Feiqian business,
But as I said just now, the cabinet shop is only a small problem, and the smooth trade road is the big problem.

If we want to continue to maintain our advantage, we can only find a way to cut off the Feiqian business, which is the best policy. "

Cui Yuanjun looked at his brother with a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

The reason why the aristocratic family is aristocratic is not only because of their poems and books, but also because of their wealth.

People from aristocratic families can devote themselves to studying and gaining fame, all thanks to the constant blood transfusions from their business houses and lands in various places.

The trading firm is their leg. Through the never-broken business route, they can get goods from all over the world and earn huge profits.

If flying money really appears, they will face many opponents. Businessmen are chasing profits. It may have been nothing before, but now it is difficult.

Therefore, if you want to ensure your own business territory, Feiqian must be curbed.

They absolutely cannot be implemented smoothly.


Seeing his ruthless elder brother, Cui Yuqing also took a deep breath.

You must know that the opponent this time is the emperor, No. 1 of Datang. In the previous confrontations, they were smashed.

His vitality hasn't recovered until now, if he is fighting, he may not be able to do it.

"Brother, what do you think?"

Cui Yuqing shook his head, now is not the time to talk about that, the most important thing is to keep the status of the family.

"First mobilize officials from all over the country to boycott the flying money business, delay or make things difficult for those merchants who come to exchange,

Secondly, spread the news about Feiqian to those bandits, and let them try their best to intercept and kill the businessmen of the four lines. "

Cui Yuanjun glanced at his brother, and slowly expressed his thoughts.

"Not right, not right, His Majesty has issued a decree to strictly prohibit officials from all over the world from making things difficult for merchants who exchange flying money.

Moreover, those business contacts only bring vouchers and no money, even if the bandits intercept and kill them, they will not get any benefits, and they will definitely not do such a thankless thing. "

Cui Yuqing shook his head. The two coping methods Cui Yuanjue mentioned were unreliable and difficult to implement.

"I just made the officials delay the redemption and made the process a little more cumbersome, but I didn't make them refuse the redemption,

After all, this is related to the court's taxation, so be careful and no one will be able to speak.
As for those bandits, it's just for money, throw some money out,

As long as you bring the bond, you can exchange it at a price of [-]%. I don't believe that those bandits will not be tempted. "

(End of this chapter)

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