Li Hong turned around and stared at his younger brother who said he was going through fire and water for him just now.

"What do you mean, Mahou?"

"Boss, Ma Hou Ming can give you, but the money is not."

Ma Hou clutched his purse and took a step back, his face full of embarrassment.

"You can give me your life, why not money? Besides, I gave it to you just now. You don't want to spend a penny for the boss?"

Li Hong was depressed, and didn't understand what Mahou meant.

Is there really someone in this world who would give up his life and money?
"I want to buy new clothes for my aunt, she hasn't got new clothes for a long time, I hope the boss will not be offended."

There was a struggle in Mahou's eyes, and he spoke out his thoughts.

"You, what if I have to eat?"

Li Hong looked at Mahou with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Then I'll treat you to one, just one."

Ma Hou gritted his teeth, took out a large amount of money from the purse, and handed it to Li Hong.

"That's right."

Li Hong took the copper coins and immediately picked two candied haws.

He put one in his mouth and handed the other to Mahou.

"Boss, I don't want it anymore."

Mahou shook his head, his eyes full of rejection.

"Here you go."

"Boss, I really don't like eating candied haws, so don't force me."

Ma Houchao took a step back and shook his head resolutely.

"Look at you like that, you don't need to spend money, I'll invite you, boss."

As Li Hong said, he found ten big coins in his pocket, and after paying the money to the old woman selling candied haws, the rest of the money was handed over to Mahou.

"Boss, what does this mean?"

Looking at the copper coins stuffed into his hand, Ma Hou couldn't help it.

"It's okay, add more money and make good clothes for your mother."

Li Hong licked the candied haws and walked forward with square steps.

"Boss, wait for me."

Tears flashed in Mahou's eyes, he stuffed the money into the purse, followed Li Hong and ran over.

With the ferment of those aristocratic families and the impetus of the Jinwuwei incident, Rishenglong Bank exploded like a thunderbolt throughout Chang'an.

Wealthy merchants were already afraid that their money would be stolen, but now that they have Rishenglong Bank, they can rest easy.

Moreover, Rishenglong Bank also has a flying money business, which is indeed of great benefit to their business contacts.

The most important thing is the identity of the other party.

Princess of Datang!

If you can climb the high branch of the princess through the Rishenglong Bank, wouldn't it be just a matter of time.

Immediately, many big businessmen were moved after hearing the news, and rushed into Rishenglong Bank one after another.

Compared with the [-] guan that day, today [-] guan were deposited in the Rishenglong Bank, and the benefit to Wei Shanqi also reached an astonishing [-] guan.

"Shopkeeper, this... this is too crazy! Are all the people in Chang'an so rich?"

Hua Yu looked at a pen record, and the whole person was sluggish.

He had only seen so much money in the counting room of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"That's the way to go. When Feiqian is officially opened, I estimate that the daily turnover will be at least about [-]."

Wei Shanqi glanced at Hua Yu, he was young after all.

This is where it goes, when the princess's vision is really completed, then the Rishenglong Bank will truly flourish and prosper day by day.

"One hundred thousand guan? Wouldn't it cost millions of guan in that month? Is this possible?"

Hua Yu calculated it in his head, and he was completely dumbfounded.

A flow of millions of pens a month, even in the entire Tang Dynasty, is at the burst level.

is it possible?

"With hard work, anything is possible.

Do you know that Datang’s annual tax is 3000 million guan. If the business can really be opened up, it is not impossible for the annual tax to reach 5000 million guan.

Just don't know how long this lasts! "

Wei Shanqi glanced at the sky outside, and frowned involuntarily.

He can see the profits here, and others can naturally see it. If some colleagues jump out at this time, especially those businessmen with household department and big family backgrounds, to compete with him for business.

But it is difficult.

After all, no one doesn't like making money, let alone this kind of business that can make money in reverse.

Wanting to dominate is not only difficult, it is simply difficult to ascend to the sky.

"Treasurer, what do you mean?"

Hua Yu looked at Wei Shanqi, not knowing what he meant.

"It's not interesting, it's your account."

Wei Shanqi patted Hua Yu on the head, but the other party also shook his head and didn't dare to say anything.

"Ruian, what happened to Rishenglong Bank that day?"

Li Zhi has been paying attention to the situation of Rishenglong Bank. After all, this is his daughter's property and his own cash cow.

He has to watch closely, otherwise, he will be sorry for his daughter's golden idea.

"Your Majesty, the Shenglong Bank's business has been very good in the past two days, and the traffic is like flowing water every day."

Ryan hurried to Li Zhi's side and said slowly.

"Well, I see."

"The slaves retire."

Ryan quickly backed out.

"It seems that it's time to start flying money."

Li Zhi glanced at the memorial in his hand, his eyes were full of smiles.


"The servant is waiting."

"Immediately summon Cui Xiuye, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, to come and have an audience."


Soon the envoy was sent to Cui Xiuye's mansion, and the other party hurried to the palace in a carriage.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

All civil and military officials bowed down together, and Li Zhi came slowly and sat on the dragon chair.

"If you have something to play early, if you have nothing to go back to the court."

"Your Majesty, I have the original play."

Cui Xiuye ​​glanced at Li Zhi, stepped forward and saluted Li Zhi.


Li Zhi smiled slightly, it was time to start.

Datang's economic take-off was achieved in one fell swoop.

"Your Majesty, I think that although the economy of the Tang Dynasty is prosperous, some places are rich, while others are poor.
The reason for these is that the traffic is inconvenient, and merchants can't and dare not carry a lot of money to and from business.
For the sake of the people of the Tang Dynasty, I thought that the court should find a way to change this situation and make the economy of the Tang Dynasty more prosperous. "

Cui Xiuye ​​directly expressed his thoughts.

"Cui Shangshu, what do you mean that our military department is not doing well, and bandits are breeding everywhere, which leads to the severance of business, and the merchants dare not move around?"

Du Zhenglun, the servant of the Ministry of War, took a step forward, looking at the Minister of the Household Department who rushed up with the emperor's grace, his eyes were full of disdain.

"Du Shilang, Cui Xiuye ​​didn't mean that. Bandits have been like weeds since ancient times. They can't be killed or wiped out.

I mean, can you think of a way so that merchants don't need to carry a lot of money, which will save a lot of trouble. "

Cui Xiuye ​​was depressed, I was just looking for an excuse, and I had no intention of asking your Ministry of War.

If you jump out now, you will be beaten.

"Your Majesty, as Cui Shangshu said, banditry is like weeds, and the past dynasties have been unable to solve it. Since he said so, he must have a perfect plan?"

Du Zhenglun gave Cui Xiuye ​​a blank look, no matter what you want to do, you can't use my military department as a springboard.

Although Shang Shu of the Ministry of War has just passed away, it is not something you, a brat, can knead at will.

"Well, Cui Xiuye, do you have any good ideas? Tell me and listen."

Li Zhi was also a little depressed, why is Du Zhenglun so angry.

He's just stating a fact. Are you the same as setting fire to a house?

"Your Majesty, I don't have that ability, but there are strange people offering advice. I think I can give it a try."

"Oh? I don't know what the plan is?"

Li Zhi is an old actor. Although he already knew Feiqian's business, he still showed great interest.

"Your Majesty, Wei Shanqi, the treasurer of the Shenglong Bank, came to discuss with the minister. His bank is going to launch the flying money business.
As the name implies, the depositors of his bank deposit money into the bank, and then they put the money into the account department, and the account department issues a bond deed, allowing the other party to take the bond deed to the local government to withdraw.

This can not only solve the problem of carrying a large amount of money when doing business, but also avoid the loss of the local government's tax escort to the household department.
It should be the best of both worlds. "

Cui Xiuye ​​hurriedly said what he had prepared.

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Household Affairs is one of the six departments of the Tang Dynasty. If you directly exchange money with merchants, it will be a disaster. Please think twice, Your Majesty."

When Ren Yaxiang heard about Rishenglong Bank, he immediately understood that this must be Li Yanran's idea.

"Master Prime Minister, although the Household Department is one of the six departments, it is also an official government for the country and the people, why can't we have money exchanges with merchants?
If the prime minister feels that this is detrimental to the majesty of the household department, he can set up a special yamen to be in charge of the business. "

Cui Xiuye ​​smiled slightly, and Prime Minister Ren Ya came out to object, he and the emperor both saw through it, and had countermeasures for all the reactions of the other party.

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, why do you have to cooperate with the Rishenglong Bank?

We have to open the yamen alone, why do we have to go through another hand, just let the merchants deposit money in the account department, and then issue a bond?
Could it be that there is something tricky between Cui Shangshu and Shenglong Bank that day? "

Ren Yaxiang frowned, Cui Xiuye ​​reacted so quickly.

As soon as I spoke, the other party's words were waiting for me there.

"Prime Minister, if the Household Department is alone with that merchant, it will inevitably consume a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources.
Moreover, people's hearts are not ancient, so what should they do if someone with a heart takes advantage of the loopholes and opens a voucher for nothing to go to the local government to withdraw money?

On the contrary, if it passed through the hands of Shenglong Bank that day, only a few people from the Ministry of Households would need to connect with it.

Even if there is a situation where the bond deed is empty, you can go directly to the Shenglong Bank that day, so as to avoid such a situation to the greatest extent. "

Cui Xiuye ​​sneered at Ren Yaxiang, His Majesty has already predicted your prediction.

To be calculated by the emperor in this way, you are considered an extraordinary person.

"Your Majesty, what Cui Shangshu said is to evade.

Even if what he said was true, didn't he stop doing it because he was afraid of something happening?

As long as the Ministry of Accounts strictly checks, I don't believe that even such things as empty bond issuance cannot be avoided. "

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