My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 433 Where is Wang Fa?

Looking at his daughter's expression, Li Zhi knew that there must be something he didn't know about, so he frowned and signaled Li Hong to speak quickly.

"Father, father, me"

Hearing what his father said, Li Hong looked at Sister again, and couldn't help but shiver.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have made a mistake again.

When you shouldn't speak, you say what you shouldn't say.


"Don't be afraid of your elder sister, father and emperor will support you, speak quickly."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, then said to Li Hong.

"Father, I forgot."

Li Hong is really in a dilemma now, you said you support me, but I have never seen it.

When was it not that you favored sister and bullied me.

If I say this, even if you can protect me for a while, when you pat your ass and return to Chang'an, I won't be beaten up by sister.

I was really wrong.

"Li Hong, you should think about it, whether to say it now or wait until I hit you."

Li Zhi looked at his son and was instantly depressed.

This child is good everywhere, but a little cowardly, a little cowardly.

"Father, my son remembered again. The reason why sister's flying money has achieved the current results is all because sister made arrangements in advance and fought a war without gunpowder smoke."

Now that Li Hong knew how powerful he was, he didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly opened his mouth to tell all the arrangements Li Yanran had made before.

"Li Yanran, you did a good job."

After listening to Li Hong's words, Li Zhi was furious, and stared at Li Yanran.

Wu Zetian beside him also frowned, staring at his good daughter.

No one expected that his daughter would do such things behind his back.

Send the forbidden army to pretend to be bandits to plot the family's money and clear the way for Feiqian.

It's really a good method, a good plan.


Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look.

Just talk fast, kid.

As much as you know.

It's not enough for you kid to be beaten.

"Everyone get out."

When Li Zhi waved his hand, Cheng Chubi and the others looked at each other, and hurriedly saluted and left.

"Tell me, why didn't you tell me about such a big matter in advance?"

Li Zhi looked at the children in front of him, and shouted at Li Yanran with a tiger face.

"Father, sister said, don't bother you with such trivial matters.

And my sister also said that it is useless to tell you about this matter, and it is most suitable for you to do it yourself. "

Li Yanran was silent, but Li Hong chirped like a lark.

"Li Hong, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart."

Li Yanran directly pressed Li Hong under her body, and slapped him on the buttocks.

"Father, save me."

"Father, sister is going to kill someone."

"Father, don't you want to protect me? You do."

Li Hong was beaten cracklingly, and looked at his father with an aggrieved expression.

Even though Li Hong kept calling, Li Zhi didn't move, just watched Li Yanran teach his younger brother a lesson.

After fighting for a while, Li Yanran was a little tired, so she let go of Brother Ou.

"Enough fighting? Tell me."

Li Zhi stared at Li Yanran, he wanted Li Yanran to tell the whole story.

"Father, you really don't need to be distracted by such trivial matters, it's just a little bit of thieves, I can handle it myself.

If I had informed you then, the matter would have been out of control.

It is still the same sentence that only a thousand days can be a thief, but there is no one who can prevent a thief for a thousand days.

These bandits are like weeds, endlessly suppressed.

They want to make dirty tricks, so I naturally have to use dirty tricks to counter them.

The right to the right, the odd to the odd, is the way to win. "

Li Yanran had nothing to say, just like what Li Hong said just now.

What if I let you know in advance?If the Ministry of War is really alarmed and the bandits are wiped out, how can I make money.

And those bandits can't be killed at all, so I might as well use my own tricks to deal with them.

"Yan Ran, you are wrong."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi didn't speak, but Wu Zetian beside him spoke slowly.

"Aniang, where is Yanran's mistake, I hope you can point it out."

Looking at Wu Zetian, Li Yanran also frowned, not knowing why Auntie said that.

"Your father and I are both your relatives, the closest people in the world. We don't need to be involved in some things, but we have to know."

"Even if you don't want us to take action, you should inform us in advance. Is it so difficult for you to send someone to Chang'an?"

Wu Zetian looked at the stern-faced Li Zhi, and said slowly to Li Yanran.


Even though Li Yanran was alert, she was also a little depressed.

"What is this, Xiao Yanran, remember that I am your grandfather and the queen is your mother. If you can't even tell your own relatives about something, who else can you tell?"

"My mother and I will always stand behind you, forever and ever."

Li Zhi nodded to Wu Zetian. If he wanted to say who knew his mind best, besides himself, there was only the queen beside him.

What made him angry was not Li Yanran's success or failure, but because the other party never told him all this.

Although he could also place spies in Lishan, he didn't do it because he believed in his daughter.

Could it be that sincerity can't be exchanged for sincerity?

Did I pay wrong after all?

"Father, my daughter is wrong."

Li Yanran understood when she heard this, and knelt down in front of Li Zhi and Wu Zetian.

"Wrong, do you really know it's wrong?"

Li Zhi glanced at his daughter who was kneeling in front of him, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"My daughter really knows that I'm wrong. I shouldn't make good decisions, I shouldn't act recklessly, I shouldn't be self-righteous, and I hope my father will punish me."

Li Yanran knocked her head on the ground, this time she really came to her senses.

The person in front of him is not only his own father, but also the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

No matter who it is, no matter what his identity is, he is not allowed to lie to the No.1 of the Tang Dynasty.

After all, I forgot that this is Datang.

"Punishment is unnecessary, anyway, this is not the first time for you.

Didn't you kill the banditry last time and play it later? I'm used to it.

But if you dare to have a next time, I will not forgive you. "

Li Zhi waved his hand, you little brat, you are too courageous.

If you don't let you know how powerful it is, and find out who is the biggest in this world, you might fly to the sky next time.

"Yanran understands."

Li Yanran nodded, she really knows how powerful she is now.

This is the flourishing Tang Dynasty, not the later generations. There is an orderly hierarchy, and there is a difference between the senior and the young, so I dare not do stupid things anymore.

"It's good if you understand, Hong'er, do you know why you were beaten today? I didn't mean what I said? I didn't protect you well."

After punishing Li Yanran, Li Zhi set his sights on Li Hong again.

"My son knows that the wrong thing was said at the wrong time, and this disaster happened."

Li Hong looked miserable, and looked at his father with a little resentment.

If you hadn't bewitched me, would I have said this?

Lao Tzu, you are really the sixth child, you are more stupid than me, Li Hong.

"Wrong, what you just said was just why your elder sister beat you, not the reason why I didn't protect you."

Li Zhi was somewhat relieved, after all, his son could think of this level is considered good, but this is not the final answer he wants to hear.

"Father doesn't protect me, it's because of you"

Li Hong almost lost his mouth and said what he shouldn't have said.

"Because what about me? Do you want to say that I don't keep promises, wrong.

Because you didn't report what you knew, your elder sister did so many things secretly, but you didn't tell me.

She doesn't know etiquette, but you know, you are trying to trap your elder sister injustice.

You said, should I protect you?
Should you beat me this time? "

Li Zhi slapped his palm on the table, perfectly explaining what it means to be kind to his daughter and gentle to his son.

"My son, I know I was wrong."

Li Hongren is almost stupid, why is it like this when it comes to sister, but it becomes like this when it comes to me?

There is no law.

Is there any justice.

"It's okay to know your mistakes. What I want is that there will be no next time. If you dare to know the truth and not report it next time, I will definitely make you look good."

"My son knows."

Li Hong was so frightened by his father that he trembled, why should you put my elder sister's business on my head.

Dad, he is your own daughter, and I am also your own son.

This is not fair.

"Hmph, you two little bastards have made me so hungry, and I haven't prepared something delicious for me. I want to eat hot pot and barbecue."


Li Yanran and Li Hong looked up together, staring blankly at Li Zhi in front of them.

Just now he was beaten to death, but now he is hungry again, and he said that we are angry?

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen you so shameless.

You are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Are you so stuttering in the palace?
Didn't you think about having two bites before leaving the palace?

"What's the matter? Are you going to starve your father and queen mother?"

Seeing the two people in a daze, Li Zhi walked quickly and slapped Li Hong on the head.


Li Hong covered his head and was depressed. This fief belongs to sister.

Those people up and down only listen to sister's orders. If you don't hit her, you hit me. What do you think?

"I said, I'm hungry, Hong'er, don't you want to arrange some delicious food for me?"

Li Zhi called Li Hong's name, but Li Yanran looked away.

The end is to make the pointing east and west play transparently and clearly.

"Cheng Chubi, arrange hot pot and barbecue immediately, and prepare more mutton, hurry up."

If Li Yanran didn't know what Li Zhi meant, she would be the biggest fool in the world.


Cheng Chubi, who was waiting outside the door, dared not be negligent after hearing this, and ran outside directly after receiving the order.

Soon the two sheep were slaughtered, sliced, and the huge hot pot and oven were brought out one after another. After they were ready, they rushed outside the house to report.

"Your Majesty, the hot pot and barbecue are ready."

"Let's go, Mei Niang, I really miss this mouthful. Although the imperial chef in the palace still cooks it, it still feels a little less flavorful."

Hearing that everything was ready, Li Zhi smiled directly at Wu Zetian beside him.

He really missed this mouthful. He came to Lishan not only to see his children, but also for this delicious food.

"Your Majesty, you are just a bit greedy."

Wu Zetian also smiled slightly, his majesty is like a child.

Just like this one.

"Your Majesty will drive."

Ryan shouted directly, shouting towards the outside.

"Get out, I don't have such a big shelf like you."

Li Zhi kicked Ryan somersault as soon as he went out.

"Oops, the slave girl knows it's wrong."

Ryan lay on the ground, his eyes full of depression.

Once the emperor arrived in Lishan, it was different. He lost all face and airs.

Really intoxicating.

Li Zhi ate this meal with great gusto, looking at the children around him, he finally understood why the food in the palace was not so tasty.

It's not because of the poor craftsmanship of the royal chef, but because of the wrong people.

Without children around, it really doesn't taste good to eat anything.

After drinking and eating, Wu Zetian called Li Yanran again.

"Aniang, why call Yanran?"

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