My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 434 The God of Wealth Reincarnated

Looking at my own mother, the only empress in Chinese history, I don't know what she wants to say.

"Yan Ran, Auntie called you here to warn you, don't do this again in the future.

Your father is indeed very kind to you, but your father is the emperor of the Great Tang.

It doesn't matter if you play around or make money, but you should know what you can do and what you can't do.

Sometimes it's better to be stupid than smart.

Don't touch your father's bottom line and embarrass him, understand? "

Wu Zetian looked at her well-behaved daughter with kindness in her eyes.

She looked at Li Yanran as if she was looking at herself, smart, well-behaved, and clever.

But smart people will have a common problem, that is, being smart is mistaken for being smart.

Now she wants her daughter to be a little more stupid, maybe she can have a good death.

If Li Zhi really thinks that Li Yanran has a different heart, it will be over for her daughter.

"Aniang, my daughter understands."

Li Yanran understood what her mother meant, that stupid people sometimes live longer than smart people.

She didn't think about what to do, and she didn't think about being the first queen of eternity like you, my old lady.

There is food, there is drink, no one bullies, someone bullies, these are enough.

"Well, it's good that you know, A Niang doesn't want to say more, you go out, your father may still be waiting for you."

Wu Zetian nodded, her daughter is smart, she must understand what she is thinking.

"Daughter retire."

Li Yanran nodded, saluted and left.

"Your Highness, His Majesty is looking for you."

As soon as Li Yanran came out, she saw that Rui'an was approaching.


Li Yanran followed Ruian to a corner of the school field, and saw Li Zhi who was looking from afar.

"Father, what are you looking at?"

Li Yanran boarded the watchtower and stood beside her father.

"I'm looking at the scenery of Mount Li, and the magnificent scenery of my daughter's fiefdom."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

"Father, let's not talk about that, Lishan is all thanks to Father.

This time I fought wits and bravery with those thieves, but it was quite rewarding, and I gained a total of 20 coins. "

Li Yanran shook her head, what are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

You didn't call me here to ask me how much money I made this time.

"20 yuan, my daughter is really a genius in business. I am very envious of getting so much money in and out."

Hearing that he had earned 20 guan, even Li Zhi trembled.

This daughter is really the reincarnation of the God of Wealth.

From the very first perfume, to the next Haagen-Dazs, to the lottery, Lishan Cup and so on.

He didn't do much work along the way with his daughter, but he made a lot of money.

This time the daughter proposed flying money again, and then cheated the family members of another 20 yuan through the flying money.

This ability is truly inferior to even his emperor.

"Father, what do you envy?
When we didn't know each other, I said that if I ate a mouthful, my father would not drink it in a mouthful.
How much money I make is how much my father makes.

In addition to the 20 guan being rewarded to those who have meritorious service, there is also a [-] guan money remaining.

Let's add two to one to five, and your small coffers have increased by another [-] guan. "

Li Yanran looked at her father again, although she was reluctant, the money must be given to him.

"Hehe, I knew that my daughter is the most powerful person in the entire Tang Dynasty. With you here, why should I worry about not being rich through selfish efforts?"

Li Zhi was immediately excited when he heard that he could share [-] guan.

Fifty thousand guan, fifty thousand guan.

Although he doesn't know how to spend the money, who would think that he has little money.

At least he doesn't dislike it.

"If there hadn't been a private decision, not only would the 20 coins not be available, Feiqian would have been intercepted and killed by bandits because of the 20 coins, and would have been destroyed."

"Father, do you still hate me now?

Li Yanran looked at the excited Li Zhi, and said slowly to him.

"What? If you tell me, can I not let you do this?"

Li Zhi slapped Li Yanran on the head with a slap, he really deserves to be slapped.

"Father, ask yourself, if I really said it in advance, would you agree with me?"

Li Yanran clutched her little head, eyes full of grievances.


Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Zhi also heaved a sigh.

The other party was right. If he found out, would he really agree with Li Yanran to do such a risky thing?

May or may not.

"Father, my daughter doesn't have any big ambitions.

Earn money, raise cattle, drink milk tea, bully and bully people.

That's enough.

As for those rights, fame is really a fleeting moment for me, living in the present. "

Li Yanran didn't say anything else, that's all she wanted, and that was enough.

"Isn't what you said not what I thought? But how many people can do it?"

Li Zhi touched Li Yanran's small head, still staring ahead.


"No need to say more, I know your heart."

"Remember, I'm always behind you."

After speaking, Li Zhi looked into the distance again, pointed to Li Yanran and asked, "Where is that place?"

Looking at the place Li Zhi pointed at, Li Yanran smiled and said, "That's the Nightless City of Tang Dynasty built by my daughter, do you want to go and see my father?"

"I won't read it until you see your father, but it's a good name.

Datang Everbright City, we know that even Chang'an dare not call it that. "

Li Zhi was taken aback when he heard the name.

Chang'an is the capital of the Tang Dynasty, with hundreds of thousands of Tibetans, so he dare not say that he is a city that never sleeps. He doesn't understand what strange things Li Yanran wants to do.

"Then invite father to watch the lanterns after the city is built, and see what the city that never sleeps in the Tang Dynasty is."

Li Yanran looked at the construction site of Datang Everbright City in the distance, and she was also excited. If she doesn't build it, she will do her best.

"Okay, I'll wait. When your Great Tang Nightless City is built, I will tour the city hand in hand with you."

"That's a deal, Lahook."

Li Yanran nodded, and directly stretched out her little finger.

Seeing this, Li Zhi also smiled, and stretched out his little finger to hook Li Yanran.

"Okay, I'm tired too, it's time to go back, let me do whatever you want here."

Li Zhi waved his hand, went down from the watchtower, found Wu Zetian, left Lishan Mountain, and turned back towards Chang'an.

After seeing off his father and mother, Li Yanran looked to the side with a vicious look all over her body.

Seeing this, she was stunned. The bastard who was still beside her just now, why is there no one now.

"Li Hong, where is Li Hong?"

Li Yanran scanned around, and saw Li Hong running wildly, not even his trump card brother Ma Hou.

It can be seen that this time he is really scared, always scared.

Otherwise, he would never leave Mahou alone.

"Catch him for me. If he runs away, I'll break your dog legs."

Seeing Li Hong running away, Li Yanran hastily ordered that if he didn't clean up that bastard today, he would cause trouble in the future.


Seeing this, Cheng Chubi and the others also ran like crazy. Judging by Li Yanran's appearance today, Li Hong is really doomed.

But if he is not caught, he will be doomed with the little prince Li Hong.

Although Li Hong boasted that he had the ability to move his legs quickly, it was only compared to children, and he was still unable to handle the long legs of Cheng Chubi and the others.

After a while, Cheng Chubi came out on top and pushed Li Hong to the ground.

"Let go of me, Cheng Chubi, let me go."

"If you dare to take me to see sister, I will peel your skin."

"Cheng Chubi, let me go, I don't want to see sister."

Li Hong was lifted upside down in the air by Cheng Chubi, while struggling, he babbled and roared at Cheng Chubi.

"Brother Li."

Cheng Chubi directly threw Li Hong in front of Li Yanran.

If you catch this little scourge, you won't have any troubles.

"Sister, don't hit me, I know I was wrong."

Li Hong looked at his elder sister with fear in his eyes, as if he had anticipated the explosive damage that might occur next.

"If I don't beat you, why would Sister beat my own brother? I only care about you and love you."

Li Yanran directly grabbed Li Hong and carried him to the inside.

"Sister, please forgive me."

Li Hong was dragged away miserably by Li Yanran, and the only sound left in the air was his mournful howling.

As autumn and winter come, the merchants who ran out from Chang'an finally turned back.

The unintentionally smooth trade roads became much smoother in an instant, and countless commodities were transported to Chang'an in large carts and small carts.

These businessmen are not fools, and what they transport are all local specialties.

It may not be a big deal in the local area, but Chang'an is far away, and there are many bandits and bandits, so it becomes a precious thing here.

For a while, these merchants were considered promising, and they made a lot of money from it.

The return of these merchants was like a shocking thunder, causing merchants who had not left the city to pat their thighs.

If I wasn't afraid of these things at the beginning, I would be the one making a lot of money now, not others.

On the second day, the merchants in Chang'an went crazy, one by one, like sharks smelling like blood, poured into Rishenglong Bank one after another.

Now time is money for them. The sooner they set off, the earlier they can buy the goods and return to Chang'an earlier.

"Your Highness, Rishenglong Bank issued a bond deed of [-] coins today."

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran's side, his eyes were full of excitement.

One hundred thousand guan coins, the largest one was bound for Luoyang, with a denomination of [-] guan, so there are so many rich people.

"Well, the return of the businessman before will inevitably drive everyone crazy.

Instruct the Longmen Escort Bureau to organize caravans from now on, and they can't escort them alone, it's too dangerous. "


Di Renjie nodded.

Time passed by little by little, the weather was getting colder day by day, and it was almost winter.

Although it is said that the current climate of Datang does not have an ice age, it should not be underestimated.

Every winter is the worst.

"Di Renjie, the weather is getting colder. It's cold in Chang'an. What's your plan?"

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