My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 435 Winter Artifact

"Your Highness, you are really embarrassing me, everyone knows that this winter is difficult.

The common people can only cut wood in the mountains to get firewood, hoping that this winter will not be too cold. "

Di Renjie frowned, this time he saluted Li Yanran without even thinking about it.

This thing is beyond the reach of human beings. After all, the rich are not afraid of severe cold and heat, and those without money can only believe that God has a spirit.

"Is it difficult? Is there no coal mine in Chang'an? Chang'an doesn't have one, but Jinyang does, too. Why don't we use coal for heating?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran didn't understand. In her impression, there is no shortage of coal mines in China, at least Shaanxi and Shanxi are provinces with large coal mines.

Why is Chang'an so rich, and the people have to cut down trees to keep warm?
Does that mean they don't know how to use coal?
"Your Highness, what is this coal mine?"

Di Renjie was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Li Yanran meant.

What is coal?


Now Li Yanran was even more confused, she didn't even know about it, could it be that the history lessons were all fake?
There was no coal mining in ancient times?
"It's the kind of black, group pack, can be ignited, and there will be smoke after ignition"

"Your Highness is talking about Tan?"

Hearing Li Yanran's description, Di Renjie immediately understood what the coal the other party was talking about.

"Charcoal? I don't mean charcoal, but coal."

Li Yanran was depressed, he knew about the charcoal, and she had memorized the charcoal seller, but what did it have to do with the charcoal.

"Your Highness, the charcoal I'm talking about is not charcoal, but charcoal.

Naturally, this coal exists in Chang'an, but it is difficult to mine, the price is high, and it is inconvenient to use.

Chinese merchants and royal households generally use refined carbon, and ordinary people can only log in the mountains. "

Di Renjie shook his head. He naturally knew that this charcoal was not that charcoal, but no matter what kind of charcoal it was, ordinary people could not afford it.

"Is this charcoal expensive?"

Li Yanran frowned when she heard that this coal was not valued so much in Tang Dynasty.

"At least it is much more expensive than firewood, which does not meet the needs of the public."

"If you are like this, send someone to look for coal mines immediately and discuss with them. I want to buy coal mines on a large scale and see what the price is?"

A gleam flashed in Li Yanran's eyes. Now that coal has not been used on a large scale, it is an opportunity. If he can take the opportunity to buy coal mines, it will make a lot of money.

"Your Highness, don't do this, this charcoal is not a good thing.

The price is expensive, the use is small, and it burns with smoke. The smoke is poisonous and cannot be used. "

Di Renjie knelt directly on the ground, his eyes full of depression.

You can ask, but what you mean is a large-scale acquisition.

Spending money to buy some useless stones really made him a little speechless.

"I know, you should send someone to negotiate first, and take some samples back for me. I want to see what the quality of this thing is first."

Li Yanran shook her head, it was not the time for her to say some things now, she would wait until she saw whether the coal was what she was thinking of, then she would say it at that time.

"Yes, Di Renjie will do it now."

Seeing that Li Yanran was so determined, Di Renjie had nothing to say and could only nod in agreement.

"Brother Li, what are you thinking in your heart?"

Di Renjie left, but Cheng Chubi and the others swarmed over.

"What do I think? I just want the people of Datang to have a good winter and earn some hard money by the way."

She didn't want to say much about Di Renjie, but she knew everything about Di Renjie and her confidants.

"This charcoal can still make money? It's really an anecdote."

Changsun Yan stared at Li Yanran with wide-eyed eyes, not knowing what kind of whimsy this Brother Li had, which could turn the world around.

"I don't know either, let's have a look first."

Li Yanran didn't dare to say anything about the things she didn't know. Now she still doesn't know whether this charcoal is what she wants.

Besides, even if the coal is really coal, I have to see if I can make that coal into what I want as I think.


Several people nodded together. Since Brother Li has said everything, there is a high probability that this will be done.

Making money is their only thought.

In two days, someone turned back to the Lishan fief, bringing a pack of dark coal mines.

Seeing the black coal the size of a fist, Li Yanran felt at ease now.

This is the thing, just like the ones she had seen in the village before.

"Your Highness, this is the charcoal. I don't know if it is what you asked for."

Di Renjie looked at the briquettes in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Well, Cheng Chubi, start to crush the charcoal right away, and then mix it with yellow mud, and by the way, quicklime."


Hearing Li Yanran's order, everyone was stunned, not understanding what Li Yanran was going to do.

Coal balls crushed city powder, and yellow mud?lime?

These are all fairy ratios.

"It's not too late to do it."

Li Yanran is depressed, if you ask you to do it, just do it, there is so much nonsense.


Li Siwen nodded, and went directly to prepare what Li Yanran said.

"Changsun Yan, call the artisans immediately. I will draw a picture and ask them to make me an object according to the drawing."


Changsun Yan didn't dare to neglect, and went directly to the head craftsman in Lishan.

Soon the craftsmen came over and made all the briquette-making equipment and briquette stove according to the drawings drawn by Li Yanran.

Looking at the strangely shaped briquette handle, the eyes of several people were full of doubts.

I don't know what Brother Li is playing.

"Cheng Chubi, hurry up, according to what I said, combine these charcoal, yellow mud and quicklime together."


Cheng Chubi nodded, and then ordered people to start working according to Li Yanran's instructions.

"Pile up the soot, dig a hole in the middle, pour some water, and cover it with soot."

After about a quarter of an hour, Li Yanran asked someone to mix the soot and water evenly, and beat while stirring, making sure that the soot was not too dry or too wet.

After all the procedures were completed, Li Yanran stretched out her hand to grab the soot, it was loose, that's what it felt like.

"Hurry up and squeeze all these soot into balls."

Speaking of which, Li Yanran began to pinch the coal balls, and glanced at the people beside her and couldn't help but give a blank look.

"Oh oh oh."

Seeing this, several people couldn't care less about it, they started to imitate Li Yanran's movements and began to knead coal balls.

After a while, everyone's hands were darkened, which was a bit funny to watch.

When everything was done, Li Yanran also grabbed the briquette handle and put it in the bucket.

He picked up the handle and placed it on top of the soot.


After confirming it, Li Yanran found that she seemed a little weak, unable to lift the handle at all.

"Brother Li, what's the matter?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran's face, and couldn't help being taken aback.

"Not yet."

Li Yanran let go of the handle and kicked Cheng Chubi.

"Oh oh oh."

Cheng Chubi quickly grabbed the handle, put it on the flat ground, and then pressed it hard, a piece of briquette appeared in front of everyone.

"What is this?"

Everyone looked at the briquettes in front of Cheng Chubi and was stunned for a while.

What the hell is this.

It's black and not rubbish, it's full of holes, something.

"This is honeycomb coal, hurry up, Cheng Chubi get some more."


Cheng Chubi started to work after speaking, and all the briquettes appeared in front of everyone.

"Brother Li, what are these exactly?"

Cheng Chubi wiped his big face, and it turned into a big black face in an instant.

"Cheng Chubi, look at your face, hahaha."

Changsun Yan glanced at Cheng Chubi and couldn't help laughing.

"You dare to laugh at me? I'll give you a big pussy before we talk."

Cheng Chubi slapped Changsun Yan on the face with one slap, and Changsun Yan was stunned instantly.

"Cheng Chubi, I'm fighting with you."

Changsun Yan touched his long face, and rushed towards Cheng Chubi.

Another slap was made, and Changsun Yan was knocked down in an instant, covering his face and daring not to speak.

"Okay, bring over the coal stove made by the craftsman."

"it is good."

Soon the briquette stove was delivered to him, Li Yanran touched the briquettes, but they were still too wet to use.

"Your Highness, how do you use this thing?"

Di Renjie looked at the things in front of him, and then at Li Yanran, not knowing what it was.

"Wait, let the briquettes dry for a while, the sun is just right, one day is enough."


Everyone nodded together, waiting for the briquettes to dry.

At dawn on the second day, everyone gathered on the school grounds, watching Li Yanran's invention again.

Touching the briquettes, Li Yanran also nodded, almost done.

"First put sawdust and coke into this furnace, and then press a piece of briquette into it."


According to Li Yanran's words, the briquettes were slowly ignited under the action of sawdust and coke.

"It's on, it's on."

Seeing the flames ignited by the briquettes, several people were also shocked.

They really didn't expect that the mixture of coal and soil could be ignited. It's really amazing, amazing.

"This briquette is naturally combustible, and it is mixed with loess, which is more resistant to burning. A piece of coal can burn for at least two hours."

"Two hours? Is it so long?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard that this piece of coal could burn for two hours.

A piece of briquette can be burned for two hours. Isn't that just a dozen pieces of briquettes a day?
These briquettes are mixed with loess, and the ratio is basically three to one, plus some water and the like, the cost is much lower.

"Yes or not, let's see."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she had used that briquette fire when she was a child, two briquettes could keep the fire burning overnight.


Li Feng thoughtfully moved a wooden stool and placed it beside Li Yanran.

"Everyone stop standing, sit down."

When Li Yanran waved his hand, Cheng Chubi and the others didn't hesitate at all, they just sat on the floor.


Di Renjie was also taken aback when he looked at the crowd, are all the people on the princess side so bold and unrestrained?
Sit on the ground without agreeing?Don't you care about your identity at all?
"Di Renjie, do you look down on us? We sit and you stand?"

Cheng Chubi glanced at Di Renjie, we all sat down, but you are still standing?

Look down on us?

"Oh oh oh."

Di Renjie also used his sleeve to sweep the dust on the ground as he spoke, but it was the land, and the more he swept, the more dust there was.

Shaking his head, he also sat down beside Cheng Chubi.

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