Several people gathered around the stove, staring at the vigorous fire with big eyes and small eyes.

"Li Feng, go get a water bottle."


Soon Li Feng took a kettle full of water and put it on the briquette fire.

"Brother Li, don't say that the briquettes are quite warm when burned."

Feeling the heat from the briquette fire, Changsun Yan was also surprised.

He was a little surprised that a small piece of briquette could be so warm.

Li Yanran didn't speak, just focused on looking at the coal fire in front of her, she still remembered that her house was like this when she was a child.

Every winter, the family gathers around the stove, eating steamed buns and roasting sweet potatoes.

Sometimes having some hot pot makes the family happy, but I miss it a bit.

After a while, white smoke rose from the kettle on the coal stove, and the water was already boiling.

"Brother Li, Brother Li."

Seeing Li Yanran lost in thought, Li Siwen also yelled twice.

"Oh, the water is boiling, change the pot of water."


Soon the pot of water was taken away, and another pot of water was put on the fire.

Several people sat for an hour and a half, and several pots of water had already been boiled.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Yanran also stretched, and ordered Cheng Chubi to lift the kettle away.

Looking at the already whitish briquettes, Li Yanran nodded, the time was about the same, although it was only three hours, but it was enough.

"It's almost done, the fire needs to be replaced with briquettes all the time, here is the switch to adjust the firepower.

When you go to sleep at night, close the fire door, and replace it with new coal the next morning, and you can continue to use it. "

Li Yanran glanced at the crowd, and told them all about how to use the coal fire.

"Your Highness, great kindness, great kindness."

Di Renjie thought about it in his heart. If the briquettes can be implemented smoothly, even if it is a little more expensive, it is still not expensive compared to those firewood.

The most important thing is that Datang's coal has not yet been developed. If it can be mined on a large scale, the cost will inevitably be reduced. By then, the bitter winter will no longer freeze to death.

"Can we make money again? This can be regarded as a unique formula."

Di Renjie may be thinking about the people of the world, but he is thinking about the money of the world.

If this briquette can really be used, wouldn't it mean that he can make a lot of money again.

"Thinking about making money all day long? We are doing this for the well-being of the common people in the world. Don't bring up your dirty thoughts again."

Li Yanran slapped Changsun Yan on the head.

Damn, didn't you see there are outsiders here?

Li Hong is a six-year-old child, he doesn't know, don't you know at your age?

What to do and what to say on what occasion, I have to teach you these things.

"Hey, Brother Li, why are you hitting me?"

Changsun Yan was depressed, this Brother Li really made him very depressed.

Do you believe what you just said?
To seek the well-being of all people in the world is not what you said at the beginning.

Besides, we make money based on our skills, what are you worried about?
"Gua Noise, give it to me, beat him up."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi no longer hesitated, and grabbed Changsun Yan and beat him violently.

He hit the ground and howled.

"Your Highness, this matter should be reported to His Majesty as soon as possible. This matter is so good that the court can implement it."

Di Renjie knelt on the ground and suggested to Li Yanran.

"Di Renjie, you are wrong."

Li Yanran shook her head, although this briquette is good, it is not suitable to submit it to my father.

If something comes into the hands of the imperial court, no matter how good he is, it will become a tool for some people to make profits.

In the end, instead of saving the people, the briquettes will add disaster to those people.

"Your Highness, what does this mean?"

Di Renjie frowned, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.

"I created these things for all the people in the world, and I don't want them to become tools for some people to grab people's fat and anointment.

Only I can do this, and only I can promote it to the world, relying on the imperial court?no. "

Li Yanran shook her head, there were some things she didn't want to talk about.

As long as people know that briquette is cheap to use, they will definitely flock to it.

Some things change their taste and are useless.

"Then how does His Highness plan to implement it?"

Di Renjie frowned, not understanding what kind of beautiful plan this little princess had in mind.

"Don't worry about it, we are more familiar with this than you."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, these business means are much better than you, Di Renjie.

"Your Highness, no matter what you plan to do, this charcoal is a must.

And once the honeycomb coal is to be supplied, the amount required is very large, so His Majesty should know it.

If you can control the coal mines near Chang'an in your own hands, then you can sell briquettes at the cheapest price. "

Although Di Renjie didn't know how Li Yanran planned to implement this briquette, but the core point could not be changed.

Coal is the root of everything, and only by getting the cheapest coal can we make the cheapest briquette.

"Well, you're right. I'm going to the palace right now to discuss with my father the coal mines around Chang'an."

Hearing Di Renjie's words, Li Yanran also nodded.

After all, this smart man is a smart man, and he immediately understood the key to this briquette.

If honeycomb coal is to be promoted, the most important thing is that coal.

Only by getting the cheapest coal can we make the cheapest briquette.

Only in this way can the briquette be promoted in the world.

"Great goodness."

Di Renjie nodded. If Li Yanran can really win the coal mines around Chang'an, then this briquette can be a good thing for the benefit of all people.

"Come here, go find Li Hong and let him return to Chang'an with me."

Li Yanran got up straight away and sent someone to find Li Hong. She might encounter something when she returned to the palace by herself, and it would be best to find someone to blame.

"Boss, boss, something is wrong, His Highness sent someone to look for you, and said he would take you back to the palace."

A little buddy ran to Li Hong's side, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"Back to the palace?"

"The wind is screaming."

"Mom monkey, run."

Hearing that Li Yanran was going to take him back to the palace, Li Hong's small eyes instantly widened.

It must be no good for this elder sister to bring her back to the palace, and she might have to take the blame for herself.

There is absolutely no way to return to this palace.

"Boss, I have a secret base that no one knows about, come with me."

Hearing Li Hong's shout, Ma Hou also trembled, thinking of his small base as soon as he rolled his eyes.

"Go, go quickly."

Li Hong glanced at Mahou, followed him and ran out.

"Your Highness, where are you going?"

While the two were running wildly, Li Feng appeared in front of them like a ghost.

"No, Mahou, help me block Li Feng."

Seeing Li Feng's appearance, Li Hong's small face instantly turned away, and he left Mahou and ran back.

"Boss, boss, I dare not."

Looking at his master, Ma Hou was stunned.

One side is his elder brother, the other side is his master, this is how he chooses.

"Mahou, you haven't taken down your boss yet."

Li Feng shouted at Mahou.


Ma Hou said and followed Li Hong directly, but he didn't make a move, just followed like that.

"Little bastard, that's amazing."

Seeing that Mahou didn't listen to his orders, Li Feng chased after him like a fool, and took them down after a while.

One in each hand, slipped to meet Li Yanran.

"Brother Hong, I heard that you don't want to go back to the palace with Sister?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong in front of her, and also showed a smile.

"Sister, I don't want to go back to Chang'an, I don't want to see my father, I really don't want to go."

Li Hong looked at his elder sister, his eyes were full of depression.

He really didn't want to go back to the palace.

"Sister said she wanted to go back to the palace with me."

Li Yanran didn't speak, but said slowly to Li Hong.

"I do."

Looking at Li Yanran in front of him, Li Hong also knew that what he said was useless.

If I was caught by my sister, if I didn't agree, I would probably be beaten up, and then tied up and taken back to Chang'an.

Rather than suffer that kind of torture, it's better to confess now.

You can't change the left and right, so it's better to follow the road well.

"Chejia, return to Chang'an."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head and directly stepped into the prepared carriage, heading towards Chang'an.

"His Majesty."


Li Zhi looked up, and saw Li Yanran and Li Hong rushing in together.



The two threw themselves into Li Zhi's arms together, calling their father sweetly.

"Why are you two back?"

Li Zhi held the two children in his arms and smiled slightly.

"Father, Elder Sister has something to do with you, Hong'er just misses Father."

Li Hong smiled slightly and spoke directly to Li Zhi.


Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran was taken aback.

When did this kid become like this, with such a glib tongue, he became so teased.

Very meow, it seems that I still owe it.

"Yanran, what did you come to see me for?"

Li Zhi pushed Li Hong aside, his eyes full of doubts.

"Father, I have something important to tell you.

You don't know that brother Hong didn't learn well at such a young age, and he actually got stuck with two maids in the fief, and was idle all day long, so he should be beaten. "

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, your kid's tea smells like tea, so don't blame sister for treating your tea disease.


Hearing this, Li Zhi's eyes almost popped out.

At such a young age, he has started to lust after beauty, how can he bear it.

"Father, don't listen to sister gossip, I don't, I don't."

Seeing Li Zhi's murderous eyes, Li Hong felt bad all over.

When did I get stuck with two girls and was idle.

They are all my friends.

This is a false accusation, a false accusation.

"No? Then why are you backing away? Come here for me."

Seeing Li Hong who was backing away, Li Zhi became agitated and shouted at his son.

"Father, I don't, I really don't."

Glancing at his father, Li Hong ran away.

"Presumptuous, take down the prince left and right."

The left and right guards immediately captured Li Hong and sent him to Li Zhi.

"Father, you... don't believe my sister's nonsense, I really don't have a son."

Li Hong looked miserable, looking at his father, he really hated sister to the core.

I just made a rumor, but you want to kill me.

Is this what my sister did?

And daddy, you just trust sister so much, don't you trust your own son?

Where to go to reason.

"So what? I can't beat my son anymore?"

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